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II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis

▪ “The more you are suppressing/ repressing your emotions the more it
affects you unconsciously and may be converted to different form”
I> Overview of the Psychoanalytic Theory
➢ Freud and Breuer discussed and published a book Studies of Hysteria according
to the case of Anna 0.
What Made This Theory Interesting
▪ Anna 0. -one of the clients who experienced hysteria
-has unresolved issues towards her father and her issues was
a. Cornerstones: Sex and Aggression
converted to something that is physical symptoms.
• Two impulses we have as a human being
✓ Sex *Moderate lang daw dapat paggamit ng Defense Mechanism sabi ni Papa
o According to Freud, sex is something about our libido Freud HAHA*
o Libido- not all about sex wherein we only gain pleasure. There are impulses that we ➢ He introduced the term “Physical Analysis” and during the following year he
enjoy other than sex. called his approach “psycho-analysis”
b. Spread by a dedicated group ➢ Abandoned the Seduction Theory in 1897 and replaced it with Oedipus Complex
o There are also other psychologist who ventured the theory of Freud ▪ Since he is interested in studying hysteria and neurosis, he believes that it
c. Freud’s brilliant command of language all came from repressed infantile sexual abuse. Abuse happens during our
unconscious years (6 months, 1 year old) and it affects the personality, that
II> Biography of Sigmund Freud is where hysteria and neurosis rooted from that is why we can’t remember
➢ Born in Moravia (Czech Republic) in 1956 it
➢ Was the eldest son among 7 siblings ▪ He abandoned it because the theory did not treat any patient. So, what is
➢ Had warm-indulgent relationship with his mother which we came up with the Oedipus the use of the theory if it does not have practical application
Complex ▪ Some of the fathers will be accused with sexual perverts. Kasi most of the
➢ Lived 80 years in Vienna Austria until Nazi invasion and force to live in London siblings of Freud experienced from Hysteria. Parang ang lalabas is that si
➢ Filled with hostility with the second born sibling, Julius who died at 6 months daddy nila ang may kasalanan kung bakit nagka-Hysteria mga kapatid niya
➢ He is intensely curious about human nature kasi diba yung Hysteria daw is galing sa Represses Infantile Sexual Abuse.
➢ Left teaching because he is Jew with limited academic advancement and his father
couldn’t provide ➢ Freud suffered from neurosis, psychosomatic illness, intense preoccupation with some form
➢ He met Joseph Breuer a physician and taught Freud Catharsis creative activity.
o Catharsis- emotional release: part of the psychotherapeutic technique of Freud ▪ He also suffered from mid-life crisis and he used that as an inspiration to
to unburden the things in yourself, you just need to release it. Let your emotions work, he used it to express his creativity.
and thought flow. ➢ At his midlife, Freud suffered from self-doubt, depression, and an obsession with his own
➢ Returned to Paris where he learned about male hysteria from Charcot. Death
o Hysteria (how they define during Freud’s Time)- conversion disorder: people ▪ Most of the theories in psychodynamics are based on their own experiences:
who don’t have medical problems tends to experience physical illness. wounded healers. They used it to study more and be interested with
Converting emotional derivatives into something that is physical. explaining human personality
▪ “I’d rather suffer physically than emotionally” ▪ “Thanatos” – According to Freud it is the Death Instinct that all of us will
be dead. And one of his Fears is Death
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
Cathartic Method (Couch Method) Free Association ❖ Superstitious beliefs.
❖ There are still beliefs that you don’t want to believe but forced to because
-most of the clients are laying on the bed with no tables or barriers so that they can freely
it is imbedded in you.
expressed their feelings. Back then, most of the psychoanalyst are hidden and should not be seen by
2. Preconscious
their clients. The more you see the person, the more you are inhibited in expressing your thoughts
a. Not in awareness but can be conscious
because you can see their facial expressions.
b. You can still remember things with the help of some cues
➢ Despite difficulties, in 1900 wrote Interpretation of Dreams c. Non-threatening ideas.
➢ After 1900 developed world-wide circle of followers d. Example: galit ka sa jowa mob ago mag discussion kaya postpone mo muna yung galit
➢ Had 33 operations for cancer of the mouth mo pero di mo naman siya nakalimutan. Nadealay mo lang
o Because he is addicted to cocaine e. Mas healthy siya kesa sa repression
➢ Died in London in 1939 f. SUPRESSION=DELAYING
3. Conscious
III> Level of Mental Life a. Tip of the iceberg
1. Unconscious b. Something that we are aware of
a. Deepest Level in the Iceberg c. Mental elements in awareness, minor role in P.T (Psychoanalytic Therapy)
b. Something that we can’t access. Can only be accessed through the help of therapeutic
techniques of Freud IV> Provinces of the Mind
c. Two sources of unconscious processes. (May gusto tayong maalala pero di natin
maalala) 1. The Id
i. REPRESSION=FORGETTING a. Pleasure Principle
❖ What you don’t know wont’ hurt you b. Primary Process
❖ There are things/ situations that are so painful/hurtful that we tend not i. We are totally id at birth; we are like animals; we don’t have thinking mind;
to remember it most specifically to people who suffered traumatic we only have is pleasure
events/incidents. People rather forget than to linger to it. ii. So, everything you put in the mouth of the baby, they are going to suck it
❖ The pain is still present and is still hunting you. because they don’t think.
❖ One of the primary defense mechanisms of the people who 2. The Ego
experienced traumatic incidents is to forget. Most of the time, a. The Reality Principle
forgetting is not a good thing. Because part of the moving on process b. Secondary Process
is that you still remember the event, but you can handle the emotions i. At age 3 we are already having awareness
accompanied by the events.
❖ Why is there a presence of repressed emotions? Because we don’t
want those emotions to be in reality.
❖ “Bakit nagkakaroon ng unconscious because of the defense
mechanism. Dahil sobrang sakit gusto mo nalang i-repress”
ii. Phylogenetic Endowment
❖ Inherited unconscious images from our parents/culture
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
V> Dynamics of Personality
o Drives (Instinct)
3. The Superego
➢ Internal impulses, an impulse that originates inside, it drives action
a. The Idealistic Principle
➢ Something that we want to do but sometimes we are not allowed by the situation
i. Being developed with the established society that we are born at. E.g., you
Major Headings: Eros (Sex) Thanatos (Aggression, Distraction)
are born as a Christian Family, so most of our superego and idealist is being
➢ Sex drive: Libido
a Christian
▪ Something that we enjoy and pleasurable bukod sa sex like food, etc.
ii. Relative because what you may believe that it is right but might be wrong is
▪ Something that makes us alive
some places.
• Entire body is invested in Libido
b. Subsystems
• Erogenous Zone: Genital, Anus, and Mouth
i. Conscience
• Its aim cannot be changed but the path by which aim is reached can be varied
You think what you did is not ideal/ not good or right because
>Pag may pleasurable activity ka na hindi nagawa na pleasurable, it can
of the society
manifest sa dream
ii. Ego Ideal
• Forms
o Narcissism
▪ (Primary in infants)
• Kasi we only think about ourselves
• We are born egoistic
1. ID WILL TELL YOU • We only care about our needs as babies
a. Tell him na may problema siya sa behavior niya ▪ (Secondary in Adolescents)
2. EGO WILL TELL YOU • We get conscious about our appearances
a. Friend mo siya sizt • We try to please people as much as we can
3. SUPEREGO WILL TELL YOU ▪ Love and Sadism
a. Weighing how you should react • Sometimes we complain about our partners without knowing the other
side of the story or their side of the story.
• Chismis- okay lang na magsalita sila about ibang tao kasi it pleases
➢ A pleasure-seeking person dominated by the id them, okay na kahit nakakasakit na
o (Doing what you want without thinking about the consequences) ▪ Masochism
➢ A guilt-ridden or inferior-feeling person dominated by the superego • You are inflicting pain to others and to yourself by means of sexual or
o You are always compromising to other people because you want to be ideal, pleaser physical.
of other people. • Victim Gaming
➢ A psychologically healthy person is dominated by the ego (the reality) • Sarili lang ang iniisip
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
➢ Aggressive: nameless o Anxiety
▪ Something that makes us fight back ➢ Affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person
▪ Aim of destrcuctive drive to return to organism in organic sheath (dealth) against impeding danger.
▪ Its final aim is self-destruction ➢ One of the concepts of Freud is the defense mechanism for us to alleviate anxiety
• When you are angry to other people, they are not the one suffering but ➢ Anxiety is a common feeling and is not only felt by people with mental problems
is you Kinds of Anxiety
• Sarcasm, bullying, hurting other people because they hate themselves 1. Neurotic Anxiety
• Di mo maffeel existence mo pag di ka nakakasakit ng ibang tao a. Exist in the ego originates from the ID
▪ Forms: Teasing, gossiping, sarcasm, humiliation, humor, and enjoyment of b. We acknowledge the ego
people’s suffering c. Certain things that we want right away but we can’t have it
▪ To deal with anger is to forgive d. Yung crush mo gusto mo kaso may jowa
▪ Even the kindest person, may bad thoughts padin. 2. Moral Anxiety
▪ Love thy neighbors is necessary, thus we use REACTION FORMATION: a. Conflict between ego and superego
repressed hostile feeling and we show the opposite tendency b. When we are doing something bad, it haunts us, may guilt
• Instead of being angry we tend to be nice 3. Realistic Anxiety
o Characterized by: a. Closely related to fear
➢ Impetus- amount of force it exerts b. Realistic fear; cockroaches; what we normally fear in life; ordinary fear.
➢ Source- region of the body either in excitation/tension VI> Defense Mechanism
➢ Aim- to seek pleasure by removing excitation or reducing tension ➢ To avoid dealing directly with the sexual and aggressive implosives and defend
➢ Object- person or thing which the aim is satisfied itself against the anxiety that accompanies them
1. Repression
EXAMPLE: People who smoke a. Most basic defense mechanism because the succeeding defense mechanism has
something to do with repression
1. Impetus
✓ “I can’t control it; I can’t just quit it” b. It forces threatening feelings into the unconscious
✓ mataas yung urge nila and meron biological reactions sa katawan nila that prevents them from c. You don’t want to be vulnerable: jokes are half meant.
stopping 2. Reaction Formation
2. Source a. Adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form
✓ when they are just thinking about it but they are prohibited to do it they are salivating that is b. Can be bad when you repressed your emotions too often and can be left unresolved
why they become tense
3. Aim
✓ they do anything basta makuha lang yung pleasure.
4. Object
✓ iba yung relief pag nakapag yosi na
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
3. Displacement a. Reverting to the earlier stage to deal with the stress and anxiety
a. Redirecting of unacceptable urges into people and objects to disguise or conceal their b. Once the libido has passed the developmental stage, it may during times of stress and
true nature anxiety, revert to their earlier stage.
b. EXAMPLE: galit ka sa jowa mo pero di mo masabi sa kanya kaya napapagbuntungan c. Gusto mo bumalik sa pagkabata to deal with the problems in life
mo ng galit pamilya mo.
4. Fixation 6. Projection
a. When you are stuck ate the maturation process. You should not be there but that is the a. Can be defined as seeing in others those unacceptable feelings or behaviors that reside
same pattern you use in dealing with anxiety. in one’s own unconscious
b. Instead of growing, nasa reducing part ka. Ayaw mo mag grow kasi takot ka. b. Sinasabi mong galit ka sa ibang tao pero ikaw talaga totoong nakakaramdam nun
c. You settle sa growth na feeling mo safe ka c. When carried extreme, projection can become paranoia, which is characterized by
delusions of jealousy and persecution
7. Introjection
A. Oral Fixation a. Incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego
a. Whatever satisfies the mouth b. Hero worship might be a good example
b. Smoking is pleasurable to the mouth 8. Sublimation
c. Any pleasure that is pleasurable to the moth a. Turning negative urges into something positive and more socially accepted
d. They do it unconsciously b. When you are under a lot of stress you tend to convert the stress into something more
B. Anal Fixation productive
a. Orderliness- Toilet Training c. The repression of the genital aim of Eros by substituting a cultural or social aim.
b. When you were not trained to be orderly (you have disorganized personality) d. Not all can use sublimation
c. When you were too trained and not allowing you to poop anywhere (you are very
perfectionist and orderly) VII> Stages of Development
C. Phallic Fixation 1. Infantile Period (0-5)
a. Vanity a. Oral Phase
b. Desire towards our opposite parents we try to be as pleasing as we can so we can be i. Erogenous Zone: Mouth: first organ to provide pleasure. (kasi nung
the “daddy’s girl, mama’s boy” baby ka pa yung pleasure lang na nagagawa mo sa mouth is to feed)
c. Exhibitionism (psychological disorder) 1. Phases
i. Finding pleasure by showing their genitals in public a. Oral Receptive Phase
d. Pride i. Everything you put inside the mouth of the
i. High baby; they will not hesitate but to eat it no
ii. When they are not being loved by their opposite parents, it affects their self- matter what it is.
esteem b. Oral Sadistic Phase
iii. When you are born with the absence of your own father’s love you tend to i. Infants responds to other through biting,
have high standards in finding your partners cooing, closing their mouth, smiling, and
1. May or may not resemble their parents crying.
5. Regression
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
3. Not all have resolved Oedipus complex because of the
absence of their parents.
4. If the guy is over loved by their mother it may have an effect
b. Anal Phase to their future girlfriends. They are always relying on their
i. Erogenous Zone: Anus mother.
1. Phases
a. Early Anal (Retentive)
i. Behave aggressively towards parents for iii. Female Oedipus Complex
frustrating them in toilet training 1. A young girl desire’s sexual intercourse with the father and
b. Late Anal (Expulsive) accompanying hostility towards mother.
i. Interest stems from pleasure of defecating 2. The complete resolution of female Oedipus complex is to
ii. Anal Character identify with the mother
1. People who continue to receiver erotic satisfaction by keeping 3. If not resolved with the mother, you may have different sexual
and possessing bjects and excessive arranging them preferences. There’s a tendency for you to have a male like
a. Example: hoarding characteristics
b. Not being able to let go of things easily 4. Pag hindi resolved ang issue with mother may tendency na
iii. Anal Triad wala kang mapagkukunan as a role model so you tend to
1. Orderliness, stinginess, obstinacy identify nalang with your father.
c. Phallic Phase 5. Penis Envy
i. Erogenous Zone: Genitalia a. Girls desire to have a penis
1. 3 to 4 ears of age because we are already aware of our ➢ Most crucial for personality formation wherein what we unconsciously
sexuality, and we already know about our genitalia experienced during those years has something to do with our personality now. If
2. First time dichotomy: male and female “anatomy is destiny” you are fixated with such things, it is deterministic that you can’t do anything about
a. There are things that only men can do it and it will always be there
b. There are limitations to what women can do ➢ You might suppress it, the impulses will always be there, you may have repressed
c. He things women are hard to understand it but the impulses will see in a disguised form.
ii. Male Oedipus Complex
1. A young boy experience rivalry towards their father and
develops feeling towards their mother
a. Castration Anxiety- Boys fear of losing the penis due
to their feelings towards their mother
i. They are afraid that their father may castrate
them because of their rivalry
2. The complete resolution of male Oedipus complex is for the
boy to identify with his father.
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
2. Latency Period
a. 6-7-9 years old
b. Not biological needs but more on the social needs. We are taught how to
Parallel Paths of the Simple Male and Female Phallic Phases suppress our needs.
c. We are meeting the expectation of our parents, teachers, and the society
towards us.
Male Phallic Phase
d. We dedicated what is pleasurable into something that is expected to us by other
1. Oedipus Complex people.
a. Originally, they have sexual desires to their mother e. Reinforce through constant suppression by parents and teacher and by internal
2. Castration Complex feelings of shame, guilt and morality
a. Fear of penis castration by the father: Castration Anxiety. It shatters the Oedipus f. More on the expectations that are expected from us during the stage
Complex g. This is where we develop being competitive
3. Identification with the father
4. Strong superego replaces the nearly completely dissolved Oedipus Complex 3. Genital Period
a. The boy develops moral character that suppresses their sexual desire towards their a. Direct sexual energy toward another person
mother. b. Reproduction is now possible
c. You already have your libido
Female Phallic Phase d. If you already have consumed too much libido during your infantile period,
1. Castration complex in the form of Penis Envy you may have problems when it comes to genital period.
2. Oedipus Complex develops as an attempt to obtain a penis
a. For Freud, kawalan ng babae ang pagkakaroon ng penis
3. Gradual realization that the Oedipal desires are self-defeating
a. Because we can’t really have our father
4. Resolution is to identify with the mother
5. Weak superego replaces the partially dissolved Oedipus Complex
a. We tend to be emotional and irrational which may be rooted from the conception of
Freud which is “Anatomy is destiny”
II- Sigmund Freud- Psychoanalysis
IX> Related Research (Not thoroughly discussed) Refer to PPT
VIII> Applications of Psychoanalytic Theory X> Critique of Freud
a. Did Freud understand women, gender, and sexuality?
i. Freud understands men more than women
➢ Free Association b. Was Freud a Scientist?
o Patients verbalize every thought that comes to their minds i. He is more considered as a Philosopher in our field
o They will be laying in bed which they are free to tell anything while the therapists look ii. Kasi lahat ng naisip niya is galing lang sa utak niya
for patterns on how the client speaks c. Freud’s Theory
➢ Transference i. Average on Generating Research
o Strong sexual desire or aggressive feelings that the client develops towards the ii. Moderate on Organizing Data
therapist iii. Low Guiding Action, and Parsimony
o Vulnerable and taong malungkot iv. Has internal consistency
o That feeling may affect the result of the therapy v. Very low on Falsifiability
➢ Resistance
o Patients unconsciously block their own progress in therapy XI> Concept of Humanity
➢ Dream Analysis ➢ Determinism over free Choice
o Interpreting dreams into something can be associated into something o Kasi sabi niya anatomy is destiny
o Should not be interpreted easily, there should be an interview from the primary ➢ Pessimism over optimism
relationship of the client o Kasi always associated an determinism sa pessimism
➢ Freudian Slips (Parapraxes) o In pessimism, you don’t believe that people can change. Once you are fixated in some
o Let the person talk particular stage, it will take time for you to change it, or di mo talaga mababa: can be
in disguised form. Can be suppressed or repressed pero andun padin siya
➢ Causality over Teleology
o Past-oriented si Freud. Kahit anong future meron ka pa, your past will always haunt
➢ Unconscious over Conscious
➢ Biology over Culture
o Anatomy is destiny
o Why is there difference between girls and boys
➢ Equal emphasis on Uniqueness and Similarity
o Kasi we are all unique when it comes to fixation sa psychosexual stage because it
depends on the parenting style you received when you are a child.

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