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Student: Fiama Versalli

Phonetics II

Cultural Diversity

Nowadays, teachers and students of a second language are developing skills and
strategies with which to include culture in their teaching and learning performance. It
is no surprise that in a globalized world this has become the central aspect of
education. Millions of students and teachers are traveling around the world,
attending mixed cultural courses where they need the tools to face this reality quickly
and easily. Education no longer implies content knowledge, but tolerance and

/ˈkʰʌl̴tʃərəl̴ dʌɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ/

/ˈnʌʊədeɪz̥/ ˈtʰɪ:tʃəz ənd̥ ˈstʝʊ:dənts əv ə ˈsekənd‿ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ ə dɪ

ˈveləpɪŋ skɪl̴z ənd̥ ˈstrætɪdʒɪz wɪð wɪtʃ tʊ ɪnˈklʊ:d‿ˈkʰʌl̴tʃər ɪn̪ ðeə

ˈtʰɪ:tʃɪŋ ən ˈlɜ:nɪŋ pəˈfɔ:məns/ ɪt s nəʊ səˈprʌɪz̪ ðæt ɪn ə

ˈgləʊbəlʌɪzd wɜ:l̴d̪ ðɪs həz bɪˈkʰʌm ðə ˈsentrəl ˈæspek͜t əv edʝʊ:

ˈkʰeɪʃən/ ˈmɪlʝənz əv̥ ˈstʝʊ:dənts ənd̥ ˈtʰɪ:tʃəz ə ˈtrævlɪŋ əˈrʌʊnd̪ ðə

wɜ:l̴d̥/ əˈtʰendɪŋ mɪkst‿ˈkʰʌl̴tʃərəl̴ ˈkʰɔ:sɪz weə ðeɪ nɪ:d̪ ðə tʊ:l̴z tə

feɪs̪ ðɪs rɪ:ˈælɪtɪ ˈkwɪklɪ ən ˈɪ:zɪlɪ/ edʝʊ:ˈkʰeɪʃən nəʊ ˈlɒngər ɪm

ˈpləɪz ˈkʰɒntent‿ˈnɒlɪdʒ̊/ b̥ət‿ˈtʰɒlərəns ən akˈsep͜təns//

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