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SUNY-Oneonta and Universidad del Valle (UniValle)

COIL Calendar Instructions and weekly activities, Fall 2022

Module: “Bio-geography” or “Geo-Biographies”: My neighborhood
We will be working on one digital platforms: Voice Thread and Whatsapp (phone)
Our course TAs will serve as COIL coordinators:

In UniValle:
Luis Kevin Grajales

In Oneonta:
Shannon Dunne
Marisa Esposito
Kaitlyn Keane
Jennifer Shields




1. Open a free account in VT:

2.When you have an account, you need to use the link below to register, join, and login to the class; the class name is: Span 1001 Fall 2022
(TAs will work on adding students into VT if anybody needs help, students can add themselves by using the course link:

3. Voicethread will be used by Oneonta students for their regular class presentations, these will be shared to both groups. UniValle students will
be directed to complete one final module in VT as part of their COIL work “Geo-biography - Final Reflection”


1. TAs will be collecting phone numbers for all the students and creating a group just for both courses this semester, students may leave
the group after the semester ends.


DATES Technical details
Week 1-3 COIL Pairing up, First week Activity one: Short videos Communicative objectives
Sep 19-Oct 10 TAs will be collecting phone numbers from every student and give recorded with To share personal information (name, age,
you instructions how to communicate through whatsapp phones and occupation, location, likes) on a digital
(Colombians use this texting video app for free) uploaded in environment through an oral presentation on
COIL Icebreaker Whatsapp. previously designed slides.
(1st presentation) A Whatsapp group will be created for all, both classes, students, To greet and start a short interaction with
My College Life professors, Teaching Assistants. Voice thread another person in L2.
Ppoint visuals
Activity 1: Personal introduction “My Campus’ Favorite Place” PDF saved Intercultural objectives
Main objective: To promote communication with people from Upload PDF in link To engage in intercultural communication wit
different cultures through the presentation of personal identification, provided people from different cultural backgrounds.
short videos of their favorite place on their campus, and short To identify basic mechanisms to start interacti
commentaries/reply on a student video from the other country. Enter VT from the with people from different cultural backgroun
course link To elaborate on descriptive culture specific
Activity 2, “My College Life and schedules” in depth provided above (college life) narratives.
The content will be based on college schedules, basic
vocabulary of courses, campus, and college life. Do not enter VT Assessment criteria
form the web Proper use of grammar, pronunciation, and
Step 1 vocabulary.
directly because it
Create a Ppoint slide or a visual with pictures using any other format Inclusion of basic personal information.
that works for you. will not take you
Being able to formulate questions
If you use Google drive, downloaded when is done and save it as a to your professor’s Clarity and coherence in the recording.
PDF document before uploading in VT. paid account that Punctual delivery. 
has more storage
Step 2 capacity.
Open VT through the link provided that will take you to the
Professor’s account. After you are logged in, upload your PDF with
the picture slide.

Step 3
When your visual is uploaded, prepare a talk with a “concept map
Record up to two minutes minimum, talking about yourself and your
college schedule and some activities that you do.

Step 4
Listen to your classmates’ presentations and comment on two of your
classmates’ posts, greeting them and presenting a question, or two,
about their (partners abroad) basic information or university. Try to
keep your interaction with your classmates on each other’s posts.

Oneonta students will begin to post their family presentations next

weeks, all can listen.
Use this link to access our course in VT:
Week 2 Activity 2: My Family Voice thread Main objective: To reflect about the cultural
Oct 10th – 17th Instructions for this learning activity is provided in BB for Oneonta Ppoint visuals aspects represented by family compositions,
students as part of their course. Similarly, to the first oral PDF saved family practices, descriptions and aspects that
COIL Icebreaker presentation in previous weeks. Upload PDF in link determine social behaviors of individuals with
(2ndpresentation) Include a picture of place of residence (house) for the family provided above families.
My family
In VT UniValle students listen to their COIL partner family presentations Communicative objectives
and ask questions or provide comments. To describe people physically and personally,
describe family compositions and activities do
together, likes and dislikes.

Intercultural objectives
To identify the relevance of cultural elements
the families and their places of residence. 

To reflect about the way meaningful elements
the family composition shape social identities

Assessment criteria
Proper use of grammar, pronunciation, and
Clarity and coherence of the oral monologue.
Complete inclusion of the required informatio
about the family (general description, importa
of values) Punctual delivery. Inclusion of pictu
Week 3 BOTH GROUPS, INTERACTION BETWEEN PARTNERS STARTS THIS Written Main objective: To engage in online synchron
Oct 17th -31st WEEK. paragraphs in interaction with people from different culture
Pairs will be each’s university discussions about pastimes and how it relates
announced this Activity 3: Pastimes with the people I love/like in the spaces close by teaching platform. spaces such us the neighborhood/place of
week. my place of residence. For Oneonta it will residence.
be uploaded in BB.
“what I like to do PASTIMES AND SPACES WITH YOUR COIL PARTNER. Word document To follow the basic rules of interaction (greeti
with members of with an image discussion, closing) when talking to English-
my family or After you are paired, contact your SUNY/UniValle classmate, and provided by the speaking interlocutors.
neighbors, in my schedule an online meeting with him/her.  TAs WILL PAIR YOU UP, COIL partner. To ask and provide information about the
neighborhood?” LOOK AT THE LIST OF PARTNERS AND TAs WILL SEND YOU AN E-MAIL neighborhood and pastimes.
picture in WITH YOUR PHONE NUMBERS Any medium that To share opinions about pastimes and spaces
whatsapp. partners select to such us the neighborhood.
Step 1: interact.
INTERACTION Think of an activity that you like to do, think of the space where you Linguistic objectives:
MUST HAVE like to do this activity, and if you require others to do this activity To show openness towards different behavior
STARTED BY THIS with. perspectives, and social elements from anoth
WEEK Take a picture of yourself or the space that illustrate this activity. Talk culture.
to your COIL partner independently and talk about the activities that To manifest interest in discovering other peop

you both enjoy in your own places. Interact independently with your pastimes and neighborhoods. 
partner in Whatsapp, Zoom or Google Meets. To interpret the interlocutor’s opinions towar
their own neighborhood.
Step 2:
Prepare a short text describing you COIL partner’s pastime, describe Assessment criteria
the activity, the people, the places and why this activity may be Contact of SUNY and UniValle classmates with
important for your COIL’ s partner culture.  You may come to this the time assigned.
reflection better after talking to your COIL partner independently. Inclusion of all the topics to discuss.
Note taking of the key shared ideas.
Step 3 Respect of basic communicative conventions
Create two paragraphs or more and upload it with a picture provided the synchronous interaction.
by your partner. Remember that your text is about your partner, not Punctual development.
you. Remember to check your text before uploading it for a better
Oct 31st – Nov Students post a picture about their favorite food in Whatsapp and 3A Whatsapp by -To share visuals of traditional foods and
14th describe the dish, ingredients, and type of meal. groups or pairs describe.
They write a short description of the ingredients of this dish, when -To report on a digital post one of the differen
COIL Assignment they eat it, with whom and where, and if the ingredients and the 3B VT slide with and similarities between one’s own and the
Oneonta preparation is from your place of origin, you may have to do some pictures of both interlocutor's neighborhoods. 
students: Google quick search. places and COIL
partners reflection Communicative objectives:
My favorite food UniValle students read to their COIL partner favorite food orally To create a combined slide and both partners
picture in description and ask questions, Oneonta answers, or provide describe and summarize the most relevant
Whatsapp. comments, UniValle students may even provide a picture of their information about the differences and similar
favorite food as well and describe it for the Oneonta partners. between the two neighborhoods from the tal
about with the SUNY/UniValle classmate.
Talking about our classmates’ neighborhoods To use more complex structured sentences to

Step 1 report one’s interlocutor’s descriptions and b
Meet with your SUNY and UniValle classmate in a virtual space out of opinions about his/her neighborhood.
the class and discuss about your neighborhoods. Focus on the To include conjunctions, prepositions, useful
following topics. expressions, and connectors at the highest or
proficiency that each student can do.
General description of the neighborhoods.
Differences between your neighborhoods. Intercultural objectives:
Similarities between your neighborhoods. To reflect about the different cultural meanin
Relevant cultural elements of your neighborhoods. of the foods (first activity)
Personal opinions about your neighborhoods. To reflect about different physical spaces (the
An environmental problem or sustainability of human survival that neighborhood) and its relevance in other peo
occurs in each other’s physical environments. perspectives.
To analyze how neighborhoods shape people’
Step 2 behavior.
Remember to take notes of your online conversations and reflect To identify how differences and similarities
about what you discuss with your SUNY/UniValle classmates. between neighborhoods can promote
intercultural awareness, to identify common o
After your talk with your SUNY/UniValle classmate, BOTH prepare a different problems that affect humans in diffe
slide with pictures that will be uploaded in VT and later recorded by places.
Assessment criteria
Proper use of grammar, pronunciation, and
Clarity and coherence of the text.
Complete inclusion of the required informatio
(differences and similarities between your
interlocutor’s and your own neighborhoods)
Prompt completion. Punctual delivery. Inclusi
of pictures.
Week 5 Activity 4: Final reflection in VT Voice Thread Main objective: To reflect about the gen

Nov 14th – 28th Step 1: Avoid reading, the experience with SUNY/UniValle students and
Presentations spontaneous and impact on one’s own ideas about culture.
By pairs collaborating you will create ONE Ppoint slide with
uploaded and fluid.
images from both cultures and be ready to upload in VT and
recorded by Dec talk over your slides. Communicative objectives
5th. Ppoint To prepare a short recording presenting
Prepare a short oral talking map in which you present the differences Students from students’ learning after the experience with S
and similarities between your interlocutor’s and your own both places work students.
COIL Module neighborhoods. Remember to check your pronunciation and together in this To design a “talking map” for the record
Our structure before record. DO NOT READ, TALK SPONTANEOUSLY. final product. considering the use of simple ten
neighborhoods conjunctions, connectors and useful expressio
Final reflection in Step 2 Uploading and To organize and plan an spontaneous talk.
VT Upload your slide (save it as PDF first) with the visual elements recording in VT
Both courses discussed in your talk with your SUNY and UniValle classmate. The Linguistic objectives
image represents your ideas about this asynchronous conversation. To include grammar structures and vocabu
“COIL Final Reflection” upload inside a presentation link that will be studied in classes in the design of a “talking m
provided for you this week. of a recording to be performed on Voicethrea
To prepare the structure of the “talking map”
Step 3 articulate its ideas using conjunctions
Prepare the “talking map” of a short recording in which you present connectors.
what you learned in your exploration of your own and a SUNY
classmate’s neighborhood, and life styles, differences and similarities Intercultural objectives
between his/her own neighborhood and yours.  To reflect about the intercultural elements
lessons learned in the experience
Prepare the conceptual map to talk, write in short sentences or only SUNY/UniValle students.
words that would prompt your brain to talk spontaneously. what you To explore other classmates’ ideas about
learned about your SUNY’s/UniValle neighborhood, and more. use intercultural experience.
conjunctions, connectors, and useful expressions to build your script
which will turn into a recording. Speak out aloud your ideas and check Assessment criteria:
your pronunciation.  Proper use of grammar, pronunciation, and

Step 4: Inclusion of required information.
Record over the Ppoint (PDF) slide. Clarity and coherence in the recording.
Spontaneity and fluidity in speech.
Step 5: Prompt completion with comments on other
Listen to the other groups and add a short commentary in which you classmates presentations.
mention how similar or different your experiences were when Inclusion of visual elements (images, video tak
exploring your SUNY-UniValle classmates’ neighborhoods.  etc) along with the students’ own face display
When you feel ready, record your voice presenting your reflections showing their ideas. Punctual delivery.
and learning during the experience. 

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