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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Republic of the Philippines

Integrated Laboratory High School
Junior High School Department
Normal Rd, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Week 4 Module
(September 5 - September 9, 2022)

S.Y. 2022-2023



Prepared by:


Instructor I

WMSU – ILS JHS Department

Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

The past lessons have given you an understanding of what are academic texts, its
structure, and texts type. With these, you can grasp that writing requires you to write with a
purpose as well as look up for references that will best substantiate your material. In the same
way, you have learned that for you to hone your writing you must be able to acquire skills in
summarizing and paraphrasing.

Particularly, you were given a task to draft a three- part structure essay. With this, you
must have read some sources you can quote, or cite. In so doing, your essay will become
credible and logical. In this lesson, you will see the importance of thesis statement, as well as
making an outline.

Lesson 4

Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

a. Know the types of outline.

b. Outline a sample reading text and identify thesis statement.

Try this!

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who is about to give a public speech in five minutes. How
will you outline the contents of your speech?

If I were given a five minutes speech in public I would use the Introduction, Body, and
Conclusion format which will be my guided outline of my speech as I am familiar of these.

Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Read and Ponder

The thesis statement provides a controlling idea which will help you choose the
resource materials you will use. It helps the writer focused on the main idea of the research
paper. It is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay. It usually comes
near the end of your introduction.

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing.
But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across.
Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.


1. It is arguable, the kind of statement someone can agree or disagree with.

2. It provides the answer to a specific question or the solution to a specific problem.
3. It addresses the topic of the paper without straying from the central idea.

How is the thesis statement of your essay? Does it measure to the following listed
criteria above?


An outline is an organizational or skeletal framework that serves as a guide of the written

essay. It is a tool we use in the writing process to help organize our ideas, visualize our
paper’s potential structure, and to further flesh out and develop points. It allows the writer
to understand how he or she will connect information to support the thesis statement and
the claims of the paper. An outline provides the writer with a space to consider ideas
easily without needing to write complete paragraphs or sentences.

 Organizes ideas resulting from free writing, clustering, or any other brainstorming
 Identifies areas in which the paper needs additional work or supporting details to
strengthen main ideas.
 Pinpoints areas that have too much emphasis and need to be reduced/omitted to
avoid imbalance.
 Helps identify how ideas are related and where connections or transitions are
 Helps determine how ideas fit the tentative thesis statement.

Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Types of Outline

A. TOPIC OUTLINE. Use words and phrases for all entries and no punctuation after
entries; it is brief and easy to write.

Thesis: Watching movies at the theater is more entertaining than at home.

I. Viewing experience
A. Big screen
B. Sound system

II. Food
A. Popcorn
B. Candy

B. SENTENCE OUTLINE. Uses complete sentences and correct punctuation for all
entries; it is more detailed and informative.

I. Introduction
A. Attention grabber: The average American child watches 8,000 murders on TV
before completing elementary school.
B. Thesis: Violence on television is a contributing factor to the increase in children’s

II. Body

A. Through observational learning, children can become aggressive.

1. Children can learn to be aggressive by watching actors perform violent scenes.
2. Violent cartoons can also influence children.

See if you can do this.

Directions: Read the text below. Make an outline (topic/sentence) and write the thesis

Discipline is an important behavior in life. It is a character trait which is crucial for

expressing many other attributes in life. It refers to orderliness in life, which is essential for
success. Additionally, it demonstrates respect to physical and moral laws in society.

We all know that students are the future assets of the nation. Discipline lays a good
foundation of being selective, independent, punctual, focused, encouraged and organized in
life. Self-discipline is very important that lies in inhibiting our head long desires and

Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

passions. As compared to those who disregard discipline, a disciplined child takes an interest
in his/ her studies. He or she can choose subjects more easily and independently.

It is rightly said that, “life without discipline is just like a ship without radar”. This
can be well understood by citing an example: –A team of experienced players often lose the
match because of a lack of discipline in the team, but a disciplined team can win an
impossible match.

Topic Outline

Thesis Statement: Importance of Discipline in Child’s Life

I. Introduction

A. Necessity of Discipline.
B. How Discipline demonstrate Respect in Society.
C. Advantages of Acquiring Self-Discipline.

II. Body
A. Being Focused
1. Tasks/Projects
2. No Distractions
3. On-time

B. Lead Stress-Free Life

1. Daily Basis Activities
2. No Tensions
3. Depression-Free
C. Better Academic Performance
1. Grades
2. Success
3. Education
D. Time Management
1. Time Flexibility
2. Productivity and Efficiency
3. Prioritization

III. Conclusion
A. Summary of all points

Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Sentence Outline
I. Introduction

A. It is important for a one individual to have discipline as it enables you to

stay in control of yourself and of your reaction to any situation.
B. Acquiring and utilizing your discipline will demonstrate respect to
physical and moral laws in society.
C. Self-Discipline could be an advantage to many aspects in life.

II. Body

A. A person that conveys discipline could help them at staying focused

without anything bothers them in mind.
1. The child could effectively focus and perform their
tasks/projects at its finest for school.
2. A disciplined mind that stays focused will refrain other forms
of distraction to hinder them.
3. When a child has discipline, he/she be able to complete
his/her work on-time efficiently.
B. A well-disciplined person always remains happy because it becomes
easier to stay in control of studies & personal lives as well.
1. Having self-discipline will help you to practice your daily
basis activities chronologically as you suppose to.
2. Staying disciplined helps to study well ahead of time and not
just before exams, thus remains avoid tensions.
3. Discipline helps one stay stress-free and also get out of
C. In a student life, discipline is very important for better education.
Education becomes incomplete without learning discipline.
1. Students who are disciplined tend to get much better scores &
get more benefit from their classes as well.
2. When you have discipline in your life you can make small
sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future.
3. A disciplined student is able to stay focused on learning
his/her academics and keep his work as a top priority.
D. A disciplined child that knows to manage their time maximizes the
effectiveness and coordination of works done in less time. Most
importantly, prioritizing your task methodologically.
1. One is able to set his/her time and prioritize accordingly.
2. A person will be productive and efficient ensuring you have
enough time available to complete a project with quality.
3. A disciplined child could know what to prioritize and
therefore achieve the goals faster.
III. Conclusion
A. We can say that discipline is one of the key elements of anyone's life. A
person can only be successful if she/he strictly live a healthy and
Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

disciplined life. Besides, the discipline also helps us in a lot of ways and
motivates the person around us to be disciplined.


Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003.
Kriszner, Laurie G. and Stephen Mandell. Patterns for College Writing. 7th ed. Boston:

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