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Ethnocentrism and

Cultural Relativism
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the origin
of your
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your name
Who gave
you your
Middle Kingdom Complex

The feeling of superiority

Such mentality is based on the popular belief in ancient

China that they lived at the middle of the world and
those outside their domains are barbarians
The view that one group is superior compared to
• In an ethnocentric viewpoint a group is considered as
the center of everything and all other groups are
scaled and rated in relation to it or called peripheral
• The ways of other groups are oftentimes labeled as
different, strange, or queer, and to be viewed with
hostility and suspicion (Panopio:38-39)
Ethnocentrism is a by-product of day-to-day socialization.
Different type of groups unconsciously develop the
ethnocentric tendencies towards its members.
• Generalized other peoples cultures
• Cultural misrepresentation
• Lack of understanding
• Perception Bias
While ethnocentrism may develop solidarity
of the group, it also restricts interaction with
other groups and when accompanied by
antagonism and hostility, may lead to
discrimination bullying

intolerance genocide
Cultural relativism

states that there are no universal norms or

moral absolutes ; in specific circumstances,
any act can appear either good or bad
Through cultural relativism, one can gain a
meaningful view of the values and beliefs
that underlie the behaviors and institutions
of other people and societies
Group work: THINK, PAIR, and SHARE
Identify 5 examples of ethnocentrism
and cultural relativism in our society
today. Based on your observation and
shared out views. Discuss to the class.
Other groups could raise questions or
additional information to the
presenting group. Write and post
results on the board using used
Rubrics for THINK, PAIR, and
CONTENT Specific examples Some examples Given examples
were given based were given based does not show any
on the given topic on the given topic relation to the
assigned topic
PRESENTATION Organization of Some ideas were Disorganized
ideas is present. presented in presentation of
Clearly stated and organized manner. ideas, difficult to
easily understood. Slightly understand and
understood and vague
somewhat clear.
TEAMWORK The group The group Incomplete set of
presented a presented ideas were clearly
complete set of complete set of evident,
ideas. ideas, but unprepared, and
Preparedness is unprepared. submiitted late.
visible and
What does the
picture tell? Write
5 sentences(in
bullet form) about
what you learned
ethnocentrism and
cultural relativism,
you can also relate
to the picture.

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