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The “little about everything” is best interpreted these days by those who have given most thought to the

sort of general education an informed individual ought to have. More is required than a sampling of the
introductory courses which specialists offer in their own disciplines. Courses are needed in each of the
major divisions of knowledge – the humanities, the natural sciences, and social sciences- which are
organized with the breadth of view and the imaginative power of competent staffs who understand the
needs of interested amateurs. But over and above this exciting smattering of knowledge, students should
bite deeply into at least on subject and taste its full flavor. It is not enough to be dilettantes in everything
without striving also to be craftsmen in something.

Having vast amounts general knowledge is like having a multitool that is always at hand, because it
comes in handy in a plethora of situations; some examples of these circumstance is the casual
conversations and discourse with another individual. Of course, well informed individuals have an arsenal
of ideas at their disposal ready to be deployed if need be. Unfortunately, one cannot simply know “little
about everything” to be able to consider themselves properly educated, they sooner or later must attain a
specialization, in addition, simply dipping your toes in the pool of knowledge does not suffice, if one is
truly devoted to learning, then they must completely dive headfirst and without hesitation into their
chosen discipline. These individuals can learn the necessary courses for their profession from practiced
veterans of the field who have tasked themselves as educators that can cater to the need of amateur and
future experts of the same field as them. On the bright side, learning is a life-long process and will
continue for as long as the individual is willing to be educated.

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