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The Complete

Twitter Ads Guide

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Twitter Ads → Setup

➢ Go to ads.twitter.com

➢ Login to the Twitter account you want to link with your Twitter Ads account
(i.e. @coursenvy).

➢ Setup your Twitter Ads account, including billing, country, time zone, etc.

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Twitter Ads → Setup

➢ After creating your first Twitter Ads account, you can begin creating Twitter ad campaigns
via your Twitter Ads Manager page: https://ads.twitter.com/ads_manager

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On your Twitter Ads
Manager page, you can
toggle off/on Campaigns,
Ad Groups, and Ads via
the “Status” toggle switch.

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As you can see, we
toggled this campaign
to “Paused”.

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Twitter Ads Admin

When you set up your Twitter ads account, your username will become the Account
Administrator by default. This is the highest level of ad account access, which enables you to
grant varying degrees of access to other Twitter users.

➢ In the top right corner, click the name of your Twitter ads account and select "Edit access to
account" in the drop-down menu.

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Twitter Ad Account Access

➢ As you add employees to your business (or outsource your advertising work), you can add
these workers via the “Add access” button (typically I’ll add them as an "Ad manager" role as
I want to keep control of the highest access role "Account administrator").
➢ Ad Account Access Levels and Permissions:

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How to Create a Twitter Ad

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How to Create a Twitter Ad

➢ Navigate to ads.twitter.com
➢ To create a new Twitter Ad, click the “Create Campaign” button.

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Step 1 → Campaign Objective

Campaign Objectives: https://business.twitter.com/en/advertising/campaign-types.html

Select the campaign

objective for your
Twitter ad.

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For this example,
we will select

Click “Next”.

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Step 2 → Campaign Details

➢ For every Objective you select, the next step is to name your Campaign and set your budget.

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Name your campaign
specific to the
objective so you can
easily identify it in
Twitter reporting.

For example, ENG is

short for the

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Unless you have a
specific end date for
your campaign and a
total budget, we just
use the “Daily Budget”
option (with at least
$20/day) and select a
start date but no end
date (we just toggle off
failing campaigns so no
end date it needed).

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Click the “Next” button
to move on to editing
the “Ad Groups” level.

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Step 3 → Ad Group Details

Name your Ad Group based on

the targeting details you select.

This is so you can easily identify it

in Twitter reporting later on to
see what variables/targeting
drove the best results.

For example, I am targeting men

age 25-49 and the Follower
look-alikes for the Twitter handle
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Create an Ad Group Split Test

If you are creating split

tests, to ensure equal
testing, I suggest using the
same budget amount for
each ad group (e.g. $50 for To create a split test, click
each ad group). If you aren’t “Copy ad group” and edit ONE
split testing, leave this field variable in this second Ad
blank as your budget set at Group to see which variable
the campaign level is fine. equates better ad results.
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From my research with 500+
Coursenvy marketing clients, I
see the best results from using
the “Autobid” strategy and
Automatic “Frequency cap”
(how often your ads are shown).

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Step 4 → Targeting

Scroll down to select your

targeting options for this

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Step 4 → Targeting → Demographics

Demographics is a great area to

split test, such as one ad group
targeting males, one ad group
targeting females. Or split
testing varying age groups. Or
varying locations.

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Audience Size

Notice as you scroll down on

the Ad Group page, with each
additional targeting option you
select, you will be further
narrowing your Audience size.

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Step 4 → Targeting → Devices

If you are promoting a mobile
video game app install that only
works on iOS devices, make sure
to select those devices you want
your ad to ONLY appear on.
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Step 4 → Targeting → Custom Audiences

This is where you can

target your created
Custom Audiences (such
as a past buyers email list
we can uploaded via the
Audiences page).

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Search for and select your
Custom Audiences.

Then choose to INCLUDE or

EXCLUDE this audience from
your targeting.

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Look-alike Audience Hack

If you want Twitter to find people

similar to your Custom Audiences,
checkmark this box “Include

This is perfect for creating a

Look-alike of your BEST
audiences, such as your “past
buyers email list”. Twitter will go
look for Twitter users similar to
your audience!

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Step 4 → Targeting Features

This is where you can target

Twitter users based on their
actions and interests.

This is also a great area to split

test. Such as targeting “Follower
look-alikes” for varying Twitter
accounts, such as
@Entrepreneur in ad group #1
and @Forbes in ad group #2.

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Targeting Features → Keywords

Target audiences by including or

excluding keywords they've
searched, Tweeted, or from
Tweets they’ve engaged with.

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Targeting Features → Follower look-alikes

Reach people with similar

interests to an account’s
followers (such as Tweets,
Retweets, and clicks).

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Targeting Features → Follower look-alikes

I searched for and selected
“@Entrepreneur” to target
Follower look-alikes similar to
this Twitter handle.

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Targeting Features → Interests

Interests are based on what

people Tweet and Retweet,
what they click on/engage with,
and who they follow.

PRO TIP: Target interests that

align directly with your
campaigns' ad creative.
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Typically we leave these 3
“Additional options” unchecked as
we want to test SPECIFIC
targeting variables with each
Twitter campaign we create.

An area I have split test in Twitter

campaigns is “Retarget people
who saw or engaged with your
past Tweets”. This enables you to
target WARM users who have
seen/engaged with your organic or
promoted Tweets. Test it for your
brand! Test test test is the key!

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Next, select where you

want your Twitter Ads to
appear on Twitter via
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➢ Home timelines: Promote Tweets into the home

timeline of the specific group of people that you are

➢ Profiles: Promote Tweets to users when they visit


➢ Search results: Promote Tweets into the search


This is an area you can split test, but we see the best
return on ad spend for our clients by selecting all of these
Twitter ad Placement options.

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Step 5 → Creatives

Finally, we need an ad
“Creative” to appear for
this Twitter ad campaign.

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You can choose from Organic,
Scheduled, or Promoted-only

Organic Tweets are those

appearing in your Twitter feed
that you published in the past.

Promoted-only Tweets are

Tweets that you create ONLY to
show in ads.

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To create a
Promoted-only Tweet,
click this “Create Tweet”

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Clicking the “Create Tweet” button will open this
“Tweet composer” page.

Here you can confirm if you want this Tweet to be

“Promoted only” meaning it will not be posted to
your Twitter profile. Unless you want to Tweet this
live on your Twitter profile as an “Organic Tweet”,
keep this box CHECKED so this Tweet is only shown
for this Twitter ad (i.e. a Promoted-only Tweet).

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Compose your Tweet with
up to 280 characters of
text and media.

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When selecting your media (photo, video, or
carousel) you will be prompted to choose a Card
Type (Website, App, or No Card) which will add a
Headline and URL to your media.

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You can also choose “No card” and just include the link
in your Tweet.

From our experience, Twitter Cards improve

campaign performance. Twitter Cards enable you to
attach URL hyperlinked media to Tweets, helping
increase traffic to your website/app.

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Once your Tweet is ready, click
the “Tweet” button.

Now go back to your Twitter ad

creation page tab.

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Your new Promoted-only Tweet
will now appear in on the Creative
page of your Twitter ad. Select the
checkbox next to this Tweet.

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Your new Promoted-only Tweet
will now appear in on the Creative
page of your Twitter ad. Select the
checkbox next to this Tweet.

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Step 6 → Campaign Review

Review and Launch

your Twitter ad

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View Twitter Ad Results

➢ Review your campaigns results and toggle off losing ad campaigns at ads.twitter.com

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Split Test
Twitter Ads

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Split Test

Split Testing is CRUCIAL for every type of ad on every ad platform!

➢ Change one variable at a time in each ad campaign to see what gets the best results.

EXAMPLE VARIATIONS: Split test your Creatives, Tweet text, images, videos, Ad Group
targeting, placement, etc.

PRO TIP: Simply duplicate your campaigns to make split testing easier (plus each campaign will
have the same test budget)! In the duplicate campaign, edit a SINGLE variable to split test to see
which ad performs better. Never assume you know best… test at least 2+ variations with each
campaign until you get the best results!

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To duplicate a campaign, select “copy
campaign” on the Campaigns tab. Then
simply edit ONE variable in the copy.

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After running your ads
for 3-7 days (or once you
reach 1,000 impressions
for each split test) I will
check the results on the
Ads tab.

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The first metric I review
is the “Cost per result”.
Since these are identical,
the next best is “Results
rate”. As you can see the
first split test campaign
got 6.95% Engagement
Rate, so I will toggle off
the losing ad.
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EXAMPLE: Split Test → Targeting

Start BROAD (1,000,000+ audience size) with your targeting

in your first campaigns in order to cast a wide net and
therefore build up your Twitter Audiences (which you can
then retarget in future ads via “Custom Audiences”).

➢ I like to start by targeting at least 1 “Follower

look-alikes” in my first campaign split test, and then 1
“Interests” in my second campaign split test.
➢ I will usually split test 5-10 individual campaigns each
testing ONE Follower look-alike or Interest at a time to
see which variable gets the highest engagement rate
and best results for my Twitter ads.
➢ I also like to split test by age, gender, and location!

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View which Interests got the best results by navigating to your Twitter Ads
Manager page and selecting the checkbox for your Campaign, then clicking the
Audience tab, then clicking Interests in the left sidebar.

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Split Test During Twitter Ad Creation

Another way to create a split test, is to click the “Copy

ad group” link option on the “AD GROUPS” page while
creating a Twitter ad.
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naming for
easy Remember to only test ONE
reporting variable at a time! So the Ad
analysis. Groups should be identical, except
for ONE variable so you can easily
identify which variable equals the
best results for your Twitter
campaign split tests.

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As you can see, after clicking the “Copy ad group” link, it created a duplicate Ad Group under
this single Campaign (i.e. a Campaign with two Ad Groups splitting the same campaign budget).
So in the first Ad Group we are targeting the Follower look-alike “@entrepreneur” and in the
second Ad Group we are targeting the Interest “entrepreneurship”.

We prefer creating duplicate Campaigns with a single Ad Group and then we edit one variable
per campaign (as shown earlier). This creates a true split test with an equal campaign budget for
each variable we test. As you can see there are several ways to do the same split testing!

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Types of Twitter Ads

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Types of Twitter Ads

➢ Now let’s discuss the various types of Twitter Ads.

➢ Navigate to ads.twitter.com
➢ To create a new Twitter Ad, click the “Create Campaign” button.

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Campaign Objective

Campaign Objectives: https://business.twitter.com/en/advertising/campaign-types.html

Select the campaign

objective for your
Twitter ad.

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Tweet Engagements

Tweet engagement campaigns promote Tweets that are:

1. Published organically via your Twitter.

2. You can choose to create Tweets that are ONLY promoted to the audiences you target in this
Tweet Engagement campaign. Great for if you don’t want to clutter up your Twitter feed with
promotional Tweets.

You only pay when users you target ENGAGE with your content! Use this ad type when you want to:

➢ Maximize engagement with your Tweets

➢ When you don’t have many followers
➢ If you just want to get new users engaging with your Tweets

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Tweet Engagements

Engagement = Total number of times a user interacted with a Tweet. This includes clicks
anywhere on the Tweet (i.e. link clicks, card clicks, hashtag clicks, embedded media clicks,
username clicks, profile photo clicks, or Tweet text expansion), retweets, replies, follows, or likes.

Engagement Rate = Number of engagements divided by impressions.

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Tweet Engagements

Engagement ads are one of my favorite on Twitter

because they allow you to truly mix the
Clicks/Conversions ad type with Engagement!

EXAMPLE: I include a link in my Tweets, so I can

double dip on Engagements of the Tweet and possible
link clicks!

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Video Views

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Video Views

➢ Promote your videos (and GIFs) to reach a targeted audience of your choice.

➢ Your videos will autoplay when users scroll (encouraging users to click).

➢ With this ad, you only pay for the number of promoted video views.

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➢ Use Reach ads to promote your Tweets that are meant to raise awareness of your brand and
brand's message… i.e. the “internet billboard”!

➢ This ad is focused on number of impressions (CPM)... showing your Tweet to the maximum
number of people! You pay per 1000 impressions.

PRO TIP: The average sale takes 7 touchpoints with a customer (i.e. a user seeing your ad or
content 7 times before they take action! To speed up my touchpoints, I start with brand
awareness ads targeted at a totally new audience relevant to my brand, then retarget them with
Website Click ads, then retarget this warm Twitter Audience until they convert!

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Website Clicks

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Website Clicks

➢ Use this ad to promote your Tweets to people who will visit your website and take
action/convert (i.e. sign up for your newsletter, read a blog post, make a purchase, etc.)

➢ You pay per website link click.

➢ You can also track Conversion Events on your website via this ad objective and by creating
“Twitter Conversion Tracking Events”:

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Select Website Clicks Goal
➢ Select your “Website Clicks” objective Goal via the menu on the Ad Groups page.
➢ Link clicks = Optimizing for traffic to your website
➢ Website conversions = Optimizing for conversion events

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To track a specific Conversion
Event (i.e. Purchases) with a
Website Clicks ad, under the Ad
group details section, select
“Website conversions” for the

Then select your Conversion Event

to track for this ad.

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Pre-roll Views

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Pre-roll Views

➢ While “ Video Views” ads promote your own video that you want more views for, “Pre-Roll
Views” ads are your short video ads that run before videos by popular Twitter users and

➢ Think of these more like a short TV commercial that run before other user’s videos play.

➢ Your videos will run alongside premium Twitter video content and you just pay for the
number of pre-roll views.

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➢ Grow your Twitter account followers with this ad type! You pay only for each follower you

➢ More followers means more people seeing your Tweets… which means more people to
Retweet, engage, and share your Tweets with others!

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App Installs

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Mobile Apps

Millions of users from around the world access Twitter daily and about 80% of them do so from a
mobile device!

Mobile app promotion enables advertisers to target these users to drive cost-effective app
installs and engagements!

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App Installs

➢ Use these ads to promote your Tweets to an audience likely to download your app.

➢ You pay for the number of app clicks or installs.

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Make sure to only target the
correct mobile devices for the
type of app you are promoting.

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App Re-Engagements

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App Re-Engagements

➢ This ad is for re-engaging audiences (typically existing users) to use your app again.

➢ You pay for the number of app clicks.

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