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Questionnaire for language learners (English)

The Role of Arts in the Motivation of Language Learning

1. Age
2. Gender
3. What is your English level?
a. A1
b. A2
c. B1
d. B2
e. C1
f. C2
g. I don’t know.
4. How long have you been learning English? (in years)
5. Rate from 1-10 how important role the following factors played in your language
learning. (1- wasn’t important at all; 10-was very important) –more than one answer is
a. Music
b. Movies/series
c. Books/literature
d. Theatre
e. Visual art (paintings, drawings, photographs)
6. Do you think that speaking a different language can function as a tool to art?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
7. Did your teacher/tutor use art as a teaching instrument? (music, movies, etc.)
a. Yes
b. No
c. I can’t remember
8. If yes, did you enjoy more the classes where art was included?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
9. Mark how you would feel in the following situations (1-I would hate it, 10-I would
absolutely love it)
a. Your teacher asks you to listen to a song and fill the blanks in the lyrics.
b. Your teacher asks you to listen to a song and then explain what it is about.
c. Your teacher asks you to listen to a song and then asks you how you felt
listening to it.
d. Your teacher asks you to listen to a song and then asks you to discuss in pairs
what it is about.
e. Your teacher picks a song for an activity that you know and love.
f. Your teacher asks you to watch a movie clip and then explain what it is about.
g. Your teacher asks you to watch a movie clip and then try to guess the rest of
the story.
h. Your teacher asks you to watch a movie clip and then write down what could
happen in the following scene.
i. Your teacher asks you to watch a movie clip and then write a dialogue in pairs
that could be in the following scene.
j. Your teacher asks you to make a presentation about your favourite movie.
k. Your teacher asks you to make a presentation about your favourite artist.
l. Your teacher asks you to make a presentation about your favourite book.
m. Your teacher offers you to watch a given movie and then write an analysis for
an extra 5.
n. Your teacher offers you to write an analysis about a movie/series of your
choice for an extra 5.
o. Your teacher asks you to work in pairs and write a theatre scene in a given
topic and then present it in front of the class.
p. Your teacher shows you a painting and then asks you to discuss what it could
q. Your teacher asks you to read a chapter from a book and solve an activity
about it as homework.
r. Your teacher asks you to read a chapter from a book and then you discuss it in
10. Is it motivational when teachers include things you’re interested in?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know

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