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Sudan medical specialization board

First part of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology

Anatomy examination
June 2015
Which of the following muscles is innervated by the .1
? superficial peroneal nerve
a.tibialis anterior
b.extensor hallucis longus
c.peroneus longus
d.peroneus tertius
e.extensor digitorum longus
Which of the following muscles is innervated by the .2
?peroneal division of the sciatic nerve
a.biceps femoris ,long head
b.biceps femoris short head
. e.adductor magnus
All of the following structures have attachment to the .3
;medial femoral condyle EXCEPT the
a.adductor magnus
b.gastrocnemius ,medial head
c.popliteus (+plantaris = lateral)
d.superficial medial collateral ligament
.e.patellofemoral ligament
Which of the following most accurately describe the .4
? innervation and action of the popliteus muscle
a.innervation by the common peroneal nerve ;flexion of the
. knee and medial rotation of the femur on the tibia
b.innervation by the tibial nerve ; flexion of the knee and
.lateral rotation of the femur on the tibia
c.innervation by the common peroneal nerve ;flexion of the
knee and medial rotation of the femur on the tibia ,and
. retraction of the lateral meniscus
d.innervation by the tibial nerve ; flexion of the knee and
lateral rotation of the femur on the tibia , and retraction of the
.lateral meniscus
e.innervation by the tibial nerve ; flexion of the knee and
medial rotation of the femur on the tibia , and retraction of
.the lateral meniscus
The floor of the osteoligamentous sling that supports .5
. the head of the talus is formed by the
. a.bifurcate ligament
. b.interosseous ligament
. c.calcaneonavicular ligament
.d.anterior articular facet of the calcaneus
. e.navicular
During four-compartment fasciotomy for compartment.6
syndrome of the leg, what nerves are decompressed in
?the anterior and lateral compartments respectively
a.Posterior tibial and superficial peroneal
b.Superficial peroneal and sural
c.Deep peroneal and sural
d.Deep peroneal and saphenous
e.Deep peroneal and superficial peroneal (common)
The peroneal component of the sciatic nerve in the .7
?thigh runs on the deep surface of what muscle
a.Adductor longus
d.Short head of the biceps femoris
e.Long head of the biceps femoris
A 48-year-old carpenter has burning pain on the .8
lateral aspect of the thigh when wearing his tool belt.
?Which of the following nerves has been irritated
a. Saphenous
b. Obturator
c. Ilioinguinal
d. Genitofemoral
e. Lateral femoral cutaneous (lumbar plexus)
The maximum normal anteroposterior dimension of .9
the Achilles tendon on an MRI scan is how many
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
What is the order of the structures of the femoral .10
?canal region from lateral to medial
a. Iliacus, femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein,
b.Iliacus, femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve,
c. Pectineus, femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein,
d. Pectineus, femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve,
e.Pectineus, femoral vein, femoral nerve, femoral artery,
. Iliacus
Sensation on the plantar aspect of the great toe is .11
?derived from which of the following nerves
b.Lateral plantar
c.Medial plantar
d.Lesser saphenous
e.Greater saphenous
Which of the following statements best describes the-12
? origin and insertion of the articularis genu muscle originates from posterior fascia of the vastus intermedius
. and inserts into tendon of the rectus femoris originates from the anterior surface of the distal femur
. and inserts into the tendon of the rectus femoris originates from the posterior fascia of the vastus
intermedius and inserts into the upper part of the synovial
. membrane of the knee joint originates from the anterior surface of the distal femur
and inserts into the upper part of the synovial membrane of
. the knee joint
e. originates from the anterior surface of the distal femur and
. inserts into the superior aspect of the patella
The proneus longus inserts on the same bone(s) as .13
. the
. a.long planter ligament
. b.flexor hallucis brevis
. c.abductor hallucis
. d.oblique head of the adductor hallucis
e.tibialis anterior . (cuniform and 1st metatarsal)
The primary ligamentous restraint to inversion of the .14
. foot when the ankle is in the neutral position is the

a.anterior talofibular ligament . (ankle twist)

. b.posterior talofibular ligament

. c.calcaneofibular ligament
. d.anterior tibiofibular ligament
. e.posterior tibiofibular ligament
Which of the following structures passes through the.15
? lesser sciatic foramen
a.The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
b.The pudendal nerve
c.Obturator externus
d.Gemellus superior
e.Gemellus inferior
A 13-year-old boy sustains a lateral subtalar .16
dislocation of the foot, and attempts at closed reduction
are unsuccessful.Which of the following structures is
?most likely preventing reduction
a. Anterior tibialis
b. Posterior tibialis
c. Peroneal longus
d. Flexor digitorum communis
e.Extensor digitorum communis
17. What portion of the knee meniscus has the greatest
concentration of mechanoreceptors?

a. Peripheral one third

b. Central one third
c. Inner two thirds
d. Anterior horn
e. Posterior horn
18. Repair of the peripheral one third of the meniscus is
sometimes possible because it has which of the
following characteristics?
a. Increased blood supply
b. Appropriate viscoelasticity
c. High glycoprotein concentration
d. High type II collagen concentration
e. Large size
19.A 17 year old inadvertently stepped into a hole ,forcing
his ankle into dorsiflexion and inversion. The ankle
ligament most likely damaged is the ;
a.anterior talofibular . (twisting)
b.posterior talofibular .
c.posterior tibiofibular .
d.calcaneofibular .
e.deltoid .
20. Which statement about the arches of the foot is not
a. The medial arch contains the medial cuneiform as one of
its bony elements.
b. The lateral arch contains the lateral two metatarsals as
bony elements.
c. Flexor hallucis longus is important in maintaining the
stability of the lateral arch.
d. Fibularis longus helps to maintain the lateral arch.
e. Fibularis longus helps to maintain the transverse arch.

21. Which of the following best describes the anatomy

of the gluteal muscles?
a. Gluteus maximus is supplied by the superior gluteal
b. Gluteus maximus inserts into the greater trochanter.
c. Gluteus medius is a lateral rotator at the hip joint.
d. They all take origin from the ilium.
e. Gluteus minimus is innervated by the inferior gluteal

22. Which statement best describes the posterior

compartment of the thigh?
a. The common origin for the posterior thigh muscles
(hamstrings) is the ischial spine. (tubersoity)
b. Adductor magnus is a muscle of the posterior
c. All the hamstring muscles are innervated by the obturator
d. Both heads of biceps femoris take origin from the pelvis.
e. Most of the skin overlying the posterior aspect of the thigh
is innervated by the sciatic nerve.
23. Which statement correctly describes the femoral
a. Its medial boundary is the lateral border of adductor
longus. (medial border)
b. The floor is formed by the fascia lata.
c. The femoral vein passes to lie anterior to the
femoral artery at the apex.
d. It contains the short saphenous vein.
e. It contains the saphenous nerve

24. Which of the following statements correctly

describes the capsule of the knee joint?
a. It is thickest anteriorly.
b. The suprapatellar bursa communicates with the
knee joint.
c. Both the cruciate ligaments lie within the synovial
d. The infrapatellar fat pad contains the subcutaneous
infrapatellar bursa.
e. The posterior meniscofemoral ligament arises
from the medial meniscus.

25. Which statement correctly describes the anterior

compartment of the leg?
a. It is separated from the posterior compartment by the
anterior intermuscular septum.
b. All the muscles of the compartment are innervated by the
deep peroneal nerve.
c. The anterior tibial artery arises in the anterior
d. It contains extensor digitorum brevis.
e. Tibialis anterior assists in eversion of the foot .
26. Which statement does not correctly describe the
ligaments of the knee joint?
a. The medial meniscus is larger than the lateral
b. The lateral meniscus is attached to the lateral collateral
ligament. (separated by popliteus)
c. The transverse ligament of the knee attaches to
both menisci.
d. The anterior cruciate ligament prevents hyperextension
of the knee.
e. The posterior cruciate ligament inserts onto the
medial femoral condyle.
27. Which of the following associations of lower limb
movements and root values is not correct?
a. Hip flexion _ L3, L4 (L1 2 3 and femoral = psoas major
and iliacus)
b. Knee flexion _ L5, S1
c. Ankle dorsiflexion _ L4, L5
d. Inversion _ L4
e. Eversion _ L5, S1
28. Which statement, regarding the arterial anastomosis
around the hip joint is incorrect?
a. The circumflex femoral arteries usually arise from the
profunda femoris.
b. The artery to the head of the femur is a branch of the
femoral artery. (obturator)
c. The artery to the head of the femur enters with the
ligamentum teres.
d. The hip joint is supplied by retinacular branches.
e. Avascular necrosis is common in fractures of the femoral
29. Consider the femoral sheath and canal, Which of
these statements is not correct?
a. The femoral sheath is continuous with the transversalis
b. The sheath contains the femoral nerve.
c. The femoral canal lies medial within the sheath.
d. The canal is wider in the female.
e. The canal contains Cloquet’s node.

30. Which of the following statements incorrectly

describes the relations of the hip joint?
a. Rectus femoris is a superior relation.
b. Obturator externus is an inferior relation.
c. The iliotibial tract is a lateral relation.
d. The femoral vein is an anterior relation.
e. Pectineus is a lateral relation.

The brachial plexus exits the neck between what .31

? muscles
a.scalenus medius and scalenus posterior
. b.scalenus medius and scalenus anterior
. c.scalenus medius and pectoralis minor
. d.scalenus anterior and scalenus posterior
e.scalenus anterior and pectoralis minor
Retraction of the scapula is brought about by the .32
. rhomboids and the
. a.latissimus dorsi
. b.trapezius
. c.levator scapulae
. d.levator scapulae and latissimus dorsi
e.trapezius and latissimus dorsi

In the average male the radial nerve at the spinal .33

groove lies how many centimeters from the distal
?humeral articular surface
d. 25
e. 30
Which of the following structures form the .34
?boundaries of the anatomical snuff box of the wrist
a. Extensor pollicis longus tendon and abductor pollicis
longus tendon
b. Abductor pollicis brevis tendon and abductor pollicis
longus tendon
c.Extensor pollicis longus tendon and extensor pollicis brevis
d. Radial artery and extensor pollicis longus tendon
e. Abductor pollicis longus tendon and extensor pollicis
brevis tendon
A young gymnast sustained injury to a muscle that .35
acts to depress the glenoid fossa directly. Which of the
following is a muscle that acts to depress the glenoid
fossa directly
a. Pectoralis minor
b.Serratus anterior
c.Pectoralis major
d. Latissimus dorsi
. e. Supraspinatus
In the anterior surgical approach to the cervical spine .36
. ,the sympathetic chain and stellate ganglion lie
. a.adjacent to the carotid sheath
. b.posterior to the longus coli muscle
. c.anterior to the longus coli muscle
.d.anterior to the longus capitis muscle
. e.anterior to the sternohyoid muscle
Which of the following statements most accurately .37
describes the innervations and function of right
? sternocleidomastoid muscle
a.innervated by the spinal accessory nerve and branches of
.the ansa cervicalis ; rotates the head to the left
b.innervated by the spinal accessory nerve and branches of
. the ansa cervicalis ; rotates the head to the right
c.innervated by the spinal accessory nerve rotates the head
.to the left
d.innervated by the spinal accessory nerve rotates the head
.to the right
e.innervated by branches of the ansa cervicalis ; rotates the
.head to the left
A rugby player sustained spinal cord injury at spinal -38
? level C8. What is likely to be seen in this patient
a.The brachialis muscle will be paralysed
b.The muscles innervated by the radial nerve that would
most likely be affected would be the most proximal ones
c. The hypothenar muscles would be completely paralysed
d. Innervation to the deltoid muscle would be affected
. e.The patient would be unable to flex their humerus
In the back ,the most medial of the erector spinae .39
. muscles is the
. a.multifidus
b.iliocostalis . (lateral)
c.longissimus . (middle)
. d.spinalis
. e.quadratus lumborum
A patient injured the posterior cord of the brachial .40
plexus after being thrown off the back seat of a
.speeding motorcycle
The posterior cord of the brachial plexus generally
contains nerve fibres from which level(s) of the spinal
? cord
a. C5 only
b. C5, C6 and C7
c. C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1
d. C7, C8 and T1
. e. C8 and T1
Which of the following statements about the anterior .41
? triangle of the neck is in-correct
a.Lies between the midline, the mandible and the anterior
border of sternocleidomastoid
b.Is further divided by the digastric and omohyoid muscles
c.Contains the submandibular gland
d.Contains the external jugular vein (posterior triangle)
. e.Contains the carotid sheath
Which statement about the spinal nerves is incorrect .42
a.There are 31 pairs
b.Their posterior root contains sensory afferent
c.The spinal nerve forms at the intervertebral
d.The anterior primary ramus carries purely motor
e.The posterior primary rami never contribute to
any innervation of a limb
Regarding curvatures of the vertebral column, which .43
? statement is not correct
a.The thoracic and sacrococcygeal curvatures are
secondary curvatures
b.The cervical curvature becomes prominent before the
lumbar curvature
c.A kyphosis is characterised by a pathological increase of
the thoracic curvature
d.A lordosis is characterised by an abnormal increase in
lumbar curvature
e.A scoliosis is characterised by an abnormal lateral
curvature of the column
The recurrent laryngeal nerve supply all laryngeal .44
. muscles except
. a-posterior cricoarytnoid muscle
. b- transverse arytnoid muscle
c-cricothyroid muscle . (external recurrent laryngeal)
. d-oblique arytnoid muscle
.e-thyroartenoid muscle
:Which of the following reflexes is polysynaptic.45
a.The knee jerk
b.The ankle jerk
c.The abdominal reflex
d.The supinator reflex
e.The triceps jerk .
46.The posture associated with the greatest lumbar
intradiskal pressure is ;
a.sitting ,trunk flexed .
b.sitting ,trunk erect .
c.standing ,trunk flexed .
d.standing ,trunk erect .
e.lying ,lateral decubitus .
47. In a patient with radiographic evidence of
degenerative disk disease in the lumbar spine ,pain
referred to the sacroiliac joint and upper buttocks most
likely result from ;
a.compression of the L3 nerve root .
b.compression of the L4 nerve root .
c. compression of the L5 nerve root .
d. compression of the S1 nerve root .
e.abnormal stimulation of the annulus or facet joint capsule .
48.Consider the spinal cord, which statement is most
a. It tapers into the conus medullaris at the level of the 2nd
sacral vertebra.
b. It is supplied exclusively by the anterior and posterior
spinal arteries.
c. There are three symmetrical enlargements of the cord.
d. The nerve roots emerging from the cord become
progressively longer.
e. The spinal nerve roots exit through the vertebral foramina.

49.Which statement about the tracts of the spinal cord is

a. The majority of motor fibres descend in the anterior
part of the cord.
b. The gracile tract lies lateral to the cuneate tract.
c. The spinothalamic tract carries first order sensory
d. The spinothalamic tract subserves pain sensation.
e. The dorsal columns carry decussated fibres.
50. Which statement about the atlas and axis is correct?
a. The atlas and axis both have no vertebral body.
b. Rotation of the skull occurs at the atlanto-occipital joint.
c. The odontoid process (dens) of the axis is weight bearing.
d. The cruciform ligament holds the dens in position.
e. There is a vertebral disc between the atlas and axis.
The greater occipital nerve exits the spine at which .51
?of the following vertebral levels
e.C4-C5 .
52. In posterolateral approach to the femur for fixation of
an intertrochanteric fracture ,bleeding is encountered as
the vastus lateralis muscle is dissected from linea
aspera .The bleeding vessels are most likely branches
of which of the following arteries ?
a.medial femoral circumflex
b.transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex
c.deep femoral
d.superficial femoral
e.descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex
53. All the following are branches of axillary artery
EXCEPT the .
.a.thoracoacromial artery
.b.subscapular artery
.c.supreme thoracic artery
.d.thyrocervical trunk
.e.lateral thoracic artery
The ulnar nerve innervates which of the following . .54
muscles in the hand and forearm
a. Four lumbricals and abductor digiti minimi
b. Adductor pollicis brevis and abductor digiti minimi
c.Extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris
d. Abductor digiti minimi and abductor pollicis brevis
e. Flexor pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis
Branches of the brachial artery contribute to the .55
anastomotic circulation around the
a. Acromioclavicular joint
b. Elbow joint
c.Glenohumeral joint
d.Head of the humerus
A rugby player sustained injury to his right .56
supraspinatus muscle. Injury to the supraspinatus
; muscle will affect
a. Adduction of the humerus
b.Abduction of the humerus above the horizontal plane
c. Lateral rotation of the humerus
d. Initiation of abduction of the humerus
.e. Superior rotation of the scapula
Which of the following muscle combinations will .57
? work together to abduct the wrist
a. Pronator teres and brachioradialis
b. Palmaris longus and extensor digitorum
c. Extensor carpi radialis brevis and flexor carpi radialis
d. Extensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor carpi ulnaris
e. Supinator and extensor pollicis longus
Which of the following statements regarding .58
. adduction of the digits of the hand is CORRECT
a. The palmar interosseous muscles are the sole adductors
of the digits
b. The lumbrical muscles produce adduction of the digits
c. There are two muscles that produce adduction of the
d.All of the adductors of the digits take at least part of their
attachments from metacarpal bones
e.Adduction of the digits will be affected by carpal tunnel
A victim of a road traffic accident has a severed .59
nerve in her right upper limb resulting in loss of
adduction of all the digits of the right hand Which nerve
controls adduction of all the digits of the hand
a. Ulnar nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. Upper subscapular nerve
e. Musculocutaneous nerv
During surgery to remove a lump from the axilla a .60
nerve originating from the lateral cord of the brachial
plexus was injured. Which of the following nerves
originates from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus
a. Ulnar
b. Medial pectoral
c. Suprascapular
d. Lateral pectoral
e. Thoracodorsal
A young man presented in A&E following a street .61
fight with profus bleeding from the superior ulnar
collateral artery. The superior ulnar collateral artery is a
? direct branch of which artery
a. Ulnar
c. Brachial
d. Profunda brachii
e. Axillary
The muscle producing the main movement of the .62
proximal radioulnar joint was paralysed following a stab
wound to the cubital fossa. Which of the following
muscles produces the main movement of the proximal
? radioulnar joint
a. Extensor carpi ulnaris
b. Pronator teres
c.Triceps brachii
d. Brachioradialis
. e. Brachialis
Which of the following statements is CORRECT - .63
? regarding the extensor retinaculum of the wrist
a.It is a direct extension of the axillary fascia
b. The median nerve runs deep to it
c.The tendon of the brachioradialis muscle runs through it
d. It contains a compartment for the thenar muscles
e.It prevents the tendons of the posterior compartment of
the forearm from ‘bowstringing’ when the hand is extended
at the wrist
Clinically described sites of ulnar nerve .64
. compression include all of the following EXCEPT the
. a.arcade of struthers
. b.medial intermuscular septum
c-ulnar recurrent arteries . (superior ulnar collateral)
. d.flexor carpi ulnaris
. e-guyon,s canal
. In the finger ,the digital nerve is .65
.a.dorsal to the digital artery
. b.volar to the digital artery
. c.ulnar to the digital artery
. d.radial to the digital artery
e.radiovolar in the proximal portion of the finger and
ulnodorsal in the distal portion of the finger to the digital
The structure nearest the nerve root as it exit the .66
. intervertebral foramen in the lumbar spine is the
. a.transverse process
.b.superior articular facet
. c.inferior articular facet
. d.vertebral body
. e.parsinterarticularis
Which of the following muscles have their origin on .67
? the scapula and cross the elbow
. a.coracobrachialis and biceps
. b.coracobrachialis and brachialis
. c.brachialis and biceps
. d.biceps and triceps
. e.brachialis and triceps
A 24 year old man who sustained a spinal injury 3 .68
days ago has slightly diminished strength in hip flexion
but absent extension and adduction . Active motion of
the knee and ankle is absent ,as are the patellar and
Achilles reflexes . Sensation is normal over the proximal
thigh but absent below the middle third of the thigh . The
. patient,s lowest functioning neurologic level is
. a.T12
. b.L1
. c.L2
. d.L3
. e.L4
You examine a patient who has a rotator cuff injury. .69
The rotator cuff comprises of a musculotendinous cuff
surrounding the shoulder joint and consists of the
supraspinatus infraspinatus, subscapularis and one
? other muscle Which muscle is that
b. Subclavius
c. Long head of the biceps brachii
d. Teres minor
e. Coracobrachialis
A road traffic accident victim injured a nerve which .70
resulted in loss of action of the muscle inserting on to the
crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Which nerve is
? damaged
a. Radial
b. Long thoracic
c. Median
d. Lower subscapular (also upper)
e. Axillary
A builder fell from a ladder and damaged the nerve that .71
is posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. This
: would most likely result in loss of
a. Extension of the metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 4
and 5
b. Flexion in the distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5
c. Abduction of the thumb (digit 1)
d. General cutaneous sensation from the skin overlying the
thenar eminence
e. Function of lumbricals 1 and 2
Which of the following statements regarding the .72
? suprascapular nerve is CORRECT
a.It courses superior to the suprascapular ligament en
route to the supraspinatus muscle (inferior)
b.It contains nerve fibres from C5 and C6 spinal cord
c.It innervates the teres minor muscle
d. It provides cutaneous innervation to the posterolateral
surface of the shoulder
e.It branches from the middle trunk of the brachial plexus
A typist complains of severe ‘pins and needles .73
sensations on the dorsum of her left hand, over parts of the
thumb and parts of digits 1 and 2 During physical
examination, the patient has weakness of wrist dorsiflexion
and finger extension. Which nerve is most likely to be injured
b. Radial
c. Musculocutaneous
e. Median
The quadrangular space of the shoulder is an anatomical .74
region bounded by the teres major and minor muscles, long
head of the triceps brachii muscle and surgical neck of the
:humerus The space contains the axillary nerve and the
a. Circumflex scapular artery
b. Radial nerve
c. Posterior circumflex humeral artery
d.Deep artery of the arm
e. Thoracodorsal nerve
A young boy fell from his bike and dislocated the .75
proximal radioulnar joint and stretched the annular ligament.
? This injury will make which movement very painful
a. Elbow flexion
b. Supination
c. Elbow extension
d. Shoulder abduction
e. Radial deviation of the wrist
A rugby player sustained a right brachial plexus injury as .76
a result of a rough tackle. Neurological assessment by the
team doctor revealed that; there is no winging of the
scapula; abduction cannot be initiated, but if the arm is
helped through the first 45°of abduction, the patient can fully
abduct the arm. From this amount of information and your
knowledge of the formation of the brachial plexus, where
? would you expect the injury to be
a.Axillary nerve
b. Posterior cord
c. Roots of the plexus
d. Superior trunk
e.Suprascapular nerve
A 56-year-old man was found to have a squamous-cell .77
carcinoma on the right forearm. He also had enlarged
axillary lymph nodes on the same side. Following excision of
the tumour from the forearm, all axillary lymph nodes lateral
to the medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle were
removed. Which axillary lymph nodes would not be removed
? by this procedure
b. Central
c. Lateral
d. Pectoral
e. Subscapular
A 25-year-old man sustained a cut just below the elbow .78
in a street fight. The cut was muscle-deep and transected an
artery which lies on the supinator muscle immediately below
the elbow Which of the following vessels was most likely to
? be injured
a. Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
b. Common interosseous artery
c. Dorsal carpal artery
d. Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
e.Radial recurrent artery
Which statement about the fascial planes of the neck is . .79
? not correct
a.The investing layer of fascia completely sur-rounds the
b.The investing layer of fascia contributes to the capsule of
the parotid gland
c.The prevertebral fascia is continuous with the axillary
d.The pretracheal fascia has two layers
e.The prevertebral fascia merges with the pericardium
Which statement does not accurately describes the .80
troch-lear nerve
a.The nucleus is in the pons at the level of the infer-ior
b.Its nerve fibres decussate before the nerve leaves
the brain
c.In emerges from posterior surface of the
d.It courses in the wall of the cavernous sinus
e.It enters the orbit by passing through the inferior
orbital fissure (superior)
If you ligated the right branch of hepatic artery ,the . .81
arterial supply to which of the following portions of the liver
? would remain intact
. a-right lobe only
. b-right and quadrate lobes
. c-left and quadrate lobe only
. d-right and caudate lobe only
. e-left ,quadrate and a portion of caudate lobe
. One of the following about the diaphragm is false .82
. a-it is primary muscle of respiration
. b-it has sternal origin
c-it innervate by phrenic nerve
d-it goes upward when it is contracted
.e-it has vertebral origin
If patient inhaled foreign body it goes commonly to one . .83
. of the following bronchopulmonary segments
. a-apical segment of lower lobe of Rt lung
. b-apical segment of upper lobe of Rt lung
.c- apical segment of upper lobe of Lt lung
.d-apical segment of lower lobe of Lt lung
.e- apical segment of middle lobe of Lt lung
The right bronchial artery is branch from ……………… .84
. artery
.a-right third posterior intercostal artery
. b-right subclavian artery
. c-thoracic aorta
. d-internal thoracic artery
.e-abdominal artery

L.t bronchial arteries usually arise directly from the thoracic

, aorta

One of the following laryngeal muscles is abduct the true .85

. vocal cord
.a-lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
.b.transverse arytenoids muscle
.c-oblique arytenoid muscle
.d.posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
.e-thyroepiglottic muscle
All the following are branches of anterior division of .86
internal iliac artery except
a-superior vesical artery
.b-inferior vesical artery
c-middle rectal artery
.d-inferior gluteal artery
.e-superior gluteal artery
accessory renal artery found in what percentages of .87
the urinary bladder become pelvic organ after what . .88
? age
a-2 years
. b-3 years
. c-5 years
. d-6 years
. e-4 years
; the roots value of genitofemoral nerve are.74 .89
. e-L1+L2+L3
the following are true about external urethral .90
; sphincter
.a- It is striated muscle
. b- lies in the deep perineal pouch
.c- It is under voluntary control
.d-it is functioning at age of 3 years
e-all of the above were correct
Which of the following statements best describes the .91
? bony pelvis
a.The true pelvis lies between the iliac crests
b.The acetabulum is formed by contributions from
c.The male pelvic inlet has a more oval shape than in the
d.The angle between the inferior pubic rami is wider in the
e.The pelvic outlet is between the symphysis pubis and the
sacral tuberosity

? Which statement best describes the spermatic cord .92

a.The internal spermatic fascia is derived from the
transversus abdominis muscle
b.The cremasteric fascia contains muscle fibres derived from
external oblique
c.It contains the genital branch of the genitofemo-ral nerve
?? d.It contains the ilioinguinal nerve
e.It contains the testicular vein
? Which statement about the pelvic vasculature is correct .93
a.The common iliac artery divides over the sacro-iliac joint
b.The external iliac artery divides into anterior and posterior
c.The ovarian artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery
d.The inferior epigastric artery is a branch of the internal iliac
e.The obturator artery is a branch of the external iliac arter
? Which of the following best describes the forearm .94
a.The median nerve is related anteriorly to flexor digitorum
superficialis (laterally)
b.Pronator quadratus lies deep to the long flexor tendons
just proximal to the wrist
c.The ulnar nerve lies superficial to flexor carpi ulnaris
d.Flexor digitorum profundus is partially supplied by the
posterior interosseous nerve
e.The radial nerve carries motor fibres in the anter-ior
compartment of the forearm
Which of the following statements best describes the .95
? carpal tunnel
a.The flexor retinaculum is attached to the trapezoid
b.The tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis lie with the
index and little finger tendons anterior to those of the middle
and ring fingers
c.The median nerve lies directly deep to the ten-dons of
flexor digitorum superficialis
d.The palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve lies
superficial to the flexor retinaculum
e.The tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris lies within the carpel
96. What is the dominant component of articular cartilage
extracellular matrix by weight?
a. Water
b. Collagen
c. Keratan sulfate
d. Chondroitin sulfate
e. Nerve and lymphatic tissue

97. what is the structure which form the medial wall of

ischiorectal fossa in female ?
a-levator ani muscle.
b-obturator internus muscles .
c-gluteus maximus muscles .
d- obturator externus muscles
e-non of the above .

; the following are true about kidneys .98

a-Rt kidney higher than Lt one.
b-weight of Lt kidney is more than Rt one
c-the hilum of Lt one lies at T12
d-the hilum of Rt one lies at L3
e-the upper pole of Lt kidney reach 11th rib.

99. The localization of sensation is a function of:

a.Adequate stimulus
b.Primary sensory cortex
c.Specific receptors
d.Medullary centers
100. In a patient with radiographic evidence of degenerative
disk disease in the lumbar spine ,pain referred to the medial
aspect of the leg most likely result from
a. compression of the L3 nerve root .
b. compression of the L4 nerve root .
c. compression of the L5 nerve root .
d. compression of the S1 nerve root .
e.abnormal stimulation of the annulus or facet joint capsule .
(pain referred to the sacroiliac joint and upper buttocks)

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