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1) Do you know Amelia is ill?
A) No. In that case I’ll go and see her tonight.
2) Have you heard from Paola?
B) Yes, in fact, I’m having dinner with her tonight.
3) Do you know if Bruno likes jazz?
B)Well, I hope so. I’m going to buy him a CD for his
4) If you don’t know what to buy for Ali, why not get him some
A) That’s a good idea. I’ll get a cassette.

There is a place across the ocean
Where there is sand for miles and miles,
There ace people playing music
And everybody smiles.

And you don’t need much clothes,

And you don’t need many clothes,
There isn’t very much work to do;
Just watch as the ocean rolls.

I hope you got my first card last week. A lot has happened since
I wrote to you, so much that, in fact, this is the first free moment
I have to write to you. I had an accident about a week ago while
playing football. As a result I have been in hospital since then!
I’m enjoying myself here because I’ve made a lot of new friends
and I haven’t spoken a word of German since I came here
which, of course, is great for my English.

1) Can I borrow your bike?
Sorry but, I’m going to use it.
2) Would you like to come to a party this Thursday?
Well, thanks, but actually I think Pete’s having one too.
3) Do you know where you’re going next?
Yes, I’ve already got my ticket and I’m flying to Rome next
1) My mother told me to not see him again.
2) I wonder if anyone has seen this film before.


1) We have been married since 1986.
2) That was the first time we met.
3) Really? How long have you been engaged?
4) Have you met my mother-in-law?

There is space for all who want to come
And as much food as you can eat.
There are fruit on the trees, and the fish in the sea
Will cook on a stone in the heat.
There is a lot of time to sit,
Your peace is quite assured
In the place where there are no problems
Except that everyone is bored.

I’m enjoying myself here because I have made a lot of new
frineds and I haven’t spoken a word of German since I came
here which, of course, is great for my English. On my first day
here I met a nurse called Gloria and I fell in love with her almost
immediately. I’’ve asked her to marry me, and she’s going to
give me her answer tomorrow. As you can see, the last few days
have been very exciting for me. I’ll write to you again after
Gloria give me her answer.
1) Do you know that Paul’s in hospital? It seems he gets very
few visitors.
No,I didn’t know. In that case I think I’ll visit him tomorrow
2) There’s great film on at the Plaza, you know?
Oh, really? In that case I think I’ll see it tonight.
3) Hey! Want to try some octopus?
Yuk! No thanks, if I try that I’ll be sick.

1) When I was young I used to ride a bike.
2) Mike phoned her last night to apologise.

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