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There are spiritual possibilities that surrounds Honour, many of

us don't know them, we honour blindly, we honour without
UNDERSTANDING what it entails.
I have said this over and over again, my kind of life is a different
life, sowing seeds and honouring a grace are different.
Please understand, you may sow seeds and yet not Honour the
grace upon the life of the fellow.
When it comes to Honour, you are digging into the scars of the
fellow and when he says "GOD BLESS YOU", go and sleep.

Now Listen.

The longest fasting I have done in my life is 90 days, I thought

dimensions are trapped through that means. I died and came
back yet nothing. I didn't know I only had that Spiritual exercise
so I can be able to have a Staying Power. So the only power I
got from that 90 days is to spend time in prayers, so I can be on
a spot for 3 months.


By the grace of God, I have prayed and I can tell you that, what
prayer gives to you is what HONOUR HAS PREPARED!
But when it comes to deeper dimensions of power and to have
a continual flow of it. I know there is something beyond

When my quest for deeper realms of God started, I prayed and

thank God He didn't allow me to pray in vain.

Most of us don't want to obey God at all, we just want to shout

and scream then go back home empty. My first journey to
power began with Honour. My first journey to Prayer Power
began with Prayer and more prayers.
My first journey to Ancient Mantles began with Honour.
My first journey to the Supernatural Began with Honour
Prophecies Fulfilment are faster on the platform of Honour!
Am I contradicting prayers?....of course not.


By the grace of God I have prayed and I realise that, I was only
getting more grace and strength to pray, other things were not
working in my life.
If you can't Honour in your life, you will pray for a war that
ended 5 years ago.

We don't want to hear God while praying, all we want is just

shout and speak in tongues.
Oga please be calm and hear God give you instructions
And those that didn't pray like I do got so much than me.
I went to God again... Daddy what is wrong?
It was in one of the prayers God gave me a permanent solution
to the things I was looking for.

When my family was under the seige of the devil, I knew a man
of God in Deeper Life church then that God was using so well.
I on my own took a seed of Honour to him, without saying a
word as I was going he called me back and said "THAT DEVIL IS


Hear me...
I am not telling you this to believe me.

Hey please don't...

But I know someday someone will say this too to you.
Fast Forward to my quest for higher dimensions in God.
I am a Man that longs to make Jesus Christ proud daily, so any
opportunity I have to speak, pray and preach in his name I do it.
But something was missing, no result.
You won't understand any of this until you chat any of my
family members up they will tell you.
I went back to God and He opened my eyes to see an elderly
man in Nyanya (blessed memory), who carried so much of the
Supernatural that hmmmmm.
I got to him with the first money I got from a meeting, it was
60k, I remember in 2018, I located him and hmmmmm....
Honour is a Mystery!
What I have been praying for had matured! My Journey to the
Supernatural began from 2018, those that know me too well.
What he Released on me, forever i can't run dry.


As you are praying, you are gathering something for your life
but they can't drop until you Honour!

Honour saved my parents life.

Honour gave me admission without jamb details
Honour open doors for me.

Learn Honour!
Honour is deeper than what we are doing today.
You can post someone Picture and yet not Honour him/her. If
what you are doing doesn't come FROM your heart, then forget
You will attend all meetings, submit under the men of God in
the world, share their posts and still remain at a spot.

Honour is different from Alms giving.

Honour is different from Tithes.
Honour is different from whatever you know.


Sit and let God guide you.

Delay can be cancelled when you recognise the grace around

Stagnation can be handled when you recognise the grace
around you.


You cannot Honour genuinely if you don't recognise the grace

at work in a man's life, so discernment is necessary!

I don't teach what doesn't work, it has worked for many, it
worked for my wife, parent in love and direct family.
Now this may sound funny, there's someone here that sends 1k
for each of my trips, she will say "Papa this is for your trip".
When God began to work in life she called and was crying, that
she doesn't deserve that.


I told her "God saw your heart".

Now Listen...
You must not do it to me.
Common we have few genuine ministers out there, Honour
them Beyond words.
Something heavy will be released upon your Life.
By the grace of God I have done mine and still doing.

The Grace is at work now... hmmmmm

To God be the Glory.

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