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IELTS Advanced Speaking Preparation Course

(Bands 8-9)
Common Part 1 Questions & Natural Sample Answers
Hometown Types of Questions
1. Where are you from?/ Where do you currently live?/ Where is your
2. Do you plan to stay in your current city?/ move away from your current
3. Do you like your hometown?
4. Do you visit your hometown often?
5. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
6. Is your hometown a good place to raise children?
7. What is there for tourists to see in your hometown?
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Where do you live/ Where are you from?

1. Well, I’m from quite a small little city called Newry.. In Northern Ireland.. So there are maybe 30 thousand people here.. Something like
that.. And it’s probably best known for the canal which transported a lot of products from the city to the capital.. But yea.. It’s still got a very
kind of old feel.. It’s still quite traditional.. But yea there are some different more high-end restaurants popping up over the city!

2.So yea.. I’m from a little city called Newry, which is on the border of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.. So yea it’s quite a nice
little place to live.. And more specifically I live in the countryside.. so it’s great.. There’s more fresh air.. You get a little bit of peace and quiet
here.. And you can kind of avoid the hustle and bustle of the city centre which I absolutely dread.. So it’s good yea! I like it here!

3.Well, I originally am from a little city called Newry which is from Northern Ireland. Just kind of on the border between Northern Ireland and
the Republic of Ireland.. So yea.. But I’m currently living in Valencia which is a coastal city in Spain.. So yea.. It’s pretty different here.. It’s
got a much nicer climate. But I do miss the peace and quiet of the countryside back home!

4.So I’m originally from the countryside just outside a pretty small city called Newry which is in Northern Ireland.. And yea, it’s lovely there..
It’s peaceful and relaxing..but currently I’m living in Valencia which is a drastically different city.. It’s a coastal city and the population is
probably.. I don’t know.. 10 or 20 times more than what I’m used to.. And I’ll actually have been living here for 3 months this September.. So
yea.. Time flies!
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Do you plan to stay in your current city/ move away?

1. Oh, I’m 100% moving out of my current city! Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, but I’ve had my sights set on
relocating to Australia for quite some time now!
2. In the long-run- yes.. As a matter of fact, I’m planning on heading off to London to complete a Masters! Once I
get that done and dusted, I plan to go job hunting here.
3. I’ll most likely stay put for a little while as I need to finish up my final year at university.. But in the summer, I’m
out of here!
4. Yea I’ve got big plans ahead of me in Canada actually! I’ve got a job lined up in a software developing
company and I hope to emigrate in the coming months!
5. I’m not sure actually. I haven’t made up my mind about my future yet.. I’d love to spend a year or so abroad,
but in the long-run, I want to set up a life here.
6. Oh, I’m definitely staying put! I’ve got a perfectly good job and a husband that I love here! Of course I’m up for
little trips here and there!
7. Honestly, I’ve got so much on my plate here, I don’t think there’s any way I’d be able to move! I run my own
business and I’ve got a family to fend that’s me for the foreseeable future!
8. Yea, without doubt I’m going to stay here! I just got offered my dream job in an international company so I’m
really looking forward to getting my career off the ground!
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Do you like your hometown/city?

1. Absolutely! My hometown has everything imaginable! From nightlife entertainment to sports facilities.. It’s got it all! I’ve hosted
friends here countless times and they’ve all had a ball!
2. Yes and no! St Petersburg has a lot going for it! I mean, the architecture in the city centre is truly breathtaking.. But it does have its
social and economical issues.. You know, there’s just such a big wealth gap here.
3. Oh 100%! My city has an endless list of things to do! Maybe I’m biased because I was born and raised here.. I don’t know.. But I
do genuinely highly rate Medellin as a top city!
4. If truth be told, I’m not a fan.. I think there are an array of cities which have a lot more to offer in terms of things like job
opportunities, transport infrastructure or affordable healthcare. My country is pretty corrupt, so opportunities and wealth are not
distributed as they should.
5. It’s ok I guess.. I think there is a lot that it could improve on but for the most part, it’s pretty decent. It obviously doesn’t compare to
cities like New York, London, or Paris, but it does the trick!
6. If I’m being honest, I don’t feel super connected to my hometown. As a matter of fact, I’ve been living in the capital for the best part
of three years now. There’s just no comparison between the 2 cities in terms of job opportunities and infrastructure.
7. For sure! It’s not as technologically advanced as some of the big major cities, but I love it nonetheless. I think the people are what
really makes it a great place to live!
8. Yea it’s a pretty damn cool city if I’m being honest! It’s renowned for its water sports as it’s right beside the ocean! Coastal cities
tend to be more laid back so it suits me down to the ground!
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Do you visit your hometown often?

1.Now and again. I usually head back for the holiday period and stay with my mum and dad.. or I
sometimes drop by if there’s a big social event on.

2.From time to time, yea.. whenever the occasion calls for it! I always head home for Tet holiday
though. It’s a must!

3.To be honest with you, I haven’t been home in 2 years! I’ve been studying abroad and it’s so
damn expensive to fly home! I’m on a bit of a tight budget as I’m only a student, but I do keep in
touch via Skype and Whatsapp!

4.Oh.. Yea, well.. I still live in my hometown! I have a home and full-time job here so yea.. this is
where I am 99% of the time!
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Has your hometown changed much?

1.Without question! It’s really come a long way since I was a kid in terms of its facilities, the
infrastructure.. and I’ve even noticed the standard of the hospitality industry has improved as well!

2.Without a doubt! It used to be a really broken place.. but I’m happy to say that it has really
transformed into a truly decent city! There is now better accessibility throughout the city, more job
opportunities here, and the local clubs are thriving at the moment!

3.Hmm.. I think it’s more or less the same ..but with more people and more buildings! Of course
there have been a few improvements with regards to the infrastructure, but all things considered,
it’s still very much the same little city!
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

Is your hometown a good place to raise children?

1.Yea I reckon so. There are a few big parks for kids to run around in and it’s a pretty safe and
secure place to live so we don’t have to worry about them staying out late at night.

2.Absolutely. My hometown has a great community spirit so there’s a real effort to organise fun
family events! It’s also got lots of multi-purpose facilities throughout the city which can be utilized.

3.Not really to be honest with you. There’s a fairly high crime rate and a severe lack of security in
residential areas.. so I’d hate to bring up a child in this environment. I think the countryside would
be ten times better.
Lexical Resources Coherence Grammar

What is there for tourists to see in your hometown?

1.Well, my hometown is really well known for its temples and buddhist culture so I think doing a
tour around all of the sites would be a good start! As well as that, I’d recommend trying dumplings
as they’re one of the most popular dishes in the country.

2.I’d highly recommend hiking the surrounding mountains and checking out the view of the city at
the top. It’s absolutely breathtaking. Aside from that, maybe head to the local market to get a feel
for the traditional cuisine!

3.Well, there isn’t a pile of things to do here! It’s quite an agricultural city so if they like that sort of
thing, perhaps visit some of the local farms. But if they want something a little more active, with a
little bit more buzz about it.. I’d suggest heading to the old city as there are a heap of entertainment
options- like bars, clubs, restaurants and so on.

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