Complaint Summary Memo To Superintendent Re 8-9 BD Meeting - CB 9-14-22

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To: Christy Perry, Superintendent

From: Chris Baldridge, Director Safety and Risk Management Services

RE: Investigation Findings & Conclusions, August 9, 2022, School Board Meeting Incident
Date: September 14, 2022

This complaint summary will be provided in a letter I send to the Complainant in response to their formal complaint.

Summary of Complaint: On August 10, 2022, Superintendent Perry, Chair Carson-Cottingham, and the board directors
received an email communication from a community member (Complainant) related to the August 9, 2022, board
meeting. Complainant stated that they believed their civil rights were violated because of the conduct and statements
made by other community members who were in attendance at the meeting. Complainant stated they felt threatened
and felt the district should have intervened more quickly. I conducted an investigation to determine whether any district
policies were violated by those involved in the August 9, 2022, incident.

Investigation Process: On August 24, 2022, and August 31, 2022, I interviewed representatives of Latinos Unidos
Siempre and the Complainant. I have reviewed the actions and images associated with the board meeting on
August 9, 2022. Based upon this information, I determined there were two groups present at the board meeting that
contributed to this incident. There were persons associated with the groups of Latinos Unidos Siempre (LUS) and Salem
Keizer We Stand Together (SKWST). It was difficult to determine if people were official members of the group or were
there to protect and/or show allyship to the groups. Since LUS represents as a youth-based organization, there were
several adults that appeared to support LUS but likely are not official members of LUS. It is more difficult to determine
membership of SKWST. We believe Complainant is a founding member of SKWST.

Findings & Conclusions: At the August 9, 2022, board meeting, associates of both LUS and SKWST verbally engaged with
members of the other group in a negative manner. The interactions between the two groups began when Complainant
photographed members of LUS prior to the start of the meeting, resulting in members of LUS responding with negative
comments toward Complainant to ask Complainant to stop taking pictures. Complainant reports that the other group
used intimidation tactics by using “umbrellas to try to exclude anyone from entering.” Complainant reported taking the
images because of the umbrellas used by LUS. In reports from security personnel who were present (and photographed
by Complainant), the umbrellas went up in what looked like an effort to hide youth when Complainant began
photographing the group. LUS confirmed that the umbrellas were used to prevent photographs being taken by the other
group. The negative comments between members of the two groups continued during the public comment portion of
the meeting and escalated to its highest point when members of both groups exited the meeting after public comment.

The escalated incident was reported as follows:

At approximately 7:40 p.m. around 30-45 individuals left the board meeting. Upon leaving the building, a known
individual who is an adult member of LUS pointed and stated, “don’t let that [person] take photos of students, [they]
need to leave.” This was directed at Complainant who was leaving the meeting after making public comment. Other
unidentified individuals were heard yelling similar statements. Complainant responded, “I’m not taking photos and you
can’t make me fucking leave.” Approximately 15-20 individuals began to circle Complainant while yelling obscenities
and pointing in their direction.

Middle School Director assisted Complainant off the property during the incident. Complainant stated that the
Complainant was standing outside when both groups exited and estimated that the Complainant was roughly 30-40 feet
away from the groups. Middle School Director heard elevated voices and immediately walked toward both groups,
hoping they could deescalate the situation. Middle School Director stated they observed a person, later identified as
Complainant, and another person verbally arguing. Middle School Director stated both persons were nearly chest to
chest but never contacted one another.

Middle School Director stated they placed their hand on the shoulder of Complainant and stated something to the effect
of “it’s time to go.” Middle School Director stated Complainant willingly walked off toward their home stating they were
not a racist and should not be called one. Complainant also stated to Middle School Director that they were in fear of
being followed. Middle School Director stated they stood in the area as Complainant walked out of sight and that
Complainant was not followed by any other person.

Middle School Director stated that after escorting Complainant away, Middle School Director contacted another person
(Unidentified Person) who was oddly standing alone in the parking lot. Middle School Director did this because they had
concerns about the Unidentified Person’s odd location and angry expression on their face. Middle School Director stated
they introduced themselves to the Unidentified Person who declined to shake hands. The Unidentified Person asked
Middle School Director, “Are you one of the white supremacists?” Middle School Director responded no and explained
their position with the district. Middle School Director stated they discontinued speaking to the Unidentified Person,
who eventually left campus.

It is my professional opinion and observations that both groups used tactics against one another knowing this would
result in conflict. In this case, the initial cause of conflict are the photographs taken by Complainant. The conflict was
reengaged when the adults who support LUS began to verbally engage with members of SKWST during public comment,
resulting in the final conflict as both groups left the board meeting. Complainant attempted to file complaints with both
the Salem Police Department and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office; however, neither agency initiated an investigation
into Complainant’s complaints.

Complainant alleges in their complaint that their civil rights were violated by the community members’ conduct and
their statements calling Complainant, “white supremacist,” “racist,” and “transphobe.” District Policy ADM-A012 Every
Student Belongs provides that, “All students, employees, and visitors in the Salem-Keizer School District are entitled to
learn, work, and participate in an environment that is safe and free from discrimination, harassment, and intimidation.”
Bias incidents are defined in this policy and OAR 581-022-2312 as follows:

“‘Bias Incident’ means a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other
person’s perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin, of which
criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate. Bias Incidents may include derogatory
language or behavior directed at or about any of the preceding demographic groups.”

This policy prohibits any incidents of bias on school district grounds or in any district program, service, school, or activity,
which would apply to on-campus conduct at or adjacent to school board meetings. Both Complainant and the LUS
representatives believe that the other engaged in acts of intimidation, with the picture-taking and verbal engagement
by Complainant towards LUS representatives, and the verbal engagement, specific statements calling Complainant a
white supremacist, and incident after the board meeting by LUS representatives. There are expanded First Amendment
rights at a forum such as a school board meeting; however, harassment and bias incidents are strictly prohibited for
either party. Here, the intervention by the Middle School Director occurred as soon as they perceived the interaction
was quickly escalating. Middle School Director’s action was successful in stopping the interaction between Complainant
and the other group, which was effective corrective action that evening. ADM-A012 requires the district to respond to
reports of bias incidents by incorporating the following into the response:
• Recognize the experience of all persons impacted,
• Acknowledge the impact to the person reporting the bias incident,
• Commit to taking immediate action; and
• Prevent further harm against those persons impacted from taking place.

The district has taken many steps to de-escalate conflict at board meetings and to create a safe and respectful
environment. Members of both groups continue to engage with and escalate conflicts with the other group both in
person and on social media, leading to situations such as what was experienced on August 9, 2022.

It is founded that adults in attendance representing each political movement engaged in disruptive and
confrontational behavior that resulted in conflict.

It is founded that Complainant took images of Latinos Unidos Siempre. It is founded that this action is identified as
the first conflict between the groups.

It is founded that the combination of these actions is a violation of ADM-A012.

The district recognized the experience of all persons impacted by conducting a formal investigation and listening to the
experiences each person felt during the altercation at the board meeting. SKPS further acknowledges the impact on
Complainant, who has expressed a loss in their sense of personal safety because of the conflict. SKPS is committed to
taking immediate action to prevent further harm to those persons impacted from this incident and future incidents by
providing additional security recommendations to the superintendent.


During the course of conducting this investigation and the after-incident review, the following information, unrelated
to Complainant’s complaint, was also obtained:

One concerning incident occurred in the parking lot of Miller Elementary and was observed and reported to security by
a resident in the area. It was reported a neighbor across the street from the front of Miller Elementary watched the
pictured person move from the front seat of their vehicle to the back, where they stayed for approximately five minutes.
The individual then went to the back of their vehicle, where they were seen taking items in and out of a backpack. The
individual then took a mask out of their pocket a placed it over the rear license plate of their vehicle. The individual then
got back in their vehicle, sitting in the driver’s seat. At approximately 5:48 p.m., the neighbor left their home and started
walking toward the individual and the individual’s vehicle. When the individual noticed the neighbor, they started their
car, turned it around, and drove away from the school. At approximately 5:54 p.m. the individual walked back onto
campus with another individual carrying a backpack. As the individuals attempted to enter the board meeting, a Campus
Security Specialist contacted both individuals and asked what the individual was doing in the back of their vehicle and
why they left campus to park in the neighborhood. The individual’s response was, “I was looking for something and I
didn’t want to park too close to the school.”

On September 9, 2022, I received an email addressed to Superintendent Perry reporting an incident from the
August 9, 2022, board meeting at Miller Elementary. The Emailer stated the following (quote).

I attended last month’s school board meeting with several members of the local Moms Demand Action chapter. I
had signed up to speak but wasn’t selected. We were disappointed that the lottery system disadvantages groups
like ours that chose 1 spokesperson to present. Anyhow, we stayed until after the vote on the gun ban resolution
and left. As we walked to our cars, we were followed by a [person] who screamed at us the entire way. They
claimed that the blood of our children and [their] grandchildren would be on our hands. There were 3 of us walking
together and we made sure that we all made it to our cars. [Their] screaming continued from the door to the
“board room” until after we were safely in our cars. Because the issue was concealed carry, we had no idea if
[they] was carrying or if [they] might shoot us. After…and attending many board meetings before and have never
feared for my safety before. Though we were wearing our red Moms shirts, we had not testified so the targeting
seemed especially concerning and uncomfortable.

On September 12, 2022, I spoke to Emailer, who stated after attending the school board meeting on August 9, 2022,
they and members of their group were followed to their vehicles by an unknown person who was screaming statements
at them such as, “The blood of my grandchildren is on your hands.” Emailer stated this occurred after the vote for the
policy occurred and the group left the school. Emailer further stated the shouting began as soon as the group entered
the covered area just outside the gym where the meeting was being held and continued all the way to their vehicles.

Emailer stated their group was so uncomfortable and scared that they walked each other to their vehicles. Emailer
stated they had never felt uncomfortable or scared at a board meeting until this time. Emailer stated when their group
left, there were no other people outside. Emailer stated security was just inside the door but it was highly possible they
had no idea this was occurring. Emailer stated the person was dressed in all black wearing a coat and pants, they
appeared to be Caucasian, heavy set, and shorter in stature.

I thanked Emailer for the information and ended the call. I attempted to pull the additional video from Miller Elementary,
but it has since been overwritten and no longer available. I have verified with security that the video we have stored for
the August 9, 2022, meeting does not contain this timeframe.

Additional information and perspective of our school board meetings can be obtained in an open-source article written
on September 9, 2022, by Natalie Pate of the Statesman Journal titled, “Salem-Keizer school board closes its meetings
to public due to ‘safety issues.”


Based upon the multiple incidents on August 9, 2022, in my professional opinion, continuing public meetings with public
attendance is no longer in the best interest of the district. It is my recommendation to the school board that we
immediately cease any in-person attendance or in-person commenting by the public. This pause should be for the length
of time it takes for the two groups to mediate a resolution that would allow each side to express their views without
confrontation. Additionally, formal letters should be provided to these two individuals (and any other individuals in the
future) directing them to cease and desist from engaging in the above-described actions that are reasonably calculated
to lead to further confrontations on district property in the future. This would include restrictions on entering district
property in the future if such actions occur again.

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