V5 Core Rulebook

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VAMPIRE THE Guar Mature Content Warning For the past several decades, Vampire: The Masquerade has addressed the darkness in the real world through horror stories: i has talked about AIDS, capitalist exploitation, sexual predacion, che resurgence of farright political extremism, religious fanaticism, state and private surveillance, and many other issues. This version ofthe game does not shy away From any of the above, and we believe exploration of subject like these is as valid in roleplaying games a i is in ocher media. Including a problematic subject in a Storytelling game is not the same as glorifying it, and if you take the chance to explore ie critically, ie can be the exace opposite. Ifwe “understand the problems facing us, we are better armed to fight them. Vs includes in-world references and expressions of the following sexual violence, poitial extremism, physical violence and gore, mind control, torture, abuse, imprisonment and kidnapping, racism, sexism, and homophobia, to name a few: lesa game about monsters. “Why are you telling me this?” you might be saying, Someone at your table is not Familiar with this game, Someone at your table has deale with some of these issues in real fife. Someone at your table ‘wants to know that you read this warning and know you will be consider- ate to them as players, while putting, cheir character through the wringer In the Appendix, you will find concrete techniques on how to handle difficule subjects in your game in a manner thar is respectful co your play- crs and their experiences, Calibrate heforchanl which techniques your {group wants to use, People have different needs and nor every method ‘works for every person. “This isa game about monsters, But itis only a game Don’t use it as an excuse to be a monster yourself Dae Ree et eee ene ee ee eee eee bereineiery Prine sy Mere een nts Beem ee BAe Enon Set on] een ek een en en WHITE WOLF ENTERTAINMENT ee ene as ee Tce eT ee a oe at ee eC stein aaron ert ee en ea Se ee eee Se en ee ee eee er RNa re eee ee ace eee eee Ter Pee eee es ne No ee ee eee are en en cere ed Cee ce eee seen Eaenen une eaieeanreseesrenirinnveririirenar martin te wen rier itn r Sa eee Cee oir tc nner mer eee mee ne eee eT [permet mee se thecnt eter Cea Oe TL Coe eC eT ene nen eee ren me frenestr eee ent cr Ue Recent aan etc eT ore Lae Saat eer Stes Poe TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCEPTS 3B AWorld of Darkness % Roleplaying and Storytelling 0 Vscxample of play “6 KINDRED SOCIETY 47 Ancient and Contemporary Outlooks 47 Iyiad * The Camarila » The Autatkis 6 Endings and Beginnings 56 CLANS 63 BRUJAH 6 ‘Who ate the Bruja? 6 Disciplines G anc G GANGREL, “ Who are the Gangrl? oo Disciplines = Bane n MALKAVIANS B Who ate the Malkavians? 76 Disciplines » Bane ” NOSFERATU a {Who ate the Nosferats & Disciplines ss Bane 85 TOREADOR, ‘Who ate the Toreadoo? Disciplines Bane ‘TREMERE Who ane the Tr Disciplines Bane VENTRUE ‘Who Are che Vensuet Disciplines rane ‘THE CATTIFE: Who Ate the Cai? Disciplines Bane THE THIN-BLOODED. Who Are the Thin-Blooded? “Thin-Bloa Characteristis Ways Out RULES Time Simple Tests Ganflcts Examples of Ralls o 88 oe 5 115 1 Experienceand Improvement 140 The Golden Rule 30 CHARACTERS — 133 Character Fundameneils 35 CHARACTER CREATION 195, The Role ofthe Seorteller 95, ‘Character, Coteie, Chronicle 99 The Relationship Nop 42 Your Human Life 44 Embrace and Afr us Summary Shest a CORE TRAITS 155 Physical Areibuces 5 Social Attributes 55 Mental Atrbates 36 Willpower 3 Physical Skills 39 Social Shile an Mena Skills 68 BELIEFS m ‘Convictions me ‘Toushstoncs 7 Ambition and Desi - PREDATOR TYPES 175, Alleyeae Bagger Bloct Lewch Cleaver Gonsensalise Fasmer Sandman Seene Queen Siren ADVANTAGES m Merits 9 Backgrounds 84 COTERIECREATION 195 Domain 195 (Conere Backgrounds 196 Types of Coteries 197 VAMPIRES 201 Truth and Lies ot Hunger 205 Hunger Dice 205 Gompulsions aos Rousing the Blo 1 Saking Fhungse an ‘THE BLOOD, au Blood Potency 5 Sis ofthe Blood 27 Prices ofthe Blood 29 Dangers tothe Blood. ma YOU AREWHATYOU EAT25 “The Blood the Lik 26 Hntingand Hmors a8 Resonance and Experience 231 STATES OF DAMNATION 255, The Blood Bord ea Diablerie BH HUMANITY 26 The Downward Spiral 346 The Humanity Track »y DISCIPLINES. General Rules Animism Aspen elerty Dominate Fortine Obfiscate Porence Presence Protean Blood Sorcery Rituals Thin-Blood Alchemy ADVANCED SYSTEMS SCENES AND MODES “Types of Scenes Modes of Phy EXTENDED TESTS. Versions of Extended Tests Special Caos and Extended Tess ADVANCED CONFLICT Thee, Two, Done Adkicional Conflict Options Moverent in Conflicts (One-Roll Confits Aadvansd Conflict: Physical Combat Advanced Conflict: Social Combat 20 291 a» 2) i 295, 295 296 a8 500 SYSTEMS OF THE BLOOD 306 Hunting Kindred timacy 406 310 (Compulsion Variants Memoriam Prestation CITIES The Feudal System Atmogphe Your City by Nighe CHRONICLES. Planning a Chronicle Siles of Pay Running a Game ‘The Sscond Inquisition in Chronicles Hunters Han TOOLS ANTAGONISTS, Montls Animals amy Greanures of Horror Wrens Conventional Weapons Supsrnatual Equipment LORE SHEETS, Index vt ya ou 317 » 337 w 4 so 36 369 » ” mm 6 a 8 ” I 382 407 Appendix I Standard Feats 409 Appendix IE Projects Appendix 5: Advice for Considerate Play ar ot 26 February 2018 Dearest Alex ~ Zi you do not wish to hear what I must tell you, I entreat you Yo burn this letter to ashes sor your own sasety. Bo gorgive that uelodramatic touch, which I zancy would have pleased ir Stoker, but I must convince you of my urgency. Tot just in writing this to you but in the matter of our earlier meeting, which jou must by now have realized was no mere Asaivon. The “wille’ you met indeed ad ulterior motives, but rot the ores jou perhaps hoped and imagined that she had. Incteady they were quite truly motives of 1ife and death - and of their inversion. I would not have approached you at all, neither as Willa ror as myselr, were it not ior two facts, inextricably bound up with each other. 4 doctors would have recognized that your blood was tainted, and then, unable to discern the truth, given your condition whatever rane elt right on their tongues at the tine. fo your mother, they called it “chédiak-Wigauhi-Like syndvone,” while an me evteened specialict in Zurich diagnosed your grandnotuer with “thelaccaenia major,” and jour great-grandiather Quincey died Slowly of “chronic myelogenous leukaemia Secondly, the man ~ the Beast - who corrupted your lineage 45 gone. I believe he is truly dead at last, hunted down by sone Bigitelly aided codaining or, a5 I mist still hope, dead as Batural things dic, in cunlit sleep at peace with the Oreator. I o had iirst deseated Ghought I set his shadow 11st srom us when Wm, and I Pelieved then that his blood had died with hin. I 4o discover the truth only aiter I had borne Quincey and EROKAng1y Passed on the corrupted blood to my son. Indeed, although nightnares and vicions had perhaps Miepered At to. me before, iit, was by means ofa gett Uncontortably like this one that I was contrne, He still lived, and as 1t transpired, not been broken either. din the truth. his imluence over ne had In the letter ne attempted a confession, Wrapped Ana threat. He revealed that he had followed the Lives of By son and grandchildren “ith great interest.” I knew then that I could do nothing Zor then while interest, and in truth thet T should do e maintained such an nothing. That certainty has ebbed as I have watohed then ali dic, Poisoned by his blood. Watched their bones and teeth rebel sesinet ech, watched them shrink from the Light of the sun and She sonsolations of the World beyond. I could not even tall Shen shy}.not without endangering them and thet loved ones evil further. Here, at least, he was better than I. ne ~ at a rick that I have learned was quite grave ‘explanation of ny changed nature, He provided with an and oF the orld o: darkness Anto which ay solly and his rapacity had plunged ne X burned his letter after reading it. I had an excellent nenory for details even when I walked in daylight, and to have Lept 1 would have endangered us a2 needless1y. ut now ‘the circumstances have changed. Av T have passed on his blood T feel that I should also pase on the Heat of nis to you, Mmowledge, Zavourea with mine where sy observations’ differ, 3y Bom you will have suifered the pains of the Eubrace anf the Rew agonies of hunger. Ascuning you nave watohed your shape of Horror Sims) You must have guessed the essence of what Hal Bappeied to you. Vaile Jour guess is correct, your souseal by design and necessity incomplete at best. Ip iairness to tho: seriptwriters, however, even our ovn contain contradictions Perhaps sone few deliberate falsifioations. as is ay autypily samy reasons, I will try to guide your understandings counting seeds, ninals. 0: course, whatever colour some things hola others bring very real harn, the heart, or even only the threat you ‘The Zamiliar wooden st, through setal weapons and Suitelent danage trom the Kin Dullets, paraiyees 1 Sending us into « deep torpor 470m which we awaken but slow Shick and strong. Once staxed, kind ae cure, F Sevades fater, 22 our biocd bs "ading and burning 4111 our 6 Yas they would any mortal, our Bech. Bven without the stake, true Zor sunlight, although sulter the torments o: Hel] 2 is Rot in equal neasures: th the sun, while sone of the so-called thin-bicod Bie éisconsort of « right burn, Fed society Antlence cones vith age, fees wo? th artetocrasio inertia — the IAB Becomes less potent as ¥0 generation, dlood thins third generation, and pores MLSicity exe drowned eiics{ wing the antediluvian then all. aiter this, Caine departed, 1 survivors behind. the antediluvians had conmived at the destruction o: their jenting their power and preparing thenvelves sires and peers, of tor the feast. After the Dloodbath, cach of them oired a line od theix own, @ clan ruled by specie vices and virtues, which would spread out down the centuries, the blood growing weaker with each Succeeding generation. With tine, the antediluvians crs went into hiding, not wishing to inspire pazricide in their n\ circles consider even the {dea of their existence mjth or heresy I myself am partial to the tale of the [ark other, the sorceress Lilith, who taught Caine the alchenical arts he Anbued in the blood oz Bis ehilder, according to which she and ne planned sone great work which his impatience and desertion derailed. But I do not insist upon it. What you need to know is that the sins of the Zathers do indeed seem to lessen their grip from one genevation to the next, and that this is both @ piessing and a curce. Our elders must not only fear the sun, nore blood to remain active and they are also forced to consus .t from aninal blood even in extremis. cannot gain nourish Like all elders, alive or undead, they grow set in their ways, refusing to adapt. They slowly forget their mortal lives and oven stretches of their innortal existence, save ior grudges and slights. ven Kindred as young as myseli ind that semories iade o memories dim, without intentional dubmersion in them. and go do other hunan qualities; not Just merey and love but allée proportion and underctanding. as they lose touch, they become increasingly subject to the ravening of the Beast. The Beast and the Hunger will be your ever=pr' companions. Ti you disnise the Beast as merely a convenient excuse for our transgressions, some sort of subconscious projection or whatever the current alienist variation posits, I for one shall not be offended. Mo, I shall ve delighted that you have yet to feel its hot breath on your coul. The rst time you betray « mortal promise for a zonstrous desire will be soon enough to fudge for yourseli the reality of the Beast. Bvery Kindred remembers when the Beast irst hela them in ! its grip. We all tear the night when nothing will loosen its talons, when we will no longer be able to xeturn to ouraelves. ‘he knowledge that one shall lose control, that one must fail, it gnaws at your mind 1ike a rat at a ship's cable, making Some attempt to silence the a mockery of eternal existence gnawing with obsessions! art, gambling, elegant clothes, the endless polities. Others seek shelter in delusion, denying their bestial acts or explaining then avay with the pretence of intentionality. They draw borders around their madness! they only Kill the unworthy, the deserving, or to protect the truly good. Such casuistry may soothe the guilt, but it does not distract the Beast for long. 20 keep the Beast at bay, our curse forces us to sate our hunger by feeding om blood. Thus, ve mist act as beasts Lest we become then. Our hunger combines every pang o nortel starvation and thirst with the constant goad oz achievement and / the chila’s hopeless terror for carety. It 1s lust, motivation, a narcotic deeper than norphia, a needle sharper than cocaine. I fail into purple prose, but in truth the hunger throws this operatic limelight onto our sensations, and we gasp to keep up. Tt drives, maddens, and distracts and only fully departs when we drain the blood entirely fom a human being. and still it returns the next night and the next, forever. he blood we drink does nore than slake our Hunger, athough 4¢ 4 aia omy thet 4 would pe enough. Slevates our passions and, in sone oases, ou: capacities. we feel our appetite tor love fadingy lity to @rink trom a nelancholiac and but perhaps improve our ov ab. and indeed cur phystologies, turn to mist ang mich Like ny 40g when pressed, sire would in extrenis, + She then drips or onears vey: astteeagcsithelinNlet tie relay alas acs, and, if ali Pee eae MAE ste haz 10418: gat trom wrist or ‘throat or »: #*» and become reborn as her childs, 34 @ living person consumes vitae = as 1 aid, not qnevi?€ By sotions ~ they are 2t121 changed by At. they age $20 Slowly and oan 40 more than they shoud, vue ‘they decone iintes $0 thest, mtatez’ will ig Vase tieet there are other prrotishesevidsiBeatere lof uy iting at ci fei aware of. the Sina of the nother zorever visited upon her children, effect follows tn @ Kindred who seeds on another tastes trom the sane source fhe blood bond, making her subject to childe to ite size. her donor as any The erfect is not absolute without incurring 4 fed on theit childer Antediluvians co Stories. here a, Sy and the feed on lesser Kindred ireely, at leas: also cases wh tin fen certain rites or turns of pngeeny thee) tie (borides Satie sets \surn “eras masters. and then, Hate weaken tt their would-be there alvays exists t1 ¥ Possibility oz diablerie. For if a Kindred drains another iuily, they are only Bea *Y the acts not nound! Quits ovrdousiy every Prince F Anarch baron condenns such iratric naning it diablerie idal consumption utterly, (they appear ins: jensible to the irony attempting to irighten the danned with the Devil). 20 feat or a Bic. <> Tt Taree) conceaieent Zvonevery branch 0 our Peete te Mrs actlonatiy at wer vith enon othes in thear “but cannibalistic oun constant and all. Syhaa. Kindred dignity their ceaseles, 8 and ambitious genes of betrayal, consp: Cy» and vendetta with the nane of Jyhad, Sone claiming that the curse of Shes inte envy and malice. But vhether divine or fe 8” Tester such venaviour, the Kindred ager: 7 At. Predators maddened by hunger a, Unlikely oter embrace nd driven by ‘the Beast make wards tor a persect garden o peace. Beetctestt2a, & worldxide conspiracy of rintred dating ers > *B* Rexaisbance, exists to contain this tendency, or at a a ts Nae Unsquerade, the truly necessazy pattern of concemlnent required by the simple iact of what We axe! irightening and outmimbered. She vital importance of the Wasquexade, of course, does not juetizy every tyrannical act carried out in its naze. Canerille elders and princes dexand total control over their territories, determining who has the right to Embrace and connanding true death onto the disobedient as they will. Haturally, not everyone indo thenvelves agreeing with their nethods, Those s 10 oppose are generally known ao Anarchs, although there are as aany variations within their ranks as thin any hunan xevolution. Soxe seek to establish thelr ow petty dictatorships, others wish cimply to be leit alone to hunt, study, or go sad. Regardless, the Canarilla considers ail of thex enenies, no better than the Sabbat, a sect of vampires fallen somehow into even deeper perversion, about waien I th okfully know very Little, at a mexe century, I think, of unlite, T x not old enough to he r the Beokoning that calls elders into the Levant and points east to take up arms in the Genenna War against the Sabbat. Some say this war heralds the true apocalypse of our kind. Others that th end of our age has alzen: cone and gone, leaving the world changed behind it with still more changes coming. The need to hunt for aythioal catastrophes seems questionable now, as all over the world mortal governments have begun to make us the nunted. It is a bitter thing, aiter all this tine, to and myseli in this position. the Wasquerade, weakened by tyranny and pierced by rebellion, has parted in enough places to bring about a Second Inquisition. The Vatican, ‘the Americans, and the British - a coalition mich like the crew of Light I once worked alongside, but vastly better armed - send soldiers to burn out our havens, and set their computerized police searching for our traces in banking, polities, and everywhere else records might exist. No doubt, othex nations will coon follow ouit 4¢ they haven't alzeady. ve that He had spayed my satey my-musves sewer ame 422 of this should reinforce my warnings about secrecy on your part. F have tried to give you enough information to survive your Geer Tatts without tempting you into unwise volvement in the Bette: 10 eldera: Whether thestates.of tie 'Inquinition or the Sree of She Comarilla are truly the most dangerous is irrelevant = safety liea nowhere between the hunter and the wolves. And 20, YOU have & choice to make. Wall you Join the Canarilie, ‘that retined regine tuat operates Like secret society in the shador KS Ot mortal power? Or will you h strength to the anazoh novesemt that opposes it and dreane Of freedon? There are many other sects and but none of them asoribe to ideals I would have awoken with monstrous needs, Imnanity, just as It do. your options oaresuiiy. #actions anong the dead, wish Zor you. You nay but I know you treasure your For this reason, I advice you to consider Moot sires would make the choice for you, mit T Mave seen-too mich of slavery and cammot enforce 4% upon yous A Final request: p/w nl ctvselves at the end; yourmey have guessed the ‘ruth about our relationship, For one who claime to value explanations and honesty, T have certainly taken a esrouitous soute to 4t. I am not only she who Embraced you, ‘but also your Great-great-grandnother. If you have deduced this meh, perhaps You have deduced the rest, guided by sami, Bierce) St Bight by tho areplace. we — your great-great— Sesetiatter and mysels, your great-grandiather's nanesaie, and other brave souls ~ hunted one of the versions o y stories unwisely” Kindred, and yea, distortea Sur hunt appeared irst in the pages of a novel, and ‘the screens of cinemas. irightened me, now gave ze hope that he would be able to help you where Thad not. I had p ip return, and I elt ready Zor ay rest. Dut as it was, that was not aps expected hin to take ny 1. the prize he choue, Aiter my Smbrace, the Seast, which had been waiting since T rst evaded it, Hnally had ito S11. For many yeare hence, it would not let me go, and I an glad that you were not th ve to witness ay actions. Theresore, I shall also avoid witnessing your oun exertions as you discover your new true nature. Inmy stead, I deliver to you the dossier of testanents and iragnents I have gathered over ‘the years irom a miltitude or sourees, You will sind transcripts laying bare our histories and methods, and existential corundrans alorgside accounts of our physiology and ideology. You will even And accounts o: siled by those who seek to erase ue with sire and faith. Study them well and decide for yoursel: what to do with the giit - or burden ~ I have iniieted upon you, You will not see Willa again, but nor will you have an imperious s a ordering you into danger or playing you as an inagined trunp card in sone nonsensical Kindred whist gane. lly only request is that you do me the same courtesy. You have every xeason to despise ne ior choosing to dann you rather than watch you die as I have three generations of our samily. Dut you do, I ask ior your condemnation to take the oa form as your courtesy; as aisgance and disappearance rr We mist seek to be as iree as our natures allow us. and for that reason, I oan no longer renain, Tower to Ground. Do ve have to watch it with sound? Over. Ground to Tower. “Any snomaty,” remenver? Over. Tower. Yean, 1 found 11 already. Check just after the 83-minute mark, Just before the jump cut to cum shot. She’s not rolling back her eyes, it's more like this reptile blink. + 00:00:14) Cstatic] Tower. Also, that's not Deviin’s dick. Ov Ground. Haw. And it"s not only snakes, actually. Yeah. | guess stud one got eaten. Over. Tower. What? Hav, that’s like 19 century lol, right? Over. And th | kinda I1kee Cevt in, Over. [t-minute pause at 00:03:25) Speaker 2: Ground. Haw, that’s what it's called. The third ~ inner - eyelid. A nictitating membrane. Protects the according to Wikipedia, the eyes of polar bears from ultraviolet radiation Deviin was ® rapist esshole, Read Adina’s biog mate. No loss. Over. Tower. Wow. Prevents danage from suntight. Useful. And 11 wraps over ner eyes just as the fangs come out, so that fits with the shark thing also. Over. Ground. Yup. 117s @ predator feature. Primates have the musculature for It but the membrane Itzelf ie vestigial. Macaque don’t nave it [eic] but Jeaurs 40. Also this chick. Over. Tower. Digital animation. Question mark. Over? Ground. Nope. Had my retainer run It through the algorithms. Nothing. Merre Stil 9 few years out from full on fake views, 50 ¥e Stil! heed to Go our job. The fangs could've been faked, but | don’t think soy 11 things considered. Over. Tower. Ministry? Or Fiend maybe? An | wrong to tong for the future? wen nothing 1s real to the breathers we con act openly again. It will be just Tike the goo o16 days. If atomic winter doesn’t cone Ficst. That would be £0 fucking sweet. Over. Ground. Yeah. Serpent trick to piss us off. Or Gangrel biocd bane, so she can’t help It. I say this Is Anarch and not one of us. And I don’? think I wit pan out that vay, mote. You're confusing the masses with me fers and right now this, ali this technology Is cur enemy, not our ily. Why do you think we're back to vsing this setup? Either way, this Iz a cleer Mesquerade breach 20 it?s on our fable nom. Eapecielly If it turns out whoever thet dome is killed or Embraced 9 fucking porn ster: over. Tower. Got any location cate trom this? Over Ground. Not yet, but | guess San Pornando. Over. Tower. Put Velvet on this? Over. Ground. Yeah. Just send her 2 fan letter with the link written out ané She*l1 know wnat to do. She ves me a boon. And absolutely zero wed Gontact on this, Keywords or no keywords. Shitt your generation nunber of Bands for next transmission. Decoder and call sign in the post. Grouné over and out. Pe ee, i Bee 1g cin, ha fOr LD 20H whatever 21g We ne le ¢ ConA E nated, wa Pode ean Resenber Fat deyte ereyrn e Mey long, gems \ < 3 De F SAY cory Same of ee wf ATT Convince as. clive fs Yee LOW bas, eee ed ees ice 2 Rater Re Peete by gran J. Fox wore: lati inhabieat Uch souls have ne. » renter eT "drinkers. Wheptd S hunger We from “athe us? Devi, Met and = Pernice eee ee ae ee site ofour Cainite hells ike the parton offered by Plate ‘a worklly grace, not aspirital one. We tempt humani tocmbrace perspectives Firgreater thn the dave marshity of Catholicism and all their belief. Consider this: The ‘miracle on which Pterbuilthischurch was not sanetioned bythe religious authority othe day. No, ie was an act of spiritual rebellion Ain inthe fice of Fora scholars and Rosman authority. And esas a mirace fueled hy divine ‘ood. The Nid that dripped from the oss made Long. {nus immortal, just like Caine. Christ rose fom the tomb three nights after death "Tam the resurrection and the Tie" Refore the Council Nica, the humanity of Chest sas an open question. Am I elling you he was onc of ws? No, Lam telling you Rome i the seat ofall His, and that their salvation ia wordy prison, Our bell sideration, Trom time. From matter. From si, Caine give the gifts of ff triba, nomacic iaifference. And JAVH fivoured the ‘barbarians Just ike he wichbeld enlightenment from Bre snd turned cities into dust when they displeased him ith ‘het he termed sodomy. What goss this This cannot be the crvator ofthe universe, behaving more ike a spoiled ‘Shik! or someone running fr office i the White Hove Teieve that Caine did not kill his brother to appease HIV ut tosptin his ice, Me wasthe fist inalincage rebellioisconnestion tothe tral divin. So ‘section of god and hivsaving grave im fivourof Cane and CChristand THEIR saving grave. es administered through ie dy Hod! a our eongregtion. HOW YOUR HEADS KINDRED, CAINITES, ANGELS WEARING FACES OF MEN AND DEVILS AND PRAY WITH ME JOLY CAINE, WHO WANDERS NOD, SANGUINE DETHY NAME a sharp canines, no Just © dead person arn cost me anything. ven st night) rasp cnvomeitOt P0111 Sich $e ny oS ee Poon, “1 than any possum, me to F snoke my Newp te a bit of tt, fo make arly (usefud 1 vam or rouse the To look and fe02 tere of ny vitae (the lymphatic fluids Sating, averything taster Like can, ak Yotelen, and sone red vine down le . fate, But Like ny tires giritriont 1 Bit the bathroom within aa Sermera uate 1* Ws Blood vontting is cores? Mt eating hunan food males ore hungry, not lose. ‘4nd those are Vitae con do some + to the right places. 12 ‘ Say to olimb up the side of a Paflding with no ladder. I ptotare ay hea lize blood Gaglune to bceps and gracilis, dnd yhee ood supercharges the muscles it permeates poration of any organ it temporarily reaninates alls to see in the dark ay loner ears to 0 ny chest while heartbeat as the vitae # blood to an open inotantly etarts worked for tens of thousands of student 1ike me. ‘Then there's fi others like us. Blocd, Dut 18's just as slow feo) pain as acut hurt 1ike hell, but ie ‘incozventence, bleed out unless T real: 0 be human. he only things seaaty an ste? Me is & lock of blood, the oun, fire, or ay om Steanly severed or blo uy head. that, or ay own iusge Temany AYOFY aight and sti1) need more. I wish I had beon made in sont ZoreeniyTiTis oF sonething, Like wy aise. He didn't have way! andar orenslce, canera devices, social media witeh-hunte, or anoeere PORETE ond aattst- 2ieod de precious these aights al nose of cet etden ake bapa, risks are free, you know. T can rip through « oor sere Tan eel aera nfs take we hone, but on occasions when T tae cose’ then 7 can get dove ny throat, I'm nothing but a starved bleod jose 5 the beginning of lost year, 1% all got too buch, they vere shdtty caeeeesiued, #9 suck neck and stayed tn. Went for dogs ced Bene of Coad ear eet’, heated plasna. Yoganion didnt go erect tee on) mnetse Ferd vag Zot f1t about that if she wore etiil alive, T iocreed ao herd way that restraint Ls useless T tate the hunt seriously, try to feed regularly and avoid oat seoe oi86 shatlow vein stoping white dreaming of ertery tetebing. 1 Ls manage for decades Like this. Centuries eves. ao es Gone 7h tind. I'LL never starve. 1°11 never Kill. I'm ot wean SEE EE OE rn). but can at Least try ay best, Fight? et res mecunnenng7e, Sua three dectliters trom ench victin (that's sheet theay Tiioeiua pitt Mer feed tron the sane cource more than once o tonne siloving hex to replenish fully without the tisk of tena We ould if the Kiss and t's like we're created, or evolved, seatnes (az uethal feeding possible. Whan ve will thea tor out weet sansnegy (22, foR® Bloodlines euspids or oeatrals as well cs the ee ans ag) oxi#nd almost instantaneously. Ve go fangs out cay one ee Cealy stent Yith other huenovores or when feeding. Brerythva cuit is Sig, The Mae aakes cur prey go Liap with pleasure, tenet ia Seconds flat after wo bite dows, Gir blood-borne suliva prevents coagulation end the force of fection trots Mtt*? with cons training 4s quite inpressive, Boon hon feeding fron a voin with sonething 1ike the femoral artery hae eaticsil’ 2 Ruman 1ife, no matter age or healthy te the sale tring more yon sia BY unger completely. T hear that the older soc wre ie ante anes ane rane: SE Wore. Barely. And how do 7 avetd aiseorerss Reece ay, 8, ereoverotic aature of the Kiss comoa 10 tease 4 Yessel’s nonories ore foggy at Doct, aad if civsran sees Gearpant, Ciil_[etiontlise viet happened an weird sex, dues teeek, Bere 222k of sone kind. Vast sbont ttooue cunage? Bea tees Bereprnecigs Pe Mrtt22,tTeecsble? toss, they are, vaien ss prokatty ar salive with an alchemical interaction gue and dame danago together and leaves 1 (modern medicine is kinds wissing out on coroners are usually aonplussedwhen thay finds scones 3 scute anomia, When to an asshole pinp. Mot 28 “if you're technical ge srnde, tf technical girl. I prefer not to take ony risks and feed sim a recying victine, Put then to sleep if T have to. The slang t98, Zrom Storrod nethed of pretation is "tho Sundaes." T've lmows olen B erecerne take what they need in surprise assaults or through sate tlen, Sirens who only drink from willing sex-partnere, sad Untinidarlquta, who ineiet their prey be willing and avare, risking Out a ees yarasitic hiding to keep their conscience lean. 1aie+s. 7 qxistenes iy fe the most ethical, and I've taken the Hippocratic Qeth wink WY Whe rick of discovery, just like everyone else, and mY Pred, 1 do ru Nave wet drenne oF aightaares, but ot least I'a not foreiag eae ny enpertence on anyone, ‘hose vho do feed from awake vioting the full owpeTgans of raping the experience as beraless to their Prey Gr oan even make then forget it outright. en eee now thoy say DLind people hear better? It's not nocossariny true, but T guess it's Kinda comparable to this condstion, see taarvonce itvs been infacted, our blood shows « tendency towasts t's Like, Cugente or skills. We can enhance then throagh practice ead certaie a'uixe the hunger they grow with tine, My rebel blood cose dies eras stronger, faster, and moro interesting, eapecially wien to mane ute on it, iike 1 explained to you. Bat that’s not ell, there goncentrate Otarriee especial curae t00, different for each Linesge ss toot jaliy bed anger management, I don’t got offended or passive meteesive. Hy “bLindaess™ is rip-your-heartmout, rage ve wi cg the Hunger in Plood feels great. Tt shouldn't but 2% does, Thnee gen really weil, 80 let ne oe sone conpartgons T think Geet ii grok on an enotional level. Just don't think 8/2 the este you wi Spirst off, there's this eense of relief, Tou vere dead end thing, irgel clive for few minutes, Narn, sweaty, fleshy, ested: nen venul, In Digckenlcal terms our dopanine levels are through the sae caine, even if wo don't really have those substances oot whem ecmd our reine anymore, being corgess end 621, Divaat ius Sloattag sieloation, abe ‘ruth in that no blood wks Gractiy, Hiliag past Mery person is ike e nev Kini, @ new high, ant they sl} ick differently. ‘axing broadly, I've noticed fear tastes bitter and feels @ pit Like the figet three glavees of Dobbly on a hot umes Gy: Silas Dit Jittgin Line of cocaine or speed, Tike beeting the Crap Ooi of a Tiree ig Likes it that way, oe 1's cure you oan relate to.) 00g Boy woo renpower. T love the taste of fear. It makes me fast am 240% rears ee Devt horee. So yeah, I'm esbaned to admit it, Dut T Go G0e ane et ane se" enroee of nightnares if T cen, that’s vay 7 soustiaialiaiag those Im teicers and prisons Like cone weirdo, Damaged goods dusk 260g omen’ eeenh pose an a ures or drug-eversion therapist» tbeGla Rail cr eccuss, dorny tastes oveet and crsuks ay chars uP to, @.e7=3s 308 Get torent gor a bot aresm to Mit and then fecd from a sleenan aaa nite ele better than fucking on Holly. It's been so mush] SETaRaaGdiag 18 tore J reve sucked from fuckboys during the act. ofa tl GUnalaiagm few Ninna... end, but ven T arink end pretend-sore Z get HS cia nieae {hat latte for ainutes aad the afterglow goes 1% EalEal Everyone's your bes + and you are a star, It's Keeping from nosning and usually refrain frou the 1usty 01 my environnent really well. But the veindest feed from those in deep RBM eleep, especially those heightened senses in nysol?. I’m not supposed to be able to de that It's not a part of Broile’s bloodline to have that power, Dut T geass Z o it so much the oneironantic kick hae sonchow changed we. Tt's not for my lack of trying, but both the blood ve are infected vith and the blood that we feed off skills that just con't be explained delieve ng into snakes. Tattoos that lend who got caught dead to rights with h out én hfs arms as the SVATS burst in, hia ta Brunello Cucinelli s wet crimson spectacle, He shouted at thom get the fuck out!” And you know what? They did. Ost the window: 25rd floor. If this makes you feel excited about my offer, thiak eoein Tt should make you feel terrified, OF maybe not. You know how much I 1ike the taste of feer. -CLASSINCATION: TOP SECRET//FRSTUGHI//RELTO FVEY. RUS. VAT, FRA. A, “TRON: Cr Anthony Gov, S06 TO: FRSTUGHT Gens a seca | meer emacs oe coe ENPANED teed sacle, ale ai ray oa Town Jo smn Shae tot sees to Seacaecae poe eee - Se Tre Tay COWNMNED Ives jy Tne pines HET vrs al = Sieteruakerm ela ence Taee |e canes Wn Sere ten emeriochempmincsinaed NST ae 3.VRemta— 7 ENA. ve dong i. pecmen taco | one Se Sr ned tt oe ea 39 ‘prolonged exporure. Specimen ono, | Orne SE ca SAE. Achy ty ess i ane han i ae eumen a ‘ome interval Store sundown, q ae terete seem enV ee i Sees, (ees ico me Sees Renee trfemeene neavarthrasew. [| an] fea les indicate he oles ott moy be i0k Year stege eee Sion oe aes Setcasracineg crows moor inctons islonty ond diuectonconinaRemio Rach! Ge ge reset cetctaetacenal vecomn i drconowsbenesmeStny cee Tama Trirnieineon Mewes icone ersomcsnaibeeathos a Sa aon Snore Pee oar. fn atm ack chery ete Poets, ov tera amc i wont, COMFND, ibs erin in wh ered bul ent and oxome kncNonF irc nv acces tonoutmernt rentococed Stone ap See a et We mameg pc ceca er eackore manna specimen mutihestnrvertga (cers Pitan, Recctetaue endl ptumens subject to ett topes ot enoitan awea Sa ie Mette lee Pee Senet cay | SOMME, Hono ee ogni ml bweaucedmahpe | Lotsa se Seo ‘eed noutshmant or ivng source. Tou er noncons Mreaveea ae aio "en! exogenous or inet road yomrmonacrcc a ise team o bosdibanedieescon sg", aie er caiahhetengracee neonate devon nanceck one herey ie) esc cae ‘setts keckng vacion, Tan bere one (Govt ot gh epet fo COC FRSTUGHT contact) seceers, tae Peorier EONRRMED. Exceptonaty sesllvetoinoxicansn he bloods sarc ichma ea toed sexrocied aningesed fll pokonng a soutcelohonedoy eae mst Ramee sun Stemi shock bet nl peo Unose or ‘tes netran tannery, Seta Nem ond Sodexo \ | Sone caso ‘th Malovs Molehcorm. 1487 Type ston tansnedes eioreah Sette, Pe ‘ubers. ond Colter in soucen respeclvay) have besn mecenian tn einee ectolon ct canonical textos wel srepeled by he tepey closers es Ise conmed by fet oberon Bu has nl een lech ein ‘Sonal enone NOTE AAR and GPRS cones #0 10 exhib higher ree ol succor (+345) n te ee oe, ssoreing Bonkbodtes afer merger wh he fecononitedSocay cl Stanton Vr Repubedby |W NOI CONFIRMED. con be concluded that while some wostnettex and ents uit comot ‘ttonknocdes are anciogous lo hstafcal and Rone malesd savonone ne rssruming "klokss. sige end wher blood Shkes mos re a 13. Conation iestous INCONCLUSIVE has nol Deen posable to eproduce the proces al ncton he conta mvkorment but contimed Nar BHes ee setecher dona Fore he. ‘Eniton on no own Adam's apocryphal ight him to use his curse a « pf He Was th orginal progenitor me Sources agree that it was wie eco generation of Kinga or Cainites, were crested. As p these creatures in turn sired a thing Beneration, the midi somewhere in the ile crescent of Asia Minor ny slay a hotbed of both ‘uman and inhuman unrece by a unger deeper than lfesehey astis, nur Det ester oodles and feeding on ven saya chilea and human worships ers without di function. Honing ther endess appar ‘ach of the founders bee Bp te vees of thee ines known as the great clans, et iteen reat cans all have thes own sin gs tbou thei origins, They will idol Fels a iss. OF despise tele fone the dat tkimatey these actions only He bet flings abour themselves erin Antediluvians embodied eter thee aah i sesinse which ehe Rind netat bloodline struggle, While Be Vit Of Caine is wanerstae in Mera blood and each new peng FETT than the lar hese its nna Spintinder that the Amtedluvians ai Match over their debaced progenice ne leping gods, ‘Yat would the humane be without us? Nothing. Wow id still be beating ‘our ambition to drive them on they woul seach other over the head with rocks and sharp stcks: “They owe us everything, Without us no Kings of empires, no gods, no masters, and no ideals of Beauly No ideology, no truth, just savagery and rutting lst Te ineuisitors callus parasites but they ae the ones that establize the very order that allows them to exist ‘oh well we have plenty oftime and they have almost mone left ve ita century. and ther wastofutindustry andl ark Infite capacity for self-destruction will ring anew dt age for us to lord over. Beckett, G, 2009 4 De Laurent Press he 1g clans oginate in Aftica, Chinas of Asia Minor around che time ofthe Bist ‘ban civilizations (10-00°° aang), One or two claim they are Ode? than the human race [ ve selfaggrandizing nonsense. We ate culzured paasies who have followed human’ tions and the foundation empires from the Yucatan roche Indus to che Yellow River. Some otans have envered2 kind ofsymbiatc ‘relationship with certain Tpaman cueares oF grown prosperous iB specifi geographic areas: Others have taken to only embracing members of a specific 28 OF vind co any one ccnictj all blood: ~ 6 social class. While no clan is bo Tree have, due co cei preferences ad ‘caltural connections, difer- a degrees of influence in different Pat of the world. 7 Sometimes in che rare case is actly functioned 35 an ative politial entity clan ha ed iceelf to influencing? aivtain geographical area like dhe Vener and chee eaditional Serie focus on conroling Weseera SaroP civilization from ecmania and Britannia. In Aiea and Ass he Wenerae are still eras dangerous ousiders-# sma der ofthe traumatic see of Wesern imperialism. This iso the reason that, while many young Venerue in Aftica af ‘embraced from Local stock weary clan ie seen as inberecly colonial 94 smatcer the colour of vee skin. On he lip ide of the coin WE find che Sub-Saharan, ‘Goruhi, the dominant African, clan, who share their a the Enrasian Nosferatu. The Horsors ‘who migrated to Almost all d ‘ue we all know th ‘Sat-ther lineages, sppettes, each of the founders bo later inion as the great clans, a a (ior 4G, Pak ang 4s only changed thee fad we = fil SS = ‘loo Initiative is a Copenhagen-based NGO working to les of blood banks across Europe. The sux ive also engages with othor issues That dmpact health concerns related to blood banks. Tts noney icone fron the Cenarilla dizectly, but rather fron nun ‘also use its philanthropic ‘The Lifeb standardize the practici prisingly well-funded Initiati ‘doesn Dex of pharsacoutical companies who image to advance theix own agendas, an old Canarilla front, originally created in Teepurdts current nano is from 1972 and cane with the oxganiza~ Srnteinen focus on Lobbying to make blood bank practises wore Mtcierdly across Europe. Tts benefits to the Kindred are MGasidedy elite level: An elder might have access to thon, ‘he Initiative is jonate certainly #on't. “Kt hen all and et Godse tem oat Vhs nea tribe Arad Amalie athe mussare a ericrs {0 1208, sumsup theatceaf the Tnquistion© our ind, known then a “the Cainite heresy”. The inves: tigations and punishments that elles the erosade tgains he heretics of southern France iswel know, Oeialy ered w roo out te lst remnants a the Gnostic Cathars an silar Catholic heresies the religions cures ofthe Inquisition became the Juris- :d Deainian One, Such was the Ahiton ofthe inf hese p Tecan knowmas Dann’ Canis, “the bounds of God What history doesnot tll us is that the Enguisition than maintaining Jal a purpene far more ipa scriptural docrine of i its chase renaissance in aration, burning witches, Jews, unl aaleres a the sake. Master-minded Uy dhe secretive Cardinal Marzone and his Socity of Leap the Inquisition hunted ad killed thoustavk of tbe Damned, reve ing our exisiece tothe general public 1: arrocrates ot Temi de Torquemad’s Spanish Inquisition hit us particularly hard To ths day ma jority of oar lansare sill kiown by their Spanish or Lavin nguisiorial mans missptlingsand al. ei Tavera Sonia. Mata Cari, sense mame Gagred leaning" wannerer”in Sous alec) comes fom YP we, ciewstet Betkoc an Inuistorial protocol by William Of hse fanatics cart ele he lineage coer, and sing ther demgatory ames Br biooines was sippose to renin us oft The name Camila was tompiracy theory abou dhe vine ae room in the iean where the secret masters of the Cate turned Rodrigo Borgia their ease, Thee sond'ére ofthe true eomspiruey ofthe Damned is influenec bat Masquer, The greatest ck WE tnanagel ws convincing humanity We ever XS inthe first pace and thatthe Ingutsiion session ‘wth wteles and vis eas noxbing Du SSS p nal misogynistic Finarcsm, Fourhundsd eas of pretense had inal moved us into the rel childrens books sal pornography. One miss ioral chathard work. Forty 1 Sccnal Inquisition rises, one riven not by EME Of heresy hut of tcrorism, The same obsession Wilh fee of us an all ox inexpicale a aE ave drives thes later day Marzones aon Amalie seme not wih erie and tore but with soe ES tla witch-huns and drones spewing white phosps tous. Anlst as Amalie cared ile about thane Cong in the erwin ton da These champions OF the fee West name their next vietms “alate damage” —_— t ae are oe Fear et oo ng Taba ran Fre ral Tap eZ sta BEC ae (tO mag Ata te ae be or ee Saran SAE at weet ante new Proper shat be Sree ot oe ies eee ta Sos how irre tte ee Sector it rar ee at Pace er og 8 age atten t et yy tetera aituesg ey wae cant Sr a eae om ie nt ee ‘wast ata aye go. Our swe cane in iu *ho shance of Loontize her tn THEBEASTS—GANGREL ved ree ao “rae Sear etter See el, Sematary oat ts lee ete ese cag, ‘reldencteine Yo! T love war. Thats what T wae trying to sree cone of the bert 've ever bad; and Tye Denn hunting ‘ere vont shelters, fantiien packed close, the elertz, Jon your tnatinct, see AF you Pound exactly the right Kind “lenses You know Ourtan, Ton't have such of my hunantty ou ct menage to dleguct me, [Sreidenstein: Hat Don't take things 49 sertourly! Ye 6 1 too tong to met ceaht up in aiBLy L1¢te Ehings 386 couple of aes Hire = Ireidenstein: Right! You net what Tie trying to eay! At the Sn the dresden end conturins to cone aatter, {22 others are int Food Léeceur You're to0 arropent, usta you T stilt toesincsaitin trece ngs Dimerfoet Mefven fessor tn that. You cen cecste for yourueas whether the Aceon te about holding onto your hunanity or the dengere ‘ira to, 1 stent renity foresee the Anaren reroustion ltner, dete Ohe warning T pave to Gorter. Repent oF Berit hgeeni lant et onact maar TA By St ey gy se ne yaad NP vit” SMD he et ng A nettve te sat be with 3 IM sthece att ond wot pose there ¢ Pimether the yor the danze SESE SIE: hae CONS! fertam 100 ey pent wat a nh EO Se do oon ier ey eee Oy coe Tours the od we eon aT ae cheated or 2 Ghocedon and es haan ot nen Me ct reo Wi dao whe et pre orere on cats ‘ur mat ge our pas ne ge en sea Enter freely and of your own free will A World of Darkness Pay as eee ete ee ees Seren Sere merer re earn) eee eee eee eaenainerit hin the a] en eet ree ees pee Tas eee eet ee ee Perhaps you have experienced a moment ike cis in real life, Youve noticed a compelling stranger, Peter ne oe eeneeneny ee eee ees SLs eee ee ee but chance, Whe was the woman who brushed past peace eee meee enn et eee ee eee prey ere perenne Ce ht ee eee eet Oe ee ea ee ee where you work, the school you attended a a child, andthe rcirement home where you vis your grand: ee ernie een) crn Once you go deeper into the Frayed, abandons and hidden corners, che real nature of the World of oe nee p neem pkeer ner es deep wells of darkness ~ and you can stumble into ee ee eae Seen reg cere See peeneeee eee nepeny ak aeeeoe comfortable life Behind and entering a secret world ‘The Shadow of the Skyscraper and setange beings hide amon they look ke ws they strive to act us, bu atthe end of the nigh, thy ate the predatoos ad we are the pre. The World of Darkness is sor some dst, fntastical eal svhere ll tule ar ferns, The anpite close 0 you. Maybe the woman you eid a the techno party was varie, Mabe the D] The monstrous hide hortoes of he World of Darkness permeate ut Toney alleys and prow] in gh society soiect with oul ease what hey are uni i 9 ate The World of Dakss ep plane fll coma supernatural rts who ampli the worst cendences of humanity: ‘arch the news and consider which events might have ben nflaenced bythe subele ouch ofthe undead ‘oar word our ime; right ere, ight Vampire i horror game itsworld is a teribe place, As che Storyteller, you don’t have to make he eal world any worse thai There's cnough police corruptio I Fepugnas ity to make your game world dark | can be interesting and emotion ince, if you chooe highlight | ally meaningfal. fc sll, che these Raines of val character isnot you, and the Ina Vampire game, the dy sine ie not teal. Youcan use scraper fall che role ofthe cathe | ie aa fictional space ro snort dain she light of che day, but once the sin ha No Heroes In Vampire, you play characters who are vampires, They must subsist on the blood ofthe ivi hapless humans, They can give of their undying Blood to people turning then inc servile blood ikies doomed ro cater to the hime ofthe undead in hope of ther next fx This is no a roleplaying game Pechape your character eis desperately to hold ono wstiges of human moral despite he mites alter they acvide Se ee the blood is your master. You ere eee a eee es eee ors re ee ene ten them, bue ie will en have the memory of a memory Pee ees Or eee a Pay es ae and perhaps even havea tse Fa with them, How long docs teak fo your oophyte vampire to state getting tse to hunting for blood? Do they lieto thence, insisting that they’ra god person, o dothey believe their self agelaion and le somehow makes the killing kay? You can explore these ques tions through a character and sek oui parle trea ie oss you ow Hie and che world at age This one of che wonderful things abou tabletop roleplay INDIVIDUAL UMTS In Vampire, youl be playing with ev Your characters have to hun for blood ~ an evil ac inital They might slide further on ‘the sale of morality, murdering and king just to survive. they ‘0 deeper into vampire society, they have to stand by a8 ancient monsters commit terible crimes. "When you run a Vampire game, youll want horrible things +0 feol horrible, but you also want your game to remain playable and accessible to your players. The linis of which horrors ar too much are very individual, nd these boundaries are something you ‘want to talk about asa troupe before the game start ‘The best way to approach tis collaboration isnot to hector your players, instead accepting the individual ikoaymerasesevery= ‘one has. Perhaps one of your players hs ust become a father and doesn’t want to see violence inflicted on young children, even in horror story. Or maybe one of your players has been subjected to harassment online and doesnt want to see those types of things happen ina tabletop game. Our experience suggests that these individual limits have nothing to do with how severe any given evil ace it player can be fine after a horrific torture scene, yet ind even a suggestion of| domestic violence tobe too much. There's no easy tick to make horror always work for your players, but having an open discussion i a good way to star! The beauty ofa tabletop roleplaying game ie that you can tilor i for ‘the specific individuals sting around your gaming table. sng games as an artistic media inthe age ofthe internet: You ane responsible forthe wellbeing of so fellow players bu ce events ‘oF your game don’ have to nd ap splayed out om the interes, The private nature of the game allows you to explore moral erritory that’ difcul o appaoach in the cline world where the danger of context claps is exer You can tke rid and play rae Stories of redemption are within dhe sope of dis game 09, bu redemption is hard, How do you say the moral course if you Tierally have ea fnce you Fangs inco the neck ofa human every night? Other tales exist, with di isa working mother trapped ina Embraced ae a vampire can give her power and opeions she never had befor, Forthe cisenfisnchised ofthe world, Becoming blood: sucker f ike making deal with she Devil = you get achance to cape the hell you were rapped fn at he cost of your hunniey These sores of scenarios point §nco the byrinth of morality the heart ofthe World of Dark ness, Ostensibly goo poople can commie horsif Leven filthy batrsom aa ace, the music pron fing gone wrong He se you oe of Blok and yo agri hen Hoe do you connsr sth ches World of Barks? Irena ey. The Masquerad mean tha i’ hard for campires ‘ou dont youbr he Tiaiions, ant nce ie no excite cour of as, Authorities far beyond Bue maybe you ge eo live. Wha Whe’ happening inthe word of Centuries ago, wise elder vampires ished the Camarill, which while guarding the sacred Tid tions of thet kind ~ or so goes the CCamarilla propaganda sory Sei, despite es ecent setbacks, che lov of Kine aroun the word Lang scen as an imnueable rill find itself i a sate ofl, with many oF its oldest members J most establidhed Princes isappearing or becoming hard r ce known leaving thie rege wide Aatch aggestion, File: In many cities, the Cama thority, but sates ts regu poung and ambitious vampire, the has lef space for upward mobil- ‘ey unheard of inthe itary of the sect. For she is cme ever comate can take ver a domain if they play the game well enough |What's more, many ofthe elders Ihave left dese estates, fortunes, and sesources essentially ab boned tended bya few conse ‘Mood servants. A sharp neonate cam hijack a foeune accumulated cover the millenia and use for thie own parposs. Right now, the Camilla exouches on the defensive, but i never remains that way fr lon The energy provided by the young, andthe ambitious gives the sect life, For much of Camila hieony when a gifted or greedy comate proposed a pla, elders responded prectably: “The sime inne righ, take a csntury oF evo sothink ie ver and earn how the world works, then peshsps the Innovation equaled grounds foe suspicion, not promotion, Parchermore, the ects aap the Ivory Tower came of age in time when windmills and tel escapes were high technology Ikngs ruled unquestioning, an money tok the form of Favors wed on gifs exchanged. Modern changes confised and iertared then, and hey trie simply wait ing then out, Te dit work, Bur now with younger Kinde increasingly makin CCamarila is dowly abandoning ‘ns eraditonal strategy of inaction ane moving to exer real power in ‘THE OCCULTATION OF ‘THE SABBAT ‘Once the Sabbat held cites and terricries around the sobe in ts alos. The new Ine ‘uistion has burned them out, the Anarch Revoluson has not spared the Black Church, and wave of ambitious young Kindred desperate for their ‘own domains have braved and batted chem everywnere. ‘Some Sabbat packs left leaderlss, masquerade as Avarch gangs. Others ofthe sect tentatively offer their enowedge and alegiance to the Camara, seeking shelter from the storm in any port. However, at this tipping point at the moment of ts seeming defeat, che Sab- bat perhaps becomes more dangerous than it has ever been. As the sect deappears from the map, it reemerges asa shadowy force seemingly everywhere and nowhere. “The real terror comes from ‘experienced Sabbae agents, {reed from the necesity of runing a big organization. “They can now focus on what they do best: striking fast and hard, spreading Farin the service of the Dark Father In the modern nights, the ‘Sabbatsthe vampire bogey: ‘man the monster who sacks ‘to destroy everything you ‘ever buil for reasons inh ‘man ané unfathomable. she moder world les a ime for & ‘Why nor be like the nomates who spearheaded the capture of Meco City from the Soba? The elders and Justicars ofthe Camarilla lng thought sucha bol act impossible What else might be possible, iyo can seize the night first? TOTAL REVOLUTION ‘This sa good time to he an Anarch, The Ananch Revolt held long-dormant by (Camarilla oppression and its own infighting the world Even established Camna- sills cites hold Anatch enslves the elie reereat into Elysia asthe formerly dispossessed claim thei ‘own domains Th fll of Los Angeles she bisth ofthe Anatch Free Sateen the American West Coast formed a mere pre ro the ill of Berlin and ocher cities Sell reling fom the fos of heir eerste rudder- leas vampires of the Canals now find themscves unable eo defend their privileges without the power of ancient Blood eo enforce thei There isn single Anarch Movement uted by ideology or leadership. The global Anarch Resolution isa spontaneous force, born out of cemurie of Camarilla repression, embodying the vara Ideologies and agendas of whew happens ro be there on the grou ready to carey the torch, This ea time of unparalleled pire to make thee mark, ideally on a Camila chro, No matter how Fumble your origins, you ca sake the fight ro the so-called Princse and ty t topple th bony Tower Their encinies weakened by moreal Frances and the insidious Beskon- ing, the correlation of forces is finally om the side of the Anarchs ‘The evolution is just he stat, however. The teal challenge fora politically minded neonate comes afierwatd, Docs the revolution col- lapse into violence and bray, cor ist posible fra charismatic and ambitions lick wo build thei ‘ovin uopia of blood? INDIVIDUAL MONSTERS ‘The i= mense turbulence ofa wounded ‘Camatila on the verge of resi gence, an Anarch Movement fght= ing fr is fare, and a facturing Sabb leaves aloe of space For ‘unbound warpires toda heir thing There's more thin-booded than ever before: amples of sch a high generation that choy exhibit sits normally asociated with humans. For these varmpies, the conflicts of che Camarilla and the Anarohs, and the vast poser struggles beewsen the sets, make rahing but noise, Bes 9 ignore them unless zealous Archon oF ‘Councilor decides to make tthe brasiness to atass those who fll 0 conform Endless stores illainate the margins ofthe World of Dak nest an in che long ru, some of them may prove more significant than any inthe majoe sess realize Nobody inthe Word of Darke nes knows everything thas ging «on, and the infinite variety ofthe world always proves a new mys tery. a new puzzle piece chat fils so fit any cstblished patterns. Individual vampires ul their ‘own domains and rule wih ion fies in che syle of the monsters of she Middle Ages Anarch disi- dens fle to small rural communi ties, war zone, and border areas tw carve oat their on tcritaries fa away foo human oe undead authorities. Nomadic licks prove ‘hac i's possible to live on the road eral, fy know how. An i nite varery of vampite unlifetyes xis fr chore who seek go escape ‘he stilling ideologies ofthe wots, The wae size ofa modern recropolie and the existence of che Masquerade cven male ie posible fo a clever lick ro hide right under the nose ofa Camilla Prine. (Only a ool thinks they car he suse ‘Feveryhing that happens in a city of millions (SECOND INQUISITION De- spite ceasing strife erween the tandead, che wore threat 9 Kin hed might jase come from human fy. The Camara has long argued ‘hae if mortals were eo Become wate ofthe existence of vampires, all Kindred woul die on a pyre They believe that the world wosld sce witeh-hants lke never before, and that no amount of immortal posser would be able ro defn he Ton of the ight from the teem Isllions inkasicing che planet The Camara s being proven right Intelligence agencies atz0ss the world have unsvered the ex- iscence of che undead. While hese mortal groups struggle eo aticlate ‘the tel naure of the threat, they cachange information with acl cher and with dhe hardline hol ‘ts she Vatican's Society ofS, Leopold The old Inguiscon find hele projadies Finally vaidaes an taken seriously ~ and find and provided whole arsenals of weaponry by some ofthe most powserfal and ruhlessonganiza- toms in the world, Right now, the Secon Inguisi- tion remains codeword clasified and cab rn, neither understood not contolled by their colles- tive agencies at Lge ot by cheit governments, Not every CIA agent and ESB apparatchik knows aout vampites, bur suficene amoune of key personnel in very anon mous ices now enough to gen- cate a major threat. The Second Inquisition has killed Princes in London and Las Vegas, ani hae stippled a clan in Vienna, Dozens of inctous Anarchs and arogant Sabb have lost their lives, unused to mortal who know how o hunt fae vampires, And of cons, many amapines ty to play the Sesond Inquisicion agana tie rvs by leaking the adees of haven or the details oF masdes. “The Second Inpuisiion fights vampites, but the inquiseors are far from heroes. They ome From some of the most morally cor- rupe organizations onthe planet Assasinaton,segime change, ssbversion, glabal surveillance, destailzation, andl dsinforme- tom ae dei day jos. Fn this sense, chey make a good match For the descendants of Caine From the perspective of the player charters the Inquisition freee chem eo take the cond Masquerade seriously. Traveling across nections borders, even acre am aeport, ps you om 3 Hat 1 when i deste pu you in a sunny room, Going cline? Why noe jase send che NSA an emai inviting hom gohan for blood and sce che Primogen? The Five Eyes have quietly added vampire keywoude co thie electronic re lg iets. Text someone eo find ut ‘where Ess i onighs and the Inquisition might invite themselves along Despite all the danger, the Inquisition also ep ents opportunity. [has ill enough vampires ocreate openings and power vacnime throughout undead society. You migh get lucky, or you mighe get ‘tok your enemies, A pardculsly foolhardy group ‘oF Kine anghe even ty 0 inflate or como the Inquisition o some of ts agents, ding fiery death for the chance to wield a ity woe AchaNGiNG WoRLD The World of Darkness isa world in flax, As you start 10 make use ofthe game, it becomes a playgrosind you ean use ro construct the stony you noed, Beery clement, from he Camae rillaand the Anawchs to the Second Inguisiton, is sna state of imbalance, ready to be sipped ome way ‘or anocer, depending on the actions ofthe player characters, Yo rouse in your game. You can jump righe in, making your game into a spy story where the characters do can decide how much of the world you want thoi best to evade Inquisition agents while uncover ing deadly Camarilla secrets that change everything the characters believe, Or you can let the world stay inthe background while dhe characters focus on sales, more human-level stories After allthis syour World of Darkness. Roleplaying and Storytelling Seorytlling begat wich humane, a langage rane faemed ws from fite-using apes to something ese “Those stories, we tll ourselves, began around a fre as warnings of real or imagined dangsts and rerprations waiting in che darkness outside. Our stores changed From campfire wamings to epic poetry, plays, novel and operas, They add new dangers and temptations, many of them now waiting inside ws In the aot century, stores moved oat of human voices and minds into display and spectacle, Movi comicg, television, and the limitless reaches of digital cenvertainment still kept chat Bicksting light inthe sid 28 out imagination could go, Alm ven a8 they canted our stories alow a fa Roleplaying games, as one ofthe newest story- telling art forms, complete the are fram those frst fireside ro che modern monitor glow in roleplaying games, players ell or act out the stores for an aud tence of themselves, guise by the rules o logic ofthe game, but linive only by thei imagination. I you've never played a roleplaying game, don't worry — iPas «aay ax playing house or bang-you'e-dead was when yo were a child and a endlessly fascinating as the most seconde cable TV series “The Storyteller Ava player Vampire, you tke on the person peer be thae character during the ous of he Sor. One ofthe participants the gel eats Sn ges thes. Thy bl he seating ol pop Ine with 2 apprtingeast of Stalled char axes GPG) The Soler esrb wt Rapes in The wrk el awa he per ay an isthe Storer who arias the ls ad pings horn new cls noe game The Sole primary dy tomake eh cxker yes have god tne You do ha ying god str, Unie novelists film ders howe, Sono sng el chest fom ako Tina the cee plies vei out nthe lesa he pinay Thy Ve tain caret ace beeen naraton anaaaron, sen ori ad cree soy ad gare, Somes yo sr the scene or even desi she action, but mostly yo decide ‘what osurs im reaction tthe words and acions of ie curactes as fairly and imparsally as you can ‘The Players Aitho he Sorytller plays he game, and indeed porttays dorens or hundreds of characters, roles of che central characters in Ihe story. Av planer in Vamp, ent rleply thems. You speak Fr you decide what they desire in the want eo attain or accomplish it The Seoxyteller tailors the story sothose deste; the players bid scriptions ofcheirserengths and weaknesses dictate how well your charac certain things Knowing your characters abilitc, hoch natural and sepernacur from inorder eo provide che bose acrng and strategy, considering hoi characte’ personality and akong with chein Traits, You world remains howile and dange cos. Your characte’ actions an shape che world; asa player, yous he story. Te Storyteller incorpo intersting, and challenging nat: tive possible at che cable ‘With its potential for inrensiey and incimacy, Vampire rowan player focus on their own charac ter, and on the dramas and desires of heir fellow player characters. Much off compo fr the Seorytller's and cach others) ateetion, The tory likewite can become unfocused if it ust shate che spotlight among 3 ters, We find that Vampire plays Play Aids. or the moat part, we designed Vampire to be played at a table Theres no board, but dic, pe cil and pape require a table for proper use, Tables als provide a common focus fr player atte: You need photocopies ofthe characte shets (a the end ofthe book o downloadable from the White Wolf website and some cork board or whiteboard, a tall screen ~ to hold the Relationship Map (p. a) The dice required sore. You need two calor of dice We suggest re. Looks fr Van pies The Masyucrade sth Eaton car eee ee ee en ee Masquerade, Since the group consixs both of players Familiar atthe ells ee leeches thee has decided vo stare things simple. The players have already See eee eee er ee ee students passthrough. They've also decided cha they want to eee ee ete eee ee ee of llowing yourself noble and lof ideals Agresing that they want a flying start, the Storyteller opens Se eee eee ee ee ee eee corr) ere tl cen ene eee iar ar ee eee en a wr eee oe eer eres ee ere joe her een ee re) fest Rie cera rep te aol ep eS See eee eT ee eet ee = e rer ed Ree chores pile Pty eneere yet ae ena od cee . Pree at ferent Perr Ts ee eee era eee een ee Peer ees ee ee eed Perera seer ed eee As Lars speak, the Storyteller notes Sandra's brother and family on the nee ntt Sy ee ee Ror eyeeere Pe ee eee Be so subtle about your goals thateven your allies are unsure Oe Rs ee at ase ee aaa pee Serr eee Martha sratches he x hand unt Penh nes eee) Peer eee tn peer shoue i and more about how Peete etre and before long, the coreieto-he Set ee arenes cnet see oom out and ass each player in cee eee reefemritny eo ee anes pean ee ee Ea Nee eee it Peed peer ae pee eet ers emcbygeteence Covel shar rally noi Sie . eee ear eere eat Teh ier pierre roe ai Tremere Nera eee earner eres Ee eee eeaies “Sainte Deco roar teithconh sia hoe Lieermehipee eer werree sare or pee eNO ene eet ee ea eet foe ee en eee eer ees een et ee erat eran eed oe omy apa rns eee Alera few seconds of checking ebythercibrsd ses Sits Eee sence ts ae eee ees ee noe ee es Poona ena eed pone co reroll some ofthe aed creer nee meee ees een a Pe eres earn oo nen eee ceonpishervitelime ae een eens iota Se ees eee Re ee ee eee ee epee erred ae ars PE ar eins Cee ee ed Sg Tt ees eee rg ep eee at eer ee ea ee Sia nen Ree ee eed iene sere Neen Peet oe teo eee Cee eae es eee ens freee een Peete eee Pompe eree co) Peete et Se ee tener ath oe eet ee reece eee ree Pere nee fore a eet en ee erry easier Si aise Teepe es toe to Ener cred i ee end eee chives | doce cage Sere] peseayeaeh eee Peo Pers Seen ey Pe ee ec eee eee ey) eee ea reer rey er nerd eae aii) but slo suffer a Sesin (ce p. | simple outdoor cling and he eer eee ee ee a Resear Ee een Se eae a eee » La Mehl e Where we are,’ TheresMlaggers in men smiles: The near in blood, ey The nearer bloody. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, MACBETH Ancient and Contemporary Outlooks Caine was a farmer Als a herdsman, This snot lose on sientiialy- minded Kindaod who seek their ancient origins, Most of them place the advent of Homo sanguine relatively late inthe story of tanking, BC, with the development of agriculture and the rise of evieation ~ ae the fll of the Eden of hntergatherer ssiety, ify wil The farthete reaching theory cases Caine hinselF ax the wanderer who spread the idea of placing and harvesting toa lease eleven iferene sites in the New and Old World, prs Fnuman scholans claim the arose independently and spontancously With plow fields came permanent settlements, citiss, and ‘eventually tasation, With taxation came the written word and with ll oF ehis came the Best god-kings and emperors. This amos all Kined academics agree om: thowe emperors of ot were vampires as offen a6 no From the Antedilivisns, the originators ofth ‘loo curse clans Enoch, all he way heough rise of Faype, Rome, and Great Zimbabwe eo the final days ofthe Dark Ages, vampires rule the Earth, Divided into low and hgh clans, they saw themselves asthe righ blow the of humanity and fd on chose Many of them stil dl, even ifthe Fes of the Inguitton have force them to reconsider theie ethos So yes, the Kindred are ancien. Sell even thecldest oftheir kind mast exis in the bee and now, fn the secon! decade oF the asst ent During the five hunted years since che fist Inquisition, they have adap to human culate and Tested ro hide and wear masks that lok like ws, Their only chance ta fallow us ina che modern age was con- vincingus they did not exis, so they aided the rise of ‘ational thoughe and science, sponsoring the Neweons and Descates oftheir repective domaine To the tie ‘somal mind, cher existence was obscure a a impo sibility. Capitalism was a boon to them aswel, even if either fice trade aor communism ws cheir invention, These systems enabled a smooth transition fom dark sovereigns int invisible masters of banking, proitcers ofthe opium era, polthuro chief, and Gulag ovese- cs. They have Houcshed in ystems of power ae diverse asthe sive trade, the stock exchange, he music and fashion industries, the dot-com bow, andthe green energy 8c, fn this way, they are surprisingly adapeable asa species if noe alays as individal, The eldest minds among them ae frozen inte, Toa in date ideologies and unable to fathoms how smagtphones could be superior tothe rinsing pres, yet simuleaneouly orcad to contend with enemies ‘using trlles to track them andl smart bombs 0 stray them, The youngest live by encryprion on the exttng ge of social media and listen to Trentemoller on Sporif, loathing their own history and the esranny of ehcirclders They have to conten with a gntem ofr that ws archaic already soa years agoand sub shoullrs with Mongol warlords and vt ansof the are Wa, n scems, no matter haw ise they fellow the technological develapmens, the Kindred will aways be praraly stuck nthe past Unilin or anable eo necon= cil their diffrenes, che old ght ce yong, ana his farms the Foundational rif im Kind society cut= ently expressed in che conflic between che Camarilla andthe Anarchs. They cal ithe War of Ages Jyhad The Kindred like power. They like holding the com srollinginereses in banking cmpines, being owed 3 Jifedeb fiom a nascoremperor having ah upbringing of child prodigies, and setting uprisings in the ‘tion, Perhaps they sek 9 influence other becse they have so litle control over themselves. They ate slaves 1 an addition that ean never be cuted. And, regardless how powefil they ge, there is aways the rid of becoming servants or prey to ancient sites. The Jyh is perhaps what happens when the war hetwcon the begetcr an he hegoeten never reaches a rewhaton. An endless snuggle between generations ‘of ancients who were neonates millenia ago, and who Ihave lee heir descendants inhere shit stfe, Fueled hy personal venders and utopian dreams, the Jyhad ische spindle weaving the apestry of Kined history Ie places the young an the islets as pawns ofthe ansients om the board of undead polities And ie ofen leaves maths iF no seats on the mortal world “The coune of work-aleering bares fog in she Johad leg with the Fist City and comtines to thi night. The destsetion of Enoch was likely cased hy the fourth and it generation of Kindred turning om their Aneoilvian progenitors, asthe Antedihviane Ina euzned on each other bef them The Pane Was ‘were mortal symptom ofthe bitter strife between ‘Venere and Malkavian elders massuerading as pat cians of Rome on onesie an utopian dreamers led by the Affican Brjah Tele on dhe other. Thete and then, the great rebel vision ~ eo live openly among mortal = was defeated. Not forthe fis tins, nor fr the st Te has been crashed by fre or hy its ihren mps- sibiliyagain and again through the years The rise of the Caiite Hever and she high clans of lle-de France triggered the horrors of the Albigesian cusale, The Kinde themselves lic the lame ofthe Inquisicion tha nearly burned the curse of Caine frm she arch, The fall of Constantinople ding the madnes ofthe Fourth Crusade roe ikea storm of blood around the slablerie of che “Archangel” Michal and saw the end cof the deesm ofthe Byzantine Triumvirate The final sights of the Dark Ages an dhe War ‘of Princes coincided with the formation ofthe great sects, forged fiom multiple uprisings and betryals that killed the old oer of high and Tow clans and sc chile against sre once moe. The Foundation of the death cult of the Saat and the iableries oF at Tease rw Anteiluians herald the begining oF a new age But even after the Kined ofthe Camarilla lected to go ito deep hiding to escape the wrath of mortal tthe Convention of Thon, the Jyhadl con- tinued unabated. The destruction of any ancien gine isahwayea comeenient cover fr she dead and both she French Revolution and the October Uprising aw the collection of the blood of nobles by Kindied seeking ro sles th elders, Well nea hese nights of post slesty, of eon ighss and COTY, methusclas lke He “Try is 9 more chan ash and legen. very Kindred wants co believe they Iknow thei place in the Jyhad, but few slo, Schemes the Prince of Cano hatches to rid ie cy of aie Anatchs in the chaos of the Arab Spring ten is ow, b fea ino che plans of a methuselas in ‘catacombs beneath Turin, Layers ‘upon layer of neicae pli cal games and strategic alliances ~obvcure reality, buta the Sabbat hl about Geena, the Anarchs take wp ars agin, an the eklers ‘of the seventh generation and kower are beckoned back to where it all bog, i lok ike sings ate heading for “The elders who remain in thet havens gorge themselves om fledgling vieae to stay sane an rest he cal. Inet of governing directly they retreat ino paranoid sechuion, leaving underprepared neo nates 9 rule in heir stead. The “inhscancecoteries™ are everywhere now, holding Fifa and gangland while their m ers ave lee forthe East o ate sever nga che invisible phantoms of ehir Blood madnes Many ofthe stand-in rulers doo plan co give back wh they got when the cers return, Why shoulda 7 generations apocalypue be another's begining? Thuy, vampires lve forever, who ito say hei apncalypse will i se or 2 mortal age? this ite ‘natal The wibound shake their heads, des gabe Ibe incidents nthe blo opera of the had as nothing Tut schemes and personal sends disguised as prophecy and destiny To them, the sens ae just people with over, gages and way oo much time on cir hands na and Menee sil rage agsinet each other, though The Camarilla The Camarilla is dhe most widely influential oxganiaa tion Kine hiseory has ever known, les seated p= pose isto preserve the Masquetade, an claborate veil ‘of deception pulled over the eyes ofthe living eo hide theexstence ofthe Kinde, Bus the Camara is 9 such mot, I is «conspiracy to preserve che power af theelders, an undead secret society influencing global brsiness and polities, the closest thing the Kin ded hare to aystem of government nd an international union of cites akin vo the United Nations ~ complete wth a central inner cincle and a cade of justicars aed archon saving the world co “keep the peace," answer ‘ng to nameless masters. The set maintain a fierce moral ance ‘on preserving humanity inthe face ofthe impulses of the Blood, seeing dhemselies as the hep het ofthe Blind hunan ehrong simultaneously morally superior and inferior to thet short-lived subjects “The sheer age, power, and wealth ‘of many Camarila members, and the recent exelusion ofthe Anarchs from thei tanks, makes the sect distinctly upper lass, Those ae the monsters that hide behind no cocktail dress, mericulouey rended scl poreflios, and havens guarded by blood slaves in private security uniforms. The are the one perce of theo percent and they hunger for more. Ther pans ate placed in hanking and in Congress, making deals and passing bills, They are masters oF disinformation, propaginda, and blackmail, never leaving loose end tui for long These nights, there 6 lot oF ty lobe che Camarilla des not hesitate to ly ein 0 human lives and Kindred unlives eo protect the secrss ofthis influence To mote member of the Camila, Caine suse myth, a metaphor for their curse, rather than a historical navi, That ssid, many still lng to their (Christian, Jewish, o» Madi fits He stews ina scorm, trying to find meaning and parpos in seit un-

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