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this case is one of korea's darkest

caves involving a very famous athlete

just like celebrities athletes can have

their own fanbase and clubs they're tall

they're charismatic and wealthy and it

seems like they would have the perfect

life and in today's case this k

athlete's crimes are still a mystery

because he literally took his sins to

the grave so no one knows why he did the

things that he did why he had to wipe

out his girlfriend's entire family i'd

love for you guys to dive in this case

with me to figure out the motive and the

mindset of yi hos hung south korea's

once praised baseball star i'm also

trying this like podcast style to have

better audio so let me know if you guys

actually like this style it takes a

little bit more to set up but if it

helps you guys to even focus more on the

stories let me know if you like just the

regular version or if you don't mind


high quality mic and it's super hot in

here whenever mic i cannot turn on the

fan or open the door because it's gonna

all come in but it's summer and my

gorilla hair is literally coming back

again that's one of the reasons why one

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stories so thank you so much to all of

my supporters and get y'all shave girl

and girls and boss

this is e ho song was born in 1967 and i

couldn't find much about his childhood

but i'm guessing as he grew up as one of

the top athletes in korea he probably

spent most of his childhood just playing

baseball games i feel like athletes have

the same schedules like k-pop trainees

because all they do is practice practice

practice like athletes have one of the

most grueling

childhoods and training programs or

practice times and it has to be that way

i believe because it's also a profession

where you retire early you know the

human body ages from 25 so a lot of

these athletes start from very young age

and you know when they're still young

they retire a lot of athletes quit

school as well but lee was literally

able to juggle everything he even went

to yonseida university

yonseida is one of top universities in

seoul south korea he was also over 180

centimeters in height especially back in

like the 80s and 90s i mean if you're at

least 180 and over there's a thing in

korean like that means you're considered

tall 180 is what like 5 11 6 foot also a

good physique that made him a great

baseball player for two straight years

from 1991 he even won the kbo golden

glove award he also represented the high

thai tigers or hitta tigers in korean

and the team won korean baseball series

four times in the 90s he battled .272

and 102 home runs in his career so any

baseball fans you know what i'm talking

about because i don't but i'm guessing

that that was pretty good like the team

was very well known and he also rose to

fame he eventually also became the team

captain from 1999 to 2000 and became the

president of the league players union in


he officially retired at the age of 34

in 2001 and he truly became an all-star

now once he became a captain and a team

leader there were some rumors that he

had a very hot-headed temper it was

rumored that he also didn't really have

great relationship with his fellow

juniors because he would be very very

strict with them also a lot of rumors

that he would be very bad to his juniors

using violence many of the times and

especially back then in any career field

there was a very bad senior and junior

kind of hierarchy but it just goes you

to show the insight of what kind of

negative personality lee might have had

behind closed doors after his retirement

at only in his early 30s he decided to

get into creating his own business

and a lot of athletes actually once they

retire they're still very young they

have their whole life to live and they

don't know what to do and a lot of them

just have a lot of money laying around

in the bank account so they start doing

a lot of investments and creating their

own business lee started his own wedding

ceremony company and the wedding

business did really well he even opened

up three different locations it was

called ho chung weddings named after him

he had about 70 employees and was making

around six million dollars annually his

fellow athletes and celebrities would

have their wedding at his business and

you know he made a lot of money lee was

also married and he had one son

just keep that in mind because it's

about to get a little ugly their

identities relationships and again a lot

of personal things about lee is very

very little known and i couldn't find

much now the story really starts in 2007

when lee went to a tuna restaurant and

he fell in


with the owner and she was named miss

kim who was 46 years old things have

escalated really quickly he became more

of a frequent customer and eventually

miss kim introduced lee to her staff

members in the tuna restaurant saying

that this was a person that she was

going to get married to now to remind

you miss kim was actually married as

well and she had three daughters of her

own one daughter 18 17 and 11 so they

were pretty grown up as well but both of

them seems to be in a serious

relationship while still being married

although miss kim said that she had a

very difficult relationship with her

current husband and they were not in a

good place the restaurant's death

remembers that despite lee's very sharp

features i mean let's not die here he

pretty much looks intimidating kind of

but despite his looks he was very good

to females

and was a typical masculine guy as

described by the staff members lee

eventually became very close to kim's

daughters so close that they would even

call him dad sometimes which i thought

was a little weird because they had

their own father and they were still

married i guess they were kind of

separated living separately because he

would frequently visit their apartment

as well it just goes to show you that

they were willing to call this guy appa

their own dad that's how close and like

they saw such a good personality or good

side of him like you don't just call

anybody dad fast forward to february 18

2008 miss kim all of a sudden told her

staff members especially her tuna

restaurant manager that she was gonna go

on a vacation for a couple days the

manager said that you know she's never

been to a vacation but thought okay like

have fun she was only supposed to be

gone for a couple days but days went by

she never came back to a restaurant and

her own brother started to get really

worried her brother started to call her

every single day and it was the 15th day

almost two weeks since she was supposed

to go on a vacation

and still no contact from her so kim's

brother called the police and they went

to do a welfare checkup
when they went there it was very small

but they did find some blood spots

especially on the bed they had no other

clues but they did have a cctv in their

apartment and looking into the tapes the

day that she told the staff that she was

going to go on a vacation around 9 00

p.m they saw a man with a hat with a

mini wagon he would go up to the

apartment then six minutes later came

down with a large black bag he would do

this four times in the spam of 30


and unfortunately this footage was

pretty dark and grainy and you can't

make out someone's face so police did

some digging and the only person that

they could not get into contact with and

was the most suspicious was miss kim's

boyfriend yi ho

and it was proven that starting from the

18th lee went into a hideout asking his

close friend which was mostly female

close friends

to help him get a phone to get him a

bank account under someone's name to you

know get a motel with them to stay at on

march 9th police finally decided to ask

the public for help and put out a

warrant a public warrant to find lee

only one day after lee's warrant

his body was found and was presumed that

he self-harmed himself and surprisingly

that night as well

near a graveyard until num providence

police found the four bags containing

kim's entire family the cause of death

was suffocation from neck compression

with both hands and they determined that

this was actually like one of the most

typical ways that you would imagine

someone would kill someone like in the

movies so the doctors actually said lee

had to be looking into the victim's eyes

when he was doing this which meant that

he had to have immense hatred towards

these victims it was also proven that

the eldest daughter was not in the

apartment she was called separately by

lee later on through the night and he

has done this somewhere outside they

don't know where so sick he knew what he

was going to do he knew that he had

already done this to her entire family

called her separately while she was

outside with her friends and

ended her life and even more shockingly

the graveyard that they were found in

was near lee's father's grave they were

actually able to find these bags because

a mid-aged man who was watching the news

called the police and said wait i feel

like i've seen that man so it seems like

lee hired two workers to dig a hole near

his father's grave in order to put up a

memorial sign in honor of his father

which of course was an excuse lee asked

them to take over two meters or over six

foot hole there were a lot of rugs it

was a lot of work but you know they were

being paid so they did what he told them

to do and now we know that hole and what

it was used for and why it needed to be

so large police determined that the main

suspect was lee

but unfortunately

he died so what happened how did he go

from an all-star athlete to a serial

killer so when police dug into lee's

life so much dirt started to surface

and just to let you guys know because a

suspect died these are just like

theories and as much plausible

conclusion that we could go into so did

lee and kim have a fight did he all of

sudden do this because maybe i don't

know they were fighting about money or

did miss kim figure out that he was

cheating on her so three days before her

death miss kim was seen going to five

different banks pulling out a large sum

of money and we're talking about over a

hundred grand like 140 grandish i guess

back then even in the 2000s you were

able to pull out a lot of money these

days you can't do that police were

actually able to track down about 90 to

100k of that money and it was actually

used mostly by lee but they can't figure

out where the rest of the money went

searching even deeper on the surface lee

seemed to be very successful but deep

inside he was in a bad financial

situation remember he made a lot of

money in the wedding business now once

he made a lot of money he decided to get

into the screen horse racing business

and he invested about nine million

dollars to this now this is technically

a form of gambling i'm sure you guys saw

squid games when the main character is

betting on the horse racing that's

pretty much what it is and back then

there was a heavy protest going on

regarding these because it was

technically gambling and in korea

gambling is highly illegal minus certain

there's certain ones that you can play

but it's you know highly regulated and

things like that so because of the

protest and the backlash this business

had to be shut down and he lost all of

that money not only that but he was

being sued by investors claiming that he

was a scammer on top of that he had a

huge amount of debt we're talking about

like over 20 million dollars here due to

another bad investment in real estate he

was no longer allowed to borrow money

from the bank due to horrible credit now

it's presumed that because he was in

such great great millions of dollars

debt i'm guessing that he probably told

his girlfriend that hey give me the

money that you have we'll invest it into

something and i'll double it or triple

it in a couple years or whatever of

course being the girlfriend you know

being blinded by your lover it's so easy

to give into those stuff the very next

day after the 19th around 2 pm lee is

seen going to a supermarket parking lot

to meet female a who's 47 years old and

giving her around 40 000 dollars in cash

and asked her to put it into his

brother's account and then a little

while later they found out that he met a

second woman her name is c she was 40

years old and she was actually

another girlfriend of lee whom he spent

his last 38 hours with her he gave her

around again forty thousand dollars told

her to keep a ten thousand of it and

give the rest to someone else that he

knew so he was dividing up all of these

money and telling someone to hold on to

it so investigators quickly figured out

that lee was dating multiple people and

this is just the people that we know and

that was revealed but here is the

missing hole here according to criminal

psychologist i mean he was in a lot

millions of dollars of debt he was used

to having millions of dollars and

dealing with huge large sum of money so

to kill someone a kill four people over

a little over a hundred grand compared

to what he

was used to dealing with it just did not

make sense it is such a small amount of

money or problem compared to where he

was there's proof that he purchased the

carry-on cart in the bags in advance and

in my personal opinion i did not hear

anybody talk about this in other

channels or in other blogs but i

personally think he really had no

romantic feelings for miss kim or really

had much feelings for her daughters as

well he was kind of semi-acting all of

this in my personal opinion it seems

like he had a sense of entitlement

against other people that seemed weaker

than him possibly being an undiagnosed

narcissist based on what we see here he

was dating multiple people cheating on

his wife cheating on miss kim cheating

on c cheating on whoever who knows like

who else he was dating at the same time

so it seems like he was using these

people from the get-go and remember he

was using miss kim's money to give it

away and tell people to hold on to if

this was someone that you really loved a

romantic partner how could you really

use money like that and give it away to

other people it's not even your own

money and what makes me believe that he

was actually planning this the day that

he met miss kim is he was 40 years old

and she was 46. sometimes women are

older and men are younger which is fine

but especially in the 2000s she also had

three kids a man dating a woman with

three kids is honestly a very difficult

thing especially in south korea when

when trying to marry someone or date

someone that already has kids is kind of

frowned upon he was dating other women

so what made him go for this woman

unless she had such charismatic unless

he was like romantically infatuated by

her i'm saying i think he saw it from

the get-go that he wanted to use people

and on top of that he buried them near

his father's grave you guys that does

not explain someone with empathy it just

goes to show you how disconnected he was

from people i believe from generally

anyone that he came across and that

links back to the rumors that he did not

have great relationship with his

baseball juniors and that he used a lot

of his anger and temper to try and

control people now the last 31 hours

before lee died he was with his

girlfriend c it was said that actually

they were spending their time at a motel

and while they were watching tv

obviously the news about kim the missing

family and lee possibly being the

suspect was huge on the news so c

watching the news said oh my god wait

isn't that you and according to her lee

refused and turned off this tv saying

that no like i don't know what you're

talking about but i think that's when he

realized that there was nowhere to run

and right after this that's when he died

it's still a mystery why he divided

these money and what was he gonna do

with them because police don't believe

that lee planning to sell himself from

the beginning by lee this was like 20

days later so what was his motive for

taking her money

for what that's the mystery here as well

according to c she's also doesn't

understand why lee did this because she

claims that even though lee was in big

finance trouble he was not like uptight

on his ass about money like she

explained that he had plans to pay back

the money which is usually usual for

people who have dealt with a lot of

money they have like another investment

plan another thing that they're about to

do but in my personal opinion you know

we can't really trust everything what c

says because a lot of psychopath you

know they show different characters to

different people and have like 10

million different excuses that they told

to all different people so what he told

c might not be exactly what he really

was thinking in his mind and when c

questioned about the whole thing did he

really do this to kim's family lee said

i had to intervene i had no choice which

is an interesting choice of word

intervene so does that mean that more

people were involved was he involved in

something so dark that he really had to

do it because it was ordered by someone

else or was it something that he said to

distance himself from his own sins and

his own crimes which is usually what a

lot of criminals do they want to kind of

act as if

they did not create this whole thing

that they were just involved and had to

intervene in something that was already

there but forensic testings were done in

miss kim's car and no other fingerprints

were found including no other suspicions

phone calls by either parties so they

didn't really find anyone that could

have been involved in this except mislea

himself only another hole is how did lee

do this to four people like honestly

three grown bodies here he was seen

going in and out around 9 pm which is

very early i mean do people really sleep

at 8 9 pm now i'm guessing that he told

miss kim that they were going to go on a

vacation very very early so to sleep

early and that's why we found blood

stains on the bed although lee was you

know athletic and big i mean you're

talking about overpowering three people

not one person called the police or

anybody and lee had to do this one by

one so how was he able to do this

overpower three people it's a mystery as

well and it seems as if he had to have

done this before practice this before in

order for this to go so smoothly as it

did there's another theory that maybe

because c spent the last hours with lee

that lee did confess to see of his

motives and why he did the things he did

but c is not telling anybody or the

police because if you do it could

possibly backfire on her because she

already knew what happened and did not

report it to the police so she might be

charged so being charged with concealing

evidence it might not look good for you

so maybe she does know why he did the

things he did so there's a second cctv

footage where two days after kim went

missing so on the 20th of february a man

is seen in the parking lot parking kim's

car and then leaving

but crazy professionals believe that

these are two different men in the first

and the second footage body language

experts suggested this because usually

people have different type of walking

style as well kind of like everyone has

different type of penmanship or

handwriting the way your arms and legs

flow like it's all different for people

and these two people walk very

differently although this part has never

been cracked or proven that it's two

different people police believe that if

it was a second person kim likely hired

someone to just park the car or it's

saying that more people are possibly

involved in this but the theory that

more people are involved is not as

plausible to the police because because

they believe that if lee was not the

sole suspect or the main suspect he

would not have self himself that most

likely he would have turned himself over

and told his story saying that someone

told them to kill people for money i

mean whatever it is he would have turned

himself over most likely this is when

things get even more crazier so remember

miss kim was married already it was said

that around the time miss kim passed

away i'm not sure if it's before or

after i can't find the information but

miss kim's husband also died supposedly

from severe depression but a lot of

people are trying to put together dots

like hmm was lee involved in mr kim's

death as well this was never cracked and

in 2005 a man who was one of lee's

investment partners also mysteriously

disappeared and was declared missing her

husband was supposed to go meet lee the

day he went missing police first thought

that he probably ran away because he

also wasn't a lot of debt and due to

money issues you know people go crazy

and do crazy things after the story went

viral with lee did he have something to

do with this man back in 2005 as well

lee left a goodbye note to his own

brother and in the notes he said i'm

sorry to my mother brother my wife and

my son please take care of my son he

also left a note to his baseball league

saying i missed the old times i'll wait

in heaven and this note was heavily

criticized because after taking away

someone else's daughters

telling someone to please take care of

my own son you know people did not like

that that's all he wrote nothing stating

why what his problems were why he did

things he did what he was thinking

nothing he took his secrets to his grave

so we will never know what his motives

were and professionals say that there's

always a motive when it comes to serial

killers or murders in my personal

opinion like humans can be very good at

keeping secrets but usually people crap

usually people just cannot hold it in

and they tell very close people of their

darkest secrets and i personally believe

that someone might know something out

there but of course they don't want to

get involved and get in trouble so i

think money his ego and his want to

control and his sense of entitlement

narcissism just kind of blew up and ate

him up and he just went crazy he also

had no plans of marrying this woman

let's face it i don't think he could

love the children and do that to them

three daughters you guys in the end

police had to come to a conclusion and

close the case as they believed that lee

was a sole suspect but my gut does tell

me that it's possible that this was not

the first time that he could have done

this to people so what do you guys think

really happened i mean the mystery

really here is why did he do this to

miss kim and her entire family i mean

what did she do that he just had to

silence the entire family like the only

explanation in my head is that his again

psychopath craziness his anger and his

frustration with like the situation that

he was in just poured into other people

and he just went cuckoo he just went

crazy i mean sometimes just don't have

explanation for things and that's why

it's crazy what was inside the mind of

once this all-star athlete

to a serial killer thank you so much for

watching and remember to check out

harry's and see you in my next video

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