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INSTRUCTION: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it down on your paper.

1. This was developed in 3000 BC and was basically beads on rods to count and was used to calculate, has upper
and lower deck.
a. UNIVAC b. Abacus c. Vacuum Tubes d. Slide Rule

2. This invention replaced the transistor and led to the development of third generation computers. Processing
speed increased to millions of calculations per second.

a. Vacuum tube b. Integrated circuits c. CPU d. Circuitry

3. What does the 'PC' stand for?

a. Personal Computer b. Private Computer c. Posh Computer d. Petite Computer

4. This was invented in time for the census of 1890 which only took six weeks to calculate the US population which at
the time was 63 million.

a. Tabulating Machine b. Mark I c. Difference Engine d. Analytical Engine

5. This important invention began the development of the second-generation computers, which no longer required
vacuum tubes, and were much more efficient and less expensive.

a. CPU b. Transistor c. Silicon chip d. Integrated circuit

6. This invention replaced the transistor and led to the development of third generation computers. Processing
speed increased to millions of calculations per second.

a. Vacuum tube b. Integrated circuits c. CPU d. Circuitry

7. who was considered as “The Father of Modern Computer”?

a. Steve Jobs b. Blaise Pascal C. Charles Babbage D. Grace Hopper

8. It is a device made from 9 different ivory strips or bones marked with numbers to multiply and divide.

a. Napier Bones b. Pascaline c. Abacus d. Leibnitz Wheel

9. This was called the era of the transistor computers.

a. Second Generation b. Third Generation c. 5th Generation d. 1st Generation

10. This computer was also called the stepped reckoner.

a. Pascaline b. Leibnitz Wheel c. Difference Engine D. Abacus

II – Identification

1. What Does the acronym ENIAC stand for?

2. Who invented the Tabulating Machine?
3. What does PDP stand for?
4. Give at least 2 examples of First-Generation Computers

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