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Redes de Computadoras

Reporte Prácticas
Laboratorio / Packet Tracer

Student Name MM DD YYYY

Ivan Herrera Corona 04 27 2022
Practice Name
Configure a WPA2 Enterprise WLAN on the WLC

Competencies to develop
 Configure a new VLAN interface on a WLC.
 Configure a new WLAN on a WLC.
 Configure a new scope on the WLC internal DHCP server.
 Configure the WLC with SNMP settings.
 Configure the WLC to user a RADIUS server to authenticate WLAN users.
 Secure a WLAN with WPA2-Enterprise.
 Connect hosts to the new WLC.

The Most Important The most complicated

Configure a new scope on the WLC internal Secure a WLAN with WPA2-Enterprise.
DHCP server.
Configure the WLC to user a RADIUS server Verify conection between devices.
to authenticate WLAN users.
Configure the WLC to user a RADIUS server
to authenticate WLAN users.

Errors How they were resolved

1.- wrong user and password in Entering again in the Wireless
the Wireless host host configuration and configure
rightly the usernme and password
2.- Athen type error Chossing the right Wireless
security (WPA2-Enterprise) in the
Wireless host configuration

All Troubleshooting activities must be use this part to report the errors found and their solution. In
the session how the problem was solved, put the commands that solve the problem
In this practice, it concludes is very important to configure a VLAN
interface en the WLC, configure a scope on the WLC internal DHCP and I

@Ing. Ricardo Díaz Sánchez /

Semestre Enero-Junio/2022 Tecnológico Nacional de México / Campus Querétaro
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Redes de Computadoras
Reporte Prácticas
Laboratorio / Packet Tracer
think the most important is configure correctly the security on the


Part 2: Configure a DHCP Scope and SNMP

What interfaces are present?
WLAN-5, management, and virtual.

c. Click the management Interface. Record its addressing information here.

IP address:



Primart DHCP server:

None specified

Step 2: Test Connectivity.

What network should the address be in? Explain

Should be in the network because the interface was configured to get its
IP address from

Reflection Questions
1. The RADIUS server uses a dual authentication mechanism. What two things are
authenticated by the RADIUS server? Why do think this is necessary?

It is necessary authenticate the WLC because it is important to protect the RADIUS

server tables of usernames and passwords from intrusions by unauthorized devices

@Ing. Ricardo Díaz Sánchez /

Semestre Enero-Junio/2022 Tecnológico Nacional de México / Campus Querétaro
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Redes de Computadoras
Reporte Prácticas
Laboratorio / Packet Tracer
2. What are the advantages of WPA2-Enterprise over WPA2-PSK?

WPA2-Enterprise using RADIUS allows for creation and administration of multiple unique
user accounts. User behavior can easily be audited from the logs kept by the RADIUS
server. In addition, users can easily be deleted or added as staffing in the enterprise

@Ing. Ricardo Díaz Sánchez /

Semestre Enero-Junio/2022 Tecnológico Nacional de México / Campus Querétaro
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Redes de Computadoras
Reporte Prácticas
Laboratorio / Packet Tracer

@Ing. Ricardo Díaz Sánchez /

Semestre Enero-Junio/2022 Tecnológico Nacional de México / Campus Querétaro
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