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By investing in innovative, high-impact solutions, the Bristol Myers Squibb
Foundation, in partnership with its dedicated grantees, advances health
equity by improving access to and delivery of quality healthcare and
community services for at-risk and medically underserved populations
impacted by serious disease in Africa, Brazil, China, and the United States.
As we partner with a wide variety of community and health organizations
to drive change, we use a framework to understand and assess impact,
called the BMSF Impact Framework. The information below describes the
key elements of this impact framework. It is important for each of our
grantee partners to understand this framework as it guides the outcomes
and measures for which they are accountable.

The healthcare field includes more than just patient-provider interactions.
In the Impact Framework, we refer to the spaces in which our grantees
operate as Domains. Grantees often work in more than one domain or at
the intersection of multiple Domains. Th.D. Domains include the following:
• Health Systems, Organizations, and Staff - Healthcare organizations
(e.g., hospitals, clinics, providers) and their associated resources, staff, and
• Community Support Services - Complementary support services in a
community (e.g., nonprofit groups, religious organizations, transportation
services) that can help contribute to improved health outcomes.
• Social Determinants - The setting in which individuals live, work, and
play (e.g., neighborhoods, parks, roads) and socioeconomic factors that
contribute to an individual’s health and wellbeing (e.g., education, income
level, social norms, prejudices).
• Public Policy - Health-equity-focused advocacy or collaboration with
government on legislation, regulation, policy, or public support.

Metric Accountability
Within each of the outcomes there are multiple metrics by which a
grantee will report the activity and impact of their work. While the list of
outcomes and underlying indicators is extensive, note that a grantee will
only be asked to report for the outcomes and indicators that are most
relevant to their project given the diseases on which it focuses, populations
it reaches, and activities in which it engages. Additionally, to demonstrate
the degree to which a grantee's efforts have improved health equity,
grantees will be asked to provide a target and achievement to date. The
target is a quantifiable goal that project aims to achieve and the
achievement is what your project has accomplished to date in reaching
the target.

Key Outcome Areas - Access & Quality

To drive improvements in health equity, we believe that change must
occur in Access to and Quality of healthcare for at-risk individuals and
communities. A grantee partner should identify their work with one or more
of the outcomes associated with Access or Quality.

Access to Care Outcomes

• Awareness & Engagement - Efforts made to inform and engage
individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors or seek out the
necessary services to address their health concerns.
• Resource Availability - Availability of needed technology, facilities, tests,
or disease management resources.
• Health Worker Capacity - Training and cross-training of new and
existing professional and lay healthcare workers to build skills and/or
increase the number of current workers.
• Physical/Virtual Access - Physical availability of services, either at care
centers or patient residences, and care availability through telehealth.
• Community Integration - The degree to which healthcare systems and
community services reinforce and leverage each other for the benefit of
the patient.
• Service Affordability - Efforts made to reduce the costs to provide care
and/or minimize financial challenges for those seeking healthcare

Quality of Care Outcomes

• Effectiveness - The degree to which the provided healthcare is relevant
to the patient’s needs and is applied using scientific evidence and/or best
• Efficiency - The ability to function at lower costs or improving processes
and workflows to reduce redundancy without diminishing attainable and
desirable results for patients.
• Timeliness - The degree to which patients obtain care promptly and
delays are reduced.
• Patient-centeredness - The degree to which a system places the
patient at the center of their healthcare delivery and prioritizes the realistic
desires and expectations of patients and their families. A crucial aspect of
this is culturally inclusive care.

Health Outcomes
When true improvements are made to Access to and Quality of healthcare,
health risks are mitigated and the Health Status of individuals and
communities follow. Given the nature of certain projects and time horizons
necessary to affect Health Outcomes, we do not expect each grantee to be
accountable for measuring impact in each Health Outcome area. However,
where reasonable, based on the scope of their project, a grantee should
identify their work with one or more Risk Factor or Health Status.

Health Status
• Mortality - The amount of time people can reasonably expect to live.
• Morbidity - The presence and severity of disease among individuals.
• Quality of Life - The degree to which individuals can experience all-
around well-being.

Continuum of Care
We also recognize that our grantee partners aim to create change across
the outcomes highlighted above at various points in an individual's life. We
account for these points in time by identifying how grantee partner
projects focus on one more stage of a Continuum of Care.

• Prevention - Use of resources, outreach, and education to decrease the

risk of getting a disease or minimize or control the severity of the diseases.
• Screening - Identifying an unrecognized disease in an apparently
healthy, asymptomatic person by means of test, examination, or other
• Diagnosis - Tests, examination, or procedures to identify a disease or
condition from its signs and symptoms
• Treatment - Services to combat and/or control a disease.
• Disease Management - Palliative care and or survivorship; quality
resources and support to live with, through, or beyond a disease.
Next Steps
The first section of questions in this survey are to understand the nature of
your project and how it aims for certain outcomes within the BMSF Impact
Framework outlined above. "


This survey provides an opportunity for you, the BMSF grantee, to share
details about yourself, your project, and your audience, and to select the
indicators you have been tracking and reporting to BMSF.

Some of the questions in this survey are considered indicators and will be
the questions asked to you in future, bi-annual Impact Surveys. For these
questions, you will mark if your project has been tracking the indicator and
include a target to date and the achievement so far, if possible (see
definitions below). In some parts of the survey the terms Target and
Achievement are replaced with words like Expected and Realized
respectively depending with the nature of the indicator under discussion.

Target - A quantifiable goal that your project aims to achieve. In this

survey, record your target to date.
Achievement - What your project has done towards realizing the
quantifiable goal. In this survey, record your target to date.

You only need to input a number or percentage (depending on the

indicator) for the target
or the achievement. As an example, the image below depicts how you
would respond to an awareness-related question if your project uses
emails and social media posts in your digital communication efforts. In
this case, the grantee has a target of 100 emails and a target of 75 social
media posts and actually sent 72 emails and 27 social media posts. If an
indicator does not apply to your project, then simply do not check the box
in the far left column and move on.
Below is another example of how you would respond to a breast cancer
screening-related question with a Target and Achievement. In this
example, the grantee found that the national breast cancer screening rate
for women between the age of 50 and 74 is nearly 73%, according to the
National Cancer Institute. This grantee has a target population of 3,000
women in rural areas; 73% of that population would be 2,190, so the
grantee inputs 2,190 as their Target however for this quarter they managed
to Screen 1,002 women and the grantee recorded 1,002 as their

TEXT.01.02. Additional Survey Directions

Forward/Back Buttons
At the bottom of each page of the survey, you will have two green buttons
that will allow you to either advance to the next question or go back to the
previous question. You can use these buttons to navigate through the
survey to see what questions will come and to go back to make some
corrections. The last button in this survey is red and clicking it will submit
your responses to Nedico.
Saving the Survey
Qualtrics is a web-based platform and saves your progress automatically.
The “Allow respondents to finish later” feature is enabled which uses
cookies on your browser to save progress.

Response Summary Report

Once you complete the survey, you will be directed to a summary of your
responses and another summary will be sent to your email. This response
summary can also be downloaded as a PDF. If there are any responses
that you would like to modify, you can be issued a "Retake Survey Link" that
will allow you to change your responses to any relevant answers. Once you
click the retake link, you will be directed to the beginning of the survey, but
all your previous responses will be prepopulated.

GEN.01. In which geography does your project focus?





GEN.01.01. In which country or countries does your project focus? Select all
that apply.











GEN.01.02. What is the name of your project?


RP.01. Please specify the reporting period that this submission reflects
Start Date End Date


RP.01-end date. Please specify the reporting period that this submission
reflects (mm/dd/yyyy).


RP.02. What is your project's scheduled end date (mm/dd/yyyy)?


RP.03. Is this project on a no cost extension (NCE)?



RP.04. Report type.

Monthly report

Six monthly report

GEN.02. What is the estimated total number of individuals that your

intervention have reached to date?
Achievement Target

GEN.02.Tgt. What is the estimated total number of individuals that your

intervention have reached to date?


GEN.02.Pre. What is the estimated total number of individuals that your

intervention have reached to date?


GEN.02.01. How many individuals has your project reached within each of
the below groups to date?

. Number

Select all that apply Achievement Target

157 225
Patients or participants

177 150
Families of patients or caregivers

30544 3000
A broad Community

1895 1500
Health Professionals and administrators

397 600
Local/Community Leaders

Others, please specify

Cancer registry 18 18

GEN.02.02. Thinking about the big picture, which of the following vulnerable
and/or medically undeserved populations have you ultimately supported
through your efforts?
Select all that apply.
Distinct Racial or Ethnic Groups

Elderly (65 years and


Low Socioeconomics-status


Differently Abled



Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children


Commercial Sex workers




People living with HIV

People living with Hepatitis B




Public/Government Insurance

Other, please

18 years and above

Did your project sought IRB approval?



GEN.02.06. What is the total number of individuals needed to prove the

effectiveness of the intervention?
Achievement Target

GEN.02.06.Tgt. What is the total number of individuals needed to prove the
effectiveness of the intervention?


GEN.02.06.Prev. What is the total number of individuals needed to prove

the effectiveness of the intervention?


POA.08.01. How many partners have contributed to or participated in your


. Total number of

Select all that apply Achievement Target

397 600
Community partnerships

Clinical Partnership

11 30
Governmental/Public Partnerships

Other, please specify

OO.03.01. Has your project been able to create or join new partnerships as
a result of your affiliation with or support from BMSF? If yes, input the
number of new partnerships.




OO.03.02. Does your project include the development of educational

material (i.e curricula, toolkits, etc.)?



OO.03.03. How many educational material (ie curricula, toolkits, etc) have
been developed to date?
Achievement Target

OO.03.03.Tgt. How many educational material (ie curricula, toolkits, etc)

have been developed to date?

OO.03.03.Pre. How many educational material (ie curricula, toolkits, etc)

have been developed to date?

OO.03.04. Please describe the educational material (ie curricula, toolkits,

etc) that have been developed.
Your word count is: 0

The project has created training curricula for training HCPs, CHEWs, and for ECHO online training

GEN.03. On which therapeutic areas does your project focus?

Select all that apply.




Palliative Care


Other, Please specify:

GEN.03.01. You indicated your project focuses on Oncology. On which

specific diseases does your project focus?
Select all that apply.

AIDS-related cancers

Breast Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Lung Cancer

Multiple Myeloma

Pediatric Cancers

Prostate Cancer


Oesophageal Cancer

Other, please

Text.02. The following questions are in reference to the BMSF Impact

Framework. Please reference page 4 of the Grantee Handbook, if needed,
and keep this framework in mind as you answer each of these questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

GEN.04. In which of the following Domains does your project work?

Select all that apply.

Health Systems, Organizations, and Staff - Healthcare organizations (e.g., hospitals, clinics, providers) and
their associated resources, staff, and infrastructure.
Community Support Services - Complementary support services in a community (e.g., nonprofit groups,
religious organizations, transportation services) that can help contribute to improved health outcomes.

Social Determinants - The setting in which individuals live, work, and play (e.g., neighborhoods, parks,
roads) and socioeconomic factors that contribute to an individual’s health and wellbeing (e.g., education,
income level, social norms, prejudices).

Public Policy - Health-equity-focused advocacy or collaboration with government on legislation, regulation,

policy, or public support.

GEN.04.01. Which Results based Objective does your project focus on?

Improvement/renovation of treatment

Increase competency of nursing staff on oncology nursing


Train local clinical haematologist to increase ratio of clinical haematologist

Build capacity and collaboration in unit focusing on Mutiple


Not Applicable

GEN.04.04. Which of the following outcomes does your project aim to


Improve capacity to identify patients who need rehabilitation services.

Improve capacity to provide mobility aids, orthopedic devices and physiotherapy


Improve capacity to provide health education through tele-


Not Applicable

GEN.05. On which stages along the Continuum of Care does your project
primarily focus?
Select all that apply.

Prevention - Use of resources, outreach, and education to decrease the risk of getting a disease or minimize
or control the severity of the diseases

Screening - Identifying an unrecognized disease in an apparently healthy, asymptomatic person by means

of test, examination, or other procedure

Diagnosis - Tests, examination, or procedures to identify a disease or condition from its signs and

Treatment - Services to combat and/or control a

Disease Management - Palliative care and or survivorship; quality resources and support to live with,
through, or beyond a disease

Of these Access indicators , which of the following outcomes did your
project aim to improve? Select all that apply.

Awareness &

Resource availability

Health Worker Capacity

Physical/Virtual Access

Community Intergration

Service Affordability

Not Applicable

Of these Quality indicators , which of the following outcomes did your
project aim to improve? Select all that apply.





Not Applicable

GEN.07. Which health outcome does your project focus on?

Select all that apply.

Risk Factors

Health Status

No - My project will not focus on, or will not measure at this time, indicators for Risk Factors or Health

GEN.07.02. You indicated your project improved individuals' Health Status.

Which of the following outcomes does your project improved?
Select all that apply.


Quality of life

No - My project will not focus on, or will not measure at this time, indicators for Health

Text.03. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Awareness & Engagement, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POA.01.01. What are the ways in which your project educates or engages
Select all that apply.

Digital Communication (e.g., email, text, social media posts,


Printed Communication (e.g., physical mail, flyers,


In Person/Virtual Events (e.g., webinars, townhalls, community health events)

How many In-Person/Virtual events have been conducted to date.
Achievement Target


POA.01.01.03.Tgt. How many In-Person/Virtual events have been conducted

to date.


POA.01.01.03.Pre. How many In-Person/Virtual events have been conducted

to date.

How many patients did you reach through your education/awareness
building efforts?
Achievement Target


POA.01.02.Tgt. How many patients did you reach through your

education/awareness building efforts?


POA.01.02.Pre. How many patients did you reach through your

education/awareness building efforts?


POA.01.04. How many individuals reported improved health literacy (i.e.,

awareness and/or understanding of your target disease[s])?
Achievement Target

POA.01.04.Tgt. How many individuals reported improved health literacy (i.e.,

awareness and/or understanding of your target disease[s])?
POA.01.04.Pre. How many individuals reported improved health literacy (i.e.,
awareness and/or understanding of your target disease[s])?

POQ.15.01. Of the patients in your target population, how many have

reported improved health?
Achievement Target

POQ.15.01.Tgt. Of the patients in your target population, how many have

reported improved health?

POQ.15.01.Pre. Of the patients in your target population, how many have

reported improved health?

Text.04. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Resource Availability, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POA.02. Which of the following services does your project create or


Navigation services

Prevention services

Screening services
Diagnostic services

Treatment services

Psychosocial support services

Palliative or hospice care services

Survivorship support services

Other, please
Health information dissemination

How many patients have received navigation services?
Achievement Target


POA.02.01.Tgt. How many patients have received navigation services?


POA.02.01.Pre. How many patients have received navigation services?


POA.02.04.MM. How many patients have been diagnosed with Multiple

Myeloma as part of your program to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.04.MM.Tgt. How many patients have been diagnosed with Multiple

Myeloma as part of your program to date?

POA.02.04.MM.Pre. How many patients have been diagnosed with Multiple

Myeloma as part of your program to date?


POA.02.04.01.MM. What other conditions were found during the diagnosis of

Multiple Myeloma and their respective numbers?
Select all that apply.

. Number of patients found with the condition.

Select all that apply Achievement Target

Renal Disease

Aplastic Anemia




CUP (cancer of unknown primary)

Breast cancer

Other, please specify.

Unknown diagnosis 12

POA.02.05.MM.1. How many patients have received (initiated on) treatment

for Multiple Myeloma to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.05.MM.1.Tgt. How many patients have received (initiated on)

treatment for Multiple Myeloma to date?


POA.02.05.MM.1.Pre. How many patients have received (initiated on)

treatment for Multiple Myeloma to date?


POA.02.05.MM.2. How many patients are currently receiving treatment and

care for Multiple Myeloma to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.05.MM.2.Tgt. How many patients are currently receiving treatment

and care for Multiple Myeloma to date?


POA.02.05.MM.2.Pre. How many patients are currently receiving treatment

and care for Multiple Myeloma to date?


POA.02.05.MM.3. How many patients have completed treatment for

Multiple Myeloma to date?
Achievement Target

POA.02.05.MM.3.Tgt. How many patients have completed treatment for
Multiple Myeloma to date?

POA.02.05.MM.3.Pre. How many patients have completed treatment for

Multiple Myeloma to date?

POA.02.06.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to psychosocial support to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.06.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to psychosocial support to date?


POA.02.06.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to psychosocial support to date?


POA.02.06.2.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have received

psychosocial support to date?
Achievement Target

POA.02.06.2.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have
received psychosocial support to date?


POA.02.06.2.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have

received psychosocial support to date?

POA.02.07.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to palliative or hospice care to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.07.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to palliative or hospice care to date?


POA.02.07.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to palliative or hospice care to date?


POA.02.07.2.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have received

palliative or hospice care to date?
Achievement Target

POA.02.07.2.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have
received palliative or hospice care to date?


POA.02.07.2.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have

received palliative or hospice care to date?

POA.02.08.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to survivorship services to date?
Achievement Target


POA.02.08.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to survivorship services to date?


POA.02.08.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have been

referred to survivorship services to date?


POA.02.08.2.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have received

survivorship services to date?
Achievement Target

POA.02.08.2.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have
received survivorship services to date?


POA.02.08.2.MM.Pre. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma have

received survivorship services to date?

POA.03. How many healthcare facilities/community partners received

materials, equipment or supplies for care delivery?
Achievement Target


POA.03.Tgt. How many healthcare facilities/community partners received

materials, equipment or supplies for care delivery?


POA.03.Prev. How many healthcare facilities/community partners received

materials, equipment or supplies for care delivery?


POA.03.01. How many healthcare facilities/community partners that have

been established or renovated for care delivery?
Achievement Target

POA.03.01.Tgt. How many healthcare facilities/community partners that
have been established or renovated for care delivery?

POA.03.01.Prev. How many healthcare facilities/community partners that

have been established or renovated for care delivery?

POA.03.02. In a few sentences, please describe specifically the kinds of

resources your project provided or improvements your project made to
healthcare facilities/community partner facilities
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

The project donated 31 BMA needles to the 11 counties where CMEs were done. The project also
Increased the knowledge base of the HCPs in the 11 counties through the CMEs we conducted. The
project improved access to BMA procedures, SPEP, B2 Microglobulin, and other laboratory workups
in Moi teaching and referral hospital hospitals

Text.05. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Health Worker Capacity, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POA.04. Does your project focus on training professional or lay health



POA.04.01. How many professional or lay health workers have been trained
to date?
Achievement Target


POA.04.01.Tgt. How many professional or lay health workers have been

trained to date?


POA.04.01.Prev. How many professional or lay health workers have been

trained to date?

POA.04.05. How many healthcare providers applied the new skills and
Achievement Target

POA.04.05.Tgt. How many healthcare providers applied the new skills and

POA.04.05.Prev. How many healthcare providers assessed applied the new

skills and knowledge?

POA.04.06. Please share an example of the outcome/impact of your

training program on patient care.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

Text.06. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Physical/Virtual Access, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POA.07.01. Please indicate how many patients have been assisted or

referred for the following services
Select all that apply.




Other (please specify)

Text.07. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Community Integration, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POA.09. Has your project built or improved capacity for other

NGOs/CBOs/FBOs to better deliver project services and activities?



POA.10.01. Please describe the ways in which your project has engage with
community stakeholders (non-clinical) such as ( leaders, food
banks, local government etc.)
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0


POA.11.01. In a few sentences, please describe specifically the ways in which

your project has engaged clinical stakeholders (i.e., clinics, hospitals,
etc.) in project activities
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

The program engages clinical stakeholders through training and routine refresher sessions on the
ECHO platform. The program also does routine BMA and lab technicians mentorship processes.

POA.11.02. What is the number of individuals or patients that have

successfully been referred between community and clinical resources or
services (i.e., patient followed through on accessing referral services)?
Achievement Target


POA.11.02.Tgt. What is the number of individuals or patients that have

successfully been referred between community and clinical resources or
services (i.e., patient followed through on accessing referral services)?

POA.11.02.Prev. What is the number of individuals or patients that have

successfully been referred between community and clinical resources or
services (i.e., patient followed through on accessing referral services)?


POA.13. In a few sentences, please describe how your project has resulted
in permanent positive change in community-based support structures.
Write "N/A" if not applicable
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0


Text.08. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Access to healthcare through improved Service Affordability, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a
POA.14. Which of the following best describes the ways your project works
to ensure affordable patient care?Select all that apply.

Discounted services(e.g., sliding fee scale)

Connect individuals to safety net insurers( e.g., government


Assist with navigating medical expenses(e.g., reading bills, connecting with billing

Expand types of payment accepted

Lowering the cost care by streamlining or improving the care


Other, please
NHIF support, SPEP support, B2 Microglobulin support, diagnostic support

POA.14.01. For how many individuals in your target population has your
project improved service affordability?
Achievement Target


POA.14.01.Tgt. For how many individuals in your target population has your
project improved service affordability?


POA.14.01.Prev. For how many individuals in your target population has your
project improved service affordability?


POA.15. In a few sentences, please describe specifically the ways in which

your project has made healthcare/community services more affordable.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0
The program provides various supports based on need, the provision of transport support, NHIF
support,B2 Microglobulin, SPEP and diagnostic workup support. The program also shares
information on companies that provide aid and support eg. Safaricom foundation

POA.16. In a few sentences, please describe the ways in which your project
has generated cost savings for individuals seeking care.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

By providing support to patients receiving care at MTRH

Text.10. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Quality of healthcare through improved Efficiency, please answer the
following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POQ.05.MM.A. What percent of patients with Multiple Myeloma were lost to

Actual Target


POQ.05.MM.A.Tgt. What percent of patients with Multiple Myeloma were lost

to follow-up?

POQ.05.MM.A.Prev. What percent of patients with Multiple Myeloma were

lost to follow-up?

POQ.05.MM.B. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma were lost to

Actual Target


POQ.05.MM.B.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma were lost to


POQ.05.MM.B.Prev. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma were lost to



POQ.06.MM. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma abandoned

Actual Target

POQ.06.MM.Tgt. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma abandoned


POQ.06.MM.Prev. How many patients with Multiple Myeloma abandoned


Text.11. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Quality of healthcare through improved Timeliness, please answer the
following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POQ.07.MM. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from screening to diagnosis ?
Achievement Target
Input number in days


POQ.07.MM.Tgt. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from screening to diagnosis ?

POQ.08.MM. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from diagnosis to treatment?
Achievement Target
Input number in days

POQ.08.MM.Tgt. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from diagnosis to treatment?
Input number in days

POQ.09.MM. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from scheduling an appointment to seeing a care provider?
Achievement Target
Input number in days

POQ.09.MM.Tgt. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from scheduling an appointment to seeing a care provider?
Input number in days

Text.12. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Quality of healthcare through improved Patient-centeredness, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

POQ.10. Does your project seek to improve patient satisfaction?



POQ.10.02. What percentage of patients report being satisfied with their

Achievement Target

POQ.10.02.Tgt. What percent of patients report being satisfied with their


POQ.10.02.Pre. What percent of patients report being satisfied with their



POQ.11.02.A. What percentage of patients report they trust their healthcare

Achievement Target


POQ.11.02.A.Tgt. What percent of patients report they trust their healthcare



POQ.11.02.A.Prev. What percent of patients report they trust their healthcare



POQ.13. How many patients have received translation or interpretation

Achievement Target

POQ.13.Tgt. How many patients have received translation or interpretation

POQ.13.Pre. How many patients have received translation or interpretation


POQ.14. Does your project focus on providing culturally inclusive care (e.g.,
family/community interactions, religious beliefs affecting healthcare,
languages spoken by patients, diverse health beliefs held by patient
populations, cultural or language competency training to professional or
lay health workers)



TEXT.17.MM. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Health Status related to Mortality towards Multiple Myeloma, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

HS.34.B.MM. Of patients diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, how many died

to date?


Text.16.MM. Thinking about the ways in which your project aims to improve
Health Status related to Quality of Life towards Multiple Myeloma, please
answer the following questions.
You can also hover over each framework term, shown in bold text, for a

HS.27.MM. What percent of patients to date reported improvement to their

quality of life? (WHOQOL Q1)
Achievement Target

HS.27.MM.Tgt. What percent of patients to date reported improvement to

their quality of life? (WHOQOL Q1)


HS.28.MM. How many patients within your target population reported

improvement to their quality of life?
Achievement Target

HS.28.MM.Tgt. How many patients within your target population reported

improvement to their quality of life?

HS.29.MM. What percent of patients reported improved Physical Health?

Achievement Target

HS.29.MM.Tgt. What percent of patients reported improved Physical



HS.29.01.MM. What percent of patients indicated improvements in the

following aspects of Physical Health? (WHOQOL Domain 1)

. .

Select all that apply Achievement Target

To what extent do you feel that physical pain prevents you 30 100
from doing what you need to do? (WHOQOL Q3):

How much do you need any medical treatment to function 30 0

in your daily life? (WHOQOL Q4):

Do you have enough energy for everyday life? (WHOQOL 30 100


30 100
How well are you able to get around? (WHOQOL Q15):

30 100
How satisfied are you with your sleep? (WHOQOL Q16):

How satisfied are you with your ability to perform your daily 30 100
living activities? (WHOQOL Q17):

How satisfied are you with your capacity for work? 30 100

HS.30.MM. What percent of patients reported improved Psychological

Health? (WHOQOL Domain 2)
Achievement Target

HS.30.MM.Tgt. What percent of patients reported improved Psychological

Health? (WHOQOL Domain 2)

HS.30.01.MM. What percent of patients indicated improvements in the
following aspects of Psychological Health?

. .

Select all that apply Achievement Target

50 0
How much do you enjoy life? (WHOQOL Q5):

To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful? 50 0


50 0
How well are you able to concentrate? (WHOQOL Q7):

Are you able to accept your bodily appearance? (WHOQOL 50 100


50 100
How satisfied are you with yourself? (WHOQOL Q19):

How often do you have negative feelings such as blue mood, 50 100
despair, anxiety, depression? (WHOQOL Q26):

HS.31.MM. What percent of patients reported improved Social

Relationships? (WHOQOL Domain 3)
Achievement Target

HS.31.MM.Tgt. What percent of patients reported improved Social

Relationships? (WHOQOL Domain 3)


HS.31.01.MM. What percent of patients indicated improvements in the

following aspects of Social Relationships?

. .

Select all that apply Achievement Target

How satisfied are you with your personal relationships? 50 100


50 100
How satisfied are you with your sex life? (WHOQOL Q21):
. .
How satisfied are you with the support you get from your 50 100
friends? (WHOQOL Q22): Select all that apply Achievement Target

HS.32.MM. What percent of patients reported improved Environmental

Health? (WHOQOL Domain 4)
Achievement Target

HS.32.MM.Tgt. What percent of patients reported improved Environmental

Health? (WHOQOL Domain 4)


HS.32.01.MM. What percent of patients indicated improvements in the

following aspects of Environmental Health?

. .

Select all that

Achievement Target

50 0
How safe do you feel in your daily life? (WHOQOL Q8):

50 0
How healthy is your physical environment? (WHOQOL Q9):

50 100
Do you have enough money to meet your needs? (WHOQOL Q12):

How available to you is the information that you need in your day- 50 100
to-day life? (WHOQOL Q13):

To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities? 50 100

How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place? 50 100

How satisfied are you with your access to health services? 50 100

50 100
How satisfied are you with your transport? (WHOQOL Q25):
Text.RBO.4. Thinking about your Results Based Objectives and how your
project aims to train local clinical haematologist to increase ratio of
clinical haematologist towards Multiple Myeloma, answer the following

RBO.04.01. How many protocols were developed and submitted for ethics
approval for all proposed research projects?
Achievement Target

RBO.04.01.Tgt. How many protocols were developed and submitted for

ethics approval for all proposed research projects?

RBO.04.01.Prev. How many protocols were developed and submitted for

ethics approval for all proposed research projects?

RBO.04.02. Did your project mange to set up a Multiple Myeloma Patient




RBO.04.03. How many Multiple Myeloma epidemiological researches were

Achievement Target

RBO.04.03.Tgt. How many Multiple Myeloma epidemiological researches
were conducted?

RBO.04.03.Prev. How many Multiple Myeloma epidemiological researches

were conducted?

RBO.04.04. How many journals on epidemiological research were

Achievement Target

RBO.04.04.Tgt. How many journals on epidemiological research were


RBO.04.04.Prev. How many journals on epidemiological research were


RBO.05.01. How many data capturers were appointed?

Achievement Target

RBO.05.01.Tgt. How many data capturers were appointed?

RBO.05.01.Prev. How many data capturers were appointed?

RBO.05.02. How many computers were purchased to support research

Achievement Target

RBO.05.02.Tgt. How many computers were purchased to support research


RBO.05.02.Prev. How many computers were purchased to support research


HS.33.MM. In a few sentences, please describe the types of improvements

to quality of life that you have observed among your patients.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

the patient has shown improvement in terms of improvement in their energy, from before to now,
there has been an improvement. there has also been an improvement in them having enough
money to meet their needs, this was not so before.
Text.18. Thinking about internal program management goals for which
BMSF is providing support, please answer the following questions.

GM.01. Please state the project’s key goal(s)

Please describe in detail your milestone achievements.

Goal Milestone

Proper and timely diagnosis of multiple

myeloma patients has improved during this
To aid patients in obtaining a rapid reporting period. We managed to support
diagnosis of multiple myeloma, in order for 261 patients to do the routine diagnostic
Goal 1 those patients to receive standard work ups to aid in timely diagnosis due to
treatment that is available in Kenya. financial constrains that were limiting them
to do this tests.

#To develop a training curriculum for

multiple myeloma care. #To deliver
To evaluate the impact of training specialist guided training on multiple
myeloma care to HCPs in Western Kenya.
healthcare professionals on the recognition,
#To assess the impact of training on HCPs
diagnosis and treatment of patients with
Goal 2 knowledge and satisfaction. To assess the
myeloma and documenting those patient
impact of the training on early detection
and referral of multiple myeloma suspected

#To provide support for diagnostic testing

to needy MM patients. #To provide health
insurance support to needy MM patients
#To provide peer support to MM patients
To improve multiple myeloma care #To determine factors affecting treatment
outcomes through patient support activities completion among MM patients in MTRH
Goal 3
in Western Kenya. #To determine changes in Health-Related
Quality of Life in MM patients receiving

Goal 4

Goal 5

Goal 6

Goal 7

Goal 8
GM.01.01.M1. For the milestone "Proper and timely diagnosis of multiple
myeloma patients has improved during this reporting period. We
managed to support 261 patients to do the routine diagnostic work ups to
aid in timely diagnosis due to financial constrains that were limiting them
to do this tests.", rate your progress to date.

Significantly exceeded




Fell significantly below

Changed approach

GM.01.01.M2. For the milestone "#To develop a training curriculum for

multiple myeloma care. #To deliver specialist guided training on multiple
myeloma care to HCPs in Western Kenya. #To assess the impact of
training on HCPs knowledge and satisfaction. To assess the impact of the
training on early detection and referral of multiple myeloma suspected
clients.", rate your progress to date.

Significantly exceeded




Fell significantly below

Changed approach

GM.01.01.M3. For the milestone "#To provide support for diagnostic testing
to needy MM patients. #To provide health insurance support to needy MM
patients #To provide peer support to MM patients #To determine factors
affecting treatment completion among MM patients in MTRH #To
determine changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in MM patients
receiving treatment", rate your progress to date.

Significantly exceeded



Fell significantly below

Changed approach

GM.01.02. Please describe the reason(s) for your progress rating including
any significant accomplishments and/or challenges, any adjustments or
integrated any new elements and any changes made in response. (skip if
not applicable)
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

We managed to achieve 53% of the life of the program target since we supported 261 patients to
do their routine work-ups thus we have not yet met the target but we are approaching it.

TEXT.19. Thinking about operational activities and other outputs from your
project, please answer the following questions.

OO.01. How many publications or presentations have you created to date?

Peer reviewed manuscripts: 3

Presentations/abstracts at medical meetings:

Expert think pieces (i.e. blogposts op-ed pieces):

Non-peer reviewed articles:

OO.01.01. List the titles of the Peer reviewed manuscripts created to date.
OO.02. Is your project engaged in improving or advancing health policy?



OO.02.01. Please indicate the ways your project has been engaged in public
health policy changes. Select all that apply

Policymaker education

Legislative advancements



Other (please specify)

OO.02.03. In a few sentences, please describe the ways in which your

project has resulted in actual changes to health policy.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

OO.03. Has your project been able to secure additional funding as a result
of your affiliation with or support from BMSF? If yes, input the amount of
additional funding. Input amounts for public and private if both apply

Yes, public:
Yes, private:


POQ.11. Does your project focus on building trust between patients and their
healthcare provider(s)?



POQ.11.01. In a few sentences, please describe specifically the ways your

project has improved patient trust with their healthcare provider(s).
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

The program has ensured the clinicians are confidential with what the patients share. the
program clinician is also available anytime the patients need assistance of any kind.

TEXT.20. The following questions are intended to provide additional

narrative and context for your project. Please answer each in a few
sentences (200-word limit per question). If a question is not relevant for
your project, please write "N/A".

OO.04. How is the project going overally? How would you rate the overall
progress of your project?
Your word count is: 0

So far we have achieved a number of targets, surpassed some targets, and are almost achieving
the rest. So far the progress is fairly excellent. The program is however experiencing challenges in
how to calculate or collect data on impact indicators due to systematic challenges from partners.

OO.07. What type(s) of sustainability strategies are being pursued to

retain the capacity and availability of services built by the project beyond
the BMSF grant?
Your word count is: 0

Training HCPS in the various health facilities to provide MM care decentralizes care to the counties
and therefore makes sure the patients get care at the counties. Sharing our MM model of care/
experience through publications of manuscripts can contribute to policy changes and advocacy

OO.07.01. Will components that were introduced by your project continue

even in the absence of further financial support from the Bristol Myers
Squibb Foundation?



OO.07.02. Have any components of your project been replicated




OO.08. What are the key lessons learned from your project to date?
Your word count is: 0

The project needs to be flexible and change strategies, in cases where the strategies in place are
not working to create impact and achieve the set targets.

OO.09. Have there been any changes in project or organizational

leadership? If so, what implications have they had for the project?
Your word count is: 0

No changes in the project or organizational leadership.

OO.10. Do you anticipate any changes to the timeline? If so, please
describe those changes.
Your word count is: 0

No, we don't anticipate any changes to the timeline

OO.11. Please share anecdote(s) of beneficiaries (patient, healthcare

worker, family member, etc.) of the project and how the project has
impacted them. Mention any remarkable quotes from beneficiaries if
Your word count is: 0

AMPATH MULTIPLE MYELOMA PROGRAM HEALTH WORKER My name is Austin Omondi, I am a clinician
for the Ampath Multiple Myeloma program. My main role as a clinician is to attend to myeloma
patients every day, have been doing this for the past 3 years in my workstation. At first, I used to
see few patients in the clinic but with time the number keeps on rising every day, this is a good
thing since health care workers can flag myeloma symptoms and refer them appropriately.
However, there are still a lot of challenges in myeloma care. The majority of these patients are
elderly people who are either retired or are on the edge of the retirement period, and the few
energetic working individuals are not productive due to the disease burden. Myeloma symptoms
are masked with other diseases e.g., arthritis hence delayed diagnosis. and in terms of treatment,
it's normally prolonged over years which harms their finances. These are patients who undergo a
lot of psychological and psychosocial challenges of rejection by family and friends, financial
constraints, and treatment side effects. They are always depressed because they cannot meet
their needs and that of their family. There is still a need for advocacy and awareness on myeloma
screening for early diagnosis at premalignant state for better outcome and treatment. The
government also should have an inclusive insurance package for the diagnostic and treatment of

OO.12. If possible, please include pictures of your project (patients, events,

etc.) Please note that the system limits you to upload one file with a maximum size
of 100MB only. If you have multiple photos to upload, compress them to a Zip file
and upload.

OO.14. Is there any other input regarding your project or work with BMSF
that has not been captured yet that you would like to share? If so, please
explain in a few sentences.
200-word limit.
Your word count is: 0

OO.15. Please upload your most recent expense report below.

Year 2 Semi annual Report December 2021 to End of May 2022.docx


OO.15.01. Please upload your operational progress report (narrative report).

Year 2 Semi annual Report December 2021 to End of May 2022.docx


OO.16. Appendix Upload: Please upload any additional materials, if


End of Impact Survey.

***Click the "Submit button" below to submit your monthly responses to
New Dimension Consulting (NEDICO).***

POQ.07.MM.Prev. For patients with Multiple Myeloma, what was the average
length of time from screening to diagnosis ?


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