Tollbar IB

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Outstanding International Baccalaureate results for Tollbar Sixth Form College students

Tollbar Sixth Form College is today celebrating the release of its second set of International Baccalaureate results. 100% of students have achieved the IB, with 79% achieving the diploma, and one student, achieving 41 out of the 45 maximum points available, with top marks (7 points) in four of her subjects. This is a remarkable result, with a very small percentage of students achieving this world-wide. It equates to more than four of the new A* grades at A-Level, which have been designated at A-Level for the highest ability students. Unlike A levels, students are awarded points up to a maximum of 45, with 35 points being equivalent to at least 4 grade As at A level 79% of students achieved the full diploma by achieving a minimum of 24 points. This means that after only two years of running the Diploma, Tollbar has exceeded the world-wide pass rate of 78% The lowest score achieved of 18 points is even equivalent to a Grade D and E pass at A-Level. This means that every student passed the IB, and could all get into university on the strength of their individual subject achievements, which are welcomed by universities for degree courses, as is the Diploma. Many other students have also achieved high results, with 10 Grade 7s across eight different subjects. Some received a total of 37, 39 and 40 points, which is again equivalent to more than four A* grades at A Level. At this stage, but with some still to receive confirmation, the majority of Tollbar students have achieved their chosen university places across the full spectrum of universities and courses. This is significantly higher than last year at this stage, and has been achieved by sheer hard work on behalf of students and staff at Tollbar Sixth Form College. University places do continue to be confirmed over the summer, and so the final number of students who have been accepted at university will be higher. Four students who joined Tollbar Sixth Form College from Humberston have all received their university placements today and one student has achieved the bi-lingual Diploma and will be returning to Germany to commence her studies. Another student who joined us from Iceland half way through studying the IB also did exceptionally well, achieving 33 points and is also going on to study abroad. Three aspects that make the IB qualification so attractive to Universities and Employers are the Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service, and these core elements of their IB studies all resulted in 100% pass rate. Tollbar Sixth Form College Director Andy Clarke said: I am so very proud of the students today. They have worked harder than they have ever done in their lives to achieve these results, and they deserve this praise. In this current climate achieving a place at university is very difficult, so to have so many places confirmed today is very gratifying both for them and their parents and for the staff at the college, who have worked so hard to help them to get there. Chief Executive David Hampson OBE said: Our students results are exemplary, and they reflect both their own and the staffs hard work, and the support of their parents and carers. The Ofsted visit carried out earlier this year on our IB programme confirmed that the approach we are taking to Post-16 education at Tollbar Sixth Form College is offering our students excellent life changing opportunities, and these results are indicative of that. Reports we are regularly receiving from last years students who are now at University demonstrate quite clearly the value of this world-wide accepted qualification as a fantastic pre-requisite to university study and employment.

Top marks for Laura who hopes to go to Oxford

Laura Hill (18) scored an exemplary 41 out of 45 points with top scores of 7 points in four subjects. This is an outstanding result, as only a very small percentage of students world-wide ever achieve top marks. Laura transferred to Tollbar from Humberston School to study IB, and needed 38 points for a place at St Catherines College, Oxford. She is now awaiting confirmation of her place there to study History of Art. She achieved a Grade 7 in Visual Arts, Geography, Biology and Maths Studies. In tears at her achievement, Laura said: I am completely overwhelmed. I have exceeded my top point score to go to Oxford, and then to achieve four 7s is incredible. I worked so very hard, but I have had the most amazing time and the support from teachers has been the very best. We are like a family, and all of us are now so close that we will be keeping in touch no matter which universities we go to. We have supported each other throughout the two years of study, and today has made it all more than worthwhile. I want to thank Tollbar for giving me this amazing opportunity. Laura, who had to hold off her celebrations until after her afternoon shift at her summer job at Claires Accessories in Grimsby was over, planned a party with her family.

Mum praises staff as Emily gets university place

at Moving from Iceland to study Tollbar has been amazing

eja Dominique Balajewski, Kathryn Mord

and Jo Bailey

Another ex-Humberston student Emily Pullan (18) scored a massive 37 points, with two Grade 7s in Business Management and Geography, She will attend Loughborough University in the autumn to study English. Accompanied by her parents to receive her results at Tollbar she said: From the very first day I came to Tollbar I have been made to feel welcome. The support I received from day one is what has helped me to get this far and todays result is incredible. I needed 32 points and I have achieved 37, which is beyond my dreams. Buying her daughter a celebration coffee and cake, Emilys mum Caroline Pullan said: We cannot praise Tollbar highly enough. We thought it might be hard for Emily to transfer across and fit in, but there were no such problems. She has done well through sheer hard work and the dedication and support of some amazing staff at Tollbar, to whom we will always be very grateful.

i (19) came to Tollbar to study Icelandic student Dominique Bulajewsk ience abroad. her second year of IB studies to gain exper for take a gap year in the USA before She achieved 33 points and will now States where the IB is very deciding on a university placement in the well received. I have made, she said. I Coming to Tollbar was the best decision r support or made better friends, and even could not have had bette support family has been the being away from home and living with a ience. best exper r are far better than I could have The resources provided for us at Tollba here without have enabled us to do so well. I have been imagined and like a second family here at Tollbar. It has my family but it has been for me. been an absolutely life-changing experience

Jo gets 32 points and a place at Loughborough ving the full

Patrick achieved more points than he needed

get into De Montford University, Patrick Bell (18) needed 24 points to and Security. He achieved a Leicester, to study Computer Forensics autumn. points and will take up his place in the superb 30 here and I want to thank ing It has been the best atmosphere study everyone who helped me.

points, recei Jo Bailey (18) scored a tremendous 32 place at Teeside University to Diploma, and achieving her dream of a Scene Science. study Crime but it has definitely been worth It was hard work, I am not going to lie, it, said Jo. the way along, giving me the The teachers have been lovely to me all if things ed it, and encouraging me to keep going extra help when I need right they were to do that, and I am in got tough. Today has proved how a state of happy shock.

Lewis Taylor could not quite believe his luck when he achieved 35 points, including a Grade 7 in Physics. Lewis mingham University to study Chemical Engin (18) has a place at Bireering. I needed 34 points and a Grade 5 in maths and I exceeded that, so I am still in shock at this moment, he said. I have to say that the teachers have been awesome. The amount of work they have put in has shown us that they cared as much about our achievements as we did, and everyone has done so well today thanks to them. They put in a crazy amount of extra revision time for us and I am very grateful that they have cared enough to do that. We all have a lot to thank them for.

Teachers deserve the real praise says Lewis

IB has given me so many choic Alex Wilson

Alex Wilson (18) from Waltham achieved 33 points and will take up his place at De Montford University,Leicester. I I got thee 6s, one in Economics, which am now planning to study at Leicester, he said. Originally I studied IB with the thought of going abroad, but it has given me lots of choices, and now I have decided to continue my studies in the UK to begin with.


German student came for a visit and stayed ma

achieved a Bilingual Diplo German student Kathryn Mordeja (18) country to study s, having moved to Tollbar from her home and 36 point IB. that would be accepted in I wanted an international qualification study in another country for a while. I came Germany, but I wanted to but I enjoyed it so very much here initially to do just the first year of IB, d to complete it here. that I staye standard, and learning at TollI already spoke English, but not to this been so much the ultimate experience for me. There has bar has been and can rely on to help you through anything, support from people you looking to do something with my when I return to Germany I will be languages.

Chelsea Salt (18) will take up her place at Greenwich University after achieving 28 points. She achieved a Grade 6 in Psychology. This has been hard work, but amazing, she said. The best part for me was the independence we are given, coupled with the support when needed. Amazing.

Chelsea is going to Greenwich


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