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US Memorial Speech

The Philippines is home to the largest American Cemetery. These sacred grounds here
at the Fort Bonifacio do not only underscore our entangled histories but also our
undying commitment to the defense of freedom and democracy. More than half a
century ago, Filipino and American soldiers sacrificed their lives to liberate the country
during the tumultuous times of World War II. As we face the challenges of our complex
present, we need the stories of valor, heroism, and selflessness to attest to what
solidarity between our countries can yield. In this way, we all triumph over our colonial
past as both of our peoples find a deeper sense of kinship.
Under the leadership of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, we have seen this friendship
become more responsive to our growing mutual concerns. In 2017, the United States
was with us during the Marawi Siege. Your assistance was pivotal in expediting the
liberation of the city which is now rekindling its past glory. Our American brothers and
sisters have also extended critical assistance in our effort to modernize the Armed
Forces of the Philippines. Furthermore, the U.S. was also at the top of the list in
donating highly effective vaccines against COVID-19 – a gesture which helped us reach
the threshold of this new normal. Indeed, the gallantry of our forefathers have found
their way in our contemporary life.
Earlier this year, the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office began awarding replicas of the
US Congressional recognition for Filipino veterans who served during World War II. The
award stands for the impetus of our longstanding friendship and our shared democratic
values which continue to animate our present affairs. We find ourselves fortunate to
have the opportunity to bestow this important recognition to the last surviving veterans
whose presence never fails to capture respect and admiration from the Filipino people
especially the youth. They also remind us that our cherished gifts of democracy do not
just fall from the sky as it has to be fought for.
As we commemorate the heroic roots US-Philippine Friendship, rest assured that the
Filipino people will continue our ironclad bilateral relations and deepen our collaboration
in areas of defense and security, trade, and all other initiatives that improve the welfare
our peoples. We will work hand-in-hand to make our common endeavor of peaceful and
stable Indo-Pacific region be at the core of our security policies. Trust that as we
transition to a new leadership, we will assure that our common efforts will even find
greater heights. Nevertheless, the lives of the martyred Filipinos and Americans did not
go to vain as they are remembered through our unwavering solidarity.

Maraming salamat!

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