Devils Project Proposal Sample

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DeVILS Project Proposal:



Bhupinder Singh, FSE 100

This is the Research paper for my project, a productive and imaginative Beach Cleaner. This
comprises of an introduction to the objectives I wish to achieve with this ocean-side cleaner project
that I have planned and examined. My procedure likewise includes of a writing survey of
comparative ocean side cleaner projects I found that have been created in the past by different
associations, organizations, and college students around the world; I examine the issues that every
one of them meant to kill, the hardships they confronted, how they planned the entire undertaking
and examined the outcomes. The paper likewise talks about the means I used to design and break
down the ocean-side cleaner and its usefulness. Moreover, I concentrated on the plan's movement
and stress diagrams and finished my exploration. I accept this is the ideal answer for the
contamination on the ocean side. The robot's architecture is designed to counter the environmental
pollution problem; in this case, it must be able to navigate on the beach, collect trash found in this
area and transport them to a deposit.
As the population grows, so does the use of beaches and natural areas. Unfortunately, the
more you use it, the more garbage you create. People are constantly leaving bottles, cans,
and plastic behind. If left unattended, dust will scatter with wind and water. Debris is a
wildlife nuisance and can become entangled or suffocated, causing injury, drowning, and
suffocation. How to prevent dust scattering? It must be picked up first! Most of the time,
this has done by a human. However, there are some beach cleaning tools available that
humans manually operate to clean the beaches, like the Sandragin, which is designed to
wash, groom, and comb any sand area in need of a quiet, quick, and easy touch-up [1].
However, This is still not enough. It does not pick up the fundamental tiny particles.
Moreover, It required the human service to operate. So, an alteration is still necessary to
gather the trash from the shores.
Problem Background
Stakeholders (Customers)

● Private Beach Owner

● Government Junk
Collection Authorities
● Beach Party Organizers
● Garden owners as well

Figure 1, provided by google

● Figure one shows the relationship between users, buyers and payers
● Private Beach Owners buy this for booming their business and keeping their
staff low
● Government authorities buy this for keeping shores and public properties
● Beach party Organizers buy this rather than hiring human labor to clean up
mess after party is over.
● Public garden owners will also buy this device to keep their parks clean.
Background Research
1. Interview
Mr. Sam is a 46-year-old male working as a beach cleaning department manager in
Miami Beach, Florida. He considers that as the population is growing and people's
passion for visiting beaches for vacation is increasing, his and his co-worker's
burden is also growing. For instance, Sam said more people visiting the shores
means more litter around the coast. Furthermore, he mentioned how hard it gets for
him to find new employees to keep the beaches clean for visitors when an
employee leaves work due to the overburden. He also thinks they must find a
substitute sooner to reduce beach cleaning management work because visitors do
not like to visit dirty beaches.
Background Research
2. Online Research

● video URL- , [2].

● In this video, Creator explained that the trash that needs to be recycle end up at the
● Global issue with plastic

POV Statement
User: Owners of Private Beaches and
Government Authorities

Insight: Something that could keep shores


Need: To keep Business booming, and keep

surrounding clean.
Problem Statement

● Litter around beaches

● Shortage of beach cleaning workers
● Workers can’t pick tiny/glass trash
with hands
● Environmentally Harmful
● Economically Harmful

Figure 2: Beach Full of trash, provided by google

● Figure 2 shows the bad condition of the beaches because of trash

● As the populace develops, so does the utilization of our seashores and
standard regions.
● The more they are utilized, the more litter is.
● Individuals constantly are abandoning their containers, jars, and plastic.
● At the point when they have left, the breeze and water spread the
garbage to different spots.
● Litter hurts untamed life, which can become snared in it or it ingest,
causing injury, suffocating, or suffocation.
● We do need to find some kind of solution to resolve this problem.
Requirements and Criteria
It ought to have a Seven-hour dynamic run time before putting it on charging again,
or it should be working with solar power.
It should be waterproof
It ought to have the option to plan the region it works in
It ought to have the option to detect and stay away from impediments
It should contain a client supersede manual framework in the event of a crisis or
situations requiring the gadget to stop tasks.
The design shall handle garbage between 0.5 and 4 cubic meters and between 1 and 5

❑ Speed
❑ Durability
❑ Capacity
❑ Operability
❑ Road holding
Sketch Design 1

Figure 3: Beach Cleaner Robot 1

● Figure 3 shows the Beach cleaner Robot 1

● This bot trash bin is capabilities of storing upto 40 gallons of trash
● It works on solar energy as well as can be charged, battery capacity 7 hours
● It also has emergency stop button in case of emergency.
● GPS tracking system so it could detect obstacles and find his path.
● 16 inch diameter wheels
● Can cover upto 200 square feets within 5 minutes
● PIR Sensors for Direction
● Detects other bots in the area and their mapping
Sketch Design 2

Figure 4: Beach Cleaner 2

● Figure 4 shows the Beach Cleaner robot 2

● This bot will utilize a track framework to cross the region.
● The litter will be scooped into the focal point of the bot.
● The litter assortment bowl will be permeable to permit sand
to return to the ocean side.
● The tracking framework will allow the bot to cross the
region without any problem.
● A guard framework will be utilized to distinguish snags.
● GPS frameworks will plan the area that it takes care of
alongside spreading out the inclusion region.
● Could cover upto 200 square feets in 4 minutes because of
sand weight
● Works on solar power and battery lasted upto 6 hours.
● wheels have diameter of 22 inches
Sketch Design 3

Figure 5: Beach Cleaner 3

● Figure 5 shows the Beach Cleaner robot 3

● This bot trash bin is capabilities of storing upto 25 gallons of trash
● It works on solar energy as well as can be charged, battery capacity 7 hours
● It also has emergency stop button in case of emergency.
● GPS tracking system so it could detect obstacles and find his path.
● 12 inch diameter wheels
● Can cover upto 200 square feets within 3 minutes

● Detects other bots in the area and their mappin

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and
Decision Matrix

Table 1: Evaluate which criteria are more important than other

Table 1 shows that Road Holding is the most important. If the design cannot
track its route or obstacles coming in front of it, it cannot perform its primary
function. The second is operability because if the bot cannot operate by itself,
it cannot complete its objective; however, this is more arbitrary as it is less
measurable than Road holding and partially up to customer opinion. Storage
capacity ranked relatively low due to not needing to be larger than the design
requirement. Extra storage can be seen as a benefit, but this could lead to a
larger size which could be seen as a negative. Finally, the setup speed is
essential but significantly less than the other criteria because the bot is
Decision Matrix
Table 2: Differentiation between Three different designs

Table 2 shows that Design 1 will best fit the criteria chosen for this
problem. Design 1 had the best Road holding all others.
Proposed Design
CAD Model design

Figure 6 : Internal View Figure 7: Internal Side View

Figure 8: External Front View Figure 9: External Side View

Link for Tindercad

Figure 9 shows that the Beach Cleaner is made of plastic and metal in a rectangular shape. The wheels
of this device are 16 inches in diameter and made up of the same material as car wheels. It has a metal
bottom and the sides and the top are made of plastic. Plastic sides make it lightweight, and the metal
bottom secures it from breaking apart due to the trash weight. Figure 6 show the interior of the bot.
The Solar panel is located at the front in an inclined shape as shown in the figure 8 to get solar energy
from the sun, which also makes this device environment friendly. The battery to operate this bot is
located right behind the solar panel as shown in figure 7. Moreover, on rainy days if there is not
enough sunshine to charge this bot from the sun, you can also charge its battery by plugging it into the
charger. Manually its battery takes 2 hours to get a full charge. This bot is auto-operated; for instance,
It has a GPS that tracks its path and obstacles in front of it. Its vacuum sucks all types and sizes of
trash, for example, garbage between 0.5 and 4 cubic meters and between 1 and 5 kg. When the trash
bin gets full, the bot automatically goes to dumpsters to dump it.
How this Design Solves the Problem

The main concern was the mess around the beaches. I consider my design,
Beach cleaner, has perfectly solved the problem. It has met all the considered
requirements. For instance, first, It has the ability to drive on its own. It is
waterproof and can detect obstacles that come in front of it. Moreover, it can
pick up a wide range of trash by itself. It also has an emergency brake button
if it is not working correctly. In my opinion, I met all the customer
requirements and the criteria like Road Holding, Speed, Durability, and others
to created customer values.

The key selling point of my System is it will clean all the beaches, and it will be
only a one-time investment, and you don't need to spend money on monthly
workers. And the more critical thing robot is automated, so it does not require
humans to transfer things from one place to another. The main reason for
investment is that cleaned beaches in your city can bring more tourism to the
town; if once someone finds a clean place for a good time spending that person
will make that place its go-to site for every weekend. And once again, it will be
only a one-time investment, and no human is needed.
Lessons Learned
I have learned a lot about CAD software, for instance, how to create 3D structures for
home designs and prototypes. But, honestly, I have never made a 3D design as good as I
did with CAD software. Therefore, I will recommend this website to all of those who want
to sharpen their skills in 3D designing. Moreover, I will keep using this System in the
future to draw my imagination on paper. First, I thought using this system would be hard.
However, after watching the tutorial videos and lessons, I kept getting used to using this
system. I would say I might not be able to show and explain my prototype in 2D drawing
as I did in 3D. I consider I would keep using these CAD skills in the future to make
prototypes from my imagination.

● [1] CleanSands, Inc. Huntington New York, USA. Sand Cleaning Tool, Beach
Cleaner. [Online Site].

● [2] Earth touch, Durban's beaches, South Africa. The Plastic Problem: Durban Beach
Cleanup (Jun 13, 2019). Accessed: Sept. 15, 2022.[Online Video].

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