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History of mexican

Javier Villarreal De La Peña 2128159 NL 22
Luis Antonio Moreno Pineda 2127970 NL 12
Johan Karel Guerrera Peña 1982353 NL 24
Alexis Ivan Carrillo Barboza 1545936 NL 03

On January 8, 1910, the first flight of

an airplane was made, which took off

from some plains of the Hacienda de

Balbuena located next to Mexico City.

The feat was carried out by the

Mexican Alberto Braniff aboard a

French-made Voisin aircraft, thus

initiating the history of national

It is worth mentioning that this flight was also the first made

in a Latin American country, and the fact that an airplane flew

at the height of Mexico City (2,240 meters above sea level)

provided even more merits to the feat.

A short time later, the well-known sportsman Miguel Lebrija,

who had distinguished himself as a pilot of balloons and

gliders, as well as a driver of racing cars, obtained from the

cigar company El Buen Tono a Blériot plane whose pilot – a

Frenchman – had not been able to fly. Thus, on May 14, 1910

Lebrija made the first of a long series of flights, also using the

plains of Balbuena
Historical events of Aviation in Mexico

First Flight in Monterrey 1911

During part of the months of February and March

1911, the group of pilots, mechanics and aircrafts that

integrated the Moisant International Aviation made

exhibition flights in the cities of Monterrey, Mexico

and Veracruz. Among the pilots were the famous

Roland Garros, Edmond Audemars and Rene Simón,

who used Blériot XI aircrafts. In Monterrey they used

as an airfield a plain next to the Zambrano Park; in

First flight by plane over Monterrey,

Mexico, they acted in Balbuena, and in Veracruz they

used a flat land located by the course of Santa Fe.

First plane built in Mexico
Juan Guillermo Villasana had been working

for almost two years on the construction of

an aircraft commissioned by Jacques

Poberejsky. This work consisted of

reproducing a Deperdussin by Martín

Mendía using Mexican materials, although

the engine and propeller were brought

from France. On April 19, 1912, in the

plains of Balbuena and before a large group

of friends and companions of the incipient

aviation, Poberejsky made a successful first

flight, provoking great enthusiasm in the

attendees; but the plane broke on landing

as it left the field and crashed into a ditch.

It was the Latin American aircraft, the first

of those built in Mexico.

The Mexican Air Force has its origin in

1915, when the then Chief of the

Constitutionalist Army, Don Venustiano

Carranza, convinced of the enormous

possibilities of the use of Aviation in the

Campaign, issued on February 5, 1915

the decree by which el arma de aviacion

militar was created.

Famous Pilots In
Mexican history
Alberto Braniff

He was the first aviator in mexican History , born in mexico city in

1884 into a family of distinguished name, he studied abroad in
europe and at the age of 25 he took a course in Issy-les-
Moulineaux France, in there he also acquired his biplane voisin
that he took to mexico.
during the year 1909 he tried to fly his plane with a small ENV
motor, but it was not until the eighth of january that he was able to
fly, also he made his own kind of fuel for his Plane.
Bertha Zerón

Born in Pachuca Hidalgo on the 26th of june of the year

1924, at a young age she found out about the life and
works of Amelia Earhart that including her airplane, this
motivated her to become a pilot someday, in the year
1965 she got her private pilote license, later on she got
her public pilote license making her the first woman pilot
in the history of Mexico. she is also the first woman to
have flown a jet in mexico
Pablo Sidar
Born in the 1897 in salamanca spain but he always said
that he was born in Ramos Arizpe Coahuila, he was
known for his great feats in combat and also for his
acrobatics on airplanes and for his flight to south america
he died in the shores of costa rica after trying to reach
argentina, the flight began in oaxaca.
Francisco Sarabia
He was born the Third of July of 1900 in Ciudad Lerdo in
Durango he was a pioneer of the commercial flights in
mexican History, he founded the Chiapas Air Transport
being one of the first comercial airlines in mexico, he also
broke the record for fastes velocity in a flight from Mexico
City to New York City.
he died in the return flight from new york to mexico, he took
off from Washington but crashed in the potomac, after he
had a motor accident off unknown origin

Emilio Carranza
Known as the mexican Lindbergh born in Ramos
Arizpe Coahuila in 1905, at the age of 20 years
old, he had the title of airman Lieutenant , the
second of september 1927 he made headlines
thanks to making a ten hour flight from juarez
city to Mexico city being one of the longest
flights at that time.
sadly he died in the return flight from new york,
he crashed in new jersey

The Anahuac Propeller

In 1915 the Ing Juan Guillermo Villasana Lopez
designed and manufactured a new model of
propeller, and registered it in 1918.

Thanks to his expirience working as an cabinet

meaker, in 1912 the Mexican guberment
commissioned him the construccion of the first oficial
airplane of the country.
In 1915 he disign an propeller made of numerous
kinds of wood and a new assemble that solve a
world wide problem, it allows the airplane to reach
higher altitude more efficiently.

Using this disign of propeller an north american

pilot manage to surpassed the mundial record of
altitude in Japan 1919 at 19,750 feets.



In 2013 they wanted to innovate with a new

plane, the idea was to make an innovative plane,
totally different and with modern engineering,
using advanced software and tools.
To create the modern aircraft, Rodrigo and Raúl
Fernández, president of the company, brought together a
team of highly qualified engineers and used state-of-the-
art software both for design and modeling as well as for
aerodynamic behavior simulations.
Some time later, the Oaxaca Aerospace company
presented the first prototype of the technological
plane, which surprised many people for its great
design and innovative technology.
I. (2021, 16 abril). 5 aviadores mexicanos que fueron importantes. ICCS. Recuperado 14 de agosto
de 2022, de
R. (s. f.). Alberto Braniff Ricard - América Vuela. Recuperado 14 de agosto de 2022, de
SocialWeb, S. (2013, 12 noviembre). Bertha Zerón Nava, pionera de la aviación Latinoamericana.
ALNNEWS. Recuperado 14 de agosto de 2022, de
Juan, E. I., Villasana, G., Anáhuac, H. "., & Día, D. (n.d.). DÍA DEL EJÉRCITO. Gob.Mx.
Retrieved August 16, 2022, from

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