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  Philosophy of place tries to understand how an individual grasps a place and how different
practices can yield different experiences. When the actual slavery plot arc begins, we learned
that Kunta Kinte is sold into captivity by a rival tribe. As Connolly beats Kunta, he says, “ Say
your name so you know how this isn’t Africa, this is Virginia: that you are the property of
Waller no different than the hogs and horses”.  There, he suffers the terrifying journey from
Africa to America, where he and others are chained from suffering together. Kunta kinte and
his people, overtime, were able to develop self realization because of their experiences from
that organization which we can tie up to the philosophy of the self. The people were no longer
idle in their confinement. They fought. They identified themselves as free individuals who
should not be regarded as slaves because they were not slaves from the start. Now that they
have gained self awareness, they were motivated and persevered in changing their
perception of themselves. We can connect this to Locke’s concept of the self where self
identity is founded on consciousness and self awareness. 

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