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The book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.

Salinger is about two days in the life of Holden

Caulfield after he has been expelled from Pencey Prep. Although Holden is the

protagonist, he doesn’t meet the qualities and traits of a "hero". A hero is someone who

is idolized and known for their noble qualities, but does Holden have these qualities?

Holden is quite far from it, he is aggressive, mean, and dishonest.

Firstly, Holden is a fairly aggressive person. When Holden asked what Stradlater did

with Jane in Ed Banky's car, Stradlater avoided the question and it seemed to make

Holden jealous. Holden said, ”All I know is I got up from the bed, like I was going down

to the can or something, and then I tried to sock him, with all my might, right smack in

the tooth brush, so it would split his goddam throat open.” (43). Holden attempted to hit

Stradlater with all his might, hoping to "split his goddam throat open." This introduces an

extremely aggressive side to Holden. Shortly after the encounter with Sunny, Maurice

and Sunny came by to collect the 5 dollars Holden supposedly owed. Holden said,

“‘You’re a dirty moron’” (103). Instead of letting Maurice and Sunny leave, Holden

showed a side of aggression by provoking Maurice. Before setting out, Holden sought to

give Phoebe a final goodbye before he leaves. When Holden arrived at the school, he

saw the words "F̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶Yo

̶ ̶u̶" on the walls, which made Holden mad. Holden said, “I kept

picturing myself catching him at it, and how I’d smash his head on the stone steps til he

was good and goddam dead and body.” (201). This shows how aggressive Holden can

get, even if it was for a good cause. Holden would mercilessly beat the man who wrote

those words on the school wall. Holden is a very aggressive person, even if he had

good intentions, such as protecting Phoebe's innocence.

Secondly, Holden is a mean person. Ackley had just barged in on Holden while he was

reading. Holden said, “He was sort of a nasty guy” (19). Holden explained how Ackley is

a “gross” person, he talked poorly about him. Stradlater and Holden were in a dispute

about Stradlater dating Jane. Holden said, “I told him he didn’t even care if a girl kept all

her kings in the back row or not, and the reason he didn’t care was because he was a

goddam stupid moron.” (44). Holden was arguing with Stradlater about his date with

Jane. He calls him a "stupid moron". Holden provokes Stradlater and they end up

fighting. Holden goes on a date with Sally, near the end of the date, Sally and Holden

get into an argument. Holden said, “‘You give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to

know the truth” (133). Sally was making Holden feel depressed, causing him to say

something he regrets. Holden is mean, even though sometimes he does not realize it.

Lastly, Holden is dishonest. Holden gets on a train after leaving Pencey Prep and meets

Ernest Morrow's mother. Holden said, “Then I started reading this timetable I had in my

pocket. Just to stop lying” (58). Holden has been very dishonest about Ernest and what

he does at Pencey when speaking to Mrs. Morrow. After leaving Mr.Spencer's house,

Holden explains how he is a terrific liar. Holden said, “So when I told old Spencer I had

to go to the gym to get my equipment and stuff, that was a sheer lie” (16). Holden

proves his point by how he lied to Spencer so he can leave and avoid a conversation

about his performance at school. Holden has come to Ernie’s to watch Ernie play and

have drinks until he met Lillian Simmons, an old friend of his brother, D.B. Holden said,

“‘I was just leaving,’ I told her. ‘I have to meet somebody’”(87). Holden lied his way out
of having drinks with Lillian by saying he had to meet someone. Holden is extremely

dishonest with many people.

Holden is far from a “hero”, he is a negative character. Holden is an aggressive, mean,

and dishonest person. A hero is praised and revered for their noble qualities, they are

honest, nice, peaceful, and courageous. Holden is the opposite of these, throughout

the entire book he has been avoiding his fear.

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