Employee Handbook and Policies

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Harrison Walker and Harper, LP

We Pack Logistics, LP
Rodgers Wade Manufacturing Company, Inc

We are excited you have chosen to join our team! You are now part of a dynamic group
of companies. We work hard to exceed industry standards and to provide world class
service for our customers. We consider employees our most valuable resource and are
confident you will find this a rewarding place to work.

To help you better understand our organization, we’ve written this handbook
to familiarize you with our history, mission, expectations, benefits and general
guidelines. Because we are growing and changing, our policies, procedures and
benefit programs may change, we will always try to let you know about changes as they
are made.

Please carefully read through this handbook. It outlines what you need to know
about our companies and will be a handy reference for you in the future. If
you have questions about any issue, please feel free to talk to your manager or to
the Human Resources department.

Once again, welcome!


SECTION 1: Introduction
Our Heritage 5
Our Mission 6
Message from Human Resources 6
Purpose of the Handbook 6
Quality 7

SECTION 2: Employment
Employment at Will 7
Equal Opportunity Employer 7
Hiring Practices 8
New Employee Period 8
Documentation Requirements for New Employees 8
Recruitment 8
Transfers 9
Business Hours 9
Lunch and Break Periods 9
Personnel Records 9
Company Property 9
ID Badge 11
Change in Personal Information 11
Complaint Procedure 11
Arbitration Program 11
Termination of Employment 13
Employment References 14

SECTION 3: Payroll Information

Time Records 14
Overtime 15
Paychecks 15
Payroll Deductions 15
Wage Garnishments 15
Salary Administration 16

SECTION 4: Professional Expectations

Professional Image & Dress Code 16
Employee Conduct 17
Ethics Policy & Code of Conduct 17

Solicitations 18
Telephone, E-mail and Internet Guidelines 18
Cell Phones & Pagers 18
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace 18
Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy 20
Violence in the Workplace 21
Weapons 22
Right to Search 22

SECTION 5: Expenses
Travel 22
Vehicle Usage 23
Business Entertaining 24
Meal Reimbursement 25

SECTION 6: Employee Benefit Program

401(k) Retirement Plan 25
Insurance Plans 25
Cafeteria Plan 25
Holidays 26
Paid Time Off 26
Tuition Reimbursement 26
Training 27

SECTION 7: Absence from Work

Attendance and Punctuality 27
Family and Medical Leave Act 27

SECTION 8: Safe Working Conditions

Emergency Procedures 29
Visitors 29
Personal Calls 29
Employee Responsibilities 29
Personal Property 30
Vehicles 30
Tobacco Use 30

SECTION 9: Handbook Receipt
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Handbook 31
Photo Release 32


Our Heritage
In 1887, our founder, J.W. Harrison, left his family farm to become a carpenter. With
four farm mules and a Fresno scraper, he did site work for local builders. Second
generation Barney Harrison continued his father’s legacy and expanded into
commercial construction. In 1957, the company passed to the second J.W. Harrison
who joined with civil engineer, C.L. Walker. Together they expanded the company into
industrial, institutional and residential development construction. After 20 years of
working in partnership with Harrison & Walker, Chip Harper led the business into its
fourth generation and added the Harper name.

Under Chip’s leadership, HWH has continued to thrive and grow. With keen insight and
watchfulness, Chip has identified untapped market opportunities, shaping the
company’s growth. His vision has led the company to claim its niche in building for the
Civil, Commercial, Education, Federal, Healthcare, Industrial, Institutional industries.

Much of HWH’s success can be attributed to recognition of changes and growth in its
customers’ needs and society itself. Chip looks for opportunity in the presentation of
challenges. In 1984, when the two most prominent industries in Paris had grown
beyond their own warehouse capacity, Chip saw the opportunity for a new business,
and We Pack Logistics was born.

We Pack Logistics is a full-service, third-party logistics company, specializing in contract

packaging and distribution. It bridges the gap between what companies produce and
the changing consumer marketplace. At We Pack, a manufacturer’s product is stored
and repackaged into a variety of formats for the retail market. Primary users of this
service are big box retailers such as Wal-Mart, Sam’s, Family Dollar and Costco. We
Pack is ISO 9001:2008 certified, SQF 2000 Level 3 Certified, FDA Registered and
USDA inspected.

HWH’s other independent companies – HWH Group, Rodgers Wade, We Pack

Transload and HWH Industrial provide the parent company with construction services,
storage, metal fabrication, wood products manufacturing and financial services as
needed. Because these companies are owned by Chip, HWH can depend upon them
providing timely, cost-effective, quality work. The craftsmen of HWH are among the
best at their trades. And the ability to self-perform some areas of a construction project
often gives HWH the edge in capturing a contract and making a profit.

Rodgers-Wade has been a part of the Paris, Texas business landscape for over 150
years. Beginning in 1856, Rodgers Wade is a manufacturer of high quality wood
products including retail fixtures, institutional casework, and custom mill work. They
offer customers a one source solution for these services – from design to installation.
Chip purchased Rodgers-Wade in 2009 and began to integrate it into the Harper
companies. Rodgers-Wade continues to serve its fixture and casework customers but
now also provides its services and products to many HWH construction products as

In 2004, Chip established a corporate team to streamline support functions common to
all of his companies. Under a single umbrella, Accounting, finance, marketing, quality,
IT, safety, and human resources are more consistently managed, cost effective, and
beneficial to the companies and the employees. These teams are part of HWH and
partner with operations to support these functional areas.

Our Mission
Our companies have a historic reputation for quality, integrity and fair dealings. As
stewards of these companies, we strive to deliver the highest quality goods and
services at the lowest cost in the shortest possible time. We provide a safe place where
our people can grow and prosper and be proud as they contribute to making the world a
better place.

Message from Human Resources

We recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset. We invest a lot of time,
energy, and financial resources in recruiting and retaining talented, high quality
employees. It is important to us that you, as a new employee, feel welcome. We will
make every effort to see that your transition to our companies is as smooth as possible.

The information summarized in this handbook has been prepared for your use. Please
review it carefully and do not hesitate to contact Human Resources if you have any
questions. We are always available to answer your questions about compensation,
benefits, personnel policies and procedures, and employee relations issues. You don’t
need an appointment to meet with Human Resources, and all employee inquiries are
strictly confidential.

Because we’re growing, our policies and benefit programs are constantly under review.
We will keep you advised of changes as they are made. If you have any concerns about
changes or rumors of changes . . . just ask!

The Purpose of This Handbook

All employees of our companies having received a copy of this Employee Handbook,
should become familiar with its contents.

• This handbook represents a brief summary of some of the key company policies and
procedures, but is not all-inclusive.
All policies and procedures in their entirety are published on Share Point. Please refer to Share
Point or see the Human Resources Department for current copies of any policy, procedure or
benefit program. Employee acknowledges and agrees that policies and procedures published on
Share Point and authorized by the Company supersedes any policies and procedures included in
this handbook.
• The company retains the sole right in its business judgment to modify, suspend,
interpret or cancel, in whole or in part, at any time, and with or without any notice, any
of the published or unpublished policies or practices.
• The contents of this handbook do not constitute or express an implied contract
between the company and any employee, nor shall it supersede the policy of At-Will
• An employee has the right to end the work relationship with the company, with or
without advance notice or cause, and the company has an identical right.

• The Arbitration Program outlined in this handbook is binding on the company and
the employee with regard to all disputes subject to the Arbitration Program. The
company retains the right to modify or discontinue the Arbitration Program. However,
no amendment shall apply to a dispute of which the company had actual knowledge
on the date of amendment. Additionally, in the event that the company discontinues
the Arbitration Program, the termination shall not be effective until 10 days after
reasonable notice of termination is given to the employees, or as to disputes which
arose prior to the date of termination.

Our companies have a reputation for quality, integrity and fair dealings. We strive to
provide quality service that is delivered on time and within budget that meets or exceeds
the client’s expectations. Our strengths are flexibility, rapid response, providing value-
added services and our ability to self-perform work.


Employment At Will
In accordance with state law, employment at all Harper companies is on an "at-will"
basis, is for no definite period and may, regardless of the date or method of payment of
wages or salary, be terminated at any time with or without cause. Other than the CEO,
no supervisor, manager or other person, irrespective of title or position, has authority to
alter the at-will status of your employment or to enter into any employment contract for a
definite period of time with you. Any agreement with you altering your at-will
employment status must be in writing and signed by the CEO.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Equal Employment Opportunity is a fundamental principle at our companies. Above all
else, we care about and respect our employees. We strive to uphold high standards of
fairness, business ethics and responsible behavior. We also seek to provide
outstanding career opportunities for all our people. Therefore, no applicant for
employment or employee will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, veteran status, disability,
pregnancy and any other protected characteristics as established by law.

The terms, conditions and privileges of employment will be administered without regard
to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, veteran status,
disability, pregnancy, unless they are essential bona fide occupational qualifications.

Applications for employment with all of our companies are accepted at the Texas
Workforce Commission and will be picked up there by a Human Resources
representative. Applications remain in an active status for 90 days and then are moved
to an inactive status. Applications are kept on file for one year.

Our Human Resources department is the administrator of this policy. Employees who
believe they have been discriminated against should follow the company's problem
solving procedure (see page 10) or contact Human Resources.

Hiring Practices
It is our company’s goal to hire the most suitable applicants for open positions. Hiring
decisions are based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to skill level, ability
to perform the essential functions of the job, drug screening, prior employment history
with us, employment references as to character and willingness to work, willingness to
accept offered salary and personal interviews. As a matter of safety, it is our company
policy to hire only individuals who are eighteen years of age or older. We will hire only
those individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. All individuals will be
required to submit documentary proof of their identity and employment authorization.
Employees will also be required to complete and sign under oath Form I-9. Form I-9
requires you to attest that you are authorized to work in the job for which you are hired
and that the documents you submit are genuine. If you are authorized to work in this
country for a limited period of time you will be required to submit proof of your
employment authorization and sign another Form I-9 before the expiration of that period
in order to remain employed by our companies.

Falsification or omission of information by an applicant during any part of the application

process can result in failure to be hired. If an applicant or employee has already been
hired before the falsification or omission is discovered, he/she may be subject to

New Employee Period

As an employee of a Harper company, you will receive an orientation and will be
introduced to the company, policies and procedures, and to the benefits program.
During the first three months of employment, you will be evaluated by your supervisor to
determine your competency to perform your job. Thereafter, written performance
evaluations will be conducted on an annual basis and will include a training and
development plan which you and your supervisor will create together. Performance
evaluations may be conducted more frequently or less frequently depending on the
needs of the business. If during the first three months of employment your performance
does not measure up to the minimum job requirements, or is otherwise unsuitable for
the job, appropriate action will be taken, and may include termination of employment.

Documentation Requirements for New Employees

Within three days of employment, you must provide proof of your identity and
authorization to work in the United States. If you are required to drive in order to
conduct your job duties, you must provide a copy of your valid driver’s license. When
your driver’s license is renewed, you will be responsible for providing Human Resources
with a copy of the new license. If your license becomes suspended or revoked for any
reason, you must cease driving for the company immediately and notify Human
Resources. If you do not notify the Human Resources department within 24 hours of
suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, your employment will be terminated.

Whenever possible, the company will fill vacancies from within. However, in order to
maintain our goal of providing our customers with the highest quality product and
services at the lowest cost in the shortest time, positions are filled with the most suitable

Flexibility in staffing is extremely important to our businesses, both to ensure
exceptional customer service and to maintain a steady workforce. There may be times
when employees are required to take a transfer to another job or another area. Reasons
for involuntary transfers could include but are not limited to project scheduling or to
avoid layoffs.

Business Hours
Office hours for most administrative personnel are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00
p.m. These hours may vary depending on business needs, and field hours vary within
each job site.

The work schedule for hourly employees is determined by supervisors on an individual

basis in accordance with business needs.

Lunch and Break Periods

Employees in the field or production areas are provided with a 30-minute lunch break to
be scheduled by the supervisor. Administrative employees normally have a one-hour
lunch break, scheduling of which is determined by the employee and their supervisor.
The company provides two 15-minute rest breaks, as well as lunch period, each day for
employees working a full work schedule (8 hours or more per day). If customer demand
or working conditions require us to shorten or lengthen the scheduled workday, lunch
and break times may vary at the supervisor’s discretion.

Personnel Records
It is company policy to maintain personnel records for applicants, employees and former
employees in compliance with government record keeping and reporting requirements.

We strive to balance our need to obtain, use, and retain employment information with
each individual’s right to privacy. To this end, we attempt to restrict the personnel
information maintained to that which is necessary for the conduct of our business or is
required by federal, state, or local law.

Company Property
You may be given custody of company property, including but not limited to uniforms,
cell phones, tools and/or equipment. Employees are prohibited from using company
property for personal gain or profit. You are expected to take care of all items issued to
you and to return them to the company when you no longer need them or when you
leave your employment with the company. If you damage property through abuse or as
a result of using it to perform tasks not related to your job, you will be required to
reimburse the company for the full replacement cost of the damaged property. All work
materials, including excess materials, will remain company property and are to be
returned to the Company upon removal from the jobsite.

In addition, you will receive intellectual property which is defined as any information or
material generated or collected by or utilized in the operation of the company that
relates to the actual or anticipated business or research and development of the

company or its employees or any information which has not been made generally
available to the public.

You cannot, without the company’s prior written permission, disclose to anyone outside
of the company or use in other than the company’s business during or after your
employment, any intellectual property, confidential information or material of the
company, or any property, information or material received in confidence from third
parties by the company. Upon request, or when you leave the company’s employ, you
will return all company property in your possession, including all confidential information
or material such as drawings, notebooks, reports, and other documents, and you will not
retain a copy in any form or medium. You acknowledge and agree that the Company
would not have an adequate remedy at law and would be irreparably harmed in the
event that any of the provisions of this section were not performed in accordance with
their terms or were otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that the Company shall
be entitled to equitable relief, including injunctions and specific performance, in the
event of any breach of the provisions of this section, in addition to all other remedies at
law or in equity.

You assign and convey to Company any inventions, creations, trademarks, copyrights
or other intellectual property that is created in the course and scope of your employment
with the Company.

Employee agrees that any written materials produced by Employee are to be

considered works made for hire. Copyright of any and all such works is owned
exclusively by Company.

You agree that any inventions, designs, improvements, and discoveries made by you
during the term of your employment, solely or jointly with others, which are made with
the Employer’s equipment, supplies, facilities, trade secrets, or time, or which relate to
the business of the Employer or the Employer’s actual or anticipated research or
development, or which result from any work performed by the Employee for the
Employer, are the exclusive property of the Employer. The Employee agrees that
he/she will promptly and fully inform and disclose to the Employee promises to assign
the inventions to the Employer. The Employee also agrees that the Employer has the
right to keep these inventions as trade secrets, if the Employer chooses. The Employee
will assist the Employer in obtaining patents in the United States and in all foreign
countries on all inventions, designs, improvements and discoveries deemed patentable
by the Employer, and will execute all documents and do all things necessary to obtain
letters, patent, to vest the company with full and extensive titles to the patents, and to
protect the patents against infringement by others. For purposes of this paragraph, and
invention is deemed to have been made during the period of the Employee’s
employment if, during that period, the invention was conceived or first actually reduced
to practice, and the Employee agrees that any patent application filled by the Employee
within one year after termination his/her employment will be presumed to relate to an
invention made during the term of the Employee’s employment, unless he/she provides
evidence to the contrary.

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ID Badges
All employees of the companies will be issued an ID badge by the Human Resources
Department upon hire or transfer into a new position. ID badges are to be worn at all
times while on company premises or job sites and returned to the HR department upon
separation of employment. There is a $5 charge to the employee for the replacement of
lost badges.

Change in Personal Information

Changes in personal information including but not limited to name, address, telephone
number, and emergency contact must be reported to the Human Resources
Department as soon as possible. You must also report changes to Human Resources
if such change affects benefit coverage or payroll administration. Examples of such
changes include but are not limited to a new dependent or change in marital status. For
specific information please contact the benefits coordinator in the Human Resources

Complaint Procedure
We believe in making our companies a positive place to work. We also recognize that
from time to time, situations arise that need to be brought to the attention of

All work-related complaints should first be directed to your immediate supervisor, unless
you do not feel comfortable reporting the situation to him/her. In such cases, complaints
should be made to your supervisor’s manager or directly to Human Resources.

An investigation will be initiated by supervisors and/or Human Resources in a timely

manner. Deliberately falsified information given during an investigation for malicious
purposes will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Arbitration Program
By accepting employment, after receiving a copy of this handbook, or by continuing
employment after having received a copy of the handbook, an employee of any Harper
company agrees to binding arbitration to resolve all disputes that may arise out of the
employment relationship.

• You may not be familiar with the term "arbitration" and why the company and its
employees would want to become bound to resolve any dispute that may arise out of
the employment relationship through binding arbitration, as opposed to lawsuits in
the court system. Briefly stated, arbitration is a method for resolving disputes without
resorting to the costly and time-consuming judicial system. The arbitrator is a neutral
and experienced person who is authorized to make a final and binding decision on
any dispute arising out of the employment relationship. The arbitrator is, under our
dispute resolution program, authorized to grant remedies that could be awarded by
any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator is authorized to conduct the
arbitration in accord with Rules of Procedure, Evidence, and Discovery, as provided

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for in the further description of this program. In no event will the arbitrator be an
employee of the company.

• The Arbitration Program covers any dispute that arises out of, relates to or is
associated with an employee's service with the company or termination of
employment, or is related to or associated with an employee's application for
employment. A claim which is the basis of a dispute may include claims for wages or
other compensation, for breach of any contract or agreement or any claims for
discrimination, harassment, or unlawful treatment which the employee claims are
based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship,
age, veteran status, disability, pregnancy, marital status or medical condition. It also
covers any claims for alleged retaliation for making complaints about discrimination
or harassment.

• The Arbitration Program does not apply to claims for workers' compensation
benefits or unemployment benefits existing under state or federal law. It does not
cover claims for medical payments under any contract of insurance or employer
provided welfare benefit plan which the company may have in effect, if they contain
an arbitration provision or provisions for claim determination by a third party.

• Our company is engaged in interstate commerce. The Federal Arbitration Act is the
controlling law that will be used in the interpretation, enforcement, and all
proceedings under the Arbitration Program, except if there are contrary provisions in
this Arbitration Program. All arbitrations conducted under this program will be
adjudicated under the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association
and to the extent not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the American
Arbitration Association, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of Courts of the United
States will be applied. The Statutes of Limitations for any claim (as it exists in the
jurisdiction where the claim arises), as established in law, will be applied by the
arbitrator as to each respective claim.

• If there is a dispute, it is certainly in the best interest of the employee and the
company to resolve those disputes without resort to this formal Arbitration Program. It
is earnestly suggested that before embarking on formal arbitration as provided for
under this program that the employee consult with his or her immediate supervisor
and/or Human Resources in an attempt to resolve any disputes. However, if either
employee or the company feels aggrieved, the arbitration process begins with a
written claim. Claims must be filed in writing with the American Arbitration
Association, and service of the claim on the responding party is to be made pursuant
to the American Arbitration Association's (AAA) rules. The arbitrator will be a neutral,
skilled attorney or retired judge mutually agreed to by the parties. The arbitration will
be conducted pursuant to the Rules of Procedure, Evidence and Discovery that are
applied to civil cases in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Texas, unless contrary to the rules of the AAA, which shall govern procedure,
evidence, and discovery. The Arbitrator is the sole determiner of all facts and legal
issues, and his or her decision is final and binding on all parties. Each party may be
represented by legal counsel at any arbitration proceeding under this program. The
arbitrator must provide a written opinion which sets forth his or her findings of fact
and his conclusions of law, and the reasons supporting his or her decision, and such

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decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitrator may provide for all
remedies allowed in a court of law.

• The party who invokes arbitration under this Arbitration Program will pay to AAA the
required filing fee up to a maximum of $50.00 at the time the written claim is filed.
The company will pay the remainder of any filing fee, as well as the hearing costs.
Any other arbitration cost will be divided equally between the company and the
employee, and each party will pay its own costs and attorney's fees, but the arbitrator
may allow the prevailing party to recover fees and costs to the extent permitted by

• Under this Arbitration Program the employee and the company waive rights to a trial
before a jury.

• The arbitrator, in addition to ruling on pretrial motions, requests for discovery, and
other pre-trial matters as provided for in this program, shall have the right to grant
dispositive motions to the extent that the same could be granted in a court of law.

• This Arbitration Program is the complete agreement relating to resolution of covered

disputes, except for any other dispute resolution provisions contained in any pension
or employer provided welfare benefit plan. The provisions of this dispute resolution
program cannot be altered or amended by any oral representation of any company

Termination of Employment
We are proud of the high standards we maintain for employee performance. Because
our employees are what set us apart from other businesses, we dedicate a tremendous
amount of care in recruiting and selecting employees who can meet our standards in
their job performance.

Unfortunately, there are times when an employee is unable to reach these standards
and is subject to disciplinary action, which could result in termination. The following list
includes some, but not all, possible infractions that could result in disciplinary action.

• Violation of safety rules

• Bringing intoxicants or illegal drugs on company premises and
jobsites or in company vehicles or on company equipment
• Reporting for work under the influence of illegal drugs or other
• Engaging in fighting or horseplay
• Misuse or willful damage to company or customer property
• Theft from the company, employees or customers
• Falsifying records
• Possession of firearms or other weapons on company property or
• Insubordination
• Leaving the work area without permission
• Excessive absence or tardiness

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• Failure to report an injury

The company has a Performance Improvement Program to address various issues with
performance or conduct. Generally, there are written Performance Improvement Plans
(PIP) developed and discussed with both the employee and manager in an attempt to
remedy the issue before the termination process becomes necessary. However, the
company reserves the right to terminate an employee without notice or utilization of
such procedures.

Employees who are absent from work for two or more consecutive days, without giving
notice to their supervisor will be considered to have voluntarily quit their employment
with the company. Any request for reinstatement due to extenuating circumstances
should be directed to Human Resources for consideration.

Supervisors should send notices of resignation or recommendations for termination to

the Human Resources department for review as soon as possible.

An employee who wishes to voluntarily terminate his or her service with the company is
expected to give notice at least two weeks prior to the last planned workday. When
practical, exit interviews will be conducted.

Employment References
Our Human Resources staff will handle all requests for employment references. HR will
provide name, position and dates of employment to outside parties requesting a
reference. No additional information will be divulged by the HR staff without written
authorization from the employee. No reference letters are to be written by anyone
within the company identifying themselves with the company without prior approval from
our Human Resources department. If an employee receives a request for a reference,
they should forward it to Human Resources.


Time Records
Everyone gets satisfaction from a job well done, and there are several ways an
employee can help his/her performance on the job. Being on time for work and
maintaining a good attendance record are important because they affect performance
and relationships with other members of our team.

A pay period consists of one calendar week beginning Sunday at 12:01 a.m. and ending
at 12:00 midnight on Saturday.

Hourly employees are required to complete a time card or time sheet each day prior to
leaving the job. Under no circumstance is it acceptable to falsify a time record. Doing
so is considered theft and will result in immediate termination of employment.

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A weekly time record is to be maintained by every hourly employee’s supervisor at the
completion of each pay period. Supervisors and hourly employees are required to sign
all time cards or time sheets before they can be submitted for payroll processing.

Notification of absence due to illness or emergency must be made by telephone to your

supervisor within one-half (1/2) hour before your normal reporting time. If you fail to
report for work or fail to contact the company for two consecutive days, you will be
deemed to have voluntarily quit your employment with the company.

If you are absent more than three consecutive workdays, a physician’s note is required
for you to return to work. The note must indicate the beginning date of the illness and
the date you are able to resume employment.

Employees may be required to work overtime if it is deemed necessary by their
supervisor. However, no overtime is permitted unless authorized by your manager in
advance. Only those employees who are classified as hourly or salaried non-exempt
shall receive overtime compensation. Hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours will be
paid at one and one half (1 1/2) times the normal hourly rate.

Overtime will only be paid for hours actually worked over 40 per week. Hours recorded
as vacation or holiday time will not be included as hours actually worked in calculating

Paychecks will be direct deposited on Friday of the week following the pay period at the
close of business for the employee’s department. Paid Time Off checks will be issued
on the normal payday. There will be no advance paychecks for Paid Time Off without
prior approval from Human Resources and Accounting.

Employees are expected to pick up their own paycheck stub. However, if that is not
possible, the employee may send a signed letter authorizing someone else to pick up
his/her paycheck stub. The authorized person must present identification and sign for
the stub.

Payroll Deductions
Deductions for Social Security and Federal Withholding Taxes are withheld from each
employee’s paycheck as required by law. In addition, employees may choose to have
money deducted for other purposes, such as group medical and dental insurance or
other benefits. Any such deductions will require written authorization by the employee.

Wage Garnishments
We comply with any court-ordered wage garnishments and any levy by a taxing
authority. Human Resources will notify the affected employee by letter when an order is
received requiring payment of an employee’s compensation to someone other than the
employee. Payroll will then set up the deduction for the required amount from the
employee’s earnings.

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No employee will be terminated as a result of wage garnishment nor will the company
deny employment to any person for this reason.

The company will not disclose employee financial information to outside parties without
express written permission from the employee, except as required by law.

Salary Administration
The objective of our salary administration program is to arrive at salaries that recognize
both the value of the job and your performance. Comparisons are made from time to
time with similar jobs so that we may keep our salary ranges in a fair relationship with
salaries paid elsewhere for comparable positions. Performance appraisals are
completed around a common review date and at such other times, as management
deems advisable. Particular attention is paid to:

1. the quality and quantity of your work

2. your ability to achieve established objectives and goals
3. your attendance and punctuality
4. your willingness and ability to work effectively and positively within a team of
fellow employees and customers
5. your personal work habits, as they relate to items 1 through 4 above

We will make every effort to conduct an employee pay review at least once each
calendar year, based upon your achievement within the areas described above. A pay
review does not guarantee an increase in compensation.


Professional Image and Dress Code

Appropriate dress and appearance project a professional image and contribute to an
impression of a high-quality organization. Therefore, all employees will be required to
comply with the following guidelines regarding their apparel and personal appearance.

When reporting for work, all employees are to be clean and well groomed. Clothing
must be clean, neat and pressed. Pants are to be of correct size and worn properly, not
drooping. Hair should be clean, combed, neatly trimmed and arranged. Shaggy,
unkempt hair is not permissible. Any employee reporting to work dressed improperly
will be required to take corrective action and be subject to disciplinary action which may
include being sent home without pay by their supervisor. Safety concerns in
construction and production areas prohibit employees from wearing open-toed shoes.
In addition, safety glasses, hardhats and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are
to be properly worn at all times when the job site so specifies.

Specifically prohibited at all times are tube tops, ripped or worn jeans, halters, t-shirts,
sweatpants, sweatshirts, tight or revealing clothing, short skirts and shorts.

Again, we stress that, should any employee report for work dressed improperly, the
supervisor will take appropriate corrective action, which could include sending the

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employee home without pay. Any questions regarding the dress code or its enforcement
may be directed to Human Resources.

Employee Conduct
We are devoted to providing outstanding service to our customers. We are measured
and evaluated on this basis. Every employee is expected to provide courteous, prompt
and efficient service not only to our clientele, but also to fellow employees. As much of
our business is conducted via the telephone and email, it is vital to our image that each
employee maintains a polite and professional telephone manner and observes email

Employees are not permitted to pursue activities which, in the judgment of the company
may be in conflict with the general welfare of our company, or have the appearance of
impropriety, or which might damage the company’s reputation, or interfere with our
business, or impede the proper performance of the employee’s duties. This includes but
is not limited to employment with a customer, vendor, or competitor of the firm, use of
the company’s facilities or equipment to engage in another business or occupation or
any outside activity that could result in an appearance of impropriety or conflict of

During the course of your employment, you will gain knowledge of confidential
information concerning the companies and our customers. We expect that you will keep
this information confidential and not use it improperly. Employees will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination for revealing information of a
confidential nature.

No employee may accept any gift(s) with a total value of more than $100.00 from any
competitor, customer, supplier, affiliate or other entity with which we do business.

Ethics Policy & Code of Conduct

The Harper Companies live by a code of conduct that expects the best from its people.
We believe that what we stand for matters. We believe in our ideals and principles. We
believe in doing what is right. We believe in doing what we say we will do. In a
company filled with people who do what they say they will do, we can keep the
promises we make to our customers and each other.

Our reputation is a priceless asset. Safeguarding our reputation requires each of us to

make sound judgments every day. Consistently operating by the highest standards of
business conduct in all our relationships generates trust in us as individuals and as a

The directors of the Harper companies have adopted this policy to articulate our code of
conduct, which from the founding of the businesses, has governed the behavior of our
corporate community, offices, directors, salaried, hourly, contracted and part-time

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Our companies do not permit any solicitor, sales person, or employee to canvas the
premises or job sites. Employees must report any such intrusions immediately to their
supervisor. Employee solicitations made via e-mail are also prohibited.

Telephone, E-Mail, and Internet Guidelines

E-mail and the Internet are good business tools and, as with all business tools, they are
to be used appropriately. Telephones should be used for company business purposes.
Computers shall be used only for company business purposes.

E-mail is not the private or confidential property of any employee and is to be used for
company business. All e-mail and PC files are the property of the company. Employees
should not open attachments to personal e-mails on company computer systems due to
the risk of virus exposure.

The company reserves the right to monitor e-mail and Internet use by employees.
Further, we have access to and may override individual passwords to maintain business
interests. Employees must not access, store or send inappropriate or offensive
graphics, games, or other materials on company computer systems.

Employees who violate the company’s telephone, e-mail, and Internet guidelines will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Cell Phones and Pagers

Private cell phones and pagers should not be used at the job site or in the production
area. Personal calls are to be made during break and lunch periods only. Emergency
calls will be routed to you through your supervisor.

Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace

The company makes every effort to provide employees with a clean and safe work
environment. Therefore, it is company policy to support the safety program to maintain a
workplace that is free from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.

Authorized Use of Prescribed Medicine

A copy of the doctor’s prescription for any prescription drugs being taken by any
employee must be turned in to the Safety department immediately upon arrival to work.
Taking a prescription drug that belongs to someone else will not be tolerated.

Policy Violations
The company specifically prohibits and will routinely discipline an employee up to and
including termination for any of the following:

1. Use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation or sale of: (a) illegal

drugs or drug paraphernalia, (b) unauthorized controlled substances, (c) alcohol
or (d) intoxicants, on company premises and/or company business, in company
supplied vehicles or during working hours.
2. Storing in a locker, desk, personal vehicle or other repository on company
premises or company vehicles any illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, or any
controlled substance whose use is unauthorized, or any alcohol.

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3. Being under the influence of an unauthorized controlled substance, illegal drug or
alcohol while on the job.
4. Switching or adulterating any urine sample submitted for drug or alcohol testing.
Samples that are detected by the lab to contain an adulterating substance or
determined to have been switched will be treated as a positive drug test.
5. Refusing to consent to testing or to submit to a breath, saliva, urine, hair or blood
sample for testing when requested by management.
6. Failure to report to the supervisor and Human Resources the use of any
prescribed medication which may alter behavior, physical ability or mental
functions of the employee.
7. While at work, failure to keep prescribed medicine in its original container with a
label that states the name of the drug, the frequency of dosage, the date
prescribed, the name of the prescribed drug, and the name of the prescribing

Reasons for Drug Testing

The reasons for drug testing include, but are not limited to the following:
• Pre-Employment
• Post Accident
• Universal and Random
• Suspicion

Inspections and Searches

The company reserves the right to conduct searches and inspections of employees’
personal effects, lockers, purses, desks, vehicles or other containers located on
company premises or at job sites.

Employee Assistance Program

1. All employee information regarding drug and alcohol usage or testing is
considered confidential and will be retained in the employee’s medical file.
Distribution of this information will be only to appropriate management on a need-
to-know basis.
2. An employee may voluntarily acknowledge a drug or alcohol problem to his/her
supervisor or Human Resources and request help in overcoming the problem.
Employees may not voluntarily acknowledge a substance abuse problem on the
day a random drug, alcohol or intoxicant test is given. Rehabilitation will be at the
employee’s expense if it is not covered by your health insurance.

Return to Duty Test

Any employee who returns to work following the successful completion of a drug,
alcohol or intoxicant treatment program may be required to provide a clean drug test as
a condition of employment. If the employee tests positive for drugs, alcohol or
intoxicants after rehabilitation, employment will be terminated.

Additional specific information may be found in the company Drug and Alcohol Free
Workplace policy.

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Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy
The purpose of the Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy is to insure that all employees of
Harper companies have the right to work in an environment that is free from all forms of
discrimination and conduct that may be considered harassing, coercive or disruptive,
including sexual harassment. This also includes, but is not limited to, harassment based
on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age, veteran
status, disability, pregnancy, or marital status.

Our company’s position is that harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the
integrity of the employment relationship. Harassment refers to behavior that to a
reasonable employee is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that debilitates
morale, and which therefore interferes with work effectiveness. No employee should be
subject to harassment, either verbal or physical. Such behavior may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

1. Supervisors and managers are responsible for creating an atmosphere in which
harassment is not tolerated, taking immediate and appropriate action in response
to any reported violation of this policy, and assuring that no reprisals are taken
against either those who complain or corroborating witnesses.
2. Human Resources is responsible for formally notifying employees (including
newly hired employees), supervisors, and management of the existence of this
3. Human Resources, in conjunction with supervisors and managers, is responsible
for providing guidance, investigating charges of impropriety, and recommending
appropriate action. All claims will be thoroughly investigated.

1. Complaints of harassment should be brought to the attention of the
employee’s supervisor.
2. If the alleged harasser is the employee’s supervisor, or if the employee does
not feel comfortable addressing their concern with the supervisor, the
employee should bypass the supervisor and take the complaint to the
supervisor’s manager or to Human Resources.

1. After notification of any employee’s complaint, a supervisor will immediately
contact the Human Resource department.

Human Resources:
1. After notification of the employee’s complaint, a confidential investigation will
immediately be initiated to gather all facts about the complaint.
2. After the investigation has been completed, a determination will be made by
the appropriate management regarding the resolution of the complaint,
thereafter the complaining party will be notified of the resolution.

- 20 -
This policy also prohibits retaliation against employees who bring harassment charges
or assist in investigating charges. Any employee bringing a harassment complaint or
assisting in the investigation of such a complaint will not be adversely affected in terms
and conditions of employment, nor discriminated against, or discharged because of the
complaint or participation. Any employee who believes he or she has been adversely
affected for bringing a harassment complaint or assisting in the investigation of such a
complaint should immediately report the issue to the Human Resources Department.

Violence in the Workplace

It is the policy of the company to maintain a safe and productive work environment and
not to tolerate verbal or physical conduct or action by any employee that harasses,
disrupts, or interferes with another’s work performance or which creates an intimidating,
offensive, or hostile environment.

Employees are expected to act in a positive manner and contribute to a productive work
environment that is free from harassing or disruptive activity. All employees are
responsible for maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

Each supervisor has a responsibility to attempt to maintain the workplace free of any
form of hostile or oppressive behavior. This policy covers not only acts of physical
violence, but all forms of harassment, intimidation, and other types of disruptive or
criminal behavior.

Other harassing, violent, or offensive conduct in the workplace, whether committed by

supervisors, non-supervisory employees, or non-employees, is also prohibited. Such
conduct includes but is not limited to:

• any communication whether verbal or in writing, or in any other manner

intended to harass or intimidate any supervisor or employee,
• verbal abuse of any nature,
• any aggressive action or threat of violence,
• any degrading words to describe an individual, i.e. "put-downs", etc.,
• any unwelcome teasing, all horseplay, or practical jokes,
• any violent act or assault,
• any destruction of private or company property,
• any threatened act of an aggressive nature, or
• any involvement in a physical altercation whether self defense or not.

Any employee who believes that a supervisor’s, another employee’s or non-employee’s

actions or works constitute un-welcomed harassment has a responsibility to report or
complain about the situation as soon as possible. Such reports or complaints should be
made to the employee’s supervisor, to the manager if the complaint involves the
supervisor, or to the Human Resources Department whichever is most appropriate.

Investigation / Resolution
Complaints of harassment or violence will be investigated immediately and in an
impartial and confidential manner. Employees are required to cooperate in any
investigation. A timely resolution of complaints will be reached and communicated to the
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parties involved. Retaliation against any employee for filing a complaint or participating
in an investigation is strictly prohibited. All interviews, allegations, statements, and
identities will remain confidential to the extent possible and allowed by law.

Any employee, supervisor, or manager who is found to have engaged in harassment of

another employee, or intimidation, violence, threats, or aggressive acts in any form
toward any employee will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.

Employee Reporting
The company will continue to fulfill its obligation to maintain a workplace free of any
harassment and intimidation. Employees must be aware of their right to raise an issue
of any harassing, violent or aggressive behavior in the workplace. Employees are
encouraged to immediately contact the Safety department, their immediate supervisor,
their facility manager, or Human Resources, as described earlier in this policy, if they
are the victims or witness of such conduct.

The company prohibits employees from carrying any type of weapons, including
firearms and illegal knives at any time while on company premises and/or while
engaged in conducting business on behalf of the company. There will be exceptions to
this policy only if an individual is required and authorized by a governmental law
enforcement agency (i.e., local police department, military, etc.) to carry a weapon and
proof of that requirement is provided to the company.

Certain tools with cutting, puncturing, impact, or projectile capability may be required in
order to perform your job. These tools are not considered weapons unless used in such
manner. If your job requires that you use such tools, you are required to use them only
in the correct manner. Horseplay will not be tolerated.

Right to Search
The company reserves the right to conduct searches of people and their personal
effects, including any vehicle in a company or job site parking area, to determine the
presence of weapons or illegal substances, or if there is reason to suspect theft of
company, customer or employee property.

Any employee who violates this policy by using or possessing a weapon or illegal
substance on company premises in a manner prohibited by this policy, or by refusing,
obstructing or preventing a search undertaken pursuant to this policy is subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination without warning.
Additionally, if an employee is found in possession of a weapon and he/she is not
required to carry it as explained above, the local authorities will be notified immediately.


It is company policy that business travel must be approved in advance by your
supervisor and should be engaged in and reimbursed according to the guidelines below.

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Under normal circumstances, employees should use the most expedient mode of
transportation available, book the least expensive fares, and stay and eat at moderately
priced establishments. Employees should provide their supervisor with a copy of their
itinerary before leaving on business travel.

Employee expenses for approved travel will be paid or reimbursed when properly
documented by the employee and approved by the supervisor. Employees must
complete an expense report with all pertinent information and attach all supporting
receipts. Receipts are required and the employee will be responsible for any expenses
that do not have a supporting receipt. Any travel expenses deemed unreasonable by
management will not be paid or reimbursed and are the employee’s responsibility. If an
expense is deemed unreasonable and not paid or reimbursed, the employee may
provide additional information or documentation and request a management review.

Employees may obtain a cash advance for approved business travel by submitting a
written request (check request) to the Accounting department. Cash advances are
company property, and their use must be properly documented and approved as
outlined above. Check requests for cash advances must be turned in to Accounting a
minimum of two days in advance to allow sufficient time for the check to be processed.

Time spent by hourly employees in traveling away from home on company business
during normal working hours is considered hours worked for pay purposes.

Employees traveling on company business are representatives of the company and are
expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and follow all of the company’s
policies and rules.

Additional specific information may be found in the Travel and Expense Policy and the
Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act Policy.

Vehicle Usage
It is company policy to allow employees to drive on company business, and to
reimburse employees for business use of personal vehicles according to the guidelines

Employees may not drive their vehicles on company business without the prior approval
of their supervisor and the Human Resources Department. Before approving a driver,
the supervisor must verify the existence of a valid driver’s license and send to HR for a
MVR report to be run. The HR Department will notify the supervisor once the MVR
report has been obtained and it is validated that the employee has a valid and clear
driver’s license and meets the requirements stated in the Fleet Safety Policy.

Employees holding jobs designated as requiring regular driving for business as a

condition of employment must be able to meet the driver approval standards of this
policy at all times. The driver must have a valid driver’s license to be eligible for any
applicable company insurance. In addition, such employees must inform their
supervisors of any changes that may affect their ability to meet the standards of this
policy. For all other jobs, driving is considered only an incidental function of the position.

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Employees who drive a vehicle on company business must, in addition to meeting the
approval requirements above, exercise due diligence to drive safely and, if it is a
company vehicle, maintain the security of the vehicle and its contents. Drivers also
must make sure that the vehicle meets any company or legal standards for insurance,
maintenance, and safety. Employees are responsible for any driving infractions or fines
as a result of their driving.

Employees are not permitted, under any circumstances, to operate a company vehicle
or a personal vehicle for company business when any physical or mental impairment
causes the employee to be unable to drive safely. This prohibition includes, but is not
limited to, circumstances in which the employee is temporarily unable to operate a
vehicle safely or legally because of illness, medication, or intoxication. An employee on
such a medication should report it immediately to his/her supervisor or Human

Employees driving on company business may claim reimbursement for parking fees and
tolls actually incurred. Employees must report any accident, theft, or damage involving
a company vehicle or a personal vehicle used on company business to the Safety
Department and their supervisor regardless of the extent of damage or lack of injuries. If
the accident involves a company vehicle, the employee should immediately call the
police, the Safety Department and their supervisor. Employees are expected to
cooperate fully with authorities in the event of an accident.

Time spent by hourly employees (those subject to the wage and hour provisions of the
Fair Labor Standards Act) in driving a company or personal vehicle on company
business during normal working hours is considered time worked for pay purposes.

Additional specific information may be found in the company Fleet Safety Policy.

Business Entertaining
Entertaining business associates on behalf of the company will be permitted if prior
approval is obtained from the entertaining employee’s supervisor. Any conditions that
must be met during the entertaining will be communicated by the supervisor to the
employee before approval is given.

Employee entertainment expenses will be paid or reimbursed if they are properly

approved by the supervisor and are directly related to company business. Employees
who incur entertainment expenses which do not meet these standards will be personally
responsible for them.

Employee entertainment expenses to be approved by the supervisor must be submitted

and documented on an expense report. The expense report should contain a detailed
itemization of the expenses incurred and a statement of the date, place, and business
reason for the entertainment, as well as the names of those present and their business
relationships to the company. Entertainment reimbursement claims must be accounted
for separately from any other expense reimbursement claims. All entertainment
reimbursement claims must be accompanied by receipts.

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Meal Reimbursement
It is company policy to provide, pay, or reimburse employees for business-related meals
according to the guidelines below.

Employees required to travel on company business may receive a cash advance or be

reimbursed for the cost of all meals during their travel. In addition, with prior approval,
employees may charge to the company (if the company has an account with the
establishment), receive a cash advance, or be reimbursed for meals associated with
approved business entertaining.

Employees eligible for meal reimbursement must follow the guidelines outlined in the
Travel and Business Entertaining policies in this handbook. Meal expenses should be
reasonable. The eligible employee’s supervisor must approve all meal expense
documentation presented to Accounting for payment.


The intent of this section is to provide employees with a general overview of our benefit
programs. For specific information about the 401(k) retirement plan, insurance plans, or
cafeteria plans, please contact Human Resources.

401(k) Retirement Plan

The company provides a 401(k) plan with an employer matching contribution for all
employees after sixty days of service.

Insurance Plans
The company offers our full-time employees a choice of medical health insurance plans
and optional participation in dental, vision, and life insurance plans, subject to
acceptance by those insurance companies. If you enroll, coverage will begin on the first
day of the month following 60 days of employment. Full-time employees are required to
enroll in medical coverage unless they can show documentation of other coverage
outside the company. If a full-time employee fails to enroll before the date their
coverage would be effective and does not provide documentation of other coverage,
they will automatically be enrolled in the least costly employee only coverage. For
employees converted to full-time status, all days worked will contribute to the 60 day
waiting period.
Employees that leave the company and are rehired within 30 days will not have to
satisfy a new 60 day waiting period, benefits will become effective immediately.

Cafeteria Plan
We offer a cafeteria benefit plan to give our employees an opportunity to reduce their
taxable income. You may elect to have your medical, dental, vision and Flexible
Spending Account (health reimbursement, dependent care), premium payments
reported pre-tax. This part of your income will not be subject to FICA, federal and state
income tax, thereby reducing your tax burden. There may be a minimal effect on your
social security benefit due to lesser payment of FICA.

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Contingent upon customer demands, all Harper companies will be officially closed on
the following days:
• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Juneteenth Day
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day
All full-time employees will receive their regular pay for these holidays. If project
deadlines require supervisors to schedule employees to work on a holiday, the
employees will receive holiday pay as well as pay for time worked on the holiday.

Paid Time Off

The company grants annual paid time off, at regular pay, to full-time employees.
Regular part-time employees, temporary part-time employees, temporary full-time
employees and temporary outage employees are not eligible for paid time off (PTO).
The established PTO year begins on January 1 and employees PTO balance will be
awarded with the appropriate allocation at that time. PTO must be used by December
31 of each year and no carry over will be permitted. Employees starting to work after
January 1 will receive PTO at a prorated allocation of hours based on their start month.

If employment is voluntarily terminated by an employee resignation, balance payout

occurs according to established guidelines in the Paid Time Off policy. The employee
must have been employed at least one year or more to receive PTO. Employees who
are terminated for cause will not receive paid PTO.

Additional specific information may be found in the company Paid Time Off Policy.

Tuition Reimbursement
Employees who take pre-approved job related courses at an accredited institution may
qualify to receive reimbursement for tuition and related books and fees. To be eligible
for tuition reimbursement you must:
1. be employed with the company for twelve months before your first class
session and be still employed with the company at the time that the course
2. select a course of study that is of benefit to the company
3. obtain approval from Human Resources before enrollment. Human Resources
approval will be discretionary and based on the following factors:
a) the nature and purpose of the course of study
b) the benefits to be derived by the employee and the company
c) the employee’s level of responsibility and length of service
d) the estimated cost, and any potential lost time or productivity while you
participate in the program
4. receive a grade of "C" or better in each course

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The company pays for training, such as licensing, certifications, seminars, conferences
and other activities that are pre-approved by management, and that directly relate to
your position within the company.


Attendance and Punctuality

Each employee is expected to be at his/her respective work area at the scheduled work
time and remain there until the scheduled quitting time. Tardiness on your part will
seriously interfere with the performance of your job and will inconvenience and delay
the work of others. Any employee finding it necessary to arrive late must check in with
their immediate supervisor before reporting to work. Excessive tardiness will result in
disciplinary action. In the event that you have to be absent from work, you must notify
your supervisor at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled work time. Dependability,
attendance, punctuality, and a commitment to do your job right are essential at all times.
If an employee fails to report to work or call in for a period of two (2) consecutive days,
they will be deemed to have voluntarily quit their employment with the company.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

FMLA Leave is available for all employees who have worked for the company for at
least twelve months and performed at least 1,250 hours of work during the previous 12
months. Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a rolling 12-
month period. In limited circumstances, employees may be eligible for up to 26 weeks.
A leave may be taken for the following reasons:

1. To care for a newborn child or newly adopted or newly placed foster child,
as long as the leave is taken in the year following the child’s birth or placement
(up to 12 weeks);
2. To care for a family member, including a biological, adopted, foster or
step-child, a legal ward or a child for whom the employee is financially
responsible, a spouse or a parent who has a serious health condition (up to 12
3. To provide an employee time to attend to his/her own serious health
condition (up to 12 weeks);
4. To tend to the “qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that a spouse, son,
daughter or parent of the employee is on active duty or has been notified of an
impending call or order to active duty in the Armed Forces in support of a
contingency operation (up to 12 weeks);
5. To care for a service member with a serious health condition which is defined as a
serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty that rendered the service
member medically unfit to perform his or her duties. An eligible military family
member would include a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin (nearest
blood relative) of a “covered service member”. A “covered service member” is
defined as a member of the Armed Forces, including members of the National
Guard or Reserves who are undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or
therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary
disability retired list (up to 26 weeks).

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Employees who request FMLA leave because of a serious health condition, whether
their own or a family member’s, will be required to submit a completed “Certification of
Health Care Provider” to the Human Resources department before the leave will be
approved. This should be done before the leave begins, whenever possible, but no later
than 15 calendar days after the company requests it. The Human Resources
department will use the Department of Labor’s standard form for certification purposes.
Failure to provide the required documentation to support the FMLA leave request may
result in the leave being denied and the Employee being subject to disciplinary action
up to and including termination for being away from work on an unauthorized leave of
absence. After the Human Resources department receives and reviews the request,
the Human Resources department will complete the “Employer Response to Employee
Form,” to notify the Employee whether the request has been granted.

Employees who request family leave due to a call to active duty should submit a request
for a leave of absence and provide a copy of a notification of the call to active duty or
other similar documentation to Human Resources.

Intermittent Leave:
The company recognizes that there are instances when it is necessary for employees to
take family and medical leave intermittently or on a reduced-hours basis. Such requests
for intermittent leave or reduced hour schedules must be requested in writing and must
be approved by Human Resources prior to commencement of the leave.

FMLA leave is unpaid unless it is taken together with accrued paid leave. However,
employees on FMLA leave continue to be covered by the company’s group health
benefits plan on the same terms that are applicable for active employees. FMLA
leave does not cause employees to lose any previously accrued employment
benefits. Employees will receive holiday pay for holidays that occur during their FMLA
leave. In order for health and welfare benefits to remain in effect, however, the
employee must continue to pay his/her portion of the premiums either through payroll
deduction from Paid Time Off (PTO) payments or through payment directly to the
company. If the employee’s portion of any premium is not paid within 30 days of its
due date, his/her group health and other insurance coverage will lapse.

During Leave:
You will not lose employment benefits. You are required to use your available PTO
time during the leave.

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Return from Leave:
You will be entitled to return to your job or an equivalent position without loss of benefits
or pay, provided your return to work from leave occurs within or on the business day
following the expiration of the twelve weeks.

Requesting Family or Medical Leave:

Leave must be requested in writing prior to commencement of the leave, or as soon as
possible if advanced notice is not feasible.

Jury Duty:
If called for jury duty or for testimony in a court case, you must provide your supervisor
with a copy of the notification or witness summons upon receipt or within 5 days. Jury
Duty pay will be administered in accordance with the company’s Jury Duty policy in

Bereavement Leave:
It is the company policy to provide all regular full-time employees that have been
employed 60 days or longer up to three (3) days – a maximum of 24 hours - paid time
off for the death of an immediate family member.


Emergency Procedures
All employees will be made aware on their first day of employment where the exits and
fire alarms are located. Each work location has a designated "gathering area" outside
the building or job site, as well as a group leader who is responsible for assuring that
every employee is accounted for during a fire drill or in the event of an actual
emergency. Fire drills are conducted a minimum of once annually. When the fire alarm
sounds, all employees must exit the building immediately and report to their designated
gathering area.

Because of the confidential nature of our business and to maintain a safe and secure
workplace, no unauthorized personnel are to loiter on company property or a job site. All
visitors need to report to the reception area or job site trailer. Visitors will be required to
sign in and obtain a visitor ID badge. Visitors must be escorted by an employee at all
times, unless they have proper authorization from management. No one under 18 years
of age is allowed in construction or production areas for any reason.

Personal Calls
It is not possible to transfer personal calls to construction or production areas. However,
emergency calls will receive immediate priority and fastest action possible to notify the

Employee Responsibilities
All employees are responsible for maintaining their work areas, tools and equipment in
a clean, safe and orderly fashion at all times.

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All cases of illness or accident occurring during work hours must be immediately
reported to your supervisor and the safety department. Failure to report accidents
and/or incidents in a timely manner could subject the employee to disciplinary action. If
an employee is injured on the job, we provide coverage and protection in accordance
with the Worker’s Compensation Law.

Personal Property
Employees are encouraged to leave personal valuables at home or secured in their
vehicles. The company assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged property.

All company policies and rules apply to employees and their vehicles while on company
premises or job sites. Employees who use the company parking lot do so at their own
risk. The company assumes no responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle or
personal property left in the vehicle while on the parking lot or job site.

Tobacco Use
Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is not permitted inside any company
building or in job site trailers or in any company vehicle. Tobacco use is only allowed at
job sites if permitted by the owner and architect. Tobacco use at any job site on school
property is never permitted. Infractions of this policy may lead to disciplinary action.

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• Quality Policy – We have a reputation for quality, integrity and fair dealings. We strive to provide quality service
that is delivered on time and within budget that meets or exceeds client’s expectations. Our strengths are
flexibility, rapid response, providing value services and our ability to self-perform work.
• Attendance and Punctuality – Employees are expected to be prompt to work and maintain dependable
attendance. If an employee fails to report to work or call in for a period of two consecutive days, they will be
deemed to have voluntarily quit their employment.
• Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy – The Company does not tolerate the use of illegal drugs or alcohol
during working hours. Infractions of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
• Sexual Harassment Policy – Every employee should have a positive place to work, free from any type of
harassment. We do not allow any language or conduct which harasses another employee or which creates an
intimidating, offensive or hostile environment. Participating in such behavior will lead to disciplinary action,
including termination of employment.
• Weapons Policy – The Company prohibits the presence of weapons in the workplace. Violation of this policy
may result in immediate termination of employment.
• Conflict of Interest – All employees have a clear duty in conducting Company business to place the interest of
the Company ahead of their personal interests. For this reason employees must avoid any situation which
involves a potential conflict between their personal interests and those of the Company. Employees should not
receive personal gain, including money, gifts, or gratuities from the use of Company information and resources or
from the use of employee ideas, inventions, and work product which have been produced on Company time or at
Company expense. In the event an employee mistakenly receives personal gain from such act or interest, the
employee must immediately notify Company management.
• Arbitration Program – Our employees agree to binding arbitration to resolve all disputes that may arise out of
the employment relationship.
• Ethics Policy/ Code of Conduct - All employees have a responsibility to conduct themselves and our business
with honesty and integrity and promote ethical behavior in the work environment.


• I have received a copy of the employee handbook. I have reviewed the material from the handbook described
above. In addition, I understand that I am responsible for becoming familiar with the remaining policies described
in the handbook and agree to abide by them throughout my employment with the Company.
• I understand that the rules, policies, procedures, and benefits contained in the employee handbook may be
changed, modified or deleted at any time by the company.
• The handbook is not a contract. It does not change or modify the at-will status of my employment. I understand
that neither the handbook policies nor any other representations made by a management representative, at the
time of hire or at any time during employment, are to be interpreted as a contract between the Company and any
employee. However, the provisions for binding arbitration are contractual and binding on the employee and the
Company pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the handbook. The right to modify or revoke the
Arbitration Program is limited as provided in the handbook.
• I understand that my employment is voluntarily entered into, that I am free to resign at any time, and that the
Company may terminate the employment relationship whenever it determines that it is in its best interest to do so,
and to do so without notice or cause.
• Current version of the Employee Handbook can be accessed on the company SharePoint site.

Please sign, date and return this acknowledgement form to the Human Resources Department.

By my signature below, I consent to the terms and conditions described in the employee handbook.

Revised May 2019 Important! After you have read this handbook:
1. Read and sign this acknowledgement receipt
REVIEW OF IMPORTANT POLICIES 2. Tear our this page and give the signed copy to HR

- 31 -

Diversity Statement 33
Drug & Alcohol Policy 34
Attendance/Tardiness Policy 43
Work Schedule Acknowledgement 45
Employee Call Out Pay Policy 46
Corporate Credit Card Policy 48
Information Technology Usage Policy 52
Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage 58
Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

To provide guidelines and expectations for a drug free workplace.

This policy applies to all full time and contract employees as well as applicants, while on duty
or on employer property.

• To prevent accidental injuries to people and to protect the property of the company,
employees, our customers and the general public.

• To prevent the occurrence of incidents, the consequences of which may drastically

affect the safety and future of company operations.

• To cooperate with our customers and clients in their effort to contribute to safe and
efficient operations.

• To comply with the contractual obligations of our customers or regulatory


• To minimize absenteeism/tardiness, improve productivity, and to ensure quality


• To protect the reputation of the Company and employees within the community,
industry at large, and among our customers.

• Alcohol means ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and includes all beverages, mixtures, or
preparations that contain ethyl alcohol.

• Drug means any substance that has known mind or function altering effects upon the
human body, or that impairs one’s ability to safely perform work. This specifically
includes, but is not limited to, all prescription and over-the-counter medications, all
psychoactive substances, all controlled substances, all substances illegal under Federal
or State law, all synthetic or designer drugs, all look-alike drugs and all drug

• Possession means to have on one’s person, in one’s personal effects, in one’s vehicle,
or under one’s control.

• Sale or Distribution means any exchange, transfer, conveyance, or sharing of alcohol

or drugs whether for money or otherwise.

• Under the influence means the condition wherein any of the body’s sensory, cognitive
or motor functions or capabilities are altered, impaired, diminished, or affected due to
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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

alcohol or drugs. Under the influence also means the measurable presence of alcohol
or drugs within the body.

• Use means consuming, ingesting, drinking, injecting, inhaling, smoking, or otherwise

using any drug or alcohol.

• Medical Review Officer (MRO) - A Medical Review Officer (MRO) is a licensed

physician who is responsible for receiving and reviewing laboratory results generated
by an employer's drug testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain
drug test results. The MRO acts as an independent and impartial "gatekeeper" and
advocate for the accuracy and integrity of the drug testing process. The MRO provides
quality assurance review of the drug testing process for the specimens under his/her
purview, determines if there is a legitimate medical explanation for laboratory
confirmed positive, adulterated, substituted and invalid drug test results, ensures the
timely flow of test results and other information to employers and protects the
confidentiality of the drug testing information.

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - An employee assistance program (EAP) is a

work-based intervention program designed to assist employees in resolving personal
problems that may be adversely affecting the employee's performance. EAPs can assist
workers with issues like alcohol or substance abuse in addition to a broader range of
issues such as child or elder care, relationship challenges, financial or legal problems,
wellness matters and traumatic events like workplace violence. Programs are delivered
at no cost to employees by stand-alone EAP vendors or providers who are part of
comprehensive health insurance plans. Services are often delivered via phone, video-
based counseling, online chatting, e-mail interactions or face-to-face.

The Harper Companies are committed to maintaining safe, productive working conditions for
our employees and a safe environment for our customers, vendors, suppliers, contractors, and
members of the public through support of a drug and alcohol-free workplace. All drug testing
will be at the employers expense.

Employees who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on the job may pose serious
safety and health risks to themselves and to those who work around or encounter them. The
distribution, possession, or sale of drugs or alcohol in the workplace may also create
unacceptable risks to the safety and efficiency of operations.

Consistent with our commitment to quality work and the welfare of our employees, the
Company has established this policy.

1. Pre-employment Drug Screening

The Company performs pre-employment screening to prevent hiring individuals who
use drugs illegally or whose use of legal drugs or alcohol indicates a potential for unsafe
job performance.
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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

• Employment is contingent upon negative pre-employment drug screen result.

• Contract employees must have a negative pre-employment drug screen result

within the previous 30 days.

2. Prohibitions

No employee shall report to work or remain on duty while under the influence of any substance
prohibited by this policy
The use, possession, distribution or sale of any substance prohibited by this policy by any
employee during working hours or while on Company property or while operating or riding in
the Company’s vehicles or equipment is prohibited

It is not a violation of this policy for an employee with a current and valid prescription for a
drug to use, possess or be under the influence of such a drug in the manner and for the purpose
prescribed, if such use does not affect the employee’s performance or create a risk to the safety
of the employee or others.

Employees are responsible for providing a valid copy of all prescribed medication to the safety
department, learning of the possible effects of prescription and non-prescription drugs they
intend to use while working and must notify the safety department of such use and of the
possible side effects of such drugs or medications. A copy of the prescription and listing of
possible side effects will be kept in the employee’s confidential medical file. All prescriptions
must be:
- in the employee’s name
- less than one (1) year old
- carried in the original container

The Company may, at its discretion, require any employee to refrain from working while under
the influence of any drug or medication or require any such employee to obtain written
authorization from a physician.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

The Company reserves the right to require urinalysis or other drug or alcohol screening of
employees at any time under any of the following conditions:

• In connection with the overall enforcement of this Drug and Alcohol Policy

• On a universal or random testing basis

- 10% of the total workforce will be randomly selected each month for testing

• Where reasonable suspicion exists that the employee is using or is under the influence
of a drug or alcohol

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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

- Drug and alcohol testing for reasonable cause will be determined by a

representative of the Safety Department, a member of management, or other
person considered competent.
- Employees tested for reasonable suspicion with an initial test
result of positive will be suspended from work activities pending
Medical Review Officer (MRO) confirmation of results.
• Where in the sole opinion of the Company, circumstances or conditions justify such

• After any incident, accident or near miss which results in an injury or damage to
property where it is determined by leadership that a reasonable possibility exists that
banned substance use was a contributing factor to the reported injury or incident.

• When specific job-related requirements exist

• Return to duty following medical absence from work

- For five (5) or more days;
- For any overnight hospital stay;
- Following any surgical procedure.

All employees are required to consent to such testing as a condition of continued employment
and any employee’s refusal to consent to such testing will result in immediate termination.
Failure to provide a sample for testing within two (2) hours of notification of the test will be
considered as a refusal to comply.

Any employee whose test results indicate a blood alcohol concentration that equals or exceeds
.02 percent (i.e., .02 gram of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood) shall be conclusively presumed
to have been under the influence of alcohol at the time the sample was taken. The existence
of this standard shall not preclude the Company from determining that an employee with a
lower or undetermined blood alcohol concentration is under the influence of alcohol, nor shall
it limit the Company’s right to discipline or discharge an employee for using or possessing
alcohol, regardless of the amount.

Any employee whose urinalysis results are positive for the presence of any drug or its
metabolites shall be conclusively presumed to have been under the influence of such drug at
the time the sample was taken. The term “positive” means measurable amount of a prohibited
substance was present in the urine sample.

All presumptive positive test results will be sent to a lab for MRO confirmation.

All Company Safety Department employees will be randomly tested a minimum of once per
quarter. Testing will be arranged by the Human Resources Manager.

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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

DOT Drug & Alcohol Tests

Applicants and employees assigned to job classifications that include duties regulated by the
Department of Transportation will be tested for breath alcohol and the DOT-approved panel
of illicit drugs in urine. This panel currently includes: Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates – opium
and codeine derivatives, Amphetamines, methamphetamines, Phencyclidine – PCP.

Employees will report to an approved collection location for the following reasons: Pre-
employment (urine only), random selection, reasonable suspicion, post-accident and

Employees will be notified by a supervisor or the safety department when a drug or alcohol
test is required. Notifications will be communicated in a confidential manner. The supervisor
will inform the employee of the reason for testing.

Employees will report to the collection facility directly following notification. Employees will
be escorted by a company representative when the reason for testing is reasonable suspicion or
post-accident. Employees are required to present a photo ID and be able to provide their SSN
when reporting to the collection facility.

Employees will be removed from job duties regulated by the DOT when any breath testing is
0.02 or greater or urine testing is positive. Fitness for duty and reinstatement will be in
compliance with DOT 48 CFR Part 40 regulations.

Employees subject to DOT random drug and alcohol testing will be selected at a rate equal to
or greater than the rate required by regulation. New hires will be immediately added to the
random pool list through pre-employment testing. The selection process will be performed by
the approved collection facility, and only during normal working hours.

Employees who refuse to be tested are subject to immediate termination.

Employees who are unable to provide an adequate sample for testing within 2 hours after
notification and consumption of a maximum of 24 ounces of water, are considered as refusing
to be tested.

The company will maintain records as required by regulations.

Based on reasonable suspicion, the Company may from time to time and without further prior
notice, conduct searches for drugs and alcohol on company premises and property, including
but not limited to, personal effects, desks, briefcases, lockers, purses, lunch boxes, baggage
and employee vehicles as well as any other packages and containers brought onto or removed
from company property.

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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

All employees are required to cooperate and consent to such searches as a condition of
continued employment and any employee’s refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action,
including immediate termination.

The Company reserves the right to use professional investigators and trained dogs to conduct

Disciplinary Action
Any violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy will result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.

Employees who are disciplined as a result of a substance related issue will comply to the
following :

• Initial evaluation, including recommendation on return to work by a licensed medical

facility at the employees’ expense.

• The employee must sign a release authorizing a copy of the medical evaluation be
provided to the Company for determination of rehire.

• Management risk analysis based on safety exposures of position

Employees who fail to follow disciplinary action described will be terminated. To be eligible
for re-hire; the employee must comply with the required action.

Any employee who is disciplined for violation of this policy will consent to periodic random
testing a minimum of once monthly for six (6) months. Testing will be arranged by the Safety
Department and performed either in-house or by an appropriate medical provider. Applicants
whose job offer is rescinded as a result of a substance related issue (as defined by this policy)
may re-apply for employment after a minimum of six (6) months.

All employee information regarding drug and alcohol usage or testing is considered
confidential and will be retained in the employee’s medical file. Distribution of this
information will be only to appropriate management on a need-to-know basis.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employees who recognize that their substance use is interfering with their life and work, may
choose to discuss these concerns with their Supervisor, another member of company
management, or a member of the Human Resources or Safety departments. In such cases,
the employee may be referred to resources available through the company Employee
Assistance Program (EAP). If this referral occurs prior to any corrective action being taken
against the employee for substance related attendance, performance, or behavioral issues,
then the …

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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy

EAP contact information is distributed from time to time to the workforce, and is always
available from the Human Resources department.

An employee may voluntarily acknowledge a drug or alcohol problem to his/her supervisor or

the Human Resources Department and request help in overcoming the problem. If an
employee acknowledges a substance abuse during a drug screening, the Company may still
take disciplinary action, up to and including termination based on the circumstances of
administering the drug test. The Safety and Human Resources departments will determine if
the employee can continue to perform their job duties is disciplined for failing a drug test and
they request EAP. There is no action taken if an employee is terminated for cause.
Rehabilitation will be at the employee’s expense.

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Document Title: Document Number:
Drug & Alcohol Policy PL-5000-7
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 01/01/2009 06.12.2019 Robin Kennedy


Drug & Alcohol Policy

By my signature below, I certify that I have received a copy of the company’s Drug & Alcohol
Policy (PL-5000-7). I also certify that this policy has been reviewed with me by a representative
of the company. Further, I acknowledge that I am responsible to abide by this policy. If I have
questions or concerns regarding any information contained in the Drug & Alcohol Policy, I
can contact my direct supervisor or an HR / Safety representative for clarification.

___________________________ __________________________ _________

Employee Print Name Signature Date

___________________________ __________________________ ___________

Company Representative Signature Date
Print Name / Title

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Document Title: Document Number:
Attendance / Tardiness Policy PL-2007-5
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/05/2008 09/03/2019 Paula White

Effective and efficient operations depend upon each employee of the company performing their
duties to the best of their ability. Prompt and regular attendance is critical. The purpose of this
policy is to outline attendance and punctuality guidelines for hourly employees.

The procedure applies to all employees of Harper companies.

All hourly employees are expected to be at work, dressed appropriately and ready to work, at start
of the scheduled shift and remain in the job until the conclusion of the work shift. Exceptions must
receive prior authorization from the supervisor.

Employees are required to request time off at least one week in advance when possible.

Absence from work notification must be made by the employee to his or her immediate supervisor
and/or designee.

Repeated occurrences of tardiness, short shifts, absences and/or failure to clock in and out, or
record time worked will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The following procedures outline the applicable notification requirements for absences and/or
• Thirty minutes of advance notification to the supervisor is required for an unplanned
absence and/or tardiness

• When tardy, the employee must report to their supervisor or manager upon arrival at work

• Employees must notify the supervisor or designee on each day of absence/tardiness

Absence due to illness or accident of three or more consecutive days requires the employee to
return to work with a release from the physician or each day will count as a separate occurrence.

Absence Standards
For appraisal and/or disciplinary purposes, absence and/or tardiness for a rolling twelve-month
period will be used. Supervisors need to consider circumstances of absences/tardiness when
determining if disciplinary action is required.

After two consecutive “no call – no show” absences, the employee is considered to have
voluntarily resigned from their job. Job abandonment will result in termination.

Three occurrences within a rolling twelve-month period may result in a documented verbal
counseling stating the employee’s commitment to corrective action. If an employee has tardies
but no absences, three independent tardies may result in a verbal counseling.
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Document Title: Document Number:
Attendance / Tardiness Policy PL-2007-5
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/05/2008 09/03/2019 Paula White

Five occurrences within a rolling twelve-month period may result in a written Performance
Improvement Program (PIP) containing the employee’s commitment to corrective action. If an
employee has tardies but no absences, five independent tardies may result in a written Performance
Improvement Program (PIP).

Seven occurrences within a rolling twelve-month period may result in termination. If an employee
has tardies but no absences, six independent tardies may result in a final written Performance
Improvement Program (PIP).

If an employee has tardies but no absences, seven independent tardies in a twelve-month rolling
period may result in termination.


When an employee is not at work as scheduled. An absence is also defined as any situation when an
employee volunteers to work a shift when they would have been scheduled to be off and fails to report to
work for that volunteered shift.

Authorized Time off

Any time an employee is not at work as result of one of the following pre-determined events: Vacation,
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), Jury Duty, Military Leave, sent home by the supervisor due to lack of
work, or sent home by the Safety Department for a work-related injury.

An employee who is not at work at beginning of their scheduled shift (including returning from breaks and
lunch periods) is absent from work. This absence may be changed to tardy at such time as the employee
reports to work and their supervisor approves their attendance for the remainder of the scheduled shift.
Anytime an employee clocks in or reports to work after the beginning of their scheduled shift, that employee
may be considered tardy depending upon operational circumstances. 3 tardies = 1 absence occurrence.

Leave Early
Any shift in which the employee works less than the scheduled hours due to an early departure from work.
Leaving work after 4 hours but before completion of the shift is considered leaving early. Leaving work
before 4 hours is considered an absence. 3 partial shifts = 1 absence occurrence.

Any number of days of unauthorized absences not separated by a return to work

No call – No show
An absence where the employee does not report to work when scheduled and no notice is provided to the
supervisor before the shift begins.

Job Abandonment
Leaving the work area or work assignment without permission from the supervisor.

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Document Title: Document Number:
Attendance / Tardiness Policy PL-2007-5
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/05/2008 09/03/2019 Paula White


Attendance / Tardiness Policy

By my signature below, I certify that I have received a copy of the company’s Attendance /
Tardiness Policy. I also certify that this policy has been reviewed with me by a representative of
the company. Further, I acknowledge that I am responsible to abide by this policy. If I have
questions or concerns regarding any information contained in the Attendance / Tardiness Policy, I
can contact my direct supervisor or an HR representative for clarification.

Employee Print Name Signature Date

Company Representative Print Name / Title Signature Date

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Work Schedule Acknowledgement

Business Hours
Office hours for most administrative personnel are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. These hours may
vary depending on business needs, and field hours vary within each job site. These varied hours could include
working weekends and extended hours as needed. The work schedule for hourly employees is determined by
supervisors on an individual basis in accordance with business needs.

Flexibility in staffing is extremely important to our businesses, both to ensure exceptional customer service and
to maintain a steady workforce. There may be times when employees are required to take a transfer to another
job or another area. Reasons for involuntary transfers could include but are not limited to project scheduling or
to avoid layoffs.

Lunch and Break Periods

Employees in the field or production areas are provided with a 30-minute lunch break to be scheduled by the
supervisor. Administrative employees normally have a one-hour lunch break, scheduling of which is
determined by the employee and their supervisor. The company provides two 15-minute rest breaks, as well as
lunch period, each day for employees working a full work schedule (8 hours or more per day). If customer
demand or working conditions require us to shorten or lengthen the scheduled workday, lunch and break times
may vary at the supervisor’s discretion.
Document Title: Document Number:
Corporate Credit Card Policy PL-1001-3
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/13/2011 07/15/2016 Mike Anders

1.0 Purpose

To allow employees access to efficient and alternative means of payment for

approved expenses.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all Harper Company authorized corporate credit card holders.

3.0 Responsibility

- It is the responsibility of management to ensure proper communication of policy

requirements and authorization and approvals for all credit card expenses.
- It is the responsibility of the accounting department to review expense

4.0 Policy

The nature of company business may require employees to make purchases on behalf
of the company. The company provides multiple resources to ensure efficiency and
cost effectiveness. The use of a corporate credit card is to facilitate purchasing
general supplies, paying for training and seminars, travel costs and other company
related purchases approved by senior management.

4.1 Issuance
4.1.1 Corporate credit cards will be issued to managers and staff, only with
approval from senior management.

4.1.2 Credit cards may be requested for prospective cardholders by written

request to the HR department.

4.2 Use
4.2.1 Credit cards will only be used for business purposes. Personal
purchases of any type are not permitted. Inadvertent use of corporate credit card for personal purchases

will result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination. Inadvertent use of the corporate credit card is considered an

advance of future wages payable to that employee and if not
remedied by sending a personal check payable to the company
for the total amount of the purchase within (one) 1 week of the
purchase, the company will recover the full amount from the
employee’s next paycheck; any balance remaining will be
deducted in full from subsequent paychecks until the wage
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Document Title: Document Number:
Corporate Credit Card Policy PL-1001-3
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/13/2011 07/15/2016 Mike Anders

advance is fully repaid. Such deductions will be in the amount

of the unauthorized purchase(s), but if the deductions for such
amounts would take the employee below minimum wage for
the workweek in question, the deductions will be in two or
more equal increments that will not take the employee’s pay
below minimum wage for any workweek involved.

4.2.2 The following are allowed chargeable expenses assuming they are in
compliance with the remainder of this policy:
- Travel expense, booked through the corporate administrative
representative, including hotel, airfare, train fare, bus, taxi and
related tips
- Meals while traveling on Company business, including tips
between 15 – 20% (meal charges will be counted against the
allowed per diem)
- Laundry expenses during trips in excess of 5 days
- Gasoline and oil for Company owned, leased or rented vehicles
- Tolls
- Conference or convention fees
- Business entertainment expenses (Entertainment expenses must be
approved in advance by executive management)
- Parking
- Job related materials

4.2.3 The following expenses are not reimbursable or chargeable under this

- Babysitter costs
- Airline club dues
- Barber / hairstylist
- Traffic fines
- Tips in excess of 20% & tips in addition to pre-applied gratuity
- In-flight movies / refreshments
- Hotel room movies or other forms of personal entertainment
- Luggage, briefcases
- Alcohol (unless approved as business entertainment expense)
- Parties and gifts
- First class airfare
- Laundry or dry cleaning during trips 5 days or under

4.2.4 Cash advances on credit cards are not permitted without written
permission from senior management

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Document Title: Document Number:
Corporate Credit Card Policy PL-1001-3
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/13/2011 07/15/2016 Mike Anders

4.3 Reporting

4.3.1 Project related expenses should be submitted every Friday. All non-
project related expenses should be submitted no less than monthly.
Scans or photographs of expense receipts should be included in the
Concur expense report.

4.3.2 Physical receipts do not need to be provided to the Accounting

department. However, it is recommended that employees keep their
physical receipts for sixty (60) days to ensure there are no issues with
their credit card statement. Receipts pertaining to an item’s warranty
or service needs should be retained as long as needed.

4.3.3 Expense reports in Concur should be reviewed by the employee’s

manager and project managers weekly. Expense reports including
incorrectly coded costs or insufficient data will be returned to the
employee for updating.

4.3.4 All meal expense items on expense reports in Concur must include
attendee information (even if the meal is for the employee only).

4.3.5 Expenses should be coded to expense type, department and/or projects

and cost codes as necessary.

4.3.6 All Concur expense reports must be approved by the employee’s

manager, project managers or a delegate before the system will
forward to the appropriate operational AP representative.

4.3.7 If the employee fails to comply with this policy employee may be
asked to turn in their corporate issued credit card. Management will
notify employees who fail to comply with this policy at which time the
employee should turn in their credit card. If the employee’s position
requires that they continue to complete credit card purchases, they
must use a personal credit card. The employee will continue to use the
Concur system for expense reporting in that case, and will be
reimbursed directly for their charges based on approved transactions.

4.3.8 Terminated employees’ passwords should be reset by Human

Resources or Accounting so the employee’s manager can log in and
complete their final expense report. The manager should note in the
comments that this is the final report. The report will then be routed to
the manager for final approval and submission. The final report for
the terminated employee should be completed and approved within ten
(10) days of the employee’s last day of work.

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Document Title: Document Number:
Corporate Credit Card Policy PL-1001-3
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 05/13/2011 07/15/2016 Mike Anders


Corporate Credit Card Policy

By my signature below, I certify that I have received a copy of the company’s Corporate Credit Card
Policy. I also certify that this policy has been reviewed with me by a representative of the company.
Further, I acknowledge that I am responsible to abide by this policy; and authorize deduction from my
wages to remedy any personal purchases that are outstanding as described in the policy. If I have
questions or concerns regarding any information contained in the Corporate Credit Card Policy, I can
contact my direct supervisor or an HR representative for clarification.

_____________________________ __________________________ __________________

Employee Print Name Signature Date

_____________________________ __________________________ __________________

Company Representative Print Name / Title Signature Date

Valid only on date printed

Kristi Johnson Page 4 10/27/2020
Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor

1.0 Purpose

To provide guidelines for acceptable usage of technology equipment, internet, software solutions
and electronic mail provided by the company for business purposes; or employee owned
equipment used on company property.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all technology equipment and programs issued to employees as a part of
their employment including:
- Computers (laptop and desktop)
- Cell phones and PDAs
- Mobile computing devices such as iPads, and other tablets
- Any software which is installed on such devices
This policy also applies to employee owned technology devices that are brought onto company

3.0 Responsibility

- It is the responsibility of the IT manager to ensure this policy is implemented and effective.
- It is the responsibility of departmental managers to ensure communication of policy
requirements throughout their operations.
- It is the responsibility of all employees to understand and comply with the requirements of this

4.0 Policy

The company provides technology equipment, internet, software solutions and electronic mail
access to employees to aid in communication and increase productivity. To safeguard its
equipment, confidential information, reduce the opportunity for illegal activity and to ensure
compliance with other applicable policies, the following guidelines have been established:

4.1 Computer Usage

4.1.1 Computers are to be used for business purposes only. Any other use is prohibited
without the expressed consent of management.

4.1.2 Employees are not to place personal copies of software or data on any company
- All software installed on company equipment must be authorized and licensed
to the Harper companies.

4.1.3 Unauthorized reproduction of proprietary software is strictly prohibited.

4.1.4 All equipment and software purchased by the Harper companies must remain on
company premises at all times, unless prior IT approval is given.
- Exceptions to this requirement apply to hardware designed for remote
computing, such as hand held devices and laptop computers.
Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor

4.1.5 Virus and other software solutions installed on employee’s computers by the IT
department should never be removed.

4.2 Cell Phone and PDA Usage

Refer to the Cell Phone PDA Usage Policy PL-3001-2 for details.

4.3 Internet Usage

Internet access is provided as a business tool and source of information with the potential
for benefiting all areas of the company and enhancing customer service, retention and
growth. A web filtering software solution has been leveraged to assist in protecting
computing devices from harmful viruses and adware often delivered through websites.
All employees who have authorized internet access must comply with the following:

4.3.1 Only authorized employees may access the internet

4.3.2 Under no circumstances are pornographic, inappropriate or harassing materials to

be accessed, sent or received using company equipment or on company business.

4.3.3 Employees are expected to comply with all company policies as applicable to the
internet. These include confidentiality, harassment and the like.

4.3.4 Employees should limit the personal use of company internet connection and
web browsing during work hours to a minimum and should be focused to breaks.

4.3.5 Internet usage may be monitored as defined in section 6.0 of this policy.

4.3.6 Employee owned non-company issued equipment should not be connected to the
company network for uses of internet or any other purpose from a wired or
wireless connection.

4.3.7 Absolutely no continuous streaming of music or video is allowed on company

owned or employee owned devices unless required as a part of the employee’s
job function.

4.4 Electronic Mail

Electronic mail access is provided to employees to aid in communication internally, with

customers and vendors. All employees who have authorized e-mail access must comply
with the following:

4.4.1 Company e-mail is only to be used by authorized employees.

4.4.2 Employees are not to allow access to or disclose e-mail passwords to others.

4.4.3 The e-mail system like all other company property is to be used for business
purposes of the company.
- Personal use is acceptable, but should be minimized during business hours.
Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor

4.4.4 The Company reserves the right to determine suitability of information

distributed through the internet or e-mail.
- Foul, inappropriate or offensive messages are prohibited.

4.4.5 Company e-mail is not to be used to solicit for outside business ventures,
personal business or other matters not connected to the company business.

4.4.6 Mass e-mail forwards not related to company business are prohibited.

4.4.7 Employees are required to use only standard business professional format for all
- E-mail signatures will be designed through the IT department. Employees
requiring access to create or edit signatures must receive approval through the IT
- E-mail stationary including images or designs not provided by the company are

4.4.8 E-mail usage may be monitored as defined in section 6.0 of this policy.

5.0 Rights and Ownership

5.1 Employees have no ownership or privacy expectations of data; all work created using
company equipment belongs to the company.

5.2 Any data on company equipment or its premises may be viewed at any time by the
company and may be disclosed to third parties, including but not limited to
administrative, judicial, law enforcement or other proceedings.

6.0 Monitoring and Compliance Verification

Employee usage statistics may be provided to the employee’s manager if there is a documented
suspicion of excessive non-business related internet usage or the accessing of inappropriate
material has been attempted.

6.1 Information stored in or on company equipment is subject to inspection at any time

without notice.

6.2 The company does monitor internet and e-mail for unusual, excessive personal or
unacceptable activity.

7.0 Discipline and Expectations of Use

Non-compliance with this policy or violation of any other company policies through the use of
the internet or e-mail systems and the following conditions will result in revocation of technology
privileges and/or other discipline up to and including termination of employment.
7.1 Users will not:

7.1.1 Knowingly visit internet sites that contain obscene, hateful or other objectionable
materials, send or receive any materials, whether by e-mail, voicemail,
memoranda or oral conversation that is obscene, defamatory, harassing,
Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor

intimidating, offensive, discriminatory or which is intended to annoy, harass or

intimidate another person.

7.1.2 Solicit non-company business for personal gain or profit.

7.1.3 Use the internet or e-mail for illegal purpose.

7.1.4 Use the internet or e-mail for offensive or vulgar messages that do not conform to
the company’s policies against harassment or discrimination.

7.1.5 Represent personal opinion on any blogs and social media outlets as those of the
company or purport to represent the company when not authorized to do so.

7.1.6 Download and install any other virus protection software other than that which is
provided by the IT department.

7.1.7 Upload, download or otherwise transmit commercial software or any copyrighted

materials belonging to the company or parties outside the company.

7.1.8 Intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the network, including
propagation of computer viruses and sustained high volume network traffic
which substantially hinders others in their use of the network.

7.1.9 Stream non-work related audio or video content such as online music services,
radio stations, or video on demand solutions (such as Netflix) on line.
- Sporadic use of video streaming for business purposes is allowed.

7.1.10 Reveal or publicize confidential or proprietary information, including but not

limited to:
- Financial information
- Confidential company, client or employee information
- Marketing strategies and plans
- Databases and information contained within
- Client lists
- Computer software source codes
- Computer / network access codes; and
- Business relationships

7.1.11 Examine, change or use another employees files, output or user name without
explicit authorization.

7.1.12 Use company equipment or other resources for any purpose other than that
authorized by management.

7.1.13 Share passwords with any other user.

- Exceptions must be authorized by the IT department.

7.1.14 Connect non-company issued IT equipment to the company network, wired or

Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor

7.2 Employees who observe any violations of this policy are to report it immediately to the
HR department.

7.3 Failure to cooperate in any investigation of a violation of this policy and its conditions or
providing false or misleading information in the course of an investigation may lead to
discipline, including termination of employment.
Document Title: Document Number:
Information Technology Usage Policy PL-3000-2
Prepared By: Issue Date: Reviewed/Revised Date: Approved By:
Kristi Johnson 09/21/2011 03/10/2015 James Proctor


Information Technology Usage Policy

By my signature below, I certify that I have received a copy of the company’s Information Technology
Usage Policy. I also certify that this policy has been reviewed with me by a representative of the
company. Further, I acknowledge that I am responsible to abide by this policy. If I have questions or
concerns regarding any information contained in the Information Technology Policy, I can contact my
direct supervisor, the IT Department or an HR representative for clarification.

_____________________________ __________________________ __________________

Employee Print Name Signature Date

_____________________________ __________________________ __________________

Company Representative Print Name / Title Signature Date

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