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J Neuropathol Exp Neurol Vol. 71, No.

Copyright Ó 2012 by the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. June 2012
pp. 520Y530


Altered Pharyngeal Muscles in Parkinson Disease

Liancai Mu, MD, PhD, Stanislaw Sobotka, PhD, Jingming Chen, MD, Hungxi Su, MD, Ira Sanders, MD,
Charles H. Adler, MD, PhD, Holly A. Shill, MD, John N. Caviness, MD, Johan E. Samanta, MD,
Thomas G. Beach, MD, PhD, and the Arizona Parkinson’s Disease Consortium

Parkinson disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neuro-
Dysphagia (impaired swallowing) is common in patients with
logic movement disorder characterized by tremor at rest, bra-
Parkinson disease (PD) and is related to aspiration pneumonia, the
dykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability (1). These motor
primary cause of death in PD. Therapies that ameliorate the limb
signs result primarily from a loss of dopaminergic neurons in
motor symptoms of PD are ineffective for dysphagia. This suggests
the nigrostriatal pathway (2) and cause major disability and
that the pathophysiology of PD dysphagia may differ from that

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reduce the quality of life of patients with PD. In the United
affecting limb muscles, but little is known about potential neuro-
States, PD is the fourth most common neurodegenerative disease
muscular abnormalities in the swallowing muscles in PD. This study
in the elderly (3). It is estimated that approximately 1.5 million
examined the fiber histochemistry of pharyngeal constrictor and cri-
Americans have PD, with approximately 40,000 new cases
copharyngeal sphincter muscles in postmortem specimens from 8
diagnosed every year (4, 5), and the total annual burden of PD
subjects with PD and 4 age-matched control subjects. Pharyngeal
in the United States is estimated at US $23 billion (6).
muscles in subjects with PD exhibited many atrophic fibers, fiber
Approximately 50% to 80% of patients with PD de-
type grouping, and fast-to-slow myosin heavy chain transformation.
velop dysphagia (7Y12). Dysphagia negatively affects their
These alterations indicate that the pharyngeal muscles experienced
psychologic well-being and quality of life. More importantly,
neural degeneration and regeneration over the course of PD. Notably,
dysphagia may cause malnutrition and aspiration pneumonia,
subjects with PD with dysphagia had a higher percentage of atrophic
thus posing serious threats to health and longevity (13). As-
myofibers versus with those without dysphagia and controls. The
piration pneumonia is reported as the leading cause of death in
fast-to-slow fiber-type transition is consistent with abnormalities in
patients with PD (10, 14), with most cases likely secondary to
swallowing, slow movement of food, and increased tone in the cri-
dysphagia. The first symptom of dysphagia in patients with PD
copharyngeal sphincter in subjects with PD. The alterations in the
is often excessive drooling that is believed to be caused by
pharyngeal muscles may play a pathogenic role in the development
impaired swallowing (15, 16); patients with PD who have the
of dysphagia in subjects with PD.
most severe dysphagia usually have the most drooling (17).
Key Words: Dysphagia, Fiber types, Immunohistochemistry, Muscle Tracheal penetration/aspiration has been noted in 25% to 50%
fiber atrophy, Myosin heavy chain isoforms, Parkinson disease, Pha- of patients (18Y20). Importantly, silent aspiration has been
ryngeal constrictor muscles, Swallowing, Upper esophageal sphincter. documented in as many as 15% of patients with PD who do
not complain of dysphagia (21).
From the Upper Airway Research Laboratory (LM, SS, JC, HS), Department The site of dysphagia is oropharyngeal in most patients
of Research and Alice and David Jurist Institute for Biomedical Research with PD (10, 20, 21), but the anatomic or physiological factors
(IS), Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey;
Department of Neurosurgery (SS), Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New
responsible for the dysphagia in PD have never been deter-
York, New York; Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, mined. Histochemical studies on skeletal muscle from other
Mayo Clinic Arizona (CHA, JNC), Scottsdale; Cleo Roberts Center for sites of autopsied subjects with PD have shown alterations in
Clinical Research (HAS) and Civin Laboratory for Neuropathology muscle fiber morphology and size and fiber type grouping
(TGB), Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Sun City; and Banner Good (22, 23), but histologic and histochemical characteristics of
Samaritan Medical Center (JES), Phoenix, Arizona.
Send correspondence and reprint requests to: Liancai Mu, MD, PhD, the pharyngeal muscles in PD have not been reported.
Department of Research, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hack- The human pharynx is a muscular tubular passage of
ensack, NJ 07601; E-mail: the digestive and respiratory tracts extending from the back
This research is supported by National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 of the nasal cavity and mouth to the esophagus. There are 3
DC004728 from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Commu-
nication Disorders (to Dr Mu). The Brain and Body Donation Program is
pharyngeal constrictor (PC) muscles (i.e. superior [SPC], mid-
supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke dle [MPC], and inferior [IPC]) that form the walls of the
(U24 NS072026, National Brain and Tissue Resource for Parkinson’s pharynx. The cricopharyngeus (CP) forms a sphincter at the
Disease and Related Disorders), the National Institute on Aging (P30 transition from the pharynx to the esophagus. During swal-
AG19610, Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center), the Arizona lowing, successive contraction of the PCs constricts the pha-
Department of Health Services (contract 211002, Arizona Alzheimer’s
Research Center), the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (contracts ryngeal lumen to propel the bolus downward to the CP, which
4001, 0011, 05-901, and 1001 to the Arizona Parkinson’s Disease Con- relaxes to allow the bolus to enter the esophagus (24). Iden-
sortium) and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. tified swallowing abnormalities include a slowing of the

520 J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

Copyright © 2012 by the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012 Pharyngeal Muscles in PD

peristalsis and a relative decrease in reflex CP relaxation.

These motor abnormalities cause retained food or saliva in the
pharynx after swallowing. Therefore, dysfunction of the pha-
ryngeal muscles results in swallowing problems.
We hypothesized that alterations in the central or pe-
ripheral nervous system controlling the pharynx could result
in changes in pharyngeal muscles in subjects with PD and that
these neuromuscular alterations may be one of the risk factors
leading to dysphagia. Here, we compared pharyngeal muscles
from subjects with PD and control subjects to identify specific
changes that might suggest an underlying mechanism for neu-
rogenic dysphagia in PD.


Tissues FIGURE 1. (A, B) Posterior view of the human pharynx as
An autopsy-based study of the human pharyngeal mus- shown by schematic diagram (A) and photograph from Par-
cles was conducted on 8 subjects with clinically diagnosed and kinson disease (PD) pharynx (B) showing the anatomic loca-
neuropathologically confirmed PD (Table 1) and 4 age-matched tions of the pharyngeal muscles and sampling sites (enclosed

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controls. The PD pharynges were provided by the Brain and regions in B) for histologic and immunohistochemical studies.
CA, carotid artery; CP, cricopharyngeus; IPC, inferior pha-
Body Donation Program (25) at Banner Sun Health Research
ryngeal constrictor; MPC, middle pharyngeal constrictor; SB,
Institute (Banner SHRI), which is part of Banner Health, a skull base; SP, stylopharyngeus muscle; SPC, superior pharyn-
regional nonprofit health care provider centered in metropolitan geal constrictor; UE, upper esophagus. The vertical dotted line
Phoenix, Ariz. Banner SHRI and the Mayo Clinic Arizona are in B indicates the midline.
the principal institutional members of the Arizona Parkinson’s
Disease Consortium, which conducts a longitudinal clinico-
pathologic study of PD and normal aging subjects with annual hamper reliable histochemical analysis of autopsied muscles
examinations from entry until death and autopsy. The healthy (28, 29). The PC and CP muscles were sampled as shown in
autopsied pharynges without known systemic neuromuscu- Figure 1. The muscle samples were prepared for histology and
lar disorders were obtained from Department of Pathology at immunohistochemistry. Each sample was placed in parallel
Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. and snap-frozen together in isopentane cooled by dry ice.
Serial cross sections (10 Km thick) were cut on a cryostat
Clinical Assessment (Reichert-Jung 1800; Mannheim, Germany) at j25-C and
stored at j80-C until staining was performed.
Banner SHRI provided clinical information for each sub-
ject with PD. Clinical assessment was performed by move-
ment disorder specialists, who rated the clinical severity of PD Staining Methods
using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Serial cross sections from each muscle sample were
(26) and the Hoehn and Yahr scale (27). Dysphagia was as- mounted on sets of 8 slides. For each set, the 8 serial sections
sessed subjectively using one of the questions in the UPDRS. were subjected to routine histologic and enzyme-histochemical
(Sections 1Y3) and immunohistochemical (Sections 4Y8) stain-
Muscle Sample Preparation ing in the following order: 1) hematoxylin and eosin staining
The pharyngeal muscles were obtained from 1 to 3 days to show muscle structure; 2) reduced nicotinamide adenine
after death (mean, 44 hours); this postmortem interval does not dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR), which is rich

TABLE 1. Summary of Main Demographic Features and Clinical Data of Cases With Parkinson Disease
Case No. Sex Age at Death, y Age at PD Onset, y PD Duration, y H&Y Motor UPDRS Dysphagia
1 M 75 55 20 2 17 Yes
2 M 73 62 11 3 18 No
3 M 78 59 19 4 51 Yes
4 F 84 64 20 3 29 No
5 M 80 69 11 4 53 No
6 M 81 70 11 4 43 Yes
7 F 79 68 11 4 47 No
8 M 75 45 30 4 66 Yes
Mean (range) 78 (73Y84) 62 (45Y70) 17 (11Y30) 3.5 (2Y4) 41 (17Y66)
F, female; H&Y, Hoehn-Yahr clinical rating scale (scores range 1Y5); M, male; PD, Parkinson disease; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.

Ó 2012 American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. 521

Copyright © 2012 by the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mu et al J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

in mitochondria and used as a marker for aerobic metabo- fibers as described (36Y39). The sections were fixed in 4%
lism, to demonstrate muscle fiber oxidative capacity; 3) >- paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes, blocked in 2% BSA with
glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) stain to examine 0.1% Triton X-100 for 20 minutes, incubated with primary
anaerobic enzyme activity of the muscle fibers; 4) immuno- mAb F1.652 at 4-C for 12 hours, blocked again with 1%
staining for neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) to detect BSA for 5 minutes, incubated in a fluorescein isothiocyanateY
denervated myofibers; and 5Y8) immunostaining with type- labeled goat anti-mouse IgG (1:50 dilution; Sigma) for 1 hour,
specific antiYmyosin heavy chain (MyHC) antibodies to in- mounted with Vectashield mounting medium (Vector Labora-
vestigate alterations in fiber type and MyHC composition. tories), and kept in the dark at 4-C. Control sections were
stained as previously mentioned except that the primary anti-
body incubation was omitted.
Neural CAM is abundant on the surface of early em-
bryonic myotubes, declines in level as development proceeds, Muscle Fiber Typing
nearly disappears in the adult muscle, reappears when adult Fibers previously classified as Type IIB in human mus-
muscles are denervated, and is lost after reinnervation (30Y32). cle have been renamed Type IIX or Type IID fibers based on
Neural CAM immunoreactivity on muscle fiber membranes in their MyHC complement, which resembles the Type IIx MyHC
cross sections provides a sensitive method for detecting dener- isoform of rat muscle (40, 41). At present, there is no mAb
vated myofibers (32Y35). Immunofluorescent labeling of N- specific to Type IIx MyHC isoform. In this study, the Type II
CAM was performed as described (35). Briefly, cross sections fibers (i.e. MY-32Ypositive and NOQ7-5-4DYnegative) that
were fixed with methanol, incubated in 5% donkey serum failed to react with the mAb specific to Type IIa MyHC iso-
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO), incubated in affinity-purified, poly-

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form (i.e. SC-71Ynegative) were identified as Type IIX fibers.
clonal, rabbit anti-rat N-CAM antibody (Chemicon, Temecula, The stained muscle sections were examined under a
CA) and then incubated in CY3-conjugated AffiniPure don- Zeiss photomicroscope (Axiophot-2; Carl Zeiss, Gottingen,
key anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG; Jackson Immuno- Germany) equipped with epifluorescence optics and differ-
Research, West Grove, PA). Control sections were stained as ential interference contrast microscopy and photographed using
previously mentioned except that the incubation with the pri- a digital camera (Spot-32; Diagnostic Instruments, Keene, NH)
mary antibody was omitted. that was attached to the photomicroscope and connected to a
Type-specific anti-MyHC monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) personal computer with image analysis software. All muscle
were used for immunohistochemistry (Table 2). The avidin- sections stained with the 4 anti-MyHC mAbs were analyzed
biotin complex method was used to identify the major MyHC- on an individual-fiber basis. The fibers that expressed only a
containing fibers, as described (36Y39). Briefly, the sections single MyHC isoform were classified as pure fibers; fibers that
were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes, blocked were positively stained with more than 1 anti-MyHC mAb were
in 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) with 0.1% Triton X-100 classified as hybrid fibers. The positive and negative fibers
for 20 minutes, incubated with primary mAbs for 1 hour at reacted to a specific mAb were manually identified and marked
room temperature (RT; mAb NOQ7-5-4D) or overnight at using a computerized image analysis system (SigmaScan;
4-C (mAbs MY-32 and SC-71), incubated with an anti-mouse Jandel Scientific, San Rafael, CA). Three major MyHC-based
IgG (ATCC, Rockville, MD) for 1 hour and reacted in avidin- fiber types were classified as Type I (NOQ7-5-4DYpositive
biotin complex reagent (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, MY-32Ynegative fibers), fast Type IIA (SC-71Ypositive, MY-
CA) for 1 hour at RT, reacted for 10 minutes at RT with a 32Ypositive, NOQ7-5-4DYnegative fibers), fast Type IIX (MY-
solution containing 3,3¶-diaminobenzidine as chromogen to 32Ypositive, SC-71Ynegative, NOQ7-5-4DYnegative fibers), and
localize peroxidase for primary antibodies according to a 3,3¶- embryonic (F1.652-positive) MyHC-containing fibers. Rela-
diaminobenzidine substrate kit (SK-4100; Vector Laborato- tive proportions and distribution patterns of the MyHC-based
ries), and dehydrated in graded concentrations of ethanol, fiber types were computed.
cleared in xylene, and mounted with Permount (Fischer Sci-
entific, Fair Lawn, NJ). Fiber Diameter Measurements
Indirect immunofluorescent staining was also used to The muscle sections stained with mAb NOQ7-5-4D for
detect embryonic MyHC (MyHC-emb) isoforms in the muscle Type I MyHC fibers were used for measuring the least fiber
diameter (the maximum diameter across the least aspect of
TABLE 2. Monoclonal Antibody Specificities
the muscle fiber) using a previously established method (42).
MyHC Isoforms Working In each muscle, at least 100 fibers were randomly selected to
Antibody I IIa IIx MyHC-emb Source Solution measure the least fiber diameter. Myofibers with diameters of
NOQ7-5-4D + j j j Sigma 1:1000 20 Km or less were considered to be atrophic.
MY-32 j + + j Sigma 1:50
SC-71 j + j j ATCC Supernatant Data Analysis
F1.652 j j j + ATCC Supernatant Histologic and immunohistochemical properties of the
+, positive reaction between mAb and MyHC; j, negative reaction between antibody
PC and CP muscles in subjects with PD and control subjects
and MyHC. were compared. Relative proportions of denervated and atro-
ATCC: hybridoma cells were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection. phic muscle fibers and various MyHC-containing fibers in each
The hybridoma cell culture supernatants of mAbs SC-71 and F1.652 were used.
MyHC, myosin heavy chain; MyHC-emb, embryonic MyHC. of the studied muscles were determined by averaging overall
samples. Means and data ranges in both PD and control groups

522 Ó 2012 American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc.

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J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012 Pharyngeal Muscles in PD

were reported. Data were analyzed with 3-way repeated-measure diameters and angular small fibers in the muscles of subjects
analysis of variance (ANOVA; repeated factor: fiber type). with PD (Fig. 2).
Subsequently, data from each main fiber type were analyzed Levels of NADH-TR and GPD activities as indicated
with 2-way ANOVA followed by post hoc analysis with Tukey- by reaction product densities varied across fiber types. In the
Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons. The main fac- muscles of control subjects, Type I fibers had high NADH-TR
tors were group (PD and control) and muscle type (CP and but low GPD, whereas Type II fibers had high GPD but low
IPC). The influence of dysphagia on percentages of atrophic NADH-TR. The reaction product densities were ranked I 9
muscle fibers was evaluated in the PD group with 3-way
repeated-measure ANOVA (main effects: presence of dyspha-
gia, muscle type, and fiber type). Statistical computations were
performed using the Statistical Analysis System 9.2 (SAS, Inc.,
Cary, NC). Statistical significance was set at p G 0.05.

Demographic Data
In the group of subjects with PD , there were 6 men and
2 women, mean age was 78.1 years (range, 73Y84 years), the
mean age at onset of PD was 61.5 years (range, 45Y70 years),

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and the mean duration of PD at time of death was 16.6 years
(range, 11Y30 years; Table 1). In this group, 6 had developed
dementia. All subjects were white. The mean Hoehn and Yahr
stage was 3.5; 1 subject was stage 2; 2 subjects were stage 3;
and 5 subjects were stage 4. The mean score for the motor
UPDRS (UPDRS: Part III) was 41.0 points, the mean time
since last examination was 11.4 months, and the mean time
since last dose of medication was 5.1 hours. On the basis of
the UPDRS Part II scale, dysphagia occurred in 4 (50%) of the
8 subjects (Table 1). The 4 age-matched controls included 2
men and 2 women without neuromuscular disorders. The mean
age of the healthy subjects was 77.5 years (range, 76Y78 years).

Neuropathologic Findings in Brains With PD

All cases of PD included in this study met neuro-
pathologic criteria for PD based on the examination by T.G.B.
(Table 1). Microscopic examinations revealed that the sub-
stantia nigra and locus ceruleus showed moderate to marked
depletion or loss of pigmented neurons, and there were several
Lewy bodies in each region (data not shown). Immunohisto-
chemical staining for phosphorylated >-synuclein showed fre-
quent immunoreactive neuronal inclusions and related neurites
in the olfactory bulb, brainstem, amygdala, transentorhinal area, FIGURE 2. (AYD) Serial cross sections of cricopharyngeus (CP)
and cingulate gyrus, with variable densities in the 3 neocor- muscles from a subject with Parkinson disease (PD 1, 75-year-old
male) and an age-matched control (76-year-old male) stained
tical regions examined (temporal, frontal, and parietal). The
for NOQ7-5-4D (A, A¶), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
major spinal cord subdivisions were examined in 7 cases; 6 of tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) (B, B¶), MY-32 (C, C¶), and >-
these had positive Lewy-type synucleinopathy in the spinal glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) (D, D¶) showing the
cord. Using the Unified Staging System for Lewy Body Dis- levels of NADH-TR and GPD activities and the patterns of the
orders (43), 6 cases were classified as ‘‘neocortical stage’’ and reaction product densities for slow Type I (labeled with asterisks),
2 were ‘‘brainstem and limbic stage.’’ Five cases were de- fast Type II (labeled with red dots), and Type I/II hybrid (labeled
mented and met consensus clinicopathologic criteria for Alz- with yellow dots) fibers. In the control CP (A¶YD¶), Type I fibers
heimer disease (AD) (44). One other case had dementia on the have high NADH-TR but low GPD, whereas Type II fibers have
basis of progression of PD without concurrent AD. high GPD but low NADH-TR. In contrast, Type I/II hybrid fibers
in the control CP have high NADH-TR and GPD. In the PD CP
Histopathologic and Enzyme-Histochemical (AYD), grouped atrophic Type I fibers are shown by circles.
Type I fibers without significant atrophy have high NADH-TR
Features of Muscles of Subjects With PD and intermediate to high GPD, whereas atrophied Type I fibers
The PC and CP muscles in PD cases showed altered (enclosed small fibers) have high NADH-TR but low GPD. Type II
fiber morphology and enzyme-histochemical activities. Cen- fibers have high GPD but low NADH-TR, whereas Type I/II
tral nuclei also were identified mainly in the muscles of sub- hybrid fibers have intermediate NADH-TR and GPD in the PD
jects with PD. There were considerable variations in fiber CP. Scale bar = (D¶) 100 Km.

Ó 2012 American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. 523

Copyright © 2012 by the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Mu et al J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

I/IIa 9 IIa 9 IIx for NADH-TR and I G I/IIa G IIa G IIx for
GPD. Pharyngeal muscles in PD cases mostly showed pre-
served common enzyme-histochemical features as seen in
the muscles of control subjects (Fig. 2). However, in the
muscles of subjects with PD, Type I fibers without sig-
nificant fiber atrophy had high NADH-TR and intermediate
to high GPD, whereas atrophic Type I fibers had high
NADH-TR but low GPD (Fig. 2).

Denervated and Atrophic Fibers

Denervated and atrophic myofibers in the muscles of
subjects with PD and of control subjects were immunopositive
for N-CAM protein. Neural CAMYpositive fibers were identi-
fied more frequently in the CP and IPC muscles of subjects
with PD than in those of control subjects. Most of the N-
CAMYpositive fibers in the muscles of subjects with PD were
atrophied (Fig. 3).
Fiber type grouping and myofiber atrophy were more
FIGURE 4. Photomicrographs of cross sections of the inferior

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predominant in the muscles of subjects with PD than in those
pharyngeal constrictor (IPC) muscles from control subjects
of control subjects (Figs. 3Y8). On average, muscle fibers in
(A, B) and subjects with Parkinson disease (PD) (C, D). The
the control CP were 37 Km in diameter for slow Type I and sections were stained with anti-MyHC monoclonal antibody
39 Km in diameter for fast Type II fibers. Diameters of IPC (mAb) NOQ7-5-4D specific for slow Type I (AYC) and mAb
muscle fibers were 38 Km for Type I and 40 Km for Type II MY-32 for all fast Type II (D) MyHC isoforms. The normal IPC
fibers. Atrophied fibers (e20 Km in diameter) in the CP and muscles are from a relatively young (61-year-old; A) and an
IPC muscles of control subjects accounted for 9% and 6% of older (76-year-old; B) male subject. The diseased IPC muscle
the total fiber population, respectively (Fig. 7). (C, D) is from a 78-year-old male subject with PD (PD 3). The
IPC muscle in the young subject (A) is composed of a slow
inner layer (SIL) and a fast outer layer (FOL). In the 76-year-old
control subject (B) and subject with PD (C, D), the fiber layers
in the IPC muscle are not evident. Also note that there are
numerous atrophic myofibers in the PD IPC (C, D). Most of the
atrophied fibers are Type I fibers and are mainly in the outer
layer (C). Scale bar = (D) 100 Km.

The diameters of the muscle fibers of subjects with PD

were reduced versus those of the controls (Fig. 6). On aver-
age, Type I and Type II fibers were 23 and 36 Km for CP
muscle of subjects with PD and 33 and 35 Km for IPC muscle
of subjects with PD , respectively. The CP had more atrophied
fibers (28% of the total fiber population), either clustered in
groups or scattered, as compared with the IPC (15% of the
total fiber population; p G 0.001; Fig. 7). Comparisons be-
tween the PD and control groups showed that the former had
significantly more atrophied myofibers than the latter (F1,20 =
30.02, p G 0.0001). In the muscles of subjects with PD, most
FIGURE 3. Photomicrographs of cross sections of the crico- of the atrophied myofibers were mainly Type I fibers (ap-
pharyngeus (CP) muscles from a subject with Parkinson disease proximately 80% of the atrophied fibers; Figs. 2A, 4C, and 5A)
(PD 3, 78-year-old male; A, B) and a control subject (78-year- and less in the Type II fiber population (p G 0.0001; Figs. 2C,
old male; A¶ B¶). (A, A¶) Sections immunostained for neural cell 4D, 5B, C, and 7). Interestingly, the atrophied myofibers in
adhesion molecule (N-CAM) to label denervated muscle fibers. the muscles of subjects with PD were more frequent in the
There are more N-CAMYpositive fibers (arrows) in the CP outer layer than in the inner layer of the CP and IPC muscles
muscle of the subject with PD versus that of the control subject. (Fig. 4C). The pharyngeal muscles in subjects with PD with
Most of the N-CAMYpositive fibers in the muscle of the subject
dysphagia contained higher percentages of atrophied myofi-
with PD are atrophic. (B, B¶) Sections stained with antiYmyosin
heavy chain (MyHC) monoclonal antibody (mAb) NOQ7-5-4D bers (27.6% of the total fiber population) versus those in
that is specific for slow Type I MyHC isoform. There is fiber type subjects with PD without dysphagia (16% of the total fiber
grouping in the slow Type I muscle fiber population in the CP population; F1,12 = 59.92, p G 0.0001; Fig. 8). Thus, there was
muscle of the subject with PD (B). Scale bars = (A¶) 50 Km; significant fiber atrophy of pharyngeal muscles in subjects
(B¶) 100 Km. with PD, especially in those with dysphagia.

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J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012 Pharyngeal Muscles in PD

FIGURE 6. (A, B) Bar graphs showing diameter distribution of

the Type I and Type II fibers in the cricopharyngeus (CP; A)

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and inferior pharyngeal constrictor (IPC; B) muscles of subjects
with Parkinson disease (PD) and control subjects.

Type II fibers (38), whereas IPC contained 54% Type I and

46% Type II fibers (45) in normal middle-aged humans.
The CP and IPC muscles of subjects with PD exhibited
marked alterations in the MyHC composition and fiber type
distribution. The inner and outer muscle fiber layers were not
observed in the muscles of PD subjects and senescent control
subjects (Figs. 4BYD) because the fast outer layer had an in-
crease in the Type I fibers with a concomitant decrease in the
FIGURE 5. Immunohistochemistry on serial cross sections of Type II fibers. Relative percentages of the MyHC-based major
the cricopharyngeus (CP) muscles from a subject with Parkin- fiber types and their distribution in the muscles of PD subjects
son disease (PD 8, 75-year-old male; AYD) and a control sub- and control subjects are summarized in Table 3. On average,
ject (76-year-old male; A¶YD¶). Sections were stained with the CP muscle of subjects with PD was slower (82% Type I)
antiYmyosin heavy chain (MyHC) monoclonal antibodies spe- than the control (73% Type I; p G 0.014). Similarly, the IPC
cific for slow Type I (A, A¶), all fast Type II (B, B¶), fast Type IIa
(C, C¶), and embryonic MyHC isoforms (D, D¶). Atrophic fibers
muscle of subjects with PD also contained more slow Type I
in the PD case are mainly Type I fibers. Sections stained using fibers (72%) compared with the control (61% Type I; p G
the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase procedure (AYC, A¶YC¶) 0.0036). An increase in percentage of the Type I fibers in the
show the major MyHC-containing fibers; sections stained by CP and IPC muscles of subjects with PD accompanied with a
indirect immunofluorescence (D, D¶) show embryonic MyHC- concomitant decrease in percentages of both the Type I/IIA and
containing fibers. The numbers in the photomicrographs
(AYC¶) represent the classified fiber types identified by fiber-to-
fiber comparison: fiber 1 = Type I; fiber 2 = Type IIA; fiber 3 =
Type I/IIA; fiber 4 = Type IIx. Scale bar = (D¶) 100 Km.

MyHC Transformation and Fiber Type

Distribution in the Muscles of Subjects With PD
Immunohistochemically stained cross sections showed
MyHC-based fiber types and their distribution patterns in the
muscles. As in our previous studies (38, 45), the CP and PCs
in the normal middle-aged humans were composed of 2 his-
tochemically well-defined fiber layers: a slow inner layer and
a fast outer layer (Fig. 4A). The slow inner layer contained FIGURE 7. Relative proportions of atrophic Type I and Type II
predominantly Type I MyHC-containing fibers, whereas the fibers in the cricopharyngeus (CP) and inferior pharyngeal con-
fast outer layer contained mainly Type II MyHC-containing strictor (IPC) muscles of subjects with Parkinson disease (PD) and
fibers. As a whole, CP contained 64% of Type I and 36% of control subjects.

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Mu et al J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

nesia, bradykinesia, and rigidity (48). Impaired pharyngeal

bolus transport is the major determinant of dysphagia and
pharyngeal phase abnormalities in PD include delayed phar-
yngeal swallowing reflex, vallecula and pyriform sinus pool-
ing, reduced pharyngeal peristalsis/constrictor function, and
incomplete upper esophageal sphincter relaxation (8, 9, 21,
49, 50). Cricopharyngeal achalasia has been reported to be
present in 30% of patients with PD with dysphagia and, thus,
a major factor in the pathogenesis of dysphagia in some patients
with PD (51, 52).
The precise mechanisms of dysphagia in PD remain
unclear. There is a general belief that dysphagia in PD is as-
FIGURE 8. Percentages of atrophic Type I and Type II fibers in
the cricopharyngeus (CP) and inferior pharyngeal constrictor
sociated with akinesia and rigidity of oropharyngeal muscles
(IPC) muscles in subjects with Parkinson disease (PD) with by impaired basal ganglia motor control (11, 15, 53). Dysfunc-
dysphagia (D) and without dysphagia (N). tion of the upper esophageal sphincter has been hypothesized
to be the result of a lack of dopaminergic stimulation at the
supramedullary level causing skeletal muscle rigidity (54). Pre-
IIA fibers (Table 3), indicating that PD induced fast-to-slow vious studies using simultaneous videoradiography and phar-
MyHC isoform transformation in these muscles. yngeal manometry found no correlation between overall muscle

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rigidity score and abnormal pharyngeal wall motion in patients
with PD (49). Importantly, anti-PD drugs and surgical inter-
DISCUSSION ventions (pallidotomy, thalamotomy, and deep brain stimula-
To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine tion), which have been shown to be efficacious for the treatment
whether PD is associated with changes in pharyngeal muscle of the primary clinical features affecting the limb function in
fiber morphology, enzyme histochemistry, MyHC composition, PD, do not produce consistent or positive effects in the treat-
and fiber type distribution. There are several notable findings. ment of the dysphagia (12, 50, 55). These findings suggest that
First, PD pharyngeal muscles, particularly the CP and IPC, oropharyngeal dysphagia in PD may not be linked solely to a
exhibited pronounced pathologic changes, including the pres- reduction in basal ganglia dopamine activity. Some investiga-
ence of considerable denervated and atrophied fibers, angular tors suggested that other neurotransmitter systems (8, 50, 56)
small fibers, centrally placed nuclei, and large variations in or some other nondopaminergic mechanisms (8) may also be
fiber size. Second, fiber type grouping and atrophied myofi- involved. In addition to degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopa-
bers were mainly Type I fibers. Third, PD was associated with minergic pathway, a variety of neuronal systems are likely
fast-to-slow MyHC transformation and altered fiber type dis- involved in PD (57), causing multiple neuromediator dys-
tribution. Specifically, the pharyngeal muscles in PD had a slow functions that account for the complex patterns of functional
phenotype compared with the controls. Finally, pharyngeal deficits.
muscles in subjects with PD with dysphagia contained more Previous histochemical studies have demonstrated atro-
atrophied myofibers than those in subjects with PD without phic and hypertrophic fibers and fiber type grouping in limb
dysphagia. muscles in patients with PD (22, 23). However, changes in the
Dysphagia resulting from neurologic disorders includ- muscle fibers seem to be muscle specific and related to PD
ing PD affects approximately 300,000 to 600,000 people every subtypes. For example, Type II fibers in the biceps brachii
year (46). It can lead to malnutrition, weight loss, choking, were atrophic (22), whereas those in the tibialis anterior were
aspiration, pneumonia, and death (47). Swallowing consists of normal or hypertrophic (23). The biceps brachii exhibited up
3 stages: oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal phases. Oral phase to 60% atrophic Type II fibers, which were found mainly in
abnormalities in patients with PD include inefficient mastica- patients with PD with very severe akinesia and long disease
tion, impaired bolus formation, and delayed initiation of swal- duration. Normal or slightly hypertrophic Type I fibers were
lowing (11, 20). Impaired mastication and oral preparatory identified in patients with PD with marked rigidity, whereas
lingual movements are most commonly seen during dynamic atrophic Type I fibers were found in patients with PD with
videofluoroscopy (11) and may be caused by PD-related aki- prevalent akinesia and slight rigidity (22). These findings

TABLE 3. Percent Composition of Major Myosin Heavy ChainYBased Fiber Types in Muscles of Subjects With Parkinson Disease
and Control Subjects
Cricopharyngeal Sphincter Muscles Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscles
PD 82 (77Y86) 11 (8Y16) 5 (3Y8) 2 (0Y4) 72 (65Y76) 18 (14Y25) 6 (2Y8) 4 (1Y7)
Control 73 (63Y78) 12 (8Y15) 14 (10Y16) 1 (0Y3) 61 (57Y66) 32 (26Y35) 4 (1Y7) 3 (0Y6)
Values are percent (range).
MyHC, myosin heavy chain; PD, Parkinson disease.

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J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012 Pharyngeal Muscles in PD

indicate that muscle fiber changes in PD limb muscles are ing the muscles. Pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles receive
associated with the duration, severity, and subtypes of the their motor innervation from CN X, and several studies have
disease. Some investigators believe that muscle fiber changes demonstrated >-synuclein in fibers in the cervical peripheral X
in PD may be caused by the selective use of low-threshold nerve in PD (73, 87Y89). We have similar findings (data not
tonic motor units, whereas the high-threshold motor units re- shown). Beach et al (89) have shown that occasional large
main more inactive, an effect due to the rigidity and akinesia anterior horn neurons as well as some fibers within the CN X
(58, 59). However, others have speculated that the muscle fi- and sciatic nerves in subjects with PD were immunoreactive
ber changes may have resulted from hypomobilization, which for phosphorylated >-synuclein, suggesting a possible mech-
provokes disuse myofiber atrophy, rather than a consequence anism for muscle denervation.
of the modified pattern of motor unit activation (60, 61). Further evidence for limited muscle denervation in PD
Pharyngeal muscles have the capacity to alter their mor- has come from electromyographic studies (90Y94). We have
phologic profiles, enzyme levels, fiber type and MyHC com- demonstrated that normal adult human CP and PC muscles are
position, and contractile properties in response to various composed of a slow inner layer and a fast outer layer that re-
physiological and pathophysiological stimuli. However, unlike ceive their motor innervation from CN IX and CN X, re-
in limb muscles, we found that most of the atrophied fibers in spectively (45). The results from the present study showed that
the pharyngeal muscles were Type I fibers. This suggests that PD-induced fast-to-slow MyHC transformation and muscle
muscle fiber alterations in PD may occur in a muscle-specific fiber atrophy occurred mainly in the outer layer of the pha-
manner. Moreover, the pharyngeal muscles exhibited a num- ryngeal muscles, suggesting that the neuromuscular system
ber of morphologic and immunohistochemical changes asso- controlled by CN X is significantly affected by the neuro-

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ciated with chronic denervation and reinnervation, suggesting pathologic process of PD. Lewy neurites have been identified
that disuse atrophy does not explain the observed findings and in CN X in PD (73, 87Y89). Because CN X contains sym-
that denervation of pharyngeal muscles may play a pathogenic pathetic, parasympathetic, sensory, and motor axons, it is not
role in the development of dysphagia in PD. known whether the >-synuclein pathology in this nerve oc-
Parkinson disease is a multisystem disease (62). Sen- curs in the pure motor fibers, intramuscular motor terminals, or
sory and autonomic disturbances are part of the clinical pic- neuromuscular junctions in the skeletal muscles it innervates.
ture of PD and electrophysiological studies have shown that Recent studies have demonstrated that limb muscle
peripheral neuropathy is present in large proportions of pa- strength is reduced in patients with PD (95), but it is not known
tients with PD (63Y66). The cause(s) of peripheral neuropathy whether muscle weakness is of central or peripheral origin or
in PD is (are) unknown. It may be a complication of levodopa whether it is intrinsic to the disease or a secondary phenom-
(L-dopa) therapy or a primary peripheral nervous system enon. In the PD pharyngeal muscles, decrease in muscle fiber
manifestation of PD (66, 67). Recent studies have shown that size, reduction in the number of fast Type II fibers, and in-
in patients with PD, >-synuclein is deposited in the periph- crease in slow Type I fibers could cause functional changes in
eral autonomic nervous system, including in the cardiac plexus the intrinsic force-generating capacity of the muscles. As a
(68Y70), enteric nervous system of the alimentary tract (71Y73), result, strength and contraction speed of pharyngeal muscles
and skin (74Y78). Peripheral sensory nerve involvement in PD during swallowing could be reduced. Muscle fiber atrophy and
has also been demonstrated by functional and histochemical fast-to-slow MyHC transformation could account for a large
assessments of cutaneous sensory nerve endings. The cutane- portion of the reduction in force.
ous denervation and the sensory impairment in PD were indi- Motor innervation is one of the most important fac-
cated by significant increase in tactile and thermal thresholds, tors influencing the fiber type and MyHC composition as well
a reduction in mechanical pain perception, and significant epi- as morphologic profile of muscle fibers. In general, decreased
dermal nerve fiber loss (75, 79). neuromuscular activation, which is usually caused by neuro-
Disability in PD is mostly due to motor impairment (80, logic diseases, denervation or disuse, results in muscle fiber
81). Electrophysiological abnormalities such as prolonged la- atrophy and fiber type and MyHC transformation. MyHC con-
tencies and smaller nerve action potentials in both sensory and version could lead to fast-to-slow shift in the fast-twitch mus-
motor nerves of arms and legs were detected in some patients cle (96) or fast muscle region such as fast outer layer in the
with PD (66). Electromyographic recordings showed dener- pharyngeal muscles as demonstrated by this study. These neu-
vation signs in some limb muscles in PD (82). Pharynx and romuscular alterations in the PD pharynx are most likely
larynx play an important role in swallowing and airway pro- caused by motor abnormalities at the levels of central moto-
tection. The thyroarytenoid muscles in the vocal cords are neurons and peripheral nerves and lead to dysphagia. Thus,
active not only during phonation but also during swallowing oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with PD could at least
to protect the airway (83). It has been reported that approx- in part be explained by peripheral mechanisms related to the
imately 80% of patients with PD have vocal difficulties (84), disease-induced neuromuscular alterations.
which are most likely associated with incomplete closure of The definitive cause of the dysphagia in PD remains
the vocal cords during phonation caused by vocal cord atro- unclear. Because PD-related dysphagia does not positively re-
phy as demonstrated by laryngoscopy (85, 86). Vocal cord spond to anti-PD drugs, more work is needed to elucidate its
(85, 86) and pharyngeal muscle atrophy (this study) suggest possible pathophysiological mechanisms for the development
motor impairment in PD. Neurogenic myofiber atrophy may of effective therapies. Relatively few studies focus on explor-
be due to a PD-related loss of functioning motoneurons and/ ing PD-related pathophysiological, immunohistochemical, and
or degenerative alterations in the peripheral nerves innervat- biochemical changes at the peripheral level and oropharyngeal

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Mu et al J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

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Mu et al J Neuropathol Exp Neurol  Volume 71, Number 6, June 2012

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