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attractive atrativo
beautiful hermoso
good-looking guapo
handsome guapo (para hombres)
old viejo
pale pálido
plain poco atractivo
pretty bonito (para mujeres)
tanned bronceado
ugly feo
unattractive poco atractivo
young joven
baby-faced con cara de bebé
fresh-faced con cara fresca, joven
pasty-faced con cara pálida
round-faced con cara redonda
stone-faced con cara de piedra ( sin muestra de emoción)
thin-faced con cara delgada
short bajo
medium height de estatura media
tall alto
tiny pequeño
average buid de constitución media
fat gordo (despectivo)
muscular musculoso
obese obeso
overewight grodo, excesivo de peso
plump regordete
sidnny flaco
slender esbelto
slim delgado
stocky corpulento
stout corpulento
thin flaco
well-built fornido
elegant elegante
smart elegante
scruffy desaliñado
untidy- looking desaliñado
well-dressed bien vestido
long hair cabello largo
short hair cabello corto
straight hair cabello lacio
curly hair cabello rizado
dark hair cabello oscuro
light hair cabello claro
black hair cabello negro

. Glad: Contento
. Joyful: Alegre
. Optimistic: Entusiasta, optimista
. Proud: Orgulloso(a)
. Powerful: Poderoso(a)
. Annoyed: Molesto, irritado
. Mad: Enfadado, rabioso
. Aggressive: Agresivo, beligerante
. Furious: Furioso, colérico
. Startled: Sorprendido(a)
. Excited: Emocionado(a)
. Confused: Confundido(a)
. Bored: Aburrido
. Depressed: Deprimido
. Lonely: Desolado
. Guilty: Culpable
. Abandoned: Abandonado
. Scared: Asustado
. Spooked: Asustado, espantado
. Fearful: Miedoso, temeroso
. Anxious: Nervioso
. Frightened: Aterrado
. Alarmed: Alarmado, asustado
A prepositional phrase is a group of words
consisting of a preposition, its object, and
any words that modify the object. Most of
Prepositionals the time, a prepositional phrase modifies a
verb or a noun. Thesetwo kinds of
prepositional phrases are called adverbial
phrases andadjectival phrases, respectively.

Down the tree
Up the hill
Around the mulberry bush
Into the woods
With chopped nuts
Near a fast-flowing river
Within the book’s pages
Through the tunnel
In spite of
Instead of
Any more
On account of
To the fact that
Because of

.• Advertising
• Air Travel
• Banking
• Company Structure
• Computers
• Contracts
• Correspondence
• Employment
• Import-Export
• Insurance
• Law
• Marketing
• Meetings
• Money
• Newspapers
• Numbers
• Presentations
• Property
• Publishing
• Punctuation
• Resumes/CVs
• Selling
• British/American Financial Terms
• Deny
to say that something is not true, especially when other people are
saying it is

• Admit
to say that something is true, although you don’t want to say this

• Apologise for
to say that you are sorry for something that you have done

• Insist
to say firmly that something is or isn’t correct, when other people
are saying the opposite

• Suggest (two meanings)

to tell someone your ideas about what to do, where to go, etc.

• Suggested
to say something is true but not in a strong or direct way

• Advise
to tell someone what you think they should do, in a polite way

• Demand
to ask for something very firmly or aggressively

• Offer
to say that you are willing to do something

• I must admit
Use this when you are going to say something that might be unpopular
or that you are slightly embarrassed about:

• Obviously
Use this to say that an idea is easy to see or understand:
• If you ask me
U se this to give your opinion, especially when you think other people
might disagree:

• Ideally
Use this to say what you think would be ideal, although you realise it's
probably not possible:

• Seriously
Use this to show that you are not joking:

• Of course
Use this to show you realise that what you are saying is generally
known and not surprising:
• Unfit
not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition

• Unhealthy
not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind

• Afflicted, stricken
grievously affected especially by disease

• Aguish
affected by ague

• Ailing, indisposed, peaked, poorly, seedy, sickly, under the

weather, unwell
somewhat ill or prone to illness

• Air sick, airsick, carsick, seasick

experiencing motion sickness

• Autistic
characteristic of or affected with autism

• Bedfast, bedrid, bedridden, sick-abed

confined to bed (by illness)

• Bilious, liverish, livery

suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress

• Bronchitic
suffering from or prone to bronchitis

• Consumptive
afflicted with or associated with pulmonary tuberculosis

• Convalescent, recovering
returning to health after illness or debility
•Delirious, hallucinating
experiencing delirium

suffering from diabetes

•Dizzy, giddy, vertiginous, woozy

having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling

suffering from dispepsia

•Faint, light, light-headed, lightheaded, swooning

weak and likely to lose consciousness

•Feverish, feverous
having or affected by a fever

experiencing odd bodily sensations

suffering from gout

looking pale and unhealthy

•Laid low, stricken

put out of action (by illness)

•Laid up
ill and usually confined

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