Data Structure Unit-4 Quiz

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1) The operation of arranging a set of data in

some given order is known as:

A) Merging
B) Sorting
C) Array
D) Linked list

2) If all the data that is to be sorted can be

adjusted at a time in main memory, which
type of sorting is used,

A) Internal sorting
B) External sorting
C) Bubble sorting
D) None of the above

3) An operation which finds the

place of a given element in the list is
known as:

A) Sorting
B) Merging
C) Searching
D) None of the above

4) A simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly

steps through the list, compares adjacent
elements and swaps them if they are in the
wrong order is known as:

A) Shell sort
B) Heap sort
C) Selection sort
D) Bubble sort

5) A sort algorithm that repeatedly searches

remaining items to find the least one and
moves it to its final location is known as:
A) Heap sort
B) Shell sort
C) Selection sort
D) Radix sort

6) A sorting algorithm in which the elements

are transferred one at a time to the right

A) Binary tree sorting

B) Merge sorting
C) Insertion sorting
D) None of the above

7) An integer sorting algorithm that sorts data

with integer keys by grouping the keys by
individual digits that share the same
significant position and value (place value).

A) Heap sort
B) Shell sort
C) Selection sort
D) Radix sort

8) A sorting technique is based on the

insertion sort.

A) Heap sort
B) Shell sort
C) Selection sort
D) Radix sort

9) A sorting algorithm that works by first

organizing the data to be sorted into a
special type of binary tree is called:

A) Heap sort
B) Shell sort
C) Selection sort
D) Radix sort

10) A sorting algorithm which uses divide and

conquer method:

A) Heap sort
B) Shell sort
C) Selection sort
D) Merge sort

11) The process of checking every element in

the list sequentially until the desired
element is found.

A) Linear search
B) Binary search
C) Indexed sequential search
D) None of the above

12) An algorithm used to locate a specified

value within an array.

A) Binary search
B) Linear search
C) Sequential search
D) None of the above

13) One of the most efficient sorting

algorithms and is based on the splitting
of an array into smaller ones:

A) Merge sort
B) Quick sort
C) Bubble sort
D) Radix sort

14) What is the time complexity of linear


A) O(n)
B) O(n²)
C) O(log n)
D) None of the above

15) What is the time complexity of binary

search in best case performance is:
A) O(log n)
B) O(n²)
C) O(n³)
D) O(1)

16) what is the time complexity for Bubble

sort algorithm:

A) O(log n)
B) O(n²)
C) O(n³)
D) O(1)
17) What is the best case time complexity for
Quick sort algorithm:

A) O(log n)
B) O(n²)
C) O(nlog n)
D) O(n³)

18) what is the time complexity for radix sort


A) O(nk)
B) O(n+k)
C) O(n)
D) O(1)

19) what is the worst case time complexity for

shell sort algorithm:

A) O(log n)
B) O(n log n)
C) On(log n²)
D) O(log n²)

20) what is the time complexity for heap sort


A) O(log n)
B) O(n log n)
C) On(log n²)
D) O(log n²)

21) what is the space complexity for heap

sort algorithm:

A) O(log n)
B) O(n²)
C) O(n³)
D) O(1)

22) what is the space complexity for quick

sort algorithm:

A) O(n log n)
B) O(n log n²)
C) O(n³)
D) O(log n)

23) what is the space complexity for merge

sort algorithm:

A) O(log n)
B) O(n)
C) O(n²)
D) O(n³)

24) What is the space complexity for radix

sort algorithm:

A) O(nk)
B) O(n+k)
C) O(n)
D) O(1)

25) what is the space complexity for binary

tree sort:

A) O(nk)
B) O(n+k)
C) O(n)
D) O(1)

Answer key:-
1) sorting (b)
2) Internal sorting (a)
3) Searching (c)
4) Bubble sort (d)
5) Selection sort (c)
6) Insertion sorting (c)
7) Radix sort (d)
8) Shell sort (b)
9) Heap sort (a)
10) Merge sort (d)
11) Linear search (a)
12) Binary search (a)
13) Quick sort (b)
14) O(n) (a)
15) O(1) (d)
16) O(n²) (b)
17) O(n log n) (c)
18) O(nk) (a)
19) On(log n²) (c)
20) O(n log n) (b)
21) O(1) (d)
22) O(n log n) (a)
23) O(n) (b)
24) O(n+k) (b)
25) O(n) (c)

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