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16/08/2022, 12:06 13 Effective Natural Remedies to Keep Bees Away

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13 Effective Home Remedies to Keep Bees Away

Chelsy Fernandez  1 comment  9 min read

There are a few simple tricks to avoid wasps and get rid of bees at home! Learn how to keep
bees away using natural home remedies.

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If you are among those who are allergic to bee stings, then you certainly have every reason to
want to keep them away from your home, especially when you are enjoying your backyard,
working in your flowerbed, or weeding your vegetable garden. Close X

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The Ultimate Play

Keep in mind that bees are actually beneficial insects and killing them off using pesticides is really
not the right course to take. A better solution for those who need to make peace with bees is to
make use of one or more of our 13 home remedies to keep bees away without eliminating them

What Bees are Looking For

If your goal is to keep bees from coming around your home or property, then it can help to first
consider what types of spaces they usually seek out.

Although there are multiple strains of bees in the world, they share preferences for spaces that
are relatively dry and clean. This applies to both lofty nesting and low/ground-nesting varieties.
They don’t like spaces that are occupied by other creatures and they vastly prefer spaces that are
about 40 liters in size. A single entrance that they can defend is also a bee favorite.

With the above in mind, you should have a better idea of where to focus your efforts with the
following remedies:

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13 Natural Ways to Keep Bees Away

1. Peppermint Keeps Bees Away
When it comes to keeping bees away, one of the most simple and effective home remedies
involves the use of peppermint. Because bees do not like the strong odor of peppermint they
tend to keep their distance from it.

What to do:

Combine equal parts of peppermint oil and water in a dish or spray bottle.
Apply small amounts to your hair, arms, wrists, ankles, or socks to get the most complete
You can set out several dishes with the mixture in them around your patio or deck in order
to keep them away during a barbeque or backyard party.

2. Cinnamon
Another of the most potent compounds to keep bees away is cinnamon powder or cinnamon oil.
Spreading cinnamon powder or spraying essential oil on objects close to a beehive will make
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bees move their colony somewhere else.
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What to do:

Sprinkle powdered cinnamon or cinnamon oil on or around objects close to the beehive.
Repeat this daily for two weeks to be certain that the bees relocate for good.

3. Tarping
For ground-dwelling bees, which tend to be less aggressive, but can still do plenty of damage to a
person with allergies, an effective home remedy that will keep bees away is a process known as
tarping. Tarping, or placing a tarp over the beehive will cause bees to move their hive elsewhere
as well.

What to do:

Wait until nighttime when all of the bees are in the hive.
Wear dark clothing in order to attract less attention.
Get some friends or family (preferably those who are not allergic) to help you spread and
place a tarp over the area of the nest.
Place weights on the corners in order to keep the tarp in place.
This can be risky to do by yourself because you run the risk of angering the bees and
getting stung.

4. Vinegar Spray Keeps Bees Away

Another scent that repels bees comes from a home remedy involving vinegar spray. Spraying the
areas around the beehive as well as plants, flowers, and bushes that attract them most with this
spray is a great way to keep bees away.

What to do:
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Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
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It is best to spray at night when bees are dormant in order to avoid agitating them.
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Spray objects and areas around the hive as well as flowers, bushes, and plants that attract
them. Saturate them well.
Repeat this daily until the bees vacate the hive.

5. Watering Your Lawn

Keeping bees away can be as simple as watering your lawn. Obviously, this home remedy is only
effective on ground-dwelling bees, but it is quite effective at getting them to move away as well
as keeping newcomers from moving in. Nesting females prefer dry soil, so moist soil will keep
them away and cause the colony to relocate.

What to do:

Water your lawn frequently.

Pay special attention to areas where soil tends to drain or dry out faster.

6. Mothballs
A home remedy that will keep bees away is mothballs. Just like a lot of other insects, the odor is
given off by mothballs also repels bees.

What to do:

String mothballs together using a needle and fishing line.

Hang the strings from trees, the eaves of your home, storage sheds, and other areas where
bees tend to congregate.
You can also spread them around in your flower beds and around dry areas on your lawn to
keep ground bees at bay.

7. Fake Nests
Hanging fake nests around your home is another effective home remedy that will help you to
keep bees away. Because wasps and bees are territorial, they will not locate their hives close to
where another hive (or perceived hive) already exists. Therefore, if there is a strong presence of
hives around your home, no new bees will move in.

What to do:

Purchase and have your fake nests on hand in early spring before
Close Xbees start moving in.
Hang your fake nests early in the year in numerous locations where bees and wasps like to
build their nests.
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You can make fake nests easily if you don’t know where to purchase them.
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8. Don’t Be a Flower: Easy Home Remedy to Keep Bees Away
When you are outdoors away from your home and need to keep bees away, there are certain
things that you should do to keep from attracting them to you. Essentially, you do not want to
look and smell like a flower as that is what bees, wasps, and hornets are attracted to.

What to do:

Avoid wearing brightly colored clothing.

Avoid wearing sweet or floral perfumes and personal care products and opt for spicy or
woody scents.
Wear clothing that keeps the most exposed areas of your body covered.
Apply peppermint to areas of your body to repel bees (as discussed at the top of our list).

9. Repelling Plants
Introducing repelling plants into your garden, flower beds, and around your deck and yard is
another effective home remedy that will keep bees away. Non-flowering plants with scents that
bees do not like will help keep them away from the ones which they do like. Without a food
source, bees will move on.

What to do:

The most effective plant for keeping bees away is wormwood or Artemisia.
Plant wormwood around your deck, garden, flower beds, and around the exterior of your
Some others that might also be effective are mint, eucalyptus, and citronella.

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Eating them fresh is an amazing way to introduce more fiber and water into your diet

10. Cucumber Peels: Natural Home Remedy to Keep Bees Away

In order to keep bees away from smaller, specific areas you can make use of the peels of
cucumbers. The scent put off by cucumber peels is another that is unpleasant for bees and they
avoid areas where it is prevalent.

What to do:

Scatter cucumber peels around specified areas, like window sills or around the porch.
This can also work for repelling bees around your deck during a backyard barbeque.
You will have to replace the peels as they dry out and become ineffective, so this is
obviously a short-term solution for larger areas.

11. Vanilla
A home remedy, which comes right out of your pantry, and is effective at keeping bees away is
vanilla. Like mint and cinnamon, bees are repelled by the scent of vanilla and also the alcohol it

What to do: Close X

Mix 1 Tbsp of vanilla extract in a pint of water. Privacy - Terms 7/14
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Put the mixture in a spray bottle or just wipe it on your skin.

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Place it in your hair, on your wrists, and on your ankles to get the best coverage.

12. Crushed Garlic Keeps Bees Away

Garlic is also a natural repellant that can help to keep bees away. Like cucumbers, vanilla, mint,
and cinnamon, garlic tends to burn in the sensory organs of bees. This discomfort causes them to
want to stay away.

What to do:

Peel and finely chop several cloves of fresh garlic.

Place the garlic in a pint of water and allow it to soak for a few days to make it nice and
Put the garlic-infused water in a spray bottle and spray it on and around areas where bees
commonly gather most or around the area you want to keep them away from.
You can spray it on your body if you don’t mind smelling like an Italian dish.

13. Baby Powder

A final repellant that works to keep bees away is baby powder or talcum powder. This is another
substance that tends to cause discomfort to bees and is, therefore, another great home remedy
to keep in mind.

What to do:

Rub baby powder or talcum powder on your skin when you go outdoors or out into the
You can also use baby powder for repelling bees from specific areas as well.

How Do You Keep Bees Away?

Because bee populations have been in steady decline since 2006, killing bees, which are
beneficial insects, is really not a good thing for the ecosystem, but those who are allergic to them
must keep them at bay or risk severe consequences to their health.

The best way to coexist with bees is to make use of one or more of our 13 home remedies to
keep bees away so that you can enjoy your backyard, vegetable garden, or flower beds without
running the risk of being stung. Please add any questions, comments, or other solutions you
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might have to the area provided below.

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Symptom Relief Blockage

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Antonia Chiarico
May 10, 2022 at 8:21 pm

Will these home remedies for repelling bees also repel hummingbirds? “Our” bees insist on
feeding at our hummingbird feeders. We want the birds, not the bees.
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