Chemistry Rubric - George Mason Univ

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Chemistry rubric, February 2009

Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work

Chemical equations
are written that
No attempt is made to
Balanced and des cribe a reaction
write a balanced and
correctly labeled but are either
Proficiency in correctly labeled
chemical equations incorrectly balanced
writing chemical chemical equation
are written that or do not include
equations that describes the
describe the chemical appropriate
chemical reaction
reactions involved. subscripts to describe
the physical state of
each molecule.

A thorough
Chemistry Body description of the
A partial description No description of the
of Knowledge background and
Knowledge of of the theory and background and
theory of the
theory pertaining to background of the theory of the
experiment is
experiment experiment is experiment is
presented, including
presented. presented.

Minor mistakes in the

Correct usage of Gross incorrectness
Knowledge of correct usage of
chemical structures, of chemical
chemical structures, chemical structures,
formulas and structures, formulas
formulas and formulas and
nomenclature is and nomenclature is
nomenclature. nomenclature are
adhered to. present.

Proficiency in A complete
Some description of No description of the
describing description of the
the experimental experimental method
experimental experimental method
method is presented. is presented.
procedures is presented.

The raw data The raw data The raw data

obtained is close to obtained is partially obtained is not close
Experimental Knowledge and
what is normally close to what is to what is normally
Design ability to conduct
expected to be normally expected to expected to be
produced from the be produced from the produced from the
experiment experiment experiment

Appropriate scope The majority of the Only some of the

All necessary data is
of plans for the required data is required data is
experiment collected collected.
Chemistry rubric, February 2009

Ability to collect Raw data is Raw data is there but Data is incomplete or
required presented in a lacks something such shows signs of a
experimental data in complete fashion. as units. beginning but no end.
a reasonable
amount of time

Proficiency in An example of each Some sample No example

performing a type of calculation is calculations are calculations are
mathematical clearly given. given. given.
analysis of data
Critical and
Proficiency in Graphs are provided Graphs are sketchy No graphs are
critically analyzing with theoretical lines and have no axis provided.
data (such as linear least labels.
squares) fitting the
data points.

Proficiency in the A statement is given Some understanding No clear statement of

chemical which tells why the of experimental and whether experimental
interpretation of experimental results theoretical outcome, and theoretical results
data agree or don’t agree. but lacking in depth. agree.
with predicted results

Ability to write a Report contains the Report is missing one Report is missing
well-structured following sections: section or has no sections.
scientific report Title, Abstract, labels for one or more
Introduction, Data, sections.
Dis cussion,

Proper usage of Tables are numbered Titles for the tables Tables and figures
tables and figures to consecutively. and figures are are not numbered
present data Figures are sketchy or don’t make and have no titles.
numbered sense.
consecutively. Tables
and figures have
titles, and within the
tables and figures,
Communication labels for various

Knowledge and References are References are given No references are

proper use of numbered and but not in ACS style. given.
citations and conform to the
references standards of the
American Chemical

Knowledge of what Figures have simple Portions of figures are Figures are scanned
constitutes an graphics created by created with complex in and have complex
original figure, and the author. Complex programs and no graphical attributes
what is a figure that graphics have a source is stated. such as 3D rendering,
should be attributed reference to the and no source is
to another source source. stated.
Chemistry rubric, February 2009

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