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Exclusive Jurisdiction of RTC

Sps. Supapo vs. SPs. De Jesus

*About jurisdiction of RTC

*One of the Issue: Anti Squatting Law

RTC has no exclusive jurisdiction of Action publaciana cases, de

Treasured amount is now increased to 400k.

EXC: feud cases

Jurisdiction of MTCs.

How many courts has Certiorari, prohibition and mandamus

Hierarchy of Courts based on De Lima case

SC is a court of limited Jurisdiction.

True. Because despite of the fact that Supreme Court of the land, no other court is higher than it.
Because its power comes from what is just stated in the constitution Sec 5 Article 8.

annul judgements by RTC.


Can the SC annul judgements of the RTC. YES.

Under the law, the exclusive original jurisdiction of annulment of judgments rendered by the RTC fall
under the exclusive jurisdiction of CA

Can the RTC annul judgements of the MTC?

A: YES. Legal basis`

Q: Annulment of Judgement of CA, who has jurisdiction?

Cases incapable of pecuniary estimation

ATTORNEY: AIPE -SC do not provide for the definition. But we have jurisprudence stating what are the

T/F: The SC is a court of limited Jurisdiction.


Q: Jd,annulment judgement of MTCs.



*an annulment is a remedy independent of action

Q: Annulment of judgment of the CA (jurisdiction)


San roque case- Action for expropriation;Eminent domain-RTC


Contrary to Barrido's contention, the MTCC has jurisdiction to take

cognizance of real actions or those affecting title to real property, or for the
recovery of possession, or for the partition or condemnation of, or
foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. 7 Section 33 of Batas Pambansa
Bilang 129 8 provides:
Section 33. Jurisdiction of Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal
Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in civil cases. —
Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts shall exercise:

xxx xxx xxx

(3) Exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil actions

which involve title to, or possession of, real property, or
any interest therein where the assessed value of the
property or interest therein does not exceed Twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) ………

Here, the subject property's assessed value was merely P8,080.00, an

amount which certainly does not exceed the required limit of P20,000.00 for
civil actions outside Metro Manila to fall within the jurisdiction of the MTCC.
Therefore, the lower court correctly took cognizance of the instant case.
Foreclosure of REM

Properties which has no assessed value- san ang jurisdiction

Toyota Altis- 2.5M value. What court will you file the case? A: RTC

Supposing during trial is 9ook, tapos nasa RTC sya. Who has jurisdiction?

A: RTC parin. Principle of adherence of JD/continuing jurisdiction.

What is this principle of adherence of jurisdiction or continuing jurisdiction? This principle states
that once a court acquires jurisdiction over a controversy, it shall continue to exercise
such jurisdiction until the final determination of the case.

Miss Marquez filed a case against Ms. Cunanan. Tapos may Counterclaim.

Amount: 2.5

Jd: rtc

Defense: NO the amount is only 1M. Can the RTC loose jurisdiction? NO. Because jurisdiction is
determined by the allegations in the complaint. Then principle of adherence of jd.

Compliant: 1.5M

Counterclaim of 3M.

MTC can only award an amount within…..

Sc: Whatever
What is the Title of this Rules under R1 s2?

A: Rules of court

What is a civ action

Ordinary vs. Special

What are special courts

Action vs. claim

Civil Action

In personam v In rem v Quasi in rem

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