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You and Me are Besties

PART 1 Learning Focus: Pronoun

Pronoun : a noun that refers to a noun that has been mentioned / kata
ganti untuk kata benda (orang ataupun benda/ tunggal dan jamak).

Subject Pronoun Object Possessive Adjective Possessive pronoun

I (saya) Me My Mine
You (kamu) You Your Yours
They (mereka) Them Their Theirs
We (kami) Us Our Ours
She (Dia / perempuan/ Her Her Hers
He (Dia laki-laki/ tunggal) Him His His
It (1 benda) It Its Its
Possessive adjective must be followed by noun
For example :
My family
Your money
Their class

Exercise 1: Do the task about pronoun

A. Fill in the gaps with the

corresponding object pronoun B .Fill in the gaps with possessive adjectives
I haven’t got a pen. Can you give This is Jack. His mother is so kind.
me your pen, please? This is Ann. Her dad is really funny.
Look at her. She is so beautiful. Donald and Mike are teachers. Their students are smart.
John is my best friend. I can tell I like my family. They are so cool.
Hem everything. I have got two sisters. Their names are Julie and Mary.
ManchesterUnitedismy favorite football
team. I like them
My favorite food is pizza. I love
C. Write sentences as in the example
Tom, can I ask you something?
That’s my brother. His name is Jim
Please, invite US to your party. We
really want to go!
That’s my father. His name is Mike
That’s my mother. Her name is Alice
That’s my cat. His name is Tom
D. Replace the words in bold with a subject
E. Underline the correct pronoun
or object pronoun, as in the example
1. Her/She has got a sister.
1. Rick has got a
2. Look at my/me. I can ride a bike!
car. He has got it.
3. That’s my father. Him/His name is Dave
2. Jerry likes cheese.
4. My parents are cool! I love they/them.
5. Can you tell my/me your phone number?
3. David loves Helen.
6. His/him brother is a musician.
7. Our/Us teacher is kind and friendly.
4. This present is for me and you.
8. Where is your dad? He/him is at work.
9. He has got a dog. His/him name is Spike
5. My parents love Batman.
10. Can you give him/his your pen
11. These apples are for our/us.

F. Read the text, underline the correct pronoun and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
Dear Jesse,
Hi! My/me name is Mike! I(to be) 10 years old. I/me have got a big family. Our/us family is friendly and caring.
I must go now. My/me mum calls me/my. Write back and tell me about you/your family! Yours,

Exercise 2: Replace the underlined words with a subject or object pronoun.

1. John Blackie is out teacher.

He is our teacher .
2. He uses this book to teach grammar.
3. My friend and I study English at the same school.
4. He teaches the students and me English grammar
5. The students like John Blackie.
6. The students ask John Blackie questions.
7. He answers the questions.
8. Linda is a student in our class. Linda always asks questions.
9. We don’t like to listen to Linda, but Mr. Blackie is very patient.
10. Mr. Blackie always answers her questions.

Exercise 3: Underline the correct form.

1. Karen : Don’t forget (your / yours) umbrella!

Jamie : That’s not my umbrella. (My/Mine) is black.
2. Jim : Do the Petersons live
here? Dave : Yes, they do.
Jim : Is that (their/theirs) house?
Dave : No, it isn’t. (Theirs/Their) is around the corner.
3. Bobby: That’s (my/mine) teddy bear!
Jenny : No, it isn’t! It’s (mine/my) teddy bear.
Mother: Stop it children! Jenny, give Bobby his teddy bear.
Jenny : it isn’t his. It’s (mine/my).
4. My brother rents his apartment, and I rent (my/mine)
apartment. His apartment is small, but (my/mine) is big.
5. Tony : Where is (their/theirs) car parked?
Pete : (Their/Theirs) is on the street.
Tony : Is Maria’s car on the street too?
Pete : No, (her/hers) is in the driveway.
6. Ben : Shall we take (your/yours) car or (my/mine) car?
Jerry : Let’s take (my/mine). It’s faster than (your/yours).
Ben : Yes, but (my/mine) car is more comfortable.
7. Suzy : Is that (your/yours) bag over there?
Laura : No, it isn’t (my/mine). I thought it was (your/yours).
8. (Our/Ours) classroom is very nice and bright. The teacher has (her/hers) table and chair,
and we have (our/ours).
9. Excuse me, is this (your/yours) umbrella?
10. This pen is (my/mine).

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