Signals and Systems

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Lab Manual
TCE – 205
Signals and Systems


Student ID
Student Name

This laboratory manual contains exercises based on MATLAB. The purpose of these exercises
is to help reestablish what is and how to points of view on signals and systems. The exercises
integrate the basic concepts for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems.
This laboratory manual focuses on an imperative style, where signals and systems are
constructed procedurally.

MATLAB distributed by The Math Works, Inc., is chosen as the basis for these exercises
because it is widely used by practitioners in the field, and because it is capable of realizing
interesting systems.

The exercises in this manual cover many of the properties of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.
It provides an introduction to the basic concepts involved in using MATLAB to represent signals
and systems. Also, the necessary tools for dealing with both numerical and symbolic expressions
are learned.

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the representation of continuous and discrete time signals and systems in time
domain. Analyse continuous and discrete – time signals and systems in time domain.
2. Study and analyse frequency domain versions of different systems along with their
Characteristics. Determine Fourier series and Fourier Transforms representation of
Periodic and A-periodic Signals.
3. Grasp concepts of Fourier Transform and Discrete time Fourier Transform and understand
their properties.
4. Implement the course concepts on MATLAB.

Software Resources
MATLAB Latest Version.

Grading Policy
Lab Work and Viva Exam 100 Marks

Lab Assessments Marks Distribution

Final Lab 40 %
Sessional Marks 30 %
Project 20 %
Viva 10 %

Table of Content

Date Lab Title CLO Signature
Sessions #
1. To familiarize with the MATLAB software by 3
introducing basic features, commands and
2. To understand the basic continuous time signal 3
using MATLAB.
3. To understand the Basic Discrete Time Signals using 3
4. To study the properties of signal and their 3
5. To study the effect of Sampling and Aliasing in 3
discrete time sinusoid
6. To understand the concept of Quantization of 3
Discrete Time Continuous valued signals and find
the SQNR.
7. To understand the concept of convolution in Discrete- 3
Time signal.
8. To study the concept of circular convolution and 3
verify the result by using Discrete Fourier
Transform DFT.
9. To study Discrete Time Correlation 3
10. To understand the concept of Fourier synthesis of 3
Square Wave and Triangular Wave in
11. To analyze an audio signal using Fast Fourier 3
12. To find out the Step Response and Impulse 3
Response of different systems.
13. To generate the input sequence of discrete time 3
systems in Time Domain- (Time variant and
invariant systems).
14. To understand the basic concept of Laplace Transform 3
15. To write MATLAB code to de-noise the speech. 3

Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To familiarize with the MATLAB software by introducing basic
features, commands and functions.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________

Date: __________________

To familiarize with the MATLAB software by introducing basic features, commands and

MATLAB, which stands for Matrix Laboratory, is a very powerful program for performing
numerical and symbolic calculations, and is widely used in science and engineering, as well as in

Getting started:
1. Simple Arithmetic Operations

The simple arithmetic operations in MATLAB are presented below.

Commands Results Comments

2+ 4 ans = 6 Addition
4- 2 ans = 2 Subtraction
3* 5 ans = 15 Multiplication
2/ 4 ans = 0.5 Division
2^3 ans = 8 Power

2. Constant

Commands Results Comments

pi ans = 3.1416 Mathematical constant π
i ans = 0 + 1.0000i Imaginary unit (used to define complex numbers)

3. Built-In Functions

Commands Results Comments

sqrt(2) ans = 1.4142 Square root
abs (-5) ans = 5 Absolute Value
exp(1) ans = 2.7183 Exponential
log(1) ans = 0 Natural Logarithm
log10(100) ans = 2 Base 10 Logarithm
log2(4) ans = 2 Base 2 Logarithm
sin(pi/2) ans = 1 Sine

cos(pi) ans = -1 Cosine
tan(pi/4) ans =1 Tangent
acos(-1) ans = 3.1416 Arccosine (inverse cosine)
asin(0.5) ans = 0.5236 Arcsine (inverse sine)
atan(1) ans = 0.7854 Arctangent (inverse tangent )
ceil(0.7) ans = 1 Rounding towards the closer larger integer
floor (0.7) ans =1 Rounding towards the closer smaller integer
round(0.7) ans = 1 Rounding towards the closer integer
factorial (5) ans = 120 Factorial function

4. Matrices:

Commands Results Comments

A=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] A= 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
B=[1 1 1; 3 3 3; 5 5 5] B= 1 1 1 Matrix A and B of size 3 x 3
3 3 3
5 5 5
S= [ 1 2; 3 4] S= 1 2 Matrix S of size 2 x 2
3 4
C=A+B C= 2 3 4 Matrix Addition
7 8 9
12 13 14
D=A-B D= 0 1 2 Matrix Subtraction
1 2 3
2 3 4
E = A*B E = 22 22 22 Matrix Multiplication
49 49 49
76 76 76
E = A.*B F= 1 2 3 Array multiplication operator
12 15 18
35 40 45
Y= inv(S) Y= -2.0000 1.0000 Inverse Matrix of S
-2.0000 1.0000
Z= det(S) Z = -2 Determinant of S
J= S^2 J = 7 10 Matrix exponential operator
15 22
K= S.^2 K= 1 4 Array exponential operator
9 16
L = S’ L= 1 3 Transposed of Matrix S
2 4
S(:,:) ans = 1 2 The whole matrix S
3 4
S(2,:) ans = 3 4 The second row of S
S(:,1) ans = 1 The first column of S

diag(S) ans = 1 Main diagonal of matrix S

Compute the cosine of 30°.

Commands Results Comments

cos(30*pi/180) ans = 0.8660 Cosine of 30°

Plotting Signals in MATLAB
close all; clear all; clc;
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
xlabel('x');ylabel('sin(x), cos(x)');title(' Trigonometric Function');
legend('Sin', 'Cos');grid on

Task # 1.1 : Compute the given expression.

1. Sin(40°)2 + cos(40°)2
2. Sin(40°)2 . cos(40°)2

Task # 1.2 : Perform the following operations in MATLAB.

a) Matrix Addition b) Matrix Subtraction

1. 2 7 1 1 2. 0 4 2 −1
[−6 2 −3] [0] [−1 2 −1] [ 0 ]
4 3 2 2 1 1 0 2

Task # 1.3 : Perform the matrix product in MATLAB.

1. 1 3 2 2. −1 2 2
1 1 0 [1
[ ] [0 0 −1] 1 1] [−1 3 −6]
12 2 −1
5 −1 0 2 −5 4

1 −7 1
Task # 1.4 : If a = [−6 6 −3]
4 3 2
What is the output of a*a and a.*a? Comment the result.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.




Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic continuous time signal using MATLAB.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________


Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic continuous time signal using MATLAB.
Signals are physical quantities that carry information in their patterns of variation. A signal is a
function of independent variables such as time, distance and position. Continuous time signals are
continuous functions of time, while discrete-time signals are sequences of numbers. If the values
of a sequence are chosen from a finite set of numbers, the sequence is known as a digital signal.

Continuous Time Signals

A signal is called continuous-time (or analog) signals if the independent variable (time) is defined
in continuous interval. Moreover, the dependent value that usually denotes the amplitude of the
signal is also continuous variable. An example of such a signal is speech as a function of time. An
analog Signal is expressed by a function, where takes real values.

Sinusoidal Signal
The first basic category presented is that of sinusoidal signal. This type of signal is of the form
𝒙(𝒕) = 𝑨𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝝎𝒕 + 𝜽)
𝝎 Angular frequency (rad/sec)
𝑨 Amplitude of the signal
𝜽 The phase (radian)

Sinusoidal signals are periodic signals with fundamental period T given by

Complex Exponential Signals
Another signal highly associated with sinusoidal signal is the complex exponential signal.
𝐴𝑒 𝑗𝛺𝑡+𝜃 is also periodic with fundamental period given by
𝑇 = 𝛺 .According to derived straightforward from Euler’s Formula,
𝑨𝒆𝒋𝜴𝒕+𝜽 = 𝑨(𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝜴𝒕 + 𝜽) + 𝒋𝐬𝐢𝐧(𝜴𝒕 + 𝜽))

Exponential Signals
Exponential signals are signals of the form
𝑥(𝑡) = 𝐴𝑒 𝑏𝑡
If 𝑏 > 0, 𝑥(𝑡) is an increasing function while
if 𝑏 < 0, 𝑥(𝑡) is a decreasing function.

At t= 0, the signal takes the value

clear all; close all; clc;
f=input('Enter the value of frequency');
a=input('Enter the value of amplitude');
plot(t,y1);xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Sine Wave');grid on
plot(t,y2);xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Cosine Wave');grid on
plot(t,y3);xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Square Wave');grid on
plot(t,t);xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Ramp Wave');grid on

Task # 2.1 : Plot the sine, cosine, ramp and square wave signals with the amplitude of 5v and
frequency of 10 Hz.

Task # 2.2 : Plot the following finctions:

a) 𝑦(𝑡) = 1 − 2𝑒 −𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝜋𝑡 − 35° ), 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 10

b) 𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑒 −0.5𝑡 sin 3 𝑡 , 0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 30

Task # 2.3 : Plot the symbolic function y = ex and z = e-x in MATLAB, where t = 0 to 2 sec.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.




Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the Basic Discrete Time Signals using MATLAB.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the Basic Discrete Time Signals using MATLAB.

Discrete Time Signals
A signal is called a discrete-time signal if the independent variable (time) is defined in a discrete
interval (e.g., the set of integer number), while the dependent variable is defined in a continuous
set of values.
A discrete time signal x[n] is usually obtained by sampling a continuous-time signal x(t) at a
constant rate. Suppose Ts is the sampling period, that is every sequence of the sample is derived
from the continuous time signal x(t).

Unit Impulse Sequence

The unit impulse sequence is the counter part of the dirac delta function when dealing with discrete
time signals. It is also known as Kronecker delta. The mathematical expression of the δ[n] is:
𝟏, 𝒏=𝟎
δ [n] ={ }
𝟎, 𝒏≠𝟎

Unit Step Sequence

The unit step sequence is the counterpart of the unit step function when dealing with discrete time
signals. The mathematical expression is
𝟏, 𝒏≥𝟎
u[n] ={ }
𝟎, 𝒏<𝟎


Plotting of Sine Wave, Cosine Wave, Square Wave and Ramp Wave
clear all; close all; clc;
fd=input('Enter the value of frequency');
a=input('Enter the value of amplitude');
xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Sine Wave');grid on

xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Cosine Wave');grid on
xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Square Wave');grid on
xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Ramp Wave');grid on

Plotting of Unit Step

clc; clear all;close all;
N=30; % no of sample
x=[zeros(1,N) 1 ones(1,N)];
xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Unit Step');

Plotting of Unit Impulse

clc;clear all;close all;
N=30; % no of sample
x=[zeros(1,N) 1 zeros(1,N)];
xlabel('Time');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Unit Impulse');

Task # 3.1: Plot the sine, cosine, ramp and square wave with amplitude 4V and Frequency of

Task # 3.2: Plot the unit step and unit impulse with number of samples 35.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To study the properties of signal and their transformation.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________


OBJECTIVE: To study the properties of signal and their transformation.

Time Shifting:
It is defined by x(n) =x(n-no), if x(n) is shifted to the right by no samples this is referred to as
delay, and it is shifted to the left by no samples this is referred to as advance.

Time Reversal:
It is defined by x(n)=x(-n), simply involves flipping the signal x(n) with respect to n.

Even and Odd Signal

The odd and even part of a signal x(n) is given by
𝒙(𝒏) + 𝒙(−𝒏)
𝒙(𝒏) − 𝒙(−𝒏) 𝒙(𝒏)𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 =
𝒙(𝒏)𝒐𝒅𝒅 = 𝟐

Plotting operation of shifting and time reversing
close all;clear all;clc;
x = [1 2 3 2 1];
org_x = 0; %sample number at which the origin of x(n) exists
nx = [1:length(x)] - org_x; %index vector for x(n)
stem(nx,x,'filled'); xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('original signal x(n)'); grid;
% For time reversing
stem(-nx,x,'filled');xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('Time reversing signal x(-n)');
% For Shifting
y1= [1:length(x)]+ 2;
y2=[1:length(x)]-2 ;
xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('Shifting "n-2" ');grid;
title('Shifting "n+2" ');grid;xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude');

Plotting of Even and Odd Signal

close all;clear all; clc;

x=[zeros(1,N) 1 ones(1,N)];
xmt=[fliplr(x(n>=0)) fliplr(x(n<0))];
subplot(3,1,1);stem(n,x);title('Original Signal x')
subplot(3,1,2);stem(n,xe);title('Even Signal xe')
subplot(3,1,3);stem(n,xo);title('Odd Signal xo')

Task # 4.1

Given sequence x(n) = (3, 2, 1, -2, 1, 0, -4, 0, 3), origin is at -2.

a) Plot the original signal x(n) and Time revering signal x(-n).
b) Plot x(n-3) and x(n+3).
c) Plot the even and odd signal.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of Sampling and Aliasing in discrete time sinusoid.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of Sampling and Aliasing in discrete time sinusoid.

The motivation for sampling and quantizing is the need to store a signal in a digital format. In
order to convert an analog signal to a digital signal, the analog signal must be sampled and

Sampling: It is the process of acquiring data at discrete (finite) instants of time.

Sampling Theorem: A continuous time signal x(t) can be reconstructed exactly from its samples
x(n)=x(nTs), if the samples are taken at a rate Fs=1/Ts that is greater than 2*Fmax.

Aliasing: A common problem that arises when sampling a continuous signal is aliasing, where a
sampled signal has replications of its sinusoidal components which can interfere with other
components. It is an effect that causes two discrete time signals to become indistinct due to
improper sampling (fd>1/2).

% Plotting the two CTCV sinusoids
clear all; close all; clc;
F1 = 10;
F2 = 110;
Fs = 100;
Ts = 1/Fs;
t = [0 : 0.0005 : 0.2];
x1t = cos(2*pi*F1*t);
x2t = cos(2*pi*F2*t);
plot(t,x1t,t,x2t, 'LineWidth',2);
xlabel('cont time (sec)'); ylabel('Amp'); xlim([0 0.1]); grid on;
legend('10Hz','110Hz'); title('Two CTCV sinusoids plotted');
% Sampling the two CTCV sinusoids
nTs = [0 : Ts : 0.2];
n = [0 : length(nTs)-1 ];
x1n = cos(2*pi*F1*nTs);
x2n = cos(2*pi*F2*nTs);
grid on; title('10Hz sampled');
xlabel('discrete time (sec)'); ylabel('Amp'); xlim([0 0.1]);

grid on; title('110Hz sampled')
xlabel('discrete time (sec)'); ylabel('Amp');xlim([0 0.1]);
% Plotting the sinusoids along with sampled versions
xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('Amp'); xlim([0 0.05]); legend('10Hz','110Hz');

Task # 5.1: Consider the following CT signal: x(t) = sin (2 pi F0 t). The sampled version will be:
F0 1
x(n) =sin (2 pi Fs n), where n is a set of integers and sampling interval Ts=𝐹𝑠. Plot the signal x(n)
for Fs = 5 kHz and F0 = 5Hz, 20Hz and 30Hz.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of Quantization of Discrete Time
Continuous valued signals and find the SQNR.

Name of Student : __________________

Student ID : __________________
Date : __________________

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of Quantization of Discrete Time Continuous valued
signals and find the SQNR.

The digitization of any real world signal usually involves two stages: sampling, i.e. the
measurement at discretely spaced time intervals, and quantization, i.e. the transformation of the
measurements (amplitudes) into finite-precision numbers (allowed discrete levels), such that they
can be represented in computer memory. Quantization leads to a loss in the signal quality, because
it introduces a “quantization error” or “quantization noise” or “distortion”.
Quantization error represents the quality of quantization process but the total error may also turn
out to be zero, so another quality deciding parameter is used which is called signal-to-quantization-
noise-ratio (SQNR) and it can be defined as
SQNR = 10 log10 (𝐏𝐞)
Where, Px and Pe are average powers of the DTCV and quantization error signal.

𝟏 𝟏 𝟐
𝑷𝒙 = ∑𝑵−𝟏
𝒏=𝟎 |𝒙(𝒏)|
𝑷𝒆 = ∑𝑵−𝟏
𝒏=𝟎 |𝒙𝒒 (𝒏) − 𝒙(𝒏)|

clear all; close all; clc;
% A Continuous time signal
xt= 5*sin(2*pi*f*t);
xlabel('Time t'); ylabel ('Amplitude');title('Continuous time signal');
grid on;
% A discrete time signal
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel ('Amplitude');title('Discrete time signal');
grid on;

% A quantized signal using rounding technique


xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Quantized signal using rounding technique');grid on;
% Power in continuous signal
disp('Power in continuous signal')
pxt= sum(abs(xt).^2)/length(xt)
% Power in quantized signal
disp('Power in quantized signal')
pq= sum(abs(xq).^2)/length(xq)
% Calculating signal to quantization noise ratio
%SQNR = 10 log10 (P signal/ P quantized)
disp('Signal to Quantization Noise ratio SQNR')
SQNR= 10*log10(pxt/pq)
%plotting error signal
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Error signal');
%Calculating power in error signal
disp('Power of Error Signal');
grid on

Task # 6.1: Find and compare the SQNR by different quantization techniques given below and
analyze the effect on SQNR. Also define different quantization techniques used.

1. Rounding
2. Ceiling
3. Flooring

Task # 6.2: Consider the sampled signal: x(n)= sin(2pi fd n). For fd = 1/50 cycles/sample and n =
120 sample. Plot the Discrete signals x(n), Quantized Signal xq(n) and Error signal xe(n) and
compute the corresponding SQNR using Rounding quantization Technique.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of convolution in Discrete-Time signal

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of convolution in Discrete-Time signal.
A discrete-time system is a computational process or algorithm that transforms or maps a sequence
x(n), called the input signal, into another sequence y(n), called the output signal. The response of
a linear time-invariant (LTI) system to any input can be determined from its response h(n) to the
unit sample sequence δ(n) ,using a formula known as convolution summation. Convolution
describes how a linear time-invariant system modifies the input sequence to produce its output.
y(n) = x(n) ∗ h(n).


Consider the impulse response of a system as h(n) = {3, 2, 1, -2, 1, 0, -4, 0, 3}, For x(n) = {1, -
2, 3, -4, 3, 2, 1}, find the output y(n).

clear all; close all; clc;

h = [3 2 1 -2 1 0 -4 0 3]; %impulse response
org_h = 1; %sample number at which the origin of h(n) exists
nh = [1:length(h)] - org_h; %index vector for h(n)
x = [1 -2 3 -4 3 2 1]; %input sequence
org_x = 1; %sample number at which the origin of x(n) exists
nx = [1:length(x)] - org_x; %index vector for x(n)
y = conv(h,x);
ny = [nh(1)+nx(1) : nh(end)+nx(end)];
xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); xlim([nh(1)-1 nh(end)+1]);
title('impulse response h(n)'); grid;
xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); xlim([nx(1)-1 nx(end)+1]);
title('input signal x(n)'); grid;
xlabel('time index n'); ylabel('amplitude'); xlim([ny(1)-1 ny(end)+1]);
title('output obtained by convolution y(n)'); grid;

Task # 7.1: Modify the code such that h(n) = {3, 2, 1, -2, 1, 0, -4, 0, 3} (origin is shifted), and
check the causality property .

Task # 7.2: What will happen if we provide input x(n) = {0,0,1,0,0} into the given system.

Task # 7.3: Find the output y(n) if x(n)={1 0 3 5 7 8} and h(n) ={2 3 4 6 8 1}.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To study the concept of circular convolution and verify the result by
using Discrete Fourier Transform DFT.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To study the concept of circular convolution and verify the result by using
Discrete Fourier Transform DFT.

Circular convolution is another way of finding the convolution sum of two input signals. It
resembles the linear convolution, except that the sample values of one of the input signals is folded
and right shifted before the convolution sum is found. Also note that circular convolution could
also be found by taking DFT of the two input signals and finding the product of two frequency
domain signals. The inverse DFT of the product would give the output of the signal in the time
domain which is the circular convolution output.

Given sequences, x1(n) = {2,1,2,1} and x2(n) = {1,2,3,4} and apply circular convolution and
verify the result using DFT method.

clc; clear all;close all;

x1=input('enter sequence 1:') %[2,1,2,1];
x2=input('enter sequence 2:') %[1,2,3,4];
if n1>n2
disp('Circular Convolution')
disp('Using DFT')

Task # 8.1: Given sequences, x1(n) = {1,2,1,2} and x2(n) = {1,2,3,4} and apply circular
convolution and verify the result using DFT method.

Task # 8.2: Given sequences, x1(n) = {1,2,1,1} and x2(n) = {1,4,3,6} and apply circular
convolution and verify the result using DFT method.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To study Discrete Time Correlation.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To study Discrete Time Correlation.

Correlation is given as:

RXY (l) = Σ x(n) y(n − l) = Σ x(n + l) y(n); where ‘l ’ is the lag.

This is called cross-correlation and it gives the magnitude and location of similarity between two
signals. The correlation between y(n) and x(n) is not necessarily the same as the correlation
between x(n) and y(n).It is given as:
ryx (l) = Σ y(n)x(n − l) = Σ y(n + l)x(n).
Generally, rxy (l ) = ryx (−l ).
These two are the same when x(n) and y(n) are the same signals or when x(n) and y(n) are even
symmetric signals. The length of the resulting correlation sequence is N+M-1, where, N and M
are the lengths of the two signals. Correlation may also be computed using convolution
algorithm with a modification that we need to fold one of the signals before applying the
convolution. Mathematically,
rxy (n) = x(n) * y(−n) .

clc; clear all; close all;
plot(x); xlabel('samples'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('Discrete signal');
plot(Rxx);xlabel('samples');ylabel('amplitude');title('Autocorrelate signal');
plot(w);xlabel('samples'); ylabel('amplitude');title('Noise signal');
plot(y);xlabel('samples'); ylabel('amplitude');title('Sinusoid + noise signal');
plot(Ryy);xlabel('samples'); ylabel('amplitude');title('Auto correlate signal');

Task # 9.1

Detect the periodic signal buried in noise!

a) Given a sine wave signal (F= 10Hz and Fs= 50 Hz and 40 number of samples on x-axis).
b) Apply auto-correlation of the sine wave signal and plot the output
c) Generate AWGN signal of equal number of samples (40)
d) Plot the noise signal
e) Add the sine wave signal (generated previously) to the noisy signal and plot the graph
showing the corrupt signal
f) Now, apply auto-correlation of the sine + noise signal and plot both of the output. What do you
observe? Write your conclusion.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of Fourier synthesis of Square Wave and
Triangular Wave in MATLAB.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of Fourier synthesis of Square Wave and
Triangular Wave in MATLAB.

Square Wave
A square wave spectrum is made of the sum of all the harmonics being odd of the fundamental
with decreasing amplitude according to the law of trigonometric Fourier series. In other words the
square wave can be obtained by summing up the infinite sine waves as per the following relation:
𝟐𝝅𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟑𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟓𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟗𝑭𝒕
S(t) = sin( 𝟏
) + 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ( 𝟑
) + 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ( 𝟓
) + 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ( 𝟗

Triangular Wave
A triangular wave spectrum is made of the sum of all the harmonics being odd of the fundamental
with decreasing amplitude according to the law of trigonometric Fourier series. In other words the
triangular wave can be obtained by summing up the infinite sine waves as per the following
𝟐𝝅𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟑𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟓𝑭𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝟗𝑭𝒕
S(t) = 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( 𝟏 ) + 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( 𝟑𝟐 ) + 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( 𝟓𝟐 ) + 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( 𝟗𝟐 ) + ⋯


Square wave
close all;clear all;clc;
tt=5000; %Total Simulation Run
T=500; %Time period of sine component
for t=1:1:tt
s= sin(2*pi*t/T)+(1/3)*(sin(2*3*pi*t/T))+
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Fourier Synthesis of Square Wave');grid on

Triangular wave
tt=5000; %Total time simulation run
T=500; %Time period of sine component
for t=1:1:tt

xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Fourier Synthesis of Triangular Wave');grid on

Task # 10.1: Plot square wave and triangular wave, where total simulation run is 500 sec and
frequency F= 0.02Hz.


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB TITLE: To analyze an audio signal using Fast Fourier Transform.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________


OBJECTIVE: To analyze an audio signal using Fast Fourier Transform.

The Fourier transform is one of the most useful mathematical tools for many fields of science and
engineering. This technique transforms a function or set of data from the time or sample domain
to the frequency domain. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) transforms discrete data from
the sample domain to the frequency domain. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient
way to do the DFT, and there are many different algorithms to accomplish the FFT. Matlab uses
the FFT to find the frequency components of a discrete signal.
This lab shows how to use the FFT to analyze an audio file in MATLAB. The audio file is
opened using the wavread function, which returns the sampled data from the file.

clear all; close all; clc;
n = [0:length(y)-1];
Ts = 1/Fs;
t = n.*Ts;
k = n;
Df = Fs./length(y); % Frequency resolution
F = k.*Df; % Analysis frequencies
Y = fft(y);
magY = abs(Y);
figure,subplot(2,1,1);plot(F,magY);grid on; xlim([0 Fs/2]);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');ylabel('DFT Magnitude');title('Discrete Fourier Transform');
subplot(2,1,2);plot(F,magY);grid on;xlim([0 2000]);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');ylabel('DFT Magnitude');title('Discrete Fourier Transform');


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To find out the Step Response and Impulse Response of different

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To find out the Step Response and Impulse Response of different systems.

Step response is the time behavior of the outputs of a general system when its inputs change from
zero to one in a very short time.

A Transfer Function is the ratio of the output of a system to the input of a system.

𝑯(𝒔) =

Find the step response and impulse response for the given transfer functions.

a) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟏𝒔+𝟏)
close all; clear all; clc;
Num =[1];
Den =[0.1 1];
G=tf(Num,Den) %Transfer function
step(G); % Step response
grid on
impulse(G); % Impulse response
grid on

Find the transfer function and step response for a cascaded System.
𝟏 𝒔
b) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟏𝒔+𝟏) and 𝑯(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟏𝒔+𝟏)

close all; clear all; clc;

Num1 =[1];
Den1 =[0.1 1];
G=tf(Num1,Den1); %Transfer function
Num2 =[1 0];
Den2 =[0.1 1];
H=tf(Num2,Den2); %Transfer function

T = G*H % Transfer function of cascaded systems
step(T); % Step response
grid on

Task # 12.1: Find the step and impulse response of the transfer function.
a) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝒔𝟐
b) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝒔𝟐

Task # 12.2: Find the transfer function and step response for a cascaded System.
𝟎.𝟏 𝒔
a) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝟐𝒔+𝟏) and 𝑯(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟐𝒔+𝟏)
𝒔 𝒔+𝟑
b) 𝑮(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟏𝒔+𝟏) and 𝑯(𝒔) = (𝟎.𝟏𝒔+𝟏)


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To generate the input sequence of discrete time systems in Time
Domain- (Time variant and invariant systems).

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To generate the input sequence of discrete time systems in Time Domain- (Time
variant and invariant systems).

A system is called Time Invariant if we delay an input before processing, output will be equal
to output delayed after processing. And if we delay an input before processing, output will not be
equal to input delayed after processing, the system is Time Variant.

The input sequence of discrete time systems in Time Domain- (Time invariant systems).

clear all;close all;clc;

%generating the input sequence
num=[2.2403 2.4908 2.2403];
den=[1 -0.4 0.75];
ic=[0 0]; % set zero initial condition
% Compute the output y[n]
y1=filter(num,den,x1,ic); % Generate the output y1
y2=filter(num,den,x2,ic); % Generate the output y2
y=filter(num,den,x,ic); % Generate the output y
%compute the difference output d[n]
%plot the output and the difference signals
stem(n,y);ylabel('Amplitude');title('Output due to weighted input');grid on;
stem(n,yt);ylabel('Amplitude');title('Weighted Output');grid on
stem(n,d);xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Difference Signal');grid on;

The input sequence of discrete time systems in Time Domain- (Time variant systems).

clear all;close all;clc;

%generating the input sequence

xd=[zeros(1,D) x];
num=[2.2403 2.4908 2.2403];
den=[1 -0.4 0.75];
ic=[0 0]; % set zero initial condition
% Compute the output y[n]
y=filter(num,den,x,ic); % Generate the output y
yd=filter(num,den,xd,ic); % Generating the output yd[n]
%compute the difference output d[n]
%plot the output and the difference signals
stem(n,y);ylabel('Amplitude');title('Output y[n]');grid on;
subplot(3,1,2);stem(n,yd(1:41));ylabel('Amplitude');title('Output due to delayed input');grid on
stem(n,d);xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Difference Signal');grid on;

Task # 13.1

Generate the input sequence of discrete time systems in Time Domain- (Time invariant and variant


Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Systems
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during Lab sessions
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Realization of Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understand Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment [a, c] understand the concepts related to the concepts related to the understand the concepts related to
the experiment and provide experiment and provide results the experiment and does not
excellent results. with minor errors. provide excellent results.
2. Procedural Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat understands Able to slightly or unable to
Skills and understands lab work procedure lab work procedure and perform understands lab work procedure
Laboratory Safety and perform lab work. Displays lab work. Somewhat displays and perform lab work. Slightly
Rules [a, c] skills to act upon sequence of skills to act upon sequence of displays or does not displays
steps in lab work. Always or often steps in lab work. Occasionally skills to act upon sequence of
take precautions or use equipment take precautions or use steps in lab work. Rarely or does
with care. equipment with care. not take precautions or use
equipment with care.
3. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly capable
own initiative [a, perform experiment using perform experiment using or incapable to perform
c] procedural skills on his own. procedural skills on his own. experiment using procedural skills
on his own.
4. Use of Able to fully or moderately use Able to somewhat use lab work Able to slightly or unable to use
Observation [a] lab work observation for analysis observation for analysis and lab work observation for analysis
and calculations. Displays skills to calculations. Somewhat displays and calculations. Slightly displays
perform related analysis and skills to perform related analysis or does not displays skills to
calculations using the observation and calculations using the perform related analysis and
from lab work. observation from lab work. calculations using the observation
from lab work.
5. Modern Tool Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat demonstrate Able to slightly or unable to
Use [a, c] demonstrate the use of relevant the use of relevant tool. demonstrate the use of relevant
tool. Displays skills to Somewhat displays skills to tool. Slightly displays or does not
demonstrate the use of relevant demonstrate the use of relevant displays skills to demonstrate the
tool for the lab work. tool for the lab work. use of relevant tool for the lab
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental errors experimental errors and troubleshoot experimental errors
errors and Resolve and resolve them without somewhat resolve them without and slightly or unable to resolve
without guidance or supervision. guidance or supervision. them without guidance or
supervision [a] supervision.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic concept of Laplace Transform.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

OBJECTIVE: To understand the basic concept of Laplace Transform.

The Laplace Transform of a general continuous time signal x(t) is defined as;

X(S) =∫−∞ 𝒆−𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒕
Where the complex variable s=δ + j w, with δ and w the real and imaginary parts. Continuous
Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) is a subset of Laplace when δ =0. Since ‘δ’ information is not
present in CTFT, therefore information about stability can only be obtained from Laplace. If pole
lies on L.H.S of splane, system is stable. If pole lies on R.H.S of s-plane, system is unstable. If
pole lies on y(jw)-axis, system is marginally stable or oscillatory. If system has FIR, it is stable. If
system is IIR, it can be stable or unstable

clear all;close all;clc;
Num = poly([(0-(i*(pi/2))),(0+(i*(pi/2)))]);
Zeros =roots(Num)
Den = poly([-1,-1]);
xlim([-2 2]);
ylim([-4 4]);

Task # 14.1: Generate pole zero constellation in S plane and plot impulse response.


Makers Lab (Open Ended Lab)
Assessment Rubrics for TCE 205 – Signals and Sytems
Method: Lab reports, final result observation and viva during lab session.
Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function in teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (P).
Performance Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet expectation Marks
(5-4) (3-2) (1-0)
1. Conducting Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat initiate lab Able to slightly or unable to
Experiment with initiate lab work. Capable to work. Somewhat capable to initiate lab work. Slightly able or
own initiative [a, c] perform experiment using perform experiment using unable to perform experiment
procedural skills on one’s own. procedural skills on one’s own. using procedural skills on one’s
2. Teamwork [b] Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat produce end Able to slightly or unable to
produce end results and proper results and improper delegation of produce end results and no
delegation of tasks. All tasks. Few members show delegation of tasks. One member
members show responsibility responsibility and work for the is working or no member show
and work for the part assigned. part assigned. responsibility or work for the part
3. Record the steps Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat state the steps Able to slightly or unable to state
of procedures and state the steps of procedure of procedure followed and the steps of procedure followed
Laboratory Safety followed and precautions taken precautions taken in the lab and precautions taken in the lab
Rules [a, c] in the lab report using the report. Somewhat follows the report. Slightly use or does not use
appropriate specified format. appropriate specified format. the appropriate specified format.
4. Equipment Use Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat choose the Able to slightly or unable to
[a, c] choose the relevant tool. States relevant tool. Somewhat states the choose the relevant tool. Slightly
the skills to demonstrate the use skills to demonstrate the use of states the skills to demonstrate the
of relevant tool for the work. relevant tool for the work. use of relevant tool for the work.
5. Ability to write Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat represent the Able to slightly or unable to
the laboratory represent the data in tables, data in tables, graphs/ software represent the data in tables,
reports, including graphs/ software output and output and written form graphs/ software output and
figures, tables and written form appropriately inappropriately labeled and titled. written form inaccurately labeled
graphs [a] labeled and titled. and titled.
6. Ability to Able to fully or moderately Able to somewhat troubleshoot Able to slightly or unable to
troubleshoot troubleshoot experimental experimental errors without troubleshoot experimental errors
errors without errors without guidance or guidance or supervision. without guidance or supervision.
supervision [a] supervision and accounts for the Somewhat accounts for the Slightly able or unable to give
deviation. deviation. account for the deviation..
7. Reflection on Fully or moderately provides a Somewhat provides a summary of Slightly provides or does not
the experiment summary of the experiment, the experiment, whether the provide a summary of the
and judgment of whether the findings supported findings supported the hypothesis experiment, whether the findings
the experimental the hypothesis, possible sources and possible sources of error. supported the hypothesis and
results [a] of error, draw inference, Somewhat draws inference. An possible sources of error. Slightly
acceptable judgment, clear acceptable judgment is made draws or unable to draw inference.
reasoning about the result. about the result, but the reasoning Slight or no judgment is presented
Effects of assumptions and is flawed or incomplete. about the results of the
experimental deviations are experiment.


Signals and Systems (TCE 205)

Semester _____________

LAB OBJECTIVE: To write a MATLAB code to de-noise the speech.

Name of Student :

Student ID :

Date :

Lab Assessment
Total Marks

Marks Obtained

Lab Engineer:
Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________

Name: __________________
Signature: __________________
Date: __________________


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