Prasad Seminar Report

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Submitted to
(An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

Degree of Master of Technology


Cloud computing is a network-based environment that focuses on sharing

computations, storage, service, applications & other important computing resources. In
modern era of cloud computing technology very helpful for centralized the all-agricultural
related data bank (Soil-related, weather, Research, Crop, Farmers, Agriculture marketing,
fertilizers and pesticide information) in the cloud. Latest technological development has
through a dramatic change in every field and agriculture is no exception to it. Cloud
computing technology impacted positively on agriculture field and related services they
provide for users. In this paper, also discuss Computing model, characteristics,
deployment model, cloud service model, cloud benefits and challenge of cloud computing
in agriculture field.


Chapter No. Title Page


Abstract 1

1. Introduction 4

2. Literature review 5

3. Cloud computing technologies and agricultural model 6

Cloud computing technologies

Models of cloud computing

Agricultural model


4. Cloud services and current challenges 11

5. Benefits of cloud computing in agriculture 13

6. Conclusion 14

Reference 15


Fig 1 -Cloud computing

Fig 2 -Structure of Cloud computing based

Agricultural system

Fig 3 -Application in agriculture



An Increasing Development of IT and communications and growth of data sizes in

the network, together with the emergence of new applications and computing needs,
capacity and implements are exponentially Day-by-Day. Cloud computing is a new
approach which brings the information computing and storage from PCs into giant data
centre, in these information needs as services via Internet. On the other hand, the third
person needs to do his computational requirements, service efficiency, storage capacity
and increasing the reliability in Agricultural area.

Cloud computing applications in agriculture is in the place of theoretical research and

lack of mature cases. This technology is great significant to improve agricultural field
construction, the combination of agricultural information and modernization.

Chapter 2

Sl. Author Year Title outcomes

1. Ling Qian 2009 Cloud Computing: In this journal paper of Cloud computing: an an overview overview, the paper introduces the concept,
history, pros and cons of cloud computing as well
as the value chain and standardization effort. And
also, information about the evolution of cloud
computing, cloud storage & virtualization.
2. Tharam 2010 Cloud Computing: In this paper, they aim to pinpoint the challenges
Dillon Issues and and issues of cloud computing. The relationship
Challenges between cloud computing, service-oriented
computing and grid computing is given in this
study. Also, number of solutions to solve those
issues effectively for different models.
3. Yi Wei and M. 2010 Service-Oriented The study of service-oriented computing and
Brain Blake Computing and cloud computing challenges and opportunities
Cloud Computing: provides information about the challenges of
Challenges and techniques, relationship between service-
Opportunities oriented computing and cloud computing, use of
service-oriented computing in cloud computing
which provides transformative opportunities.
4. R. Patel & M. 2013 Application of Cloud Concept of cloud Computing, its effective
Patel Computing in implementation and how
Agricultural effectively it can contribution in developing the
Development of Indian agricultural sectors in the developing
Rural India countries.
5. Sushil Kumar 2016 Role of Cloud The journal paper brief about the Cloud
Choudhary computing computing is a network-based environment technology in computations, Cloud computing networks access
agricultural field to a shared pool of configurable networks,
servers, storage, service, applications & other
important computing resources.
6. Khongdet 2022 Application of IoT The article describes smart irrigation system
Phasinam and Cloud based on IoT and cloud computing architecture Computing in and also machine learning algorithm for proper
Automation of management of freshwater required for crops.
Agriculture Irrigation



Now a day’s witnessing a steady trend in the loss of agricultural land and
biodiversity worldwide. Adding to this, adverse weather conditions induced by climate
change and an increase in the world population struggling for scarce resources are
projecting a grim picture of the future. It may be able to alter or even reverse this trend
using technologies already in place. Cloud computing may prove to be a formidable asset.
There are practical applications for the use of cloud computing that create a whole
ecosystem, from sensors and monitoring tools that collect soil data to agricultural field
images and observations from human actors on the ground accurately feeding data
repositories along with their GPS coordinates.
An open and cloud-based system that captures and shares data from many types of
precision agriculture controllers on a farm to lower costs and reduce environment impacts.
Additionally, cloud technologies have launched for food and agricultural industries and are
utilizing information communications technology to ensure plentiful food supplies in the

Cloud computing in agriculture continues to increase, so too will the number of
questions about it. To answer the most frequently asked questions, I’ve identified the top
five things you need to know before entering the cloud, according to IT experts:
a. Private or public
A private cloud, built using your resources in your data centre, leaves you in control
but also means you shoulder the management overhead. Public cloud services relieve
you of that management burden but at the expense of some control.
b. Is security a concern
For a long time, people were concerned about the security of cloud-computing
platforms, but most of them are actually now much more secure than traditional
approaches that they replace, according to experts.
c. What are the benefits
Many cloud-computing service providers claim they can significantly reduce the
cost and complexity of owning and operating computers and networks. Cloud services can
often be customized and flexible to use, and providers can offer advanced services that
an individual company might not have the money or expertise to develop.
d. How can I ensure success
According to an April 2011 online survey by Baseline, two critical elements of a
cloud strategy are not commonly recognized: attention to service levels and focus on
integration. Also, IT leaders should obtain hands-on experience with cloud computing to
learn its capabilities before implementing a company-wide solution.
e. Will the role of my IT department change
Cloud computing will not eliminate the need for an IT team, but many experts
believe it will likely shift the role it plays within an organization. Before cloud computing,
technical support spent much of its time monitoring and/or recovering all devices and
systems to make sure they were available for business operations.
Public cloud
The cloud infrastructure applications, storage, and other resources are made available
to the public for free or on pay-per use model. It is owned by an organization selling cloud
Example: Amazon, Google Apps, Windows Azure etc.
Some Important point for Public Cloud:

• Entirely hosted by External Providers
• Almost any customer can pay for resource on the cloud
• Support is handling by the provider.

Community cloud
The cloud shares infrastructure for specific community with common
concerns (security, compliance, jurisdiction etc.), whether managed internally or by a third
party and hosted internally or externally.
Hybrid cloud
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds (private or public) that
re-main unique entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology
that enables data and application portability.
Private cloud
The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a single organization. It may be owned,
managed and operated by the organization or a third party, and may exist on-premises or

Farmers can also use the cloud to access information from predictive analysis
institutes, whereby they can have an accurate prediction on products that are in demand
by different markets and adjust production accordingly. There is also an incentive for
farmers to use knowledge-based repositories containing a wealth of information related to
farming practices, crops input, agricultural innovations, pesticides, seeds, fertilizers,
nutrients and weed resistance, as well as on equipment. All this comes along with expert
advice from a wide range of sources, for example, on farming and processing of
agricultural products. This scenario can also be extended to include access to consumer
databases, supply chains and billing systems.

For many farmers and those in the agricultural sector, much of their livelihood
involves giving up control to the forces of nature, but what if farmers could take back
control with the help of technology. Cloud computing can be used to aggregate data from
tools like soil sensors, satellite images, and weather stations to help farmers make better
decisions about managing their crops. The cloud's analytic capabilities also aid farmers in
understanding their production environment.

Meanwhile, farmers themselves are getting hands-on with the cloud. Farmers can
then visualize their fields on the map and pinpoint exact areas that need more fertilizer or
water. By providing decision support and automation, these cloud-based solutions help
solve agricultural problems and increase the efficiency and productivity of farms.

The current limitation for the adoption of cloud computing services is rural internet
speeds, "Imagine having gigabytes of image data that takes hours, if not days to get
uploaded to the cloud due to slow internet speeds." This slow round-trip time to and from
the cloud can delay decision making, Data privacy and security remains the biggest
concern with cloud computing services for agriculture.

Cloud computing requires detailed information about farm conditions and

operations to travel to outside parties, including the cloud provider and third parties that
help analyse the data. This can raise both privacy and security concerns for farmers, as
they worry about who may gain access to information that reveals their farming strategies,
their yield, their land, and their business operations.

10 | P a g e

In Rural India using the Cloud allows information technology to be infused into the
smallest hamlet of India and makes access to information available to the poorest of the
poor to give them a better life, by empowering them with knowledge derived through the
laptop or mobile phone connected to the Cloud.
The Cloud makes the following services affordable and accessible at a low cost:

▪ Banks
▪ E-learning
▪ Tele-medicine
▪ Commodity/stock exchanges
▪ KYC and credit bureaus
▪ Indian agricultural information
▪ Citizen interface portals

India will benefit by taking the Cloud to Rural India because, The Cloud has
potential to drive down costs of e-Governance, education, medical care and other
Government computerization initiatives. The Cloud bridges the great divide between rich
urban India and poor rural India, and gives the same level playing field to all Indians.

11 | P a g e
Although cloud computing is picking up the global market covering almost all the
prime sectors, there is nothing much done in agricultural sector. Few countries like China,
Japan, some parts of Africa, USA etc.


• Deficient production information

• Not enough sales and distribution information

• Poor knowledge about the weather forecast, pests and diseases.

• Poor ICT infrastructure and ICT illiteracy.

• Lack of awareness among farmers about the benefits of ICT in agriculture.

• Insufficient power availability in rural areas.

12 | P a g e


❖ Data Readiness any time & anywhere.

❖ Local and global communication.

❖ Improve economic condition of the Nation.

❖ Enhanced the GDP of the nation.

❖ Ensure food security level.

❖ Motivation of farmers and researchers.

❖ Reduction of technical issue.

❖ Rural-Urban movement.

❖ Data availability at any time and at any location without delay.

❖ Improve market price of Food, seeds, other product.

13 | P a g e


• This prominent technique may deliver the agriculture-based knowledge along with
management of natural resources and knowledge directly to the consumers not
only in a small region like in nonstop marketing or shops but also in a wider
• This will change the whole supply chain, which is mainly in the hand of large
companies, now, but can change to a more direct, shorter chain between
producers and consumers.
• Cloud computing technology, applicable for the improvement of agriculture
growth, food, grain, product, economic condition, ensure food safety, GDP of the
nation & circulate information related to agriculture etc.

14 | P a g e

1. Ling Qian, Zhiguo Luo, Yujian Du and Leitao Guo: “Cloud Computing: An Overview”,
2. Tharam Dillon, Chen Wu and Elizabeth Chang, Digital Ecosystems and Business Int
3. Patel, R. & Patel, M.: "Application of Cloud Computing in Agricultural Development of
Rural India, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,
Vol. 4, No.6, pp. 922-926., 2013.
4. Khongdet Phasinam, Thanwamas Kassanuk, Priyanka P. Shinde, Chetan M. Thakar,
Dilip Kumar Sharma, Md.Khaja Mohiddin & Abdul Wahab Rahmani: “Application of IoT
and Cloud Computing in Automation of Agriculture Irrigation”, 2022.
10. elligence Institute Curtin University of Technology Perth, Australia: “Cloud Computing:
Issues and Challenges”, 2010.
11. Yi Wei and M. Brian Blake: “Service-Oriented Computing and Cloud Computing:
Challenges and Opportunities”, 2010.
12. Kamath, S. and Chetan, A.A.: Affordable, interactive crowd sourcing platform for
sustainable agriculture: Enabling public private partnerships. Cloud Computing
Journal, 2011.

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