VII Grade English Worksheet For Students 2

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Approved by Buyankhishig.

Topic: Revision
Бүлэг сэдэв: Welcome-7-U-1-1 Lesson plan for 7th grade Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овогof
Length нэр:
lesson: 40 min
Aim: Revise the knowledge and skills
Present simple tense – Энгийн одоо цаг
Давтагдан үйлдэж байгаа үйлийг илэрхийлдэг. Энэ тохиолдолд үйл хөдлөлийн давтамжийг
илэрхийлдэг always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never гэх мэт үгс хэрэглэх
бөгөөд хүн өөрөө ямар утга санаа илэрхийлж байгаагаас хамааран аль нэгийг сонгон хэрэглэдэг.
III биеийн ганц тоон дээр хэрэглэхдээ үйл үгэн дээр -s залгавар нэмж хэрэглэнэ.
I get up early in the morning-Би өглөө эрт босдог. She gets up early in the morning
Positive form Question form Negative form
S + O + Verb Do/Does+ Subject +Verb + Object Subject + do not/does not+Verb +
(Үйлийн эзэн + тусагдахуун +үйл үг) (Do/Does +үйлийн эзэн +үйл Object (Үйлийн эзэн + do not/does
үг + тусагдахуун) not +үйл үг + тусагдахуун)
1.Translate into Mongolian. 2.Put the question form. 3.Put the negative form
1. I go to school every day. 1.Do I go to school every 1.I don’t go to school every
Би өдөр бүр сургууль руу явдаг. day? day.
2. You work for a big company. 2…………………………. 2.................................
……………………………. 3…………………………. 3..................................
3. She lives here. 4…………………………. 4.
………………………. 5..................................... 5.
4. He likes flowers. 6..................................... 6.
………………………. 7...................................... 7.
5. It does exercises in the 8....................................... 8.
6. We study English………….
7. You play tennis on weekends.
8. They drink tea very often.
4.Write the third person singular of the following verbs and translate into Mongolian.
play -plays go ______ write- bow- 5.Write short forms
wash ___ teach ____ live- do-
I am- I’m We are-
drive ____ carry _____ work- drink-
You are- You are-
fly ______ start ______ hug- sit-
She is- They are-
help _____ kiss ______ hold- have-
He is-
watch ____ tidy ______ greet- find-
It is-
like ______ enjoy _____ nod- eat-
Vocabulary section 5. Match the words to 6. Say and write short answers to
their translations these questions (yes, I do / no, I
don´t / yes, she does / no, she
doesn´t, ....).
___a father 1. Do you speak French?
___a mother -Yes, I do/No I don’t
___a sister 2. Does your father work?
___ a baby 3. Does your mother like chocolate?
___brother 4. Do you go to the cinema?
___ a sister 5. Do you study a lot?
___ grandmother 6. Does your best friend study?
___grand father 7. Do you usually watch TV at night?

1. Write questions as in the example. 1. You / speak English. ----Do you speak
1. She / work hard. 1………………………………
2. They / have dinner at eight 2………………………………
3. You / do your homework every day 3…………………………….
4. Tuvshin / watch TV after dinner. 4………………………………
5. He / wash the car at the weekend. 5………………………………..
6. Her friends / live in London. 6………………………………..
7. You / have any brothers or sisters. 7…………………………………
8. Your friends / go to the cinema very often. 8……………………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Welcome-7-U-1-2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2
Welcome 2 7-U-1-2
Using Wh questions: Using This/These, That/Those
Wh-questions / Асуух үгтэй асуултууд This-энэ these-эдгээр – ийг тухайн ярилцагч
Энэ төрлийн асуултанд асуух үг заавал орох ба хүнд ойрхон байгаа зүйлийн,
шууд тийм/үгүй хэмээн хариулж болдоггүй. That-тэр those-тэдгээр- ийг тухайн ярилцагч
Wh + do/does+ Subject +Verb (+ Object) хүнээс хол байгаа зүйлийн тухай өгүүлэхэд
Асуух үг + do/does +үйлийн эзэн +үйл үг хэрэглэнэ.
(тусагдахуун) бүтэцтэй. This is my father. - Энэ бол миний аав
What-хэн, юу, when-хэзээ, where-хаана, how-хэр These people are my grandparents. -Эдгээр
зэрэг, which-аль, why-яагаад, who-хэн, whose- хүмүүс миний эмээ өвөө нар.
хэний гэх мэт That is my mother- Тэр бол миний ээж.
Put the question words.What/when/where/who/how Put This - these / that - those
1. ………… your name? 1. That is an elephant >> …… are elephants
2. …………..are you from? 2. This is a book >> ……….. are books
3. ………..…is your birthday? 3. That is a tiger >> ……….are tigers
4. ………… your favourite singer? 4. That is a pencil > ………. are pencils
5. ………… you live? 5. This is a carrot >> ……… are carrots
6. ………… your phone number? 6. This is a pen >> ……… are pens
7. …………. is your favourite hobby? 7. That is a boy >> ……… are boys
8. …………. speaks English here? 8. This is a box >> ……… are boxes
9. …………. are you going to finish? 9. That is a girl >> ………. are girls
10. …………. is the park? 10. That is an orange >> ……..are oranges
Read the text. Put the questions.
a. My name is Kelly. I am from a country in Europe. 1.What is your name? Kelly.
The capital city of the country is Rome. We eat pizza
2.Where are you from? Europe.
a lot. 3.What’s your capital city? Rome
4.What do you eat a lot? pizza
b. My friends name is Jimmy. He is 12 years old. He 1……………………………..
is from a country in North America. The capital city 2………………………….
of the country is Washington, D.C. 3………………………………..
c. This is Denis. He is 13 years old. His country is 1……………………………
located in Europe. The capital city of the country is 2.
Berlin. Our country has warm summers and cold 3………………………………
winters. 4………………………….
d. My best friend’s name is Sheida. She is 13 years 1…………………………..
old. She is from a country in Europe & Asia. The 2…………………………
capital city of the country is Ankara 3……………………………….
e. My name is Sarah. I’m 12 years old. I’m from a 1…………………………………
country in Europe. The capital city of the country is 2……………………………….
London. 3…………………………..
f. My Chinese friend’s name is Chang. He is 15 1…………………………….
years old. He is from a country in Asia. The capital 2…………………………
city of the country is Beijing. 3……………………………
1. We use … to talk about things near to the speaker. a. this / these b. that / those
2. We use … to talk about things far from the speaker. a. this / these b. that / those
3.We use … for singular. a. this / that b. these / those
4. We use … for plural. a. this / that b. these / those

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Approved by Buyankhishig.Yo
Бүлэг сэдэв: Welcome-7-U-1-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:Revision
..................................... 3
Lesson plan for 7th grade
Length of the lesson: 40 min
Aim: Revise the knowledge and skills
Using Present simple tense 1.Asking questions 2.Short answer
Энгийн одоо цагийг байнга давтагддаг 1.Do European people greet each other just 1.Yes, they do.
болон дадал зуршил болсон үйлийг
shake hands? 2.…………….
илэрхийлэхэд хэрэглэнэ.
2.Do men hug and kiss their friends in 3.…………….
Argentina? 4.…………….
3. Do Japanese people bow to each other? 5.……………
4. Do Indian people greet each other say “ 6.……………..
sain bain uu?’ 7.………………
5. Do Chinese people usually nod their 8.……………..
heads and smile? 9.……………..
6. Do Mongolian people put palms together
as they pray and bend or nod?
7. Does a Brazilian man and a tap on each
other’s back
8. Does an American man greet just say
Speaking Writing Reading Writing
3.Say countries 4.Write 5.Match ways of greeting the left column. 6.Translate into
nationalities own language.
1. Argentina Argentinean 1. people just shake hands and say a. common
2. China ………. “Hello” ердийн
3. France ………………. 2. people greet friends by kissing on b. well-known
4. Japan ……………….. both cheeks ……………
5. Brazil ……………….. 3. people hug and kiss and hold hands c. all the time.
6. India ……………… all the time. ………….
7. America …………….. 4. men hug and kiss. d. their friends
8. Spain ………………. 5. people greet each other, they use …………..
9. Mongolia ………………. lots of kisses and hugs e. especially
……………. 6. people give a light hug and a tap on women……..
each other’s back f. men………
7. people bow to each other g. bow……..
8. people put palms together as they h. pray and bend
pray and bend or nod …………….
9. people may hug i. only close
10. people just say “hello” friends………
11. people usually nod their heads and j. first time
smile, or shake hands in a formal ……………..
UF skills
7.Choose the correct form. 8.Put the verbs into the correct form. 9.Simple present with 'have'
and 'be'
1. We sometimes 1.I (to like) ………..lemonade very 1. We (to have) ……..a nice
(read/reads) books. much. garden.
2. Undraa (go/goes)to the 2.The girls always (to listen) ……… 2. She (to be) …….six
disco. pop music. years old.
3. It often (rain/rains) on 3.Jargal never (to wear) ……….jeans. 3. Suren (to have)……..two
Sundays. 4.Mr Tumur (to teach) ………Spanish rabbits.
4. Bat and his and Chinese. 4.I (to be) ………..from
sister (wash/washes) the 5. You (to do) ………..your homework Hovd.
family car. after school. 5.They (to be) ….Saraa's
5. I always (hurry/hurries)to parents.
the bus stop.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Welcome- 7-U-1-4
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг

Ерөнхий ойлголт Гэр бүлийн тухай

Question words: 1.Matching the words 2.Translate
these words
Question words: 1. the husband of your aunt a. cousin a.үеэл
Who, What, Where, 2. the person's father or mother b. brothers ...................
When, Which, Why, 3. your brother's wife c. grandmother. ...................
How, How many, How 4. the son of your sister d. mother ...................
much, 5. the person's female child e. father ...................
6. the father of your father f. grandparents .....................
Асуух үг: Хэн, Юу, 7. the child of your uncle g. uncle .......................
Хаана, Хэзээ, Аль 8. two sons of mother and father h. parent ...................
ямар, Яагаад, Хэрхэн 9. The mother of your mother i. sister-in-law ....................
яаж, Хэдэн, Хичнээн 10. The mother of my sister j. nephew ....................
11. The father of my sister k. daughter .......................
12. The grandmother and l. grandfather
3.Asking questions someone 4.Answer these questions.
1. What is your name? How old are you? 1.
2. How many members are there in your family? 2.
3. What do your parents do? 3.
4. How many cousins do you have? 4.
5. Do you have any uncles or aunts? 5.
6. What do you do in your free time? 6.
7. What do your parents do in their free time? 7.
8. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how old are they? 8.
9. Do you live with any of your grandparents? 9.
10. What things do you and your family do together? 10.
5.Read this text and fill in following information.
This is my friend Tuvshin. He is a student and 13 years old. He likes to play basketball. This is his family.
They are his parents, Delger and Saruul. His father is a policeman and his mother is a teacher at school.
This is his sister, Alimaa. He has got one sister. She is 14 years old. She likes singing and dancing. He
has two grandfathers and two grandmothers. These are his grandparents on his father’s side, and their
names are Purev and Mandukhai. They are his aunt Mart and his cousin Bat. Aunt Mart is his dad’s
sister. She is a doctor. But those are his mother’s parents. Their names are Galaa and Lkhagva. They
all don’t work. They are retired. They like watching movie all the time. That is his uncle, Chuluun. He is
his mother’s brother. He is a pilot and lives in Ulaanbaatar. He is married and has two children. Tuvshin
loves his family a lot.
6.Найзынхаа гэр бүлийн тухай мэдээлэл уншаад, мэдээлэлийг бөглөөд, дээрх асуултын дагуу
өөрийнхөө гэр бүлийн талаар загварын дагуу бич.
Information about family names their ages their jobs their hobbies
1.His family Tuvshin 13 years old a student play basketball
2.His parents
3. His grandparents
4. His sister
5. His relatives
7.Write your family Name their ages their jobs their hobbies
1.Your family
2.Your parents
3. Your grandparents
4. Your sisters/brothers
5. Your relatives
8. Write your family in This is my family……………………………
the notebook.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Welcome-7-U-1-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
Unit 1 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.
1. Age 19.Especially 37.Kissing on the 55.Sell
2. Answers 20.Explanation 38.Light hug 56.Shaking hands
3. Aunt 21.Family members 39.Located- 57.Situation
4. Bark 22.Family tree 40.Male- 58.Soccer
5. Belongs 23.Female- 41.Married 59.Son
6. Bend 24.Flat 42.Meal 60.Tap on each
other’s back
7. Both 25.Following 43.Nationality 61.Tick
8. Bowing 26.Formal 44.Nephew 62.Ticket
9. Brave 27.Free time 45.Niece 63.Together
10.Capital city 28.Get along really 46.Nod- 64.Uncle
11.Common 29.Grandparents- 47.Palm- 65.Visit
12.Cousin 30.Great 48.Personal 66.Waving
13.Danger 31.Great wall 49.Plural 67.Way
14.Daughter 32.Greeting word 50.Pray- 68.Well-known
15.Delicious 33.Guitar 51.Pronouns 69.Wheel
16. Pronoun 34.Horror 52.Repeat 70.Wife
17.Describe 35.Hugging 53.Retired 71.Wonderful
18.Difficult 36.Job- 54.Rewrite 72.Wrestling
7th grade quiz for unit 1
A version B version
1.Match the greeting types to translations. /4 points/
1.bowing a. үнсэх 1. waving a. гар барих
2.hugging b. бөхийх 2. hugging b. бөхийх
3.kissing c. гар барих 3. bowing c. даллах
4.shaking hands d. тэврэх 4. shaking hands d. тэврэх
2.Fill the sentences with family members and relatives. /5 points/
nephew,aunt, grandpa, mother, daughter niece, grandma, cousin, father, uncle
1. My mother’s sister is my …………….. 1. My mother’s brother is my ……………..
2. My father’s wife is my …………….. 2. My father’s mother is my ……………..
3. My female child is my …………….. 3. My mother’s husband is my ……………..
4. My brother’s son is my …………….. 4. My sister’s daughter is my ……………..
5. My father’s father is my…………….. 5. My aunt’s son is my……………..
3.Choose the correct answer /4 points/
1. Those books …. mine. 1. This book …. mine.
a. am b. is c. are b. is c. are
2. ….. is your favorite cake. 2.….. are your favorite fruits over there.
a. these b. that c. those a. these b. that c. those
3. These geese … white. 3. That goose … white.
a. aren’t b. isn’t c. is a. aren’t b. are c. isn’t
4. Are ….. your hats over there? 4. Are ….. your hats?
a. those b. these c. that a.those b. this c. that
4.Fill in the sentences with who, what, how much, how many, when or where. /3 points/
1. ………are you doing? – My homework. 1.……is your teacher? – Mr Davaa.
2. ………cousin do you have? – Twelve. 2.…….does this book cost? – 12.000 tugriks.
3. ………are you from? – Mongolia. 3.…… is your birthday? – on 1st of September.
5.Write in correct form. /4 points/
1. We ………… (go) to UB by bus every year 1.He ……… (not go) to countryside by bus.
2. She ………… (play) tennis very well. 2.They …… (play) guitar very well.
3. Bolor ………. .(have) many friends. 3.Bolor and Zaya …… (have) many friends.
4. Misheel ……… (not draw) pictures well. 4.Undrakh ……… (draw) pictures well.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
Сурагчийн овог нэр: I ..... цаг

1.Vocabulary section
1.Match the items on the right 2.Choose a right word. 3.Answer the questions. 4.See and say
to the items on the left.
1 a. thirsty- a. angry Is he sad?
цангах b. sad No, He is not angry.
c. happy He is angry. tired
2 b. happy a. happy Are they angry?
b. angry
c. scared
3 c. hungry a. angry Is he bored?
b. hungry
c. bored
4 d. bored a. tired Is it tired?
b. thirsty
c. hungry
5 e. shy a. thirsty Is he shy?
b. hungry
c. shy
6 f. sick a. relaxed Is she relaxed?
b. cold
c. scared
7 g. sad a. afraid Is it happy?
b. tired
c. happy
8 h. scared a. bored Is he angry?
b. happy
c. angry
9 i. hot a. hot It the dog sick?
b. hungry
c. sick
10 j. angry a. hot Is she hot?
b. cold
c. scared
2 Using grammar section.
5 Put question forms of Positive forms the present Put negative forms of present
present tense. tense. Translate to Mongolian tense.
1.Do I drink milk? 1. I drink milk.- Би сүү уудаг. 1.I don’t drink milk.
2................................ 2. You swim- 2…………………..
3................................ 3.She play chess. 3…………………
4................................. 4.He play football. 4……………….
5................................. 5.It run. 5……………….
6................................. 6.We do karate. 6………………..
7................................. 7.You dance. 7………………….
8.................................. 8. They do aerobics. 8……………………..
6 Put question forms of simple Positive forms the simple Put negative forms of simple
future tense. future tense. Translate to future tense.
1.Will I eat fish? 1. I will eat fish.- Би загас идэх 1.I will not eat fish.(won’t)
2……………………… болно. 2……………………….
3……………………… 2. You will open the window. 3………………………..
4……………………… ..................................... 4…………………………
5……………………… 3. She will see the doctor. 5…………………………
6……………………… ....................................... 6………………………..
7……………………… 4. He will go to London. 7………………………..
8………………………. ..................................... 8………………………..
5. It will run.....................
6. We will help you..............
7. You will meet today.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 2

About present perfect -Одоо төгссөн цаг

Хэрэглээ: Одоо төгссөн цагийг амьдралд тохиолдсон үйл явдлууд болон тухайн үйл яг
одоо болоод өнгөрснийг илэрхийлэхэд хэрэглэнэ.
“have” туслах үйл үг болон үйл үгийн өнгөрсөн цагийн үйлт нэрийн тусламжтайгаар үүсдэг.
Жишээ нь: “You have been to New York.”- Би Нью Уоркд байсан.
Асуух хэлбэрт “have” нь өгүүлэгдэхүүний өмнө ордог. “Have you been to New York?”
Үгүйсгэх хэлбэр нь туслах үйл үгийн дараа not сул үг ордог. “You haven’t been to New York.”
Одоо амьдрал дээр болж буй, болоод өнгөрсөн, гэхдээ тодорхойгүй цаг хугацаанд болсныг
илтгэхэд “ever” үгийг асуултад хэрэглэнэ. Үгүйсгэсэн хэлбэрт “never”-г хэрэглэнэ.
1.Question form 2.Positive form 3.Negative form
1. Have you ever ridden a horse? 1. I have ridden a horse. 1. I have never ridden a
2. Have you ever given expensive 2.………………………. horse.
gift? 3.I ……………………….. 2. ………………
3. Have you ever been to Australia? 4. I ……………………….. 3. ………………
4. Have you ever met Angila Jolie? 5. I ……………………….. 4. ………………
5. Have you ever given expensive 6. I ………………………... 5. ………………
gift? 7. I …………………… 6. ………………
6. Have you ever seen a tiger? 7. ………………..
7. Have you ever met a famous
4.Put question form 5.Put positive form 6.Put negative form
1. ….I … . (paint) the kitchen door? 1.I have painted the 1.I never have painted the
2. ….you….(use) chopstick? kitchen door. kitchen door.
3. ….she…. (celebrate) her birthday 2…………………………. 2………………….
4. …..he….. (lose) his mobile phone? 3…………………………. 3…………………
5. ……… (eat) fish 4……………………………. 4………………….
6. …..we…. (ride) on an elephant? 5………………………… 5………………….
7. ……..(visit) Eiffel Tower? 6……………………….. 6………………….
8. …..they…. (drink) airag? 7……………………….. 7…………………..
8………………………… 8…………………..
Үйл үгийг дүрмийн /regular ба regular+ed гэсэн залгавар go went gone
дүрмийн бус /irregular гэж хоёр авч өнгөрсөн цаг нь see saw seen
ангилдаг. Дүрмийн үйл үгийн хувьд - үүсдэг have had had
ed авч өнгөрсөн цаг үүсдэг бол work+ -ed= worked do did done
дүрмийн бус үйл үгийн хувьд тухайн like+ -ed=liked
үйл үг хувирч өнгөрсөн цаг үүсдэг talk+ -ed=talked
тул цээжлэх шаардлагатай. celebrate+ -ed celebrated
7. Fill in the gaps with ever or never. 8. Write the past participle form and translate to
1. Have you …… eaten Chinese 1. eat- eaten- идэх 1. chat-chatted- чатлах
food? 2. visit 2. go -
2. Has your sister……had a car? 3. drink- 3. drive -
3. We have ……visited your town. 4. see- 4. snow -
4. I have ……. drunk wine. 5. read- 5. watch-
5. This is the most horrible place I 6. have – 6. visit-
have ……….seen. 7. build - 7. receive-
6. Have your friends .... read a book? 8. meet - 8. play-
7. I have ……chatted on the Internet. 9. lose - 9. listen-
8. This is the best film I have ….seen. 10. ride- 10. invite-
9.She … celebrated her birthday. 11. paint- 11. close-
10.They ……eaten sushi. 12. buy 12. talk-

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 3

Imperatives Хэрэглээ: Захирах хүсэх төлөвийг аливаа зүйлийг хийх буюу үл

Захирах хүсэх төлөв хийхийг хүсэх, санал болгох,тушаах, зөвлөх, зааварлахад хэрэглэнэ.
verb+object or Харин ямар нэгэн зүйлийг хийхийг санал болгоход ‘shall’ –ийг
do + a main verb хэрэглэнэ
1.Put the question forms. 2. Translate to Mongolian 3.Match the suggestions
1. Are you sad now? 1. I’m sad now. -……………… a. Have a sandwich.
2. …………………….. 2. You are sleepy now-………… b. Have a nap.
3. ………………… 3. She is cold now. - ……………. c. Have some water.
4. …………………… 4. He is hot now. - ……………… d. Open the window.
5. ……………………. 5. It is hungry now. - ………… e. See the doctor.
6. …………………….. 6. We are thirsty now. - ………… f. Put on your sweater.
7. ……………………. 7. You are tired now- ……………… g. Be happy
8. …………………… 8. They are sick now- …………… h. Have a relax
4.Negative Imperatives Translate these. Translate words.
1. Don't go there today. 1. Өнөөдөр тийшээ бүү яв. 1. scared -
2. Don't do it. 2. happy -
3. Don't be afraid. 3. sleepy -
4. Don't be late. 4. thirsty -
5. Don't get upset. 5. great -
6. Don't have him wait for 6. ill -
you. 7. surprised -
7. Don't do that again! 8. nervous -
8. Don't forget about it. 9. angry -
5.Match the sentences to the intentions.
1. I’m feeling thirsty. a. Thanks, I’ll have some tea.
2. It is not a good idea to take the train. b. I’ll go to bed.
3. How are you going to get to Hovd? c. We’ll be in the swimming pool.
4. Would you like a drink? d. He’ll find another job.
5. My sister is not happy with his job. e. I think I’ll drink some water.
6. Where are you going after class? f. I don’t think so, but I’ll think about it.
7. I’m too tired. g. I’ll take a car.
8. If we offer you more money, will you stay? h. We’ll fly.
2. Why don’t we visit Selenge this summer a) That’s a good idea.
holiday? ___ b) Yes, or we could go somewhere cheaper.
2. You shouldn’t work such long hours. ___ c) Yes, we could, but I am tired
3. Don’t think about her. ___ d) That’s sensible advice, but I can’t forget her.
4. We could get her a new pen. ___ e) I know, but I am busy.
5. Shall we go out tonight? ___ f) Do you think so? I think I might miss my
6. Why don’t you ask him to meet you tonight? chance if I leave it much longer.
7. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? ___ g) Hmm. I am too shy.
8. Why don’t you study English? ___ h) Yes, good idea. I need some fresh air.
i) Yes, you’re right. It would do me good.
3. Read the situations and write appropriate offers/using Shall/
We haven’t got any food. - Shall I go and buy some.
1. We haven’t got any bread. ………
2. It’s hot in the room. ……….
3. I have no book. ………….
4. The room is very dirty. ………
5. It’s hot here. …………
6. I’m really hungry. ………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-4
Сурагчийн овог нэр: .....................................
4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг

Culture of gift giving

1.Match and complete the sentences
1. The tradition of giving gifts is common….. a. when the giver is there
2.The Potlatch gifts are typically practical goods, b. to be careful when choosing gifts.
traditional objects…….. c. such as woolen blankets, jewellery, and
3.That’s why it is important to….. food.
4.It’s not polite to open a gift immediately or…… d. in all cultures throughout history.
5.In this way, there’s no chance of embarrassing e. the receiver if it is not an appropriate gift.
the giver or……….
2.Out odd word 3.Translate that word
1. gifts birthdays, anniversaries, religious festivals. 1.
2. guests woolen blankets, jewellery, food. 2.
3. clocks, knives, scissors death’. 3.
4. gifts, handkerchiefs, chocolates Middle East 4.
5. embarrassing, accepting, receiving, cultures
4.Choose True or False
1. Gift giving is important to friend’s relationship T/F
2. Middle East called ‘potlatch’ .T/F
3. In the UK, handkerchiefs and chocolates are unpopular gifts. T/F
4. Opening a gift immediately is polite In Asian countries T/F
5. In many Asian countries, it is polite to refuse the gift three times before accepting it .T/F
5. Answer and match the questions.
1. Why is the gift giving important? a. For family and friend’s relationship
2. What is Potlatch? b. The host gives a large number of gifts to
3. What is unsuitable gifts in China? the guests.
4. What is one of the popular gifts in the UK? c. Clocks
6. What kind of gifts in North America can you d. Handkerchiefs and chocolates
give? e. to refuse the gift three times
7. In many Asian countries, what do you often do
before accepting a gift?
6.Ask questions. Your answer
1. Do you like giving or receiving gifts? 1. I like giving gift.
2. What kind of gifts do you prefer? 2……………….
3. When do people give gifts or presents in your 3……………..
country? 4………………….
4. What kind of birthday gifts do you like? 5…………………
5. When is your birthday? 6………………
6. Do you give expensive gifts? 7…………………
7. What kinds of gifts are popular in your
7.Translate the quotes about gift. 8.Read and translate sentences.
1.Your gift is not what you do but what you are. 1. suitable gifts- тохиромжтой бэлэг
…………………………………………….. 2. refuse the gift-.....................
2. The greatest gift you can ever give another 3. large number of gifts-.................
person is your own happiness. Esther Hicks 4. appropriate gift-......................
…………………………………………. 5. popular gifts-...........................
6. birthday’s gifts-......................
3. Every gift from a friend is a wish for your 7. anniversaries gifts-................
happiness. Richard Bach 8. choosing gifts-............................
………………………………………………………… 9. giving gifts
4.“Celebrate your day of birthday as special day. 10. receiving gifts

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 5
7th grade quiz for unit 2
A version B version
I Match suggestions to problems. /4 points/
1. I’m hot a. Drink water 1. I’m sick a. Sit and rest
2. I’m tired b. Go to bed 2. I’m tired b. Take a medicine
3. I’m hungry c. Turn on fan 3. I’m hungry c. Close the window
4.I’m thirsty d. Have some food 4. I’m cold d. Have some food
II Complete the sentences. /4 points/
1. What about …………….. (go) to school? 1. Let’s …………….(listen) to music
2. Let’s …………….. (have) a sandwich. 2. How about …………… (go) to school?
3. How about …………….(listen) to music? 3.Why don’t you………… (have) a sandwich?
4. Why don’t you ……….(eat) fresh fruits? 4. What about ……….(eat) fresh fruits?
III Translate the words /4 points/
1. wallet - 1. roses -
2. a watch - 2. a photo album -
3. a soft toy - 3. a present -
4. a chess 4. a toy car -
IV Write questions in correct tense /4 points/
1. Have you ever……… (ride) a camel? 1. Have you ever…………… (build) a
2. Have you ever……… (drive) a car? house?
3.Have you ever…… (meet) a famous 2. Have you ever…………… (travel)
person? abroad?
4.Have you ever……… (lose) your bag? 3. Have you ever…………… (see) a ghost?
4. Have you ever…………… (drink) wine?
V Use “shall” correctly. /4 points/
1. When / we / go / home?....................... 1. Where / we / go / tomorrow?.................
2. What / I / do / for you?......................... 2. What / we / do / for the party?.................
3. Where / I / meet / you?......................... 3. When / I / meet / you?...........................
4. Who / I / ask / the questions?............... 4. Who / I / invite / the wedding?...................
VI Write the sentences in correct order. /5 points/
1. have, I, never, Sushi, eaten 1. has, She, never, spaghetti, eaten
2. flown, you, Have, plane, by, ever? 2. read, you, Have, novel, ever?
3. homework, has, her, She, finished, not. 3. book, have, our, We, finished, not.
4. help, will, you, I 4. open, will, window, I, the
5. open, Can, window, you, the? 5. close, Can, door, you, the?

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Nice ideas 7-U-2-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6

Unit 2 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.
1. A box of 36.Drop 71.Join 106. Refuse
2. A photo album 37.Embarrassing 72.Kite 107. Rejections
3. A ball for football 38.Envelope 73.Knives 108. Relationship
4. A book 39.Exchange 74.Label 109. Religious
5. A soft toy 40.Explanation 75.Language course 110. Rent-
6. A wallet 41.Expression 76.Late 111. Reply
7. A watch 42.Fan 77.Lunch 112. Report
8. Accept 43.Festival 78.Main 113. Riddles
9. Agreement 44.Fly a kite 79.Map 114. Roses
10.Anniversaries 45.Front row 80.Matchstick 115. See the
11.Appropriate 46.General 81.Matter 116. Serve
12.Arrange 47.Guest 82.Meaning 117. Sharp
13.Ask 48.Hand 83.Mean 118. Shell-
14.Attract 49.Handkerchief 84.Medicine 119. Sick
15.Basic 50.Have a nap 85.Monastery 120. Sit
16.Bubble 51.Have a 86.Move 121. Solve-
17.Celebrate 52.History 87.Offer 122. Spell-
18.Ceremony 53.Host 88.Open the window 123. Stitch a
19.Chance 54.Hot 89.Opinion 124. Suggestion-
20.Chess 55.Hungry 90.Opinion 125. Suitable-
21.Choose 56.Idea 91.Outside 126. Summarize-
22.Chopstick 57.Ideal 92.Perfect 127. Support-
23.Cinema 58.Identical 93.Pick 128. Swim-
24.Classic 59.Immediately 94.Picnic 129. Team
25.Classmate 60.Imperatives 95.Plan 130. Thirsty-
26.Cold 61.Important 96.Plenty 131. Tired-
27.Communicate 62.Incorrect 97.Polite 132. Title
28.Crab 63.Incredulously 98.Popular 133. Tradition
29.Culture of gift 64.Information 99.Possible 134. Train
30.Decide 65.Intention 100. Practical 135. Triangle
31.Diary 66.Interact 101. Put on your 136. Trip
32.Dictionary 67.Interesting 102. Raw 137. Typically
33.Discuss 68.Interview 103. Receive 138. Understand
34.Do aerobics 69.Invite 104. Receiver 139. Valid
35.Do karate 70.Jewellery 105. Recognize 140. Warned

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Enjoying yourself 7-U-3-1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... I
1.Vocabulary section
1.Match the items on the right 2.Choose a right word. 3.Answer the questions.
to the items on the left.
1 a. riding a. fishing Do they like fishing?
bake-4 b. running No, they don’t like fishing.
c. swimming They like swimming.
2 b. walking a. skiing Do they like dancing?
b. running No,………………..
They don’t like dancing
c. dancing Yes,………………
They like running
3 c. reading a. cycling Does he like riding?
b. riding No,………………..
he doesn’t like riding
c. reading Yes,………………
he likes reading
4 d. playing a. singing Do they like singing?
football b. dancing No,………………..
c. surfing Yes,………………
They like dancing
5 e. listening a. playing the violin Does she like surfing the web?
to music b. listening to music No,………………..
c. surfing the web Yes,………………
6 f. surfing a. dancing Does she like dancing?
the web b. singing No,………………..
c. playing the guitar Yes,………………
7 g. playing a. playing rugby Does he like playing the piano?
the guitar b. playing the piano No,………………..
c. playing the guitar Yes,………………
8 h. skiing a. walking Do they like driving a car?
b. cycling No,………………..
c. driving a car Yes,………………
9 i. singing a. reading Does she like skating?
b. painting No,………………..
c. skating Yes,………………
10 j. dancing a. swimming Does she like swimming?
b. skiing No,………………..
c. running Yes,………………
4 Divide the free time activities by indoor, outdoor and sport activities.
climbing, windsurfing, playing table tennis,collecting stamps, cycling, playing basketball,
going to the cinema, watching TV, playing darts ,bowling, shopping, camping, swimming,
playing computer games, cycling, fishing, playing the piano, reading books, listening to
music, surfing the net, taking photographs, painting, gardening, collecting things, playing
the violin
a.In door activities b. Outdoor activities c.Sport activities
watching TV,………… climbing, ……….. playing basketball,………….
………………. ………….. …………..
……………… ……………. ……………….

5 Answer the questions. 6.Put positive forms. 7.Put negative forms.

1. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, I have ridden a horse. No, I haven’t ridden a horse.
2. have you ever beet to a zoo? 2. Yes, i have been to a zoo 2. No, i haven’t been to a zoo
3. Have you ever milked a cow? 3. Yes, i have milked a cow 3. No, i haven’t milked a cow
4. Have you ever swum in lake? 4. 4.
5. Do you like windsurfing? 5. 5.
6. Do you like rock climbing? 6. 6.
7. Do you like sky diving? 7. 7.
8. Do you like playing chess? 8. 8.
9. Does your mother like climbing? 9. 9.
10. Does your father like climbing? 10. 10.
11. Does your sister like climbing? 11. 11.
12. Does your brother like climbing? 12. 12.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Enjoying yourself 7-U-3-2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
Сурагчийн овог нэр: 2 ..... цаг
Present continuous for the Одоо үргэлжлэн байгаа цагаар ирээдүй цагийг илэрхийлэх
Хэрэглээ: Present continuous – Цагийг ойрын ирээдүйд хийхээр төлөвлөсөн үйлийн талаар
өгүүлэхэд хэрэглэнэ. S + am/is/are + Verb + ing + O
(Үйлийн эзэн + am/is/are + үйл үг + ing + тусагдахуун) гэсэн бүтэцтэй байна.
I’ve got my ticket. I’m leaving on Thursday- Би тасалбар авчихсан. Пүрэв гарагт би явна.
1.Question form 2.Put the positive form 3.Put the negative form
1.Am I going to Hovd with my mother 1.Yes, I am going to 1.No, I am not going to
tomorrow? Hovd with my mother Hovd with my mother
2. Are you playing tennis this afternoon. tomorrow. tomorrow.
3.Is she having a barbecue on Sunday. 2…………………………. 2…………………….
4. Is he coming to my party next week. 3…………………………. 3…………………….
5. Is it running tomorrow? 4…………………………. 4……………………
6.Are we going to the cinema this 5…………………………. 5…………………….
weekend? 6…………………………. 6…………………….
7. Are you going to the zoo tomorrow? 7…………………………. 7…………………….
8. Are they going to our party on Friday? 8…………………………. 8……………………..
5. Answer the questions
Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1. What are they going to play on Monday? 1……………………………

2. What are they going to play on Tuesday? 2…………………………….
3. What are they going to play on Wednesday? 3…………………………….
4. What is he going to play on Thursday? 4…………………………….
5. What are they going to play on Friday? 5……………………………..
6. What are they going to play on Saturday? 6……………………………..
7. What are they going to play on Sunday? 7………………………………
6. Read the text and answer. What do the most of Tsetsgee’s friends like doing?
Tsetsgee and her friends planned to spend the weekend together. They have talked about things
they enjoy doing, but couldn’t decide what to do. Tsetsgee likes dancing, but she hates football.
Most of her friends like watching films, but her friend Ailmaa doesn’t like it. She likes playing table
tennis very much. Tsetsgee’s friend Mandakh likes watching football the best, and he also likes
playing darts and bowling. Her friend Togtokh likes playing table tennis, but he is happy to do
something else instead.
7. Write like and dislike from text.
Tsetsgee Ailmaa Mandakh Togtokh
like don’t like like don’t like like don’t like like don’t
dancing football …… ………. …………. …….. …….. ……….

1. What does Tsetsgee like? 1. What does Tsetsgee hate?
.......................... ..........................
2. What does Alimaa like? 2. What does Alimaa hate?
............................. .............................
3. What does Mandakh like? 3. What does Mandakh hate
........................... ...........................
4. What does Togtokh like? 4. What does Togtokh hate ?
............................ ............................

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв Enjoying yourself 7-U-3-3 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
Сурагчийн овог нэр: 3 ..... цаг

Read the text My friend’s week days

My friend’s name is Bat. He is very busy on week days. He has football practice twice a week -
every Monday and Thursday afternoons. He is good at playing football. Each practice takes two
hours and then he has to go home and do his homework. Every Friday he has a math test. So, he
has to study hard for the exam after his football practice on Thursday. He is quite good at math
but he still needs to study hard. On Saturday morning, he goes fishing with his father. He likes
fishing. He sometimes catches big fish and his mother cooks delicious meals with the fish. On
Saturday evenings, he likes to watch football games on TV. He is a red fan of football. His father
also likes to watch the games. His mother sometimes watches with them. But she doesn’t like
football much. On Sunday mornings he enjoys going for a walk around the park with his dog. They
like running quickly together. His sister goes swimming on Sunday afternoons. She swims very
1.Ask the questions from text. 2. Answer the questions from text.
1. What is your friends’ name? 1…………………….
2. What does he practice twice a week? 2…………………….
3. What is he good at? 3…………………….
4. When has he a math test? 4……………………
5. Is he quite good at math? 5…………………….
6. Does he like fishing? 6…………………….
7. Does he watch football games on TV? 7…………………….
8. Is he a red fan of football 8……………………..
9. What does his mother sometimes do? 9…………………….
10. What does his sister do on Sunday? 10……………………..
3. Write “What are they do on weekdays?”
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

4. Read the text and choose True or False

1. He has football practice twice a week - every Monday. 1. True or False
2. Bat hasn’t football practice twice a week on Thursday. 2. True or False
3. On Saturday he has a math test. 3. True or False
4. He goes fishing with his father on Friday morning. 4. True or False
5. On Sunday mornings he enjoys going for a walk. 5. True or False
6. His sister goes swimming on Sunday. 6. True or False
7. His mother sometimes watches football games on TV 7. True or False
8. His sister swims very well. 8. True or False
5. Answer your own information.
1. What do you do every Monday? 1.
2. What do you do every Tuesday? 2.
3. What do you do every Wednesday? 3.
4. What do you do every Thursday? 4.
5. What do you do every Friday? 5.
6. What do you do every Saturday? 6.
7. What do you do every Sunday? 7.
8. What do you do every Sunday? 8.
9. What are you doing this week? 9.
10. What are you doing next weekend? 10.
11. What is your hobby? 11.
12. What do you like in your free time? 12.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Enjoying yourself 7-U-3-4 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
Сурагчийн овог нэр: 4 ..... цаг

Quiz 7-U-3-4
A version B version
I Write activities into two columns / 4 points/
reading magazine, fishing, playing hockey, playing tennis, surfing the internet, fishing,
climbing, cycling, shopping, playing PC game, playing volleyball, climbing rock, painting, going
running to cinema, gardening
Indoor activities outdoor activities Indoor activities outdoor activities
……………… ……………………… …………………… ……………………
……………….. ……………………….. ……………………. …………………...
II Fill the sentences with appropriate adjectives. /4 points/
1. Playing computer is ……………….. 1. Rock climbing is ………………..
2. Skydiving is ………………………… 2. Windsurfing is ……………………………
3. Roller coaster is …………………… 3. Skydiving is ……………………
4. Reading comic is ……………………. 4. Tennis is …………………….
III Put the words in correct form. /4 points/
1.I ……………go) fishing tomorrow. 1.I and my friends ……(go)skydiving tomorrow.
2.He ………… (not/read) essays next 2.Teacher …(not/read) our essays next
Sunday. Monday.
3.All my friends ……(meet) this weekend. 3.All my classmates …… (meet) this weekend.
4.……… you ……(do) shopping tonight? 4.……… she …… (do) shopping tonight?
Translate these sentences to Mongolian.
1. I see the beautiful nature with my eyes. 1.
2. I smell the fresh air with my nose. 2.
3. I touch the grass with my hands. 3.
4. I hear the bird’s song with my ears. 4.
5. I taste the picnic food with my hands. 5.
Answer these questions
1.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you hear?
2.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you see?
3.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you smell?
4.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you touch?
5.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you taste?
6.Is it easier or harder to live without all five of senses?

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Enjoying yourself 7-U-3-5 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
Сурагчийн овог нэр: 5 ..... цаг

Unit 3 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.

1. Accommodate 19.Equipment 38.Outdoor activity 37.Ocean

2. Artificial 20.Erected 39.Out of home 55.Skiing

3. Artistic 21.Field 40.Painting 56.Sky diving
4. Barbecue 22.Firework 41.Parade 57.Spend
5. Believe 23.Fishing 42.Playing the 58.Stamp
6. Beloved wife 24.Gardening 43.Precious 59.Stone
7. Bubble 25.Glory 44.Prefer 60.Strange
8. Camp 26.Grow 45.Prompts 61.Surfing the net

9. Catch 27.Hiking 46.Province 62.Swimming

10.Circle 28.Instead of 47.Reading books 63.Taking
11.Close 29.Instrument 48.Risky- 64.Turquoise
12.Collecting things 30.Jade 49.Rock climbing 65.Watching films

13.Comprise 31.List 50.Roller coaster 66.Watching TV

14.Construction 32.Listening to 51.Scary 67.Wave
15.Court 33.Marble 52.Shopping 68.Web
16.Cycling 34.Memory 53.Sightseeing 69.Word web
17.Dangerous 35.Monument 54.Size 70.Windsurfing
18.Decide 36.Occasion 38.Outdoor activity 71.Wooded area

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв Taste, sounds and smells 1 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-4-1 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
The five senses. Work sheet 7-U-4-1
1. Complete sentences 2.See the picture and choose 5.Complete sentences.
from the pictures. correct.
1.We……… a 1. What’s this a. Hearing “When we see with our
with our fingers. sense called? b. Vision eyes, we are using the
c. Touch sense of ………
2.We………. b 2. What’s this a. Smell When we hear with our
with our eyes. sense called? b. Touch ears, we are using the
c. Hearing sense of …………
3.We ……..with C 3. What’s this a. Hearing When we smell with our
our ears. sense called? b. Smell nose, we are using the
c. Taste sense of …………
4.We………with D 4. What’s this a. Taste When we taste with our
our nose. sense called? b. Touch mouth, we are using the
c. Smell sense of ………..
5.We …….with e 5. What’s this a. Hearing When we feel with our
our tongue sense called? b. Sight hands, we are using the
c. Touch sense of …………..

4. Name five things you can.

Touch/feel Smell See Hear Taste
………………… ……………… ………………. …..……….. …………..
…………………. ……………… ………………. …………… …………..
……………….. ……………… ………………. ……………. ………….

5. Complete the sentences. are feels looks smells sounds tastes

1. These flowers ____________beautiful.
2. The bread in the oven _____________wonderful!
3. The wedding cake ____________beautiful. Let’s take a picture of it.
4. Listen to Ann play the piano! She __________good.
5. Your forehead ___________warm. Maybe you are sick. Go lie down and rest.
6. Yum! This soup __________good. Do you want to try some?
6. Choose the correct one.
1. My coffee ___ a little strange. a. tastes b. taste
2. Do you ___ happy when it snows? a. feels b. feel
3. Dark chocolate often ___ bitter. a. sounds b. feels c. tastes
4. These flowers smell ___. b. wonderfully. b. wonderful
5. The laundry ___ dry now. Let's bring it in. b. looks b. tastes

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв Taste, sounds and smells 2 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-4-2 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
Sights and sounds Work sheet 7-U-4-2
1.Choose the correct words.
1.Flowers in Mr.Buyan's 2. The pan flute ______ 3. Dorj ______ sick. 4. This coffee ______ bad.
garden ______ nice. wonderful. He will stay in bed. I won't drink it.
a) smell a) tastes a) sounds a) tastes
b) sound b) smells b) feels b) looks
c) feel c) sounds c) tastes c) sounds
5. This melody ______ 6. Zulaa ______ really 7.How does that 8.Luvsan ______ tired as
very nice. lovely in that pink dress shampoo ______, he has studied for long
a) sounds a) tastes Khandaa? a) sounds
b) looks b) sounds a) smell b) feels
c) smells c) looks b) taste c) smells
c) look
9.Khulan drumstick 10.Davaa 's shoes 11.Javzan ______ 12.Her kitten ______ very
______ fantastic. ______ horrible. nervous before his cute.
a) feels a) smell speech. a) tastes
b) sounds b) taste a) tastes b) smells
c) tastes c) sound b) feels c) looks
c) smells
13.This fish is rotten. 14.The monster ______ 15.The alarm clock 16.The soup of the day
It ______ terrible. really frightening. ______ annoying. ______ disgusting.
a) smells a) smells a) tastes a) tastes
b) feels b) tastes b) sounds b) feels
c) sounds c) looks c) looks c) sounds
2.Translate these sentences to Mongolian.
1. I see the beautiful nature with my eyes. 1.
2. I smell the fresh air with my nose. 2.
3. I touch the grass with my hands. 3.
4. I hear the bird’s song with my ears. 4.
1. I taste the picnic food with my hands. 5.
3.Answer these questions
1.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you hear?
2.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you see?
3.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you smell?
4.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you touch?
5.When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you taste?
6.Is it easier or harder to live without all five of senses?

4. Complete the sentences from the following words.

1. I
2.I ........ a bird!
3. I ............. gas! It ........... bad.
4. This food .......... good
5.This material.......... soft.
6.It .........good.
7.You ......... well
8.He .............. to be asleep.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв:Taste, sounds and smells Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-4-3 3 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives Тэмдэг нэрийн харьцуулсан ба давуу зэрэг
Хэрэглээ: Эд зүйлс, хүмүүсийг харьцуулахдаа ганц үет тэмдэг нэр нь харьцуулах зэрэгт -er,
давуу зэрэгт –est дагавар тус тус авна. Хоёр ба түүнээс дээш үетэй дүрмийн тэмдэг нэр нь
харьцуулах зэрэгт more, давуу зэрэгт most дагавар авна.
This flower smells sweet than that flower- Энэ цэцэг нөгөө цэцэгнээс илүү сайхан үнэртэж
Short words (1 syllable)  - er Long words (2, 3, 4 syllables)  more…
old -older slow -slower dangerous-more dangerous
warm - warmer tall - taller expensive- more expensive
big - bigger, hot -hotter Irregular comparative forms:
heavy - heavier, happy -happier good -better, far -further bad - worse, little - less
1.Write the comparative 2.Write the opposite. 3. Write the superlative form, then
form: translate to Mongolian.
1. new -newer 1. soft -hard 1. cold- coldest
2. long - 2. long _____ 2. clean
3. nice - 3. serious _____ 3. slow
4. big - 4. loud _____ 4. large
5. good - 5. salty _____ 5. pretty
6. fat - 6. sour _____ 6. happy
7. modern - 7. difficult _____ 7. hot
8. friendly - 8. sweet____ 8. big
9. famous - 9. beautiful_____ 9. thin
10. heavy- 10. delicious _____ 10. expensive
4.Complete the sentences from left cold/comfortable/hard/old/sweet /talented
1. This is _________________ tea. There’s a lot of sugar in it.
2. Is that Mario singing? He’s a very _________________ singer!
3. It’s a _________________ day. It’s snowing. Wear a warm coat and hat.
4. This is a _________________ couch. I like it. How much is it?
5. That’s an _________________ hat. I don’t wear it. Do you want it?
6. That’s a _________________ chair. Don’t sit there. Sit here.
5.Write comparative sentences using the verbs in brackets
1. My house is (big) _____________than yours.
2. This flower is (beautiful) _________________than that one.
3. A holiday by the sea is (good) ____________than a holiday in the mountains.
4. The weather this summer is even (bad) __________than last summer.
5. I think mathematics is (difficult) _____________than English.
6. The weather is (cold)____________ today than it was yesterday.
7.I think this dress is (beautiful)________ than the other.
8.I am (happy) ______________than I was this morning.
6. Read the text then True or False
Airag is the traditional national beverage of Mongolians. It looks like milk but tastes sour. It is made
of mare’s milk. Milk is filtered through a cloth, and poured into a large open leather sack
(khukhuur). Within this container, the milk gets stirred with a wooden masher (buluur). The more
strokes, airag fermentation process is quicker. It usually takes 1 or 2 days to get ready to drink it.
Fresh airag tastes a bit sweet and but then it quickly gets sour. In fall, airag is more delicious,
sourer and stronger. Airag is good for health because it’s rich in vitamins and minerals.
1. Mare’s milk tastes sour. 1. True or False
2. Fresh airag tastes a bit sweet. 2. True or False
3. Airag has a lot of vitamins and minerals. 3. True or False
4. Airag is more delicious than water. 4. True or False
5. Mare’s milk is sourer than airag. 5. True or False
6. The milk gets stirred with a wooden masher 6. True or False
7. Airag fermentation process is quicker 7. True or False
8. Airag looks like milk but tastes sour. 8. True or False

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Taste, sounds and smells Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-4-4 4 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
7th grade quiz for unit 4
A version B version
I Match the opposites. /4 points/
1. sweet a. bad 1. long a. expensive
2. nice b. bitter 2. fast b. short
3. loud c. weak 3. cold c. slow
4. strong d. quiet 4. cheap d. warm
II Fill the sentences with senses. /4 points/
see taste smell hear ears eyes nose hands
1. I …………….. things with my eyes. 1. I touch things with my ………………..
2. I …………….. things with my ears. 2. I hear things with my ………………..
3. I …………….. things with my nose. 3. I see things with my ………………..
4. I …………….. things with my tongue 4. I smell things with my ………………..
III Choose the correct answer /4 points/
1. My hair is longer/the longest than her 1. The room is cleaner/ the cleanest than before.
hair. 2. He is faster/ the fastest than Bold.
2. Silk feels softer/the softest than cotton. 3. This flower smells nicer/ the nicest than that
3. I am taller/ the tallest than my sister. flower.
4. He is richer/ the richest man in town. 4. Mount Everest is higher/ the highest mountain
in the world.
IV Odd one out. /3 points/
1.touch, taste, see, smell, sing 1. red, yellow, dress, green, white
2.eyes, ears, apple, nose, hands 2. longest, highest, smallest, chest, fastest
3.nice, slow, short, drink, bad 3. catch, taste, smell, hear, touch

V Write in correct column. /4 points/

Delicious, awful, fantastic, angry, nice, Good, dangerous, bad, smart, ugly, beautiful,
nervous, bad, good nice, nervous,

……………… ………………. ……………. ……………..

…………….. ………………. ……………. ……………..
…………….. ……………… …………… ……………..
VI Write the comparative forms of the adjectives. /3 points/
1. salty ……………. 1.beautiful …………….
2. sweet ……………. 2.sour …………….
3. delicious ……………. 3.easy …………….
VII Translate the sentences into Mongolian. / 3 points/
1. This flower smells nicer than that flower. 1. He speaks louder than her.
………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
2.A lemon tastes sourer than an orange. 2. My sister has longer hair than me.
……………………………………………… ……………………………………………
3.Silk feels softer than cotton. 3. This soup tastes nicer than that soup
…………………………………… ………………………………………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Colours and Patterns Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-5-1 I ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
1. Match the color words with pictures 2. See the pictures and answer the questions.
ex: 1. blue It is gray
1 10 1. What color is the
elephant? It is gray
striped 2. What color is the fish?
2 11 socks It is ……………………
spotted sock 3. What color is the
red tiger? It is …………
3 12 spotted 4. What color is the
purple mouse? It is ……………
striped 5. What color is the
4 13
orange snake? It is……………
black 6. What color is the
5 14 1. blue whale? It is …………….
green 7. What color is the
brown horse? It is…………..
6 15 gold 1.What color is the circle?
grey It is…………….
white 2.What color is the cross?
7 16 silver It is ………………
yellow 3.What color is the
pink crown? It is ……………..
8 17 4.What color is the
diamond? It is ……….
5.What color is the frame
9 18 of the picture? It is
6.What color is the heart?
It is …………..
5. Look at the picture and complete the text. Answer.
1 a skirt What color is
the skirt?

2 b socks What color is

the sock?
3 c dress What color is
the dress?
4 d coat What color is
the coat?
5 e jacket What color is book - got - T-shirt - skirt - white - hair - Tom - black -
the jacket? trainers - nose - wearing
6 f shirt What color is Tom and Annie are at school. …….is wearing a yellow
the shirt? …….,grey shorts and………socks. His …are red and white.
Tom has got short brown …and……big eyes. He is reading
7 g jumper What color is a……about animals. Annie is ……an orange T-shirt, a
the jumper? grey……and white and yellow socks. She is also wearing
8 i What color is … Annie has ……fair curly hair and a small……She is
cutting out a picture.
the jeans? 1. Who is wearing a grey skirt?
9 j shoes What color is 2. What colour are Annie's shoes?
the shoes? 3. Who has got brown hair?
4. Who is wearing grey shorts?
10 k T-shirt What color is 5. What is Annie doing?
the T-shirt? 6. What colour is Tom's T-shirt?

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Colours and Patterns Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-5-2 2 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
1.Read the text “What they are wearing?” 2. Answer the questions using yes/no
Yes, she is./No, she isn't.
Yes, he is./No, he isn't.

Is Alimaa wearing a green shirt?
Is Mandakh wearing blue jeans?
Is Zulaa wearing a yellow dress?
No, she isn't.

Gerlee is wearing a purple skirt and a pink blouse with 1. Is Gerlee wearing a pink blouse?
buttons. She is also wearing black shoes and a blue Yes,
scarf. No,
Herlen is wearing a white and purple T-shirt with 2. Is Herlen wearing a red jumper?
number three on it, blue trousers and white trainers. He
likes playing basketball 3. Is Enkbat wearing a blue jacket?
Zulaa is wearing a brown jacket, brown trousers and a
brown hat. She also wearing brown boots and glasses. 4. Is Zulaa wearing glasses?
She is a pilot.
Alimaa is wearing a blue shirt with a red flower on it, 5. Is Gerlee wearing a purple scarf?
an orange skirt and orange shoes. She has got long
hair and big eyes. 6. Is Henry wearing white trainers?
Mandakh is wearing a red T-shirt, jeans and light blue
trainers. On his head he is wearing a brown hat. 7. Is Mandakh wearing brown gloves?
Mandakh is eating a sausage
Enkbat is wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans and white 8. Is Alimaa wearing an orange skirt?
socks. He is also wearing red and white trainers.
Enkbat is happy today. 9. Is Enkbat wearing a red T-shirt?

3.Read the text and write a dictation. 4.Answer the questions.

Chameleons are very sensitive animals. They are What are the chameleons colours?
usually but they can change their ………………..
colours. When chameleons are angry, they become When are they become darker?
red or orange. If they are . …………………
When they are sick, they become Why do they Why do they change their colours?
change their colours? They have special cells that …………………..
have colours. A message from the brain tells them to Do they become pale?
change the colours or mix the colours …………………………
5.Match the words. 6. Odd out
1. sensitive a. өвөрмөц, онцгой 1. red orange angry
2. change b. эд эсүүд 2. colours angry
3. special c. тархи 3. chameleons dog animals cells
4. cells d. мэдрэмтгий 4. change become sick sensitive
5. brain e. өөрчлөх, солих
7.Choose True or False and if false change true
1. Chameleons are not very sensitive animals 1.True or False
2. When chameleons are angry, they become 2.True or False
3. If they are red or orange. 3.True or False
When they are sick, they don’t become 4.True or False
5. A message from the letter tells them to change the 5.True or False
colours or mix the colours 6.True or False
6. They have special cells that have colours.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Colours and Patterns Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-5-3 3 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
1. Fill in the blanks with A, AN, SOME or ANY.
STATEMENT NEGATIVE QUESTION A or AN with singular nouns.
Plural Nouns I don’t have any Do you have any cookies? a dog, a book, etc.
I have some cookies. cookies. Do you need any water? an apple, an hour, etc.
Uncountable Nouns I don’t need any
I need some water. water.
1.There aren't …..apples on the table, but there are 1. Ronaldo is ……famous football player.
…….in the fridge. 2. Jessica is ……..hardworking student.
1. Can I have ………. sandwich, please? 3. Is Dr. Phil ……smart man?
2. There aren't … children in the library right now. 4. A tiger is …….animal.
3. Is there…… boy in your class? 5. Is that…….old book?
4. I think there aren't ………… bottles of milk. 6. Is tea ……beneficial drink?
5. There are ……students in the library right now. 7. Mustang is …American brand.
6. Can I have ………milk, please? 8. This is ……eraser.
7. I'm afraid there aren't ………sweets left. 9. New York Times is ….popular news company.
8. I think there are…… new books in the library. 10. Derek is ……..fisherman.
9. I'd like ...some... ice cream. 11. It's ……honor to meet you.
10. Here are.................letters for you. 12. Angelina Jolie is …actress.
11. Are there .............students in the classroom? 13. It is …educational website.
12. There's ..............strawberry shake for you. 14. Bart Simpson is ………child.
13. You must pencils. 15. Superman is …….hero
We can use “will” to talk about the future. We also use will to make predictions, talk about
decisions, and to make promises, offers, requests and threats.
2.Fill in question form Positive form (no s ) Fill in negative form
“Will you leave later?” “I’ll leave later.” “will not” or “won’t”
What will I ……… for the party? I will wear suit for the party. I wont wear suit the party.
Where will you ………? You will go Selenge You……………
What colour will she …….? She will dress pink She………………
Who will he ……………..? He will help for you. He………………..
What will it ……………...? It will eat grass. It…………………..
What will we ……………? We will wear short. We…………….
When will you ………….? You will come after one hour. You………………
Where will they ………...? They will go London. They…………………
3. Write positive sentences in the future with b.Complete the sentences in the future with (will).
1. (I/do/this/later) __________ 1.It (rain/not) _____________
2. (we/go/shopping)________. 2.I promise I (be/not)___________ late.
3. (the/sun/shine)__________ 3.We (start/not)_____ to watch the film without you.
4. (Peter/call/you)__________ 4.The bus (wait/not)__________ for us.
5. (they/be/there)___________ 5.He (believe/not)___________
4.Write questions in the future with (will).
1. (what/learn/they)_________________________________________?
2. (it/snow) _______________________________________________?
3. (when/you/come/home)____________________________________?
4. (she/forgive/me)__________________________________________?
5. (what/say/he)____________________________________________?
5. Fill in the blanks.
1. The football match __________ after an hour. (begin)
2. I __________ you a business email tomorrow. (send)
3. Jon __________ the German Language Course next month. (join)
4. Tom __________ around the world next week. (travel)
5. I __________ you to complete the assignment. (help)
6. She __________ for Glasgow tomorrow. (leave)

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв. Colours and Patterns Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-5-4 4 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
Reading, speaking and writing Work sheet 7-U-5-4
Read the text and exercise
Artists use colours to create patterns. Colour can also show different moods. Bright colours make
us feel happy and energetic. Dark colours make us feel calm or sad. The primary colours are red,
yellow, and blue. They are the colours that can be mixed together to make different colours.
Mixing two primary colours makes a secondary colour. The secondary colours are orange, green,
and violet (purple). Orange is made by mixing yellow and red. Green is made by mixing yellow
and blue. Violet is made by mixing red and blue. Intermediate colours can be made by mixing a
primary and a secondary colour together. Some intermediate colours are blue, violet and red
orange. Black, white, and gray are special colours. They are called neutral colours. Colours have
been organised into a colour wheel. It shows the three primary colours, the three secondary
colours, and the six intermediate colours. Artists use the colour wheel. It helps them know which
colours they want to use together.
1 Match the sentences from left column.
1. Bright colours make us a. by mixing a primary and a secondary colour
2. Dark colours make us together
3. The primary colours are b. by mixing red and blue
4. Mixing two primary colours makes c. by mixing yellow and blue.
5. The secondary colours are d. by mixing yellow and red
6. Orange is made e. orange, green, and violet (purple).
7. Green is made f. a secondary colour
8. Violet is made g. red, yellow, and blue.
9. Intermediate colours can be h. feel calm or sad
i. make us feel happy and energetic.
2 Read again and answer the following questions
1. What colours make us feel calm? 1……………………………….
2. What colours make us feel happy and lots 2……………………………..
of energy? 3………………………………
3. What are the primary colours? 4………………………………
4. What are the secondary colours? 5…………………………………..
5. What is a colour wheel?
3 Circle one word in each line that doesn`t fit.
1. red, happy yellow, blue, orange, green
2. bright,dark,primary,mixing, secondary, colours
3. neutral, feel, violet,red orange, black, white
4. happy,energetic,feel colours calm,sad
5. make, made, violet, help,organize,mix
4 Choose true or false
1. Dark colours make us feel happy and energetic. a. True or False
2. Bright colours make us feel calm or sad. b. True or False
3. The primary colours are red, yellow, and blue. They are the c. True or False
colours that can be mixed together to make different colours. d. True or False
4. Mixing two primary colours makes a secondary colour. e. True or False
5. The orange, green, and violet (purple) are secondary colours. f. True or False
6. Orange is made by mixing yellow and red. Green is made by g. True or False
mixing yellow and blue. Violet is made by mixing red and blue. h. True or False
7. The blue, violet and red orange are intermediate colours
8. Black, white, and gray are neutral colours.

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв Colours and Patterns Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр
7-U-5-4 4 ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр:
quiz for unit 5 u-7-5-5
A version B version
I Unjumble the colors /4 points/
1. genoar 1. itvole
2. dinoig 2. regen
3. uelb 3. lolyew
4. ipkn 4. peplur
II Match the patterns with the words. /4 points/

1. checked 1. plain
2. striped 2. starred
3. spotted 3. dotted
4. plain 4. circle
III Fill the sentences with a, an, some, the or any /5 points/
1. There is ……girl in our team. ……girl 1.Are there ……..apples on the tree in your
is from UB. garden?
2. Have you got …paper clips? 2.We have got …… butter. ……..butter is so nice.
3. Here, have ….nuts! 3.They've got …… giraffe in the zoo.
4. There is …apple on my coffee table. 4.I'm going to the market to buy ……
IV Write the correct colors looking from the color chart. /3 points/

V Read Telmen’s plan and complete them using ‘will’ / 5 points/

1.I ……… (study) English harder than
before. 1.I ……… (work) harder than before.
2.I ……….( not use) Facebook more than 2.I ……….(not play) PC game anymore.
2 hours a day. 3.I ……….(be nicer) to my friends.
3.I ……….(be friendly) to my younger 4.I ……….(not talk) in my class.
brothers. 5.I ……….(help) my brother to tidy our room every
4.I ……….(not miss) my classes anymore. day.
5.I ……….(help) my mom to cook dinner
every night.
VI Read the text and complete the gaps with bold colors. /4 points/
Chameleons are very sensitive animals. They are usually green and brown, but they can change
their colors. When the chameleons are angry, they become red or orange. If they are cold, they
become darker. When they are sick, they become pale. Why do they change their colors? They
have special cells that have colors. A message from the brain tells them to change the colors or
mix the colors.
1.Chameleons are usually 1.Chameleons are very ………………
………………… … animals.
2.When they are angry, they are 2.They are usually brown and
……………… ………………
3.When they are cold, they are 3.When they are cold, they are
………………. ……………….

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
Бүлэг сэдэв: Colours and Patterns 7-U-5-6 Эхэлсэн: ....... он ....... сар ...... өдөр ..... цаг
Сурагчийн овог нэр: ..................................... 6
Unit 5 бүлэг сэдвийн хүрээнд үзсэн шинэ үгсийг мэддэг эсэхээ шалгаад мэддэг үгийнхээ ард
(√)тэмдэглэгээ бичиж,мэдэхгүй үгийнхээ монгол утгыг толь бичгээс олж, цээжилнэ үү.

1. Alligator 19.Dalmatian 37.Jury 55.Primary

2. Appropriate 20.Dotted 38.Koala bear 56.Promise
3. Attractive 21.Dye 39.Ladybug 57.Rainbow
4. Bee 22.Electrical 40.Leaf green 58.Red violet
5. Beetle 23.Energetic 41.Leopard 59.Satisfied
6. Blue green 24.Evergreen 42.Lovely 60.Sensitive
7. Brain 25.Fur 43.Member 61.Skin
8. Brightly 26.Heavy 44.Mittens 62.Shampoo
9. Bush 27.Heavy rain 45.Mix 63.Spot
10.Calm 28.Herbal 46.Mood 64.Star
11.Cell 29.Hibiscus 47.Natural 65.Striped
12.Chameleon 30.Home-made 48.Pale 66.Suit
13.Change 31.Indigo 49.Pattern 67.Sweet
14.Checked 32.Industry 50.Pigments 68.Take turn
15.Circle 33.Insect 51.Plain 69.Traffic
16.Cloud 34.Intention 52.Plant 70.Tropical
17.Create 35.Intermediate 53.Pleasant 71.Ultra
18.Cure 36.Junk food 54.Prepare 72.Wing

Дууссан: .....он .... сар ....өдөр .... Цаг…

Өөрийн үнэлгээ.....................................
Багшийн үнэлгээ ...................................
7-р ангийн англи хэлний хичээлийн дасгал ажлын
хуудастай ажиллах өөрийн үнэлгээний зураглал
Бүлэг сэдэв Ажлын хуудас Өөрийн үнэлгээ
Unit Worksheet Багшаас дэмжлэг Бие даан судлах, Хангалттай
авах дахин гүйцэтгэх хийсэн
Unit 1 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5

Unit 2 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Nice ideas
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Unit 3 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
yourself Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5

Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Unit 4
Worksheet 3
Taste, sounds
Worksheet 4
and smells

Unit 5 Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Colours and
Patterns Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6

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