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 State the question/scenario raised by the host (female doctor) and discuss your insight as a
nurse on the questions/scenario posted by the host at the following timeline of video 20:00-
20:29, 21:30-22:19, and 23:00-23:20

1. 20:00 – 20:29
 Health is a matter of right I got sick recently for example, and the local government unit
health center is not in accordance to your classification and not yet ready to practice
primary care if it is a matter of right how can I avail this universal health care law?
o In this question, the host mentions a potential problem with Universal
Health Care Law, and as a nurse, all I can say at this point is that I will be
a part of providing health care as someone in the medical industry. And
I will serve others through volunteers, knowing that the country is
underfunded, particularly in the medical field.
2. 21:00 – 22:19
 Considering the current health care service delivery system, we know very well that
different local government unions have different levels of readiness, some big cities or
mega cities would have more resources and perhaps would be readily able to respond
to requisites to comply with the universal healthcare law, what would happen to local
government with fewer resources with similar problems, how will the universal health
care law be able to give this privileged to have easy access to be diagnosed and be
managed by the primary care team?
o With this problem, the government will have to step in and help
equalize the infrastructure as well as the human resources, and as a
nurse, the best I can do is conduct health education because the area
lacks resources, and address the social needs of people in this specific
area to ensure that the resources provided to people are fair and
accessible to everyone.
3. 23:00 – 23:20
 If health is a matter of right, it is our right but cannot be asserted, is there such a thing
as a shared responsibility to make it successful?
o As healthcare providers, we must succeed regardless of our capacity to
pay. And, in order for it to be effective, we as nurses must urge
everyone to keep a healthy lifestyle, teach them how to do so, and
propose some leisure activities and exercises.

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