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Unit Task: Osmosis

Experiment at Home!


Potato, Distilled Water, Salt, 2 plastic cups (either glasses)


● Fill the two glasses with distilled water

● Add 2-3 tablespoons of salt in glass #1 and stir it.
● Slice up a potato into a bite-size like pieces
● Make your observations on these pieces: pay attention to color, smell, etc.
● Put the cut potatoes in the water, and then let them sit overnight in it
● Remove the pieces onto a clean plate and make your final observations

Attach a picture of the outcome of your experiment. Write down your observations.

The potato's physical features have changed unmistakably after over 12 hours of

The potato's physical features have changed unmistakably after over 12 hours of
soaking. The two samples were initially nearly identical in terms of color, size, and
texture; however, the potato that had been immersed in saltwater had shrunk, and
developed a squeaky texture. The potato that has only been submerged in water
looks to remain unchanged from when the experiment started. The potato's texture is
more pliable and difficult to rip apart when it is in salt water as opposed to water,
which makes it easier to cut or divide. Osmosis is responsible for the alterations that
took place in the potato that had been immersed in salt water. The water inside the
potato migrated out through its partially permeable membrane into the salted water
to balance the water concentration since the salted water has less water potential or
concentration and the potato has more. The potato has become smaller ever since
the water molecules have fled. Additionally, osmosis does not only happen in
potatoes but in a lot of things as well. Plants drink water through the process of

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