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BSC 1-1

OF BSC 1-1

Submitted to : Ms. Alexis Alcantara


“Cesare Lomboroso” “Charles Darwin”

(Father of Criminology). (Notable person in Theory of Evolution)

Argues that criminality can be inherit and could be identified by

physical defects. Which confirmed that criminal as savage or
atavistic. While his particular identifying characteristic are no longer
considered value the idea of factors , that predispose certain
individuals to commit crime continuous to be foundational to work in
criminology. There are various theories of criminal behaviour and
one of these is the "BIOSOCIAL THEORY". Relating to interractions of
social and biological factos this is according to dictionary. It is the
combination of environmental of biological risk cause by criminal
behaviour. It analyses anti-social behaviour and biocultural
factors.The four major domains are: Evolutionary criminology,
Biological , Neuro , behaviour. While in Evolutionary Theory the most
notable person is Charles Darwin, this theory can be passed down
from generation to another and gene based theory it is aggressively
selected to be exhibited predominantly.


Yerkson- Dodson Law

States that individuals are motivated to perform behaviour to

maintain arousal level.In the Yerkson-Dodson Law by Robert Yerkes
and Dodson it is the relationship between the level of arousal and
performance in task.While in criminological definition originated by
Lindsey “variety of genetic and environmental reasons” and
stimuli.Example of that is taking drugs and the immediate pleasure
that they receive while taking that.

Life course theory explains criminality,and accept that multiple

social,personal, economic and other factors influence crime.

According to Elder,”sequence of socially

defined events and roles that individual enacts over
time and the five principles : Life span
development,human agency, historical time and
geographic place, timing and decisions and linked
lives.The reporter gave example of people lives like the
fast food chains, like the development, experiences
and decisions in life.



David Rowe,Wayne Osgood and Allan Nicewender of 1990 said

it is the attachment or focus on basic human behaviour including
violence,aggression,impulsivility. But in other hand human characteristic alone do
not produce guiltiness which is a combination of environmental factors such as
family life, educational attainment, economic components, and neighborhood
conditions.The reporter also give the definition of Latent theory that delinquency-
prone over course. Examples are Damage or implusive personality, Genetic
abnormalities, physical and chemical functioning of the brain.People with latent
characteristic maybe at chance to commit violations and ended up being
criminals. The characteristic are believed to stay steady overtime, in any case, a
person’s involvement in crime may vary because opprotunities to commit crime
changes as one creates.It provides reason for a crime that’s also their responsible
to commit a crime.

Juke Family Tree by Richard Dugdale

• Intrigued on connecting guiltiness with heredity
• Found six prisoners who were blood related • Propelled a
more in-depth examination of the Juke Family
tree following back six generations leading him to an early
Dutch pilgrim Max Juke. • Dugdale begun his consider on the
five daughters of Max Juke, Ada, Chime, Clara, Delia, and
Effie. • Ada Juke known as “Margaret, the mother of criminals.”
• There are 709 relatives, 181 were prostitutes, 142 beggar and
106 illegitimate births. • Within the 1960s, the Jukes
family ponder was discredited
Both Latent Characteristic Theory and
Family Studies were distinct concepts.
The highlights or components that contribute to why
a individual commits a crime are referred to
as latent characteristic theory. Their environment, environment,
and the way they feel and empathize with things
all impact these viewpoints. The social circumstance in which
the individual interatomic with other individuals contains a big
impact on idle characteristic hypothesis. It may have
an affect on a person's thinking and point of view.
Family studies, on the other hand, refers to two separate
studies conducted by two diverse individuals

Somatotyping Theory,Physiognomy

Somatotype theory relates distinctive body types to personality

characteristics and relates criminal behavior to the body types.

Ernest Krestchmer, published physique and character

believes that physical attributes could have an effect on
personality and behaviour.He describe it into four categories :
Asthenic ( slightly built) ,Athletic (Muscular),Pyknic
(Muscular,large-boned),Dysplastic(unappropriate body).
Sheldon proposed certain body types (somototypes)

best known for his theory associating physique,

personality, and delinquency.

He claimed that there are three such somatotypes:

endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy.

While atavism was introduced by Cesare Lombroso

"Atavistic Stigmata" to the "Criminal" characteristic”
that had been identified in the study of physiognomy

Phrenology and Nature Theory

Franz Joseph Gall

He was the pioneer in the study of localization of
mental functions of brain. Founder of pseudoscience of
The principles are : Brain (organ of the mind,Human
mental powers,faculties are innate and have strong
surface of the brain,the size of each part is
constituent,and last the contour of brain-surface is
enable to observe and recognize several organs all over
the head.Gall created the method of empiricism and the
organs are identified as specious grounds.
Phrenology involves pseudoscience measurement of bumps
on the skull to predict mental traits . idea of
rehabilitation of
criminals instead of vindictive punishments that would
not stop
criminals, only with the reorganizing a disorganized
brain would bring about change. Diagnosis could point to
the type of
offender, the insane, an idiot or brute,and by knowing
this and appropriate course of action could be taken.

The 1st phrenological testimony was solicited by

American lawyer John Neal in Portland, Maine in 1834.
Neil become unsuccessfully on his client because of his
brain being violent and enflamed.

Nature Theory The nature versus nurture debate

involves the extent to which particular aspects of
behavior are a product of either inherited (i.e.,
genetic) or acquired (i.e., learned) influences.
Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is
influenced by genetic inheritance and other
biological factors.


Founded by “Adam Smith”he proposed it as “individual
hand moving free -project”in mid 1700’s. Rational
Theory weighs means and ends cost and benefits that
makes rational choice.In criminology it is a framework
to understand formally about social and economic
The strengths are Versatility. The weakpoints are
intuitive reasoning and also instinct.

The reporter states that it explans different behaviours,

and observe different meaning in the world.

Routine Activity Theory.

It states that the occurences of crime is more likely if

there is motivated offender and suitable target, with
the simultaneous absence of a capable guardian. There
are 3 elements in this theory : 1, Motivated offender
with a criminal intention. 2.Suitable target victim. 3.
Absence of guardian.

This theory also explained the how the youth became a

heightened risk of being involved in offending
behaviour and being victimized.



Lifestyle Theory
- Also called as “Exposure Theory”. It is a
model of victimology that posist a likelihood
that an individual will suffer a personal
victimization that depends on the concept of
lifestyle. Lifestyle factor involved in
criminality. It holds the incentive(Motivate
individuals to commit
crime),Oppurtunity(circumstances made it
possible to commit crime) and
Choice(Individuals are responsible for their

General Deterrence

Refers to the practice of instilling fear in

people in the hopes that such fear will prevent
them from committing crimes in the future. It
works on three elements: Certainty,Celebrity and
Severity. While on Specific deterrence it meant
to discourage futural criminal behaviours in
being charge with the crime.

Victim Precipitation Theory &

Incapacitation Theory
Victim Precipitation
- Introduced by “Marvin Wolfgang”
analyzes that victim interaction with an
offender may contribute to the crime being
committed. Commonly associated in Homicide,
Rape, Assault ,and robbery.There are two
precipitations. Active(Victim directly provokes
the offender) and Passive(Victims exhibits
personal characteristics that encourages the
offender )

Incapacitation involves things like

Incarceration,Death penalty and House Arrest.It
identifies high risk offenders and everyone who
exhibits the same behaviour with no concern for
the potential of individual

Comparative Analysis of the reporter states that

in victim precipitation the victim
contributed to the crime. While the Incapacitation
is protecting/ preventing the future crimes. And
also victim may also have a part in crime that is
being protected as a victim or citizen


Sigmund Freud
- Most controversial psychologist. His theory
Pyschodynamics created during psychoanalysis
in three parts ID (instincts) ,Superego (Morality)
,Ego (Reality). In addition to Sigmund Freud
there are also psychosexual stages and
Behavioural Theory that attempt to study
external behaviour of how environmental stimuli
changes in our behaviour.


It became dominant theory in the US around 1910 with

E.Thorndike he experimented cats and dogs in puzzle
boxes.While Ivan Pavlov developed the idea of classical
conditioning using dogs. While Skinner is famous for box
used with pigeons &rats to find human learning

In the last part the reporter discuss the consequences of

behaviours. It includes three parts: Positive Reinforcement (
behaving in a way that results in reward),Negative
Reinforcement (Behave in a way that results in something
odd)and the last is Punishment ( Consequence that follows
behaviour resulting in exhibiting the behaviour less often in
the future.)

Social Learning Theory &

Cognitive Theory
Social Learning Theory
- Developed by Albert Bandura, he said that
people learn from the people around them

Dr. Ronald Akers

Developed around the

theoretical conceptions of
differential association and the
principles of behavior science.

The social Learning theory focused on expalantion of criminal behaviour. And people who are
criminally involved experienced greater exposure to delinquent models. So people learned new
behaviours,values,attitudes in observing other people’s behaviour

Social Cognitive Theory

 Lawrence Kohlberg (1927–1987), who applied the concept of moral

development to criminological theory.

Cognitive theories focus on how we perceive the world around

us, how we think, and the factors that influence our mental
development (family upbringing, parental modeling, personality,

Moral Development Theory

& Intergenerational Theory

Important people who contribute to moral development

Jean Piaget
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral development by Jean Piaget
conceptualizes moral development as a
constructivist process, whereby the interplay of action
and thought builds moral concepts.

involving persons of different generations, as parents and children
an act, process, or instance of transmitting transmission of a nerve
impulse across a synapse.
children of convicted parents have a higher risk of conviction because
official justice systems pay more attention to these children; these
children’s self-reported offending may or may not be higher than the
behavior of children of unconvicted parents.
Stage 2 (Individualism and Exchange):
the individualism and exchange stage of moral development, children account
for individual points of view and judge actions based on how they serve
individual needs.
focus on the intergenerational continuity in exposure to multiple risk
factors, on direct and mutual influences of family members on each other, and
on risk factors that might intervene
between criminal parents and delinquent children (such as poor supervision
or disrupted families). police and the court, are biased against known
criminal families
This theory posits that behaviors are often learned from one's environment
and that the family system plays a pivotal role in tutoring.
There is an important concept related to intergenerational transmission
theory: LABELING
Labeling - theory suggests that criminal justice interventions amplify
offending behavior.
Criminal or antisocial parents appear to be the strongest family factor
predicting offending, but it is still unclear why this happens.
Stage 5 (Social Contract and Individual Rights):
begin to account for the differing values, opinions, and beliefs of other


Ivan Pavlov B.F Skinner Hans

Conditioning theory is a behavioural process or reaction as result

of reinforcement in a situation. There are two main theory first is
Classical by Ivan Pavlov that focuses on involuntary automatic behaviours.

While in Skinner it involves punishment after behaviour but

focuses on strengthening or weakening voluntary behaviours. The second
discussion introduced by Hans Eysenck who was known for the Eysenck theory
that are focused on temperaments, he believed it was controlled by genetic

The two dimension of personality that he mentions are extraversion

and neuroticism but later on added a third party dimension kwown as
Pyschoticism. While the last topic discussed is Integrated theory by Elliot
which combines the principles strain oof social learning theories into
single theoretical frameweork. Strain and adolescent.
Strain leads to weakening of social bonds while adolescents live
in disorganized neighborhoods.


Robert Akers & Robert Burgess

Alternative Theory, it correlates with psychological and

sociological concepts of criminology.States that crime rates
are high in groups that are identified by Isolation,Anonymity
and Anomie.
Differential Assosciation Reinforcement Theory was
created By Ronald Akers and Robert Burgess it explains how
criminal behaviour is learned after commiting deviant
behaviour. After that the reporter discussed the differential
reinforcement that consist of four forms : DRIC (Differential
Reinforcement of incompatible behaviour,it is the behaviour
which the child cannot do simultenously), DRA (serves as the
alternative to problem especially the alternative means of
communication), DRO( conditioning procedure that are
periodically delivered in participant if he/she does
something), DRL (reinforcing of periods of time when the
child exhibits the behaviour at lesser rate.


John Bolby
One of theories created by Edward Bolby is a scientific term
summarising hi early work on the effects of separating infats
and young children from their mother.In a period of time in their
early childhood,which can cause serious consequences. But it
has two main effects in development. The intellectual which can
cause low IQ and delayed intellectual development. While
emotional development have affectionless psychopathy and
Bolby studied 44 adolescents, he diagnosed it affectionless
psychopathy which according to him is a condition that involves
lack of emotion development. It concluded that maternal
separation deprivation in the child early life cause permanent
emotional damage.
While in his another theory of attachment (theory) is that
primary caregivers who are available and responsible for an
infant needs the child to develop a sense of secutiry. Bolby
propsed that attachment so it can be understood that the
caregiver provides the security for the infant.

Social Disogranization Theory

& Concetric
Social Disorganization focused on “Location Matters”.Overall, you have to understand
different people that make up each of the zones within the model. You should also
ensure that you understand the order of the zones and how their layout relates to
population density. In general, the larger the circle, the fewer the people live there and
the better the living standard.
Social disorganization theory suggest that a person’s residential location is more
significant than the person’s characteristics when predicting criminal activity and the
juveniles living in this areas acquire criminality by the cultures approval within the
disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. Therefore, location matters when it comes to
criminality according to social disorganization theory.

Social disorganization theory suggest that a person’s residential location is more

significant than the person’s characteristics when predicting criminal activity and the
juveniles living in this areas acquire criminality by the cultures approval within the
disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. Therefore, location matters when it comes to
criminality according to social disorganization theory.

Clifford Shaw & Henry Mckay


Emile Durkheim Robert Merton Messner & Rossenfeld
The concept of Anomi was first proposed by Robert Merton,
he expanded the work of Durkheim to explain why some people choose
conformity and others choose criminal behaviours.Durkheim was the one who
introduced the concept of anomie to sociology in 1893. He believed that rapid
social changed caused crime.

Robert Merton Strain theory states that all members of society

have cultural values. According to him people from lower class tend to resort
such means because they have fewer opportunities than higher trata to achieve
cultural goals.General stream is based on three factors: Failure to
achieve,Existence of haemful implulses and removal of positive impulses.He
argued Western Societies like child and abuse and neglect.

Lastly, the Institutional Anomie , a extension of Merton’s

anomie theory. Messner and Rossenfeld they defined it as based on image of
society that are borrowed from structural functionalism which is divided to four :
family,education,politics and economy. And they illustrate influence on other
social institution with the following development like
devaluation,accommodation and penetration.


Walter Runciman. Robert Agnew

Walter Runciman drew the distinction between the

egoistic and fraternalistic relative deprivation. According to Walter,it
is the individual feelings of being treated unfairly compared to others
in their group. But in the present time it was first described by Robert
Morten and said that social movement arise among people who feel

Unlike Strain theory that is developed by Robert Melton , he

encourage deviance to a large degree and outlined five different
ways: Confimity,Innovation,Ritualism,Retreatism and Rebellion. But
according to Robert Agnew people who experienced strain can lead
to commit crime. In addition according to some research recent
strain and injustice have also significant effects on delinquency

Cultural Deviance Theory

Delinquent Subculture Theory

Albert Cohen

Cultural deviance based on the reporter is a

condition of abnormal aberrant behaviour. It includes behaviour that
is odd. Cultural deviance theory can be classified into: Social
Disorganization theory and Strain Theory.
Walter Miller believed that lower class family
caused the criminal behaviour through their culture, so he identified
six focal concerns: Trouble,toughness,smartnest,excitement,fate
and autonomy.
In Delinquent Subculture theory Albert Cohen is
known for this theory. According to him delinquent subculture are
non tutilitarian,malicious,Negativistic,Versatile,Hedonistic and
In conclusion of these two theories. Cultural
deviance commit because of lack income so they have opportunity
for them to commit criminal activities. While in Delinquent
Subcluture, the lowerclass have inability to fit themselves into
bourgeouise and built their own subculture that respects mid-class

Delinquent Opportunity Theory and Drift

David Matza

Delinquent Oppurtunity behaviour, the role of blocked or

limited opportunity has into delinquency because they
lack access to the goals, those are denied the
opportunity to delinquency as an alternative or more
expedient way of achieving desired goals. The four main
reasons of juvenile delinquency are: Pyschological
factors,Economic factors,Political factos and Social

In drift theory Greesham Sykes and David Matza states

how the Juvenile delinquency have deviant values and
attitudes. They give five principles of how criminal
rationalize their actions ; Denial of Responsibility, Denial
of injury,Denial of Victim, Condemnation of condemners
and Appeal to Higher Loyalties. After the test of drift
theory the results are inconclusive. So Matza predicted
people to do seem out of anti social behaviour.

Differential Association Theory &

Containment Theory
Edwin Sutherland Walter Reckless

Differential assosciation proposing interaction

with others, individuals learn the values,attitudes and techniques and
motivates from criminal behaviour. This theory focuses on how
individuals learn to become criminals,but it does not concern itself
with why they become criminals.
There are principles of differential assosciation
theory. Edwind Sutherland in this theory he states how individual do
crime,Construction of bounderies. He also publish books like
Principle of criminology (1939).
Containment theory.

Walter Reckless have two subject study

delinquency and containment. Containment theory contends that a
social factors and internal quality affects individuals from minimal
involvement. In two components there are inner and outer And Lastly
the push and pull forces that explained deviant behaviour including
internal pushes


Social bond theory was developed
by Travis Hirschs but also known as Social bond
theory. Hirshi refers to four elements it includes:
Attachment, Commitment, Belief and Involvment.
This theory focused on the range of formal and
informal agencies of social control including the law.
Throygh their responses toward the deviant, it greatly
affects also the deviance outcomes
While in labeling theory it explains how behaviour
negatively deviant to some people, groups and
culture but positively deviant to others. In social
reaction or labeeling theory it caused some negative.

Primary and Secondary Deviance

Edwin Lemert

Deviance can be criminal or non-criminal. Edwin Lemert created the

Primary and Secondary Deviance in 1951.

In Primary Deviance it is the action without knowing what is going

against the norm system like Vandalism and Shoplifting. While
Secondary Deviance focuses on societal labeling like Robbery and
Use of Violence.

In conclusion, Primary deviance is a deviant behaviour that does not

have long consequence. While secondary deviant is labeled as
deviant by society

Karl Marx's Theory & Friedrich

Engels' and Willem Bonger's Theory
Karl Marx Frederich Engels

Marxism states that society classes are the cuase of struggle

and that society should have no classes. It was Karl Marx and Frederich Engels
who realized that many people current struggles occurred due to unfair
treatment The two theorist met in Paris and drafted the “Communist Manifesto”
that presents analytical approach to class struggle.
While the Willem Bonger theory argued that crime was caused by
societal factors, he believed that poverty could not be cause of crime but the
false information and violence.

Wiliem Bonger
George Engel

Biopyschosial Model was introduced by George Engel in

1977, it deals with biological, psychological and social
factors that explains crime.It means that the criminal
behaviour cycle is on that three factors.
While in Moral Insanity and Crime Responsibility.The Moral
insanity is considered as mental disorder of having an
abnormal behaviour like delusions and hallucinations.In
crime Responsibility it states that person have ability to
understand his/her behaviour when the crime is commited.

Premenstrual Syndrome & Battered Child


Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is the changes in

mood,emotion,physical health and behaviour. Among these 20% of
women experience symtopms that is severe enough to disrupt their
daily activities, and the remaining have mild symptoms. Causes of
these are changes of hormones, changes in brain , mental health
condition and lifestyle factor.In criminal case this syndrome could be
an affirmative defense to a criminal case since the defendant is
suffering to pre-menstrual syndrome, so either the crinal act was
involuntary that time or she did not possess the mental state
required by law.
Battled child is defined as collection of injuires sustained by child as
a result of repeated mistreatmen or beating and the psychological
and physiological effects of it.
In conclusion, battered child syndrome is common done in child’s
parent or a person who take care of it . In relation to cime the
abused children killed that parent and used battered child syndrome
as their defense


The signs of Battered Woman syndrome is believing that the
abuser is all knowing and can see their every movement.
Also the battered syndrome xan have four stages
denial,guilt,enlightment and responsibility. It can have side
effects in a person like long term and short term

But in the Postpartum, it is considered as normal part of

adjusting to parenthood that usually resolves on its own.
There are study that the risk factor of it is the history of
bipolar disorder or it xan also be the pregnancy.

In conclusion,postpartum stress is a stress syndrome type

of adjustment disorder where external stressed went trigger
with feelings and with proper diagnosis and treatment the
mother will resume routine activity in shorter duration.


Karl Marx

Marxist criminology see the crime and deviance by the ruling

class and used as means social control. The founder of this
theory is Karl Marx who’s known for being the father of
modern Socialism,communism and conflict theory. His
theories is all about society,economics and politics that are
understood in Marxism. In Marxism there are three class: the
bourgeouisie,land owners and proletariat.

While in conflict theory it focused on conflict etween classes

within capitalist society . It’s also argued that crime inequality
keeps those power with the power at the top and those
without power at the bottom


Richard Quinney

Social reality of crime, at the time of its appearance in 1970 Quinney’s

theory not only liberated the field from recitation of the practices of
the police. But also in courts and correction it also represented a
marked departure from traditional analysis which viewed criminal
behaviour as pathological. Quinney followed a Marxist approach in
citing social inequalities as the root of crime criminal behaviour, he
asserted that it is a natural occurrence that favors the wealthy over the
poor and the powerful over the weak

Left realism is a political ideology that focused on causes of crime

and deviance. Left Realism begin in 1980 in Britain. It was aimed to
take back the crime issue from conservatices with progressive
socialist that analyses the short term solutions. This theory also have
advantages that see crime as actual problem and key to find the real
roots of the crime. While the disadvantage is it assumes value
consensus that crime only occurs when the breakdown happends.


Michael Foucault Stuart Henry Dragan Milovanovic

Post modernism is assosciated with

deconstruction and post structuralism. The use of its conceptual tools
offers the potention for the development of a better understand of the
various configuration of repressive forces and directions for social
change.Michael Foucault argue so called objective science and
knowledge more generally are controlled by powerful experts who
make claims to possess special knowledge and this make decision
for the less powerful and well educated.

Constitutive theory are based on relationship between

criminals,victims and agents of control act and it form our
understanding of crime.Stuart Henry and Dragan Milovanovic aims to
suggest how we could minimize various forms of harms according to
the co-production of social organizational structures.

Conservatism & Liberalism Theory

Edmund Burke John Locke

Conservatism, it promotes social institutions in the culture. Introduced

in 1830 after the French revolution in 1789. Edmund Burke is the
philosophical fountainhead of modern conservatism, who opposed
and supported the American Revolution and also considered as the
Father of Conservatism.

Liberalism Theory means “free”. It believed that individual freedom

should be the basis of just society. John Locke is known as the “Father
of Liberalism”, he boosted the central groundwork for the
development of liberalism.

Radicalism & Identity Fusion Theory

Radical Theory shows the relationship between crime and law

by which the affluent community in the society use their power
in relation to the law in order to rule over the poor section of
the society. It rejects all theories of crimes including
pyschlogical and biological theory as it analyses all groups of
people and might label some of them as criminal.

Identiy Fusion Theory is a unique form of allignemnt with

groups in wihich members experience a visceral oneness with
the group. Identity fusion is a visceral ense of “oness”. In four
of the principle : Agentic-personal, Self principle,Identity
synergy principle,Relational ties principle and Irrevocability

In conclusion, radical criminology is a geared toward a praxis

of struggle and a criminological direct action. While in identity
fusion both peronal and social identities remain significant
and important when fusion occurs.



Sheldon Glueck Eleanor Touroff-Glueck

Life course theory suggest that criminal behaviour is a

dynamic process, influenced by individual characteristic as well as
social experiences and the factors that cause anti-social behaviours.
It change dramatically over a person’s life span. This theory is a
product of Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor Touroff-Glueck. In criminality
it is an individual characteristic, traits and social experiences.

Latent trait theory highlights characteristics such as

defective intelligence and genetic abnormalities. So it believed that
the lower the intelligence are more likely to commit crime.

In conclusion, Life course theory have multiple pathways

to crime and multiple classes of criminals. While in Latent trait theory
the master trait guides the behaviour.

Interactional Theory
Age Graded Theory

Patrick Thornberry
Interactional theory by Patrick Thornberry , it questioned
how one understand other people, it’s alson concerned
about bodily behaviours and environmental context.
Interactionism is a theoretical perspective in sociology that
focuses on everyday interactions between individual as the
basis for the development of the society.
Age graded theory, it explains individual traits and childhood
experiences are important to undertand. This theory
contained three main components: Micro Level Context,
Continuity in anti-social behaviour and Informal social



Charles Tittle’s Control Balance Theory

Differential coercion theory was created by Mark Colvin in

2000. The theory is based on the idea that juveniles who are
exposed to negative experiences in their homes and social
lives are more likely to lack in certain social and
psychological areas. It explains the relationship between
coercion and likelihood of commiting a crime.

Control Balance theory, believed that human

being is not only passively exposed to control but also
actively exercises control over others. The characteristics
form of deviation are determined by the relationship
between the control that person exposed the exercised


Alfred Aldler Ohlin Cloward

Alfred Aldler was the founder of the school of “Individual

Pyschology”. In his Masculinity protest, it states that culture
boys are often held in higher esteem than girls. Adler’s
Mens assertiveness and success in the world is not due to
some innate opportunity.
Opportunity theory, Chloward and Ohlin blended the sub
cultural thesis with strain. Two types of socially structed for
success are: Legitimate and illegitimate. In gang types there
are three: Criminal gangs, Conflict gangs and Retrealist



Marginalization used as making group or class of people just

important or relegated to a secondary position. Some
sociologist suggest that marginal position of women in
society it means,that they commit fewer crimes than
men.The causes of it are discrimination,poverty and
structural disadvantages. This marginalization can motivate
them to do illegal means. Like Social Marginzaliztion,
Economic Marginalization and Political Marginzalization.

Critical Feminist Theory, aims to understand nature of gender

inequality, showcasing men and women social roles. There
are three types of feminist theory: Mainstream Feminism,
Radical Feminism and Culture Feminism



John Hagan

Power control theory by John Hagan explained the

differences between men and women. It states that girls are
more different. While boys have more freedom, so they’re
more prone to delinquency. Hagan direct his attention to
gender and power relations. Like the two power control
theory : The patriarchal and Egalitarian families.
Penis envy theory , focus on the girls that feel
deprived and envious that they dont have penis. According to
Freud all females suffer from penis envy but can make a
healthy adjustment. Women may envy the features that make
a man a man because they assosciate with power and status.
In conclusion, these theories are gender based and
talks about gender inequalities and differences that may
trigger a person to commit crime.


Chilvary theory, means that the police are less likely to

charge women, and the courts will tend to give women a
lighter sentence even when they committed the same
offenses as mean. Margaret Farnworth and Raymond Teske
Jr. said that there are two main causes of it the chilvary and
the differential discretion. While in Paternalism theory,
specifically protecting women from criminal justice system,
protecting women from themselves and/or protecting
children from losing their mother due to incarceration.

Human ecology focused on the interaction and

interdependence of human as biological and social
entities.It maintain crime as function of social change that
happends along with environmental change. That maintains
contract,interaction and social hierarchy of people can
influence criminal behaviour and crimes.

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