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1. The following are possible adverse effects of the use of sanitary landfills except
A. pollution of local environment
B. fatal accidents
C. decreased amount of disease vectors
D. dust, odor, and noise pollution

2. A building that is 25 m tall casts a shadow of 10 m long. How long is the shadow
of a 5-foot girl standing beside the building?
A. 2 ft
B. 2.5 ft
C. 10 ft
D. 250 ft

3. Two pots of the same size are filled with boiling water. One pot is colored white
and the other is black. In which pot will water cool faster?
A. two pots will cool at the same time
B. in the white pot
C. in the black pot
D. none of these

4. Which human need is considered basic?

A. pleasure
B. security
C. wealth
D. order

5. Paul admits that he is not free from committing errors. He recognizes that there
may be better ideas and realizes that there are individuals whom he may have to
consult to arrive at correct observation and conclusions. What scientific trait is he
A. open-mindedness
B. objectivity
C. rationality
D. humility

6. When a spring is released, its potential energy is converted to _____ energy.

A. magnetic
B. electrical
C. light
D. kinetic

7. Which does not belong?

A. conclusion
B. surmise
C. hypothesis
D. conjecture
8. The test was hard for Pall and _____.
A. me
B. I
C. myself
D. himself

9. She will retire soon because she _____ working hard for so long.
A. has been
B. had been
C. have been
D. was

10. The line from the Koran, "Woe to every backbiter, defamer" talks of _____.
A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
B. misery for all who talk ill of others
C. punishment for those who give unsolicited advice
D. sorrow for those who oppose the opinion of their fellow

11. Collecting stamps _____ one of his favorite pastimes.

A. are
B. were
C. has
D. is
12. Inaabangan ng mga tao ang _____ sa simbahan.
A. agunyas
B. batingting
C. kalampag
D. kolambeng

13. The line from the Koran, "Woe to every backbiter," talks of _____.
A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
B. misery for those who talk ill of others
C. punishment for those who say good things
D. sorrow for those who oppose other's opinion

14. If one side of a square is doubled in length and the adjacent side is decreased
by two centimeters, the area of the resulting rectangle is 96 square centimeters
larger than that of the original square. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
A. 17 x 24
B. 24 x 24
C. 10 x 24
D. 6 x 16

15. A secret word that must be entered into the computer before a person is
allowed access to information is called _____.
A. input
B. password
C. program
D. statement

16. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. The interest at a loan company is higher than a bank.
B. The interest of a loan company is higher than with a bank.
C. The interest of a loan company is higher than in a bank.
D. The interest at a loan company is higher than at a bank.

17. She was a "Phantom of Delight" connotes that the woman is _____.
A. real
B. lovely
C. an illusion
D. virtuo

18. Alin and tamang babala sa pagtatapon ng basura?

A. Gamitin and basurahan sa inyong bahay, huwag dito
B. Dito and tambakan ng basura
C. Huwag mag-tapon ng basura dito
D. Huwag mag-ipon ng basura dito

19. Which refers to FUNNEL EFFECT?

A. The belief that every criminal gets caught and is punished.
B. The belief that crime is under control in the United States.
C. The idea that only a very few suspects arrested for committing a crime are
actually punished.
D. The idea that all crimes are put into the same criminal justice system.

20. In times of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the
nation. Which normative relationship applies in this case?
A. greater urgency - saving the living before burying the dead
B. wide social order - the family before the individual
C. more common good - public safety before private gain
D. higher law - inalienable rights vs the alienable

21. Both Randy and _____ plan to go.

A. my
B. me
C. myself
D. I

22. Which is NOT among the hazardous effects of water pollution to health?
A. The epidemic threat of hepatitis and dysentery
B. The increase incidence of liver cancer
C. The dumping of mercury in the sea causing blindness, brain damage, or death
D. The presence of certain bacteria in the digestive tract causing
23. The manager of textile factory considers it too expensive to treat liquid wastes
so he suggested digging a hole near the factory where the wastes can be stored. Is
this environmentally safe?
A. No, the liquid can be recycled.
B. No, the liquid wastes will seep to the groundwater.
C. Yes, the liquid will pass through the layers of soil and becomes clean.
D. Yes, the liquid can be recycled.

24. Write in the lowest terms the ratio, two hours to thirty minutes.
A. 0.09375
B. 2:4
C. 2:30
D. 4:1

25. Ang salin sa blangko para sa blank ay halimbawa ng pagtutumbas na _____.

A. panghiram sa Espanyol at pagbybay sa Filipino
B. kung ano ang bigkas siyang sulat
C. paggamit ng leksikong Filipino
D. panghihiram ng salitang katutubo

26. 4 1/5 + 3 2/7 = __________

A. 7 3/12
B. 7 3/35
C. 7 17/35
D. 7 1/35
27. What integer should be added to 11 to get a sum of at least 37?
A. at least 15
B. at least 25
C. at least 26
D. at least 32

28. If you happen to see Adolfo this Friday, please give _____ my warmest
A. her
B. him
C. it
D. them

29. Those who have deep appreciation of the beautiful tend to _____ the good
and the beautiful.
A. preserve
B. discard
C. spoil
D. hide

30. What is the largest prime number less than 100?

A. 91
B. 93
C. 95
D. 97

31. Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind. This serves as a warning not to
A. go ahead
B. hesitate
C. decide
D. continue

32. Every year, income taxes are filed by payer of 18 years and above. How do
government and company workers pay their taxes?
A. advance credit
B. withholding taxes monthly
C. salary deduction
D. cash payment on March 15

33. Sa taas ng mga bilihin ngayon kahit kahig ka nang kahig ay wala pa ring
maipon. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng "kahig ka nang kahig"?
A. hanap nang hanap
B. tago ng tago
C. gastos nang gastos
D. trabaho ng trabaho

34. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the _____.
A. intermediate goods
B. final goods and services
C. manufactured goods
D. inferior goods and services

35. If no more solute can be dissolved in a solvent at a given temperature, then

that solution is called _____.
A. saturated
B. unstable
C. saturable
D. dispersed

36. Ms. Tonelada weighted 60 kg. She lost 4 kg on her first week of exercise,
gained 2 kg on her second week, lost 6 kg on her third week and remained her
weight during the fourth week. What was her weight on the fourth week?
A. 52 kg
B. 58 kg
C. 68 kg
D. 72 kg

37. Pepita believes that God is the ultimate source of all scientific wisdom. She
also upholds that it is through God's grace that she is able to discover the
mysteries of God's creations. What scientific attitude is she displaying?
A. faith in God
B. fatalism
C. curiosity
D. concern for the environment
38. Alice does not allow her judgement to be influenced by her likes and dislikes.
What scientific attitude is seen in her actions?
A. prejudice
B. critical thinking
C. honesty
D. absence of bias

39. "Panahon na upang magdilat ng mata at makisangkot sa mga usapin." Ito'y

nagpapahiwatig na _____.
A. kalimutan ang usapin
B. magising sa katotohanan
C. idilat ang mga mata
D. umiwas sa usapin

40. What correction should be made to the following sentence? Most fire-related
death's result from household fires; yet many people do not have fire
extinguishers in their homes.
A. Remove the comma after fires
B. Change result to results
C. Change have to has
D. Replace death's with deaths

41. Steam burns are more damaging than burns caused by boiling water because
steam _____. A. has higher temperature than boiling water
B. has more energy per kilogram than boiling water
C. is vapor of water molecules during boiling
D. occupies more spaces than water during boiling

42. Which task does an operating system of a computer perform?

A. virus detection
B. disk fragmentation
C. data compression
D. memory management

43. He is the ______ of the two brothers.

A. most tall
B. tallest
C. very tall
D. taller

44. Kinakailangang _____ ang damit sa Huwebes.

A. may-ari
B. mayari
C. yariin
D. magyari

45. Carolina Diaz filed a petition for habeas corpus against Mr. and Mrs. Ramon
Alde to recover custody of Lina Diaz Tan alias "Gracia Alde," the natural daughter
of Carolina Diaz, who was a hostess. What could be the possible action of the
court on the petition filed by Carolina Diaz?
A. Her petition would be granted because she now works as a clerk in a
prestigious office.
B. Her petition would be denied because she was a former hostess.
C. Her petition would be denied because when Gracia was given to the Aldes it
was tantamount to abandonment of the child, resulting to termination of parental
D. Her petition would be granted because she is the natural mother.

46. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. It is a privelege to be a member of the prestigious organization.
B. It is a priviledge to be a member of the prestigious organization.
C. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigious organization.
D. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigos organization.

47. Anong uri ng tayutay ang pahayag na ito? "Ang kabutihan mo sa buhay ang
magiging hakbang sa pag-unlad."
A. pagwawangis
B. pagpapalit-tawag
C. pagtutulad
D. personipikasyon

48. Which statement is true of the pre-Spanish Filipino Government?

A. The datu exercised all powers of government.
B. Laws were formulated by a law-making body elected by the datu.
C. Laws were formulated by a law-making body elected by the community.
D. There was a court created by the datu to hear complaints.

49. What is the area of a rhombus whose diagonals measure 10 m and 12 m

A. 120 sq m
B. 100 sq m
C. 60 sq m
D. 360 sq m

50. A child was turned over to an orphanage requesting confidentiality of her

parents. One day, the child demands the full disclosure of her mother’s name. She
went to count. What was the right asserted in this case?
A. Right of an individual to have a real mother
B. Right of individuals to proper identity
C. Right of individual of parents to keep the confidentiality of the child’s
parenteral name
D. Right of individuals to have parents

51. The type of cooperative which promotes thrift among members and create
funds in order to grant loans for productive and provident purposes is called
A. credit cooperative
B. producers cooperative
C. service cooperative
D. consumers cooperative
52. Archimedes' principle states that an object is buoyed up by a force that is
equal to the _____.
A. volume of the fluid
B. weight of the fluid displaced
C. mass of the fluid displaced
D. mass of the object

53. Which is the sum of the infinite progression 3/2, 1, 2/3, 4/9 . . . ?
A. 6½
B. 5½
C. 4½
D. 7½

54. A recipe calls for 3/4 cup of sugar. How much sugar should be used if only 1/2
of the quantities given in the recipe is to be prepared?
A. 3/4
B. 2/3
C. 1/2
D. 3/8

55. The death of the Boac River in Marindoque is caused by _____.

A. improper disposal of mine tailings
B. unusually high temperature in the province
C. negligence on the part of government authorities
D. carelessness in waste disposal among the people in the community
56. "There are no tyrants where there are no slaves." Which logically explains
A. If the Filipinos were treated as slaves by the Spaniards, it was because they
allowed themselves to be treated as such.
B. It was equally the fault of the Filipinos why the Spaniards treated them as
C. both A and B
D. The Spaniards were tyrants and so they treated the Filipinos as slaves.

57. During a recent shopping spree, Tomas and Nena bought some new
accessories for their apartment. Nena chose a crocheted throw pillow at
Php24.95, and Tomas purchased a rural landscape painting for Php135.00. How
much did they actually spend if they paid 7% sales tax on their purchases?
A. Php171.15
B. Php139.25
C. Php148.75
D. Php159.95

58. What season is it, with the line, "He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms
kiss and part."
A. spring
B. winter
C. autumn
D. summer
59. The nearest post office is on _____.
A. Twenty-second street
B. Twenty second Street
C. Twenty Second Street
D. Twenty-second Street

60. Which among the following is the main theme of the El Filibusterismo?
A. ideal means of achieving social reform
B. Rizal's hope for a revolution
C. curing the social cancer
D. abuses and indecency of friars

61. Kailan natin ipinadiriwang ang Lingo ng Wika?

A. Hunyo 13-19
B. Agosto 13-19
C. Agosto 1-31
D. Marso 13-19

62. In the samll town of Tubao, _____ to the green hills and plains.
A. one can quickly walk
B. where one can quickly walk
C. where one can quickly walk one can, quickly
D. none of these
63. Which one goes with this principle: "The end does not justify the means."
A. An objective evil act can never become good in spite of the good motive.
B. An objectively good act may become morally evil because of a bad motive.
C. An indifferent act may become morally goof or evil depending on the motive.
D. Both are equally morally responsible.

64. Limang oras na pero hindi ko pa rin _____ ang nawawalang aklat.
A. mahanap
B. makita
C. hanapin
D. kitain

65. Before metamorphism, marble was what type of rock?

A. schist
B. rock salt
C. siltstone
D. limestone

66. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
A. commutation
B. amnesty
C. pardon
D. reprieve
67. Children of obese parents have natural tendencies to be obese. Doctors advise
parents on maintaining the right weight of children age 0-12 by ______.
A. giving balanced diets with accompanying exercise
B. reducing milk intake
C. reducing intake of chocolates, candies and pasties
D. encouraging more intake of soda drinks

68. If there are several earthquakes in a row, what is the name of the largest of
these earthquakes?
A. tertiary shock
B. foreshock
C. mainshock
D. aftershock

69. The book tells us about the disease and how it _____ the patient and what
_____ it has on the patient's family.
A. affects - affect
B. effects - affect
C. affects - effect
D. effect - effects

70. The human person does not become moral in isolation. How does one acquire
his moral values? A. by initiating the moral behavior of adults
B. by reading books on moral development
C. by listening to people with high morality
D. by interacting with various environmental forces
71. Which among the following has the most polar bond?
A. N2
C. F2
D. HCl

72. It has been observed that the world of the student is limited, centered around
family, school and friendship. Which recent education trusts in the Social Studies
will give the student broader life experience to cope with challenges of the 21st
A. global education
B. multicultural education
C. human right education
D. environment education

73. A Biology teacher described herself biologically: "My estrogen level is

decreasing and I have signs for osteoporosis." What is true about this Biology
A. She is a spinster.
B. She is in her late adolescence.
C. She is in her post-menopausal period.
D. She is a chain smoker.

74. At 25% discount, Ms. Barat paid P150.75 for a bag. What was the original price
of the bag?
A. P37.69
B. P150.75
C. P201.00
D. P603.00

75. Five out of every seven households have cable TV. If 42000 households in a
certain city have a TV, how many do not have cable TV?
A. 12000
B. 21000
C. 30000
D. 32000

76. The battered wife is seeking _____ separation from her husband.
A. judiciary
B. judicial
C. judicious
D. jurisdical

77. Huwag "pagbuhatan ng kamay" ang batang walang kalaban-laban. Ano ang
ibig sabihin nito?
A. itali ang kamay
B. pagtrabahuin
C. pagbuhatin ng mabigat
D. saktan
78. Researchers also speculate that some teachers might have ‘given boys more
computer time because parents and teachers _____, boys to need computers for
future careers.
A. will expect
B. expected
C. will have expected
D. expecting

79. An empty box weighs 1.3 kilos. A math book weighs 1.5 kilos. Which
expression gives the weight of the box when filled with a y number of Math
A. 1.3y + 1.5
B. 1.5y - 1.3
C. 1.3 + 1.5y
D. 1.3y + 1.5y

80. Miss M saved Php1,100 in 4 months. At the same rate, how much would she
save in 2 years?
A. Php6,000.00
B. Php6,600.00
C. Php6,500.00
D. Php6,200.00

81. Breathing is controlled by the part of the brain called the _____.
A. cerebrum
B. pons
C. medulla oblongata
D. spinal cord

82. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation, what right is

A. right to due process of law
B. right to secure persons
C. right to process paper
D. right to protection

83. Many viewers _____ shows to watch later.

A. tapped
B. had taped
C. tape
D. had tapped

84. A Boy Scout leaps into the sea to save a companion in danger of being
drowned, though he may lose his life. Is he morally responsible to risk his life?
A. No.
B. It depends on whether the Boy Scout can swim or not.
C. Yes.
D. No, if the boy being drowned did it to commit suicide.

85. Which of the following bast describes the concept of society?

A. a political entity
B. the same as culture or nation
C. limited by geographical boundaries
D. organized interaction of people sharing land and culture

86. Which desktop icon can be used to access the files and programs in the
A. My Documents
B. My Briefcase
C. My Computer
D. Taskbar

87. Have you ever been to my _____.

A. brother-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage
B. brother-in-laws repair shop, Gus' Garage
C. brother's-in-law repair shop, Gus' Garage
D. brother-in-law's repair shop, Gus's Garage

88. _____ namin ang inyong pagdating dito sa Villa Escudero.

A. Ikinakagalak
B. Ikinagagalak
C. Gagalakin
D. Ikinakapagpagalak

89. Excessive release of detergents in natura streams pose danger since this can
cause eutrophication. How can such a condition occur?
A. due to tripolyphosphate ions
B. presence of chlorinated hydrocarbons
C. due to chlorinated hydrocarbons
D. due to chloride ions

90. Which of the following is true about ICT? I. The use of ICT has negative effects
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits. III. The use of ICT is effective only in
industrialized countries.
A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III

91. Which part of the Allied action has been detailed in the following passage?
After Saddam Hussein violated international agreements by sending Iraq troops to
Kuwait and missiles into other neighboring countries, the Allies responded with
military action.
A. The Allied bases in Saudi Arabia
B. The ground was in the desert
C. The movement of Allied Troops with Iraq
D. The air campaign in the Baghdad area

92. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. You are a professional teacher, isn't it?
B. You are a professional teacher, aren't you?
C. You are a professional teacher, ain't you?
D. You are a professional teacher, weren't you?

93. Which is true about the Philippines?

A. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers.
B. It has never been united as a nation.
C. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form.
D. It is the only Christian country in Asia.

94. In a survey to determine the reaction of people about having the new GSIS
card, 80% of the 2400 people voted in favor of the new card. How many of the
voters did not vote for the new card?
A. 1920
B. 1600
C. 800
D. 480

95. "Malalim ang bulsa" ng kanyang Nanay. Ang ibig sabihin nito ay _____.
A. walang pera
B. mapera
C. mapagbigay
D. kuripot

96. Ang pahayagan ay hindi dapat maglathala ng anumang uri ng pagbibintang na

makasisisra sa reputasyon nang di muna nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa nasasakdal
na marinig ang kanyang panig. Ito ay _____.
A. walang kinikilingan
B. kalayaan sa pamamahayag
C. makatarungang pakikitungo
D. patas na pamamahayag

97. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pangungusap na may paksa?

A. May pasok ba bukas?
B. Kay ganda ng paglubog ng araw.
C. Nagbabasa sila sa aklatan.
D. Mainit ngayon.

98. Which of these fractions lies between 1/5 and 5/9?

A. 2/3
B. 3/5
C. 1/6
D. 1/4

99. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. Having called the other students and ourselves, the secretary went home.
B. Having called the other students and we, the secretary.
C. Having called the other students and they, the secretary went home.
D. Having called the other students and us, the secretary went home.
100. Jerome answered 80% of the 50 items correctly in a test. How many items
did he answer correctly?
A. 40
B. 44
C. 45
D. 50

101. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi maituturing na pangungusap?

A. Maraming salamat.
B. Umaaraw ngayon.
C. Kung aalis ka.
D. Maroon bang dadalo?

102. Dadalaw sa mga paaralan si Dr. Filemon S. Salas, ang tagapamanihala ng mga
paaralang lungsod, sa lungsod ng Pasay. Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang
A. panuring
B. paksa
C. tuwirang layon
D. pamuno

103. A group of youn people from four countries gathered together for an
international conference: 40 from Manila, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand, and
45 from Singapore. The participants will form discussion groups with equal
number of members from each country in each group. What is the greatest
number of discussion groups that can be formed?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

104. In computing data, Student F computes up to the second decimal place. As a

researcher or scientist, what traits do Student F possess?
I. Accuracy
II. Critical-mindedness
III. Objectivity
IV. Truthfulness
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. III and IV

105. The kittens play with each ither happily. Which word in the sentence is an
A. kitten
B. each
C. play
D. happily

106. The following are legitimate children, EXCEPT

A. those born by artificial insemination.
B. those legitimated.
C. those born during a valid marriage of parents.
D. those born out a valid marriage of the parents.

107. Twelve pesos more than twice Mico's allowance is at most 600 pesos. What
is her maximun allowance?
A. 300 php
B. 634 php
C. 588 php
D. 294 php

108. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and
has no structural error?
A. While taking a shower, the doorbell rang.
B. While I was taking a shower, the doorbell rang.
C. While taking a shower, someone rang the doorbell.
D. While I was showering, the doorbell rang.

109. Matapos alagaan at apakaining sa palad siya ay kinagat sa sariling kanang

kamay. Ito’y may kahulugan sa _____.
A. katraydoran sa negosyo
B. kawalang utang na loob
C. kabastusan ng tao
D. kawalang galang sa matatanda
110. Which of the following lines is a simile?
A. "Holding wonder like a cup"
B. "Life has loneliness to sell"
C. "Eyes that love you, arms that hold”
D. "Buy it and never count the cost"

111. The factors that significantly contribute to an increase in human population

are _____.
A. immigration and natality
B. emigration and natality
C. immigration and mortality
D. emigration and mortality

112. The numerator of a fraction is 3 les than the denominator. If the numerator
and the denominator are each increased by 1, the value of the fraction becomes
3/4. What is the original fraction?
A. 7/12
B. 8/12
C. 8/11
D. 6/13

113. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to

an e-waste recycling system?
I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only

114. The Soviet Union's attempt to establish a missile base in Cuba is interpreted
as a direct violation of ______.
A. the Truman Doctrine
B. the Monroe Doctrine
C. the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT)
D. the Declaration of Independence

115. Don Antonio invested part of 30,000 php at 5% interest and the remaining
amount at 6% interest at BPI. If his investment yields an annual income of 1,620
php, how much did he invest at 6% interest?
A. 12,000 pesos
B. 14,000 pesos
C. 16,000 pesos
D. 18,000 pesos

116. What are the two missing numbers in this sequence? 1,2,4,7,11,16, _____,
29, _____, 46
A. 22, 35
B. 23, 36
C. 23, 38
D. 22, 37
117. You like to know how many of your pupils have parents who are presently
employed as OCWs. What would be the most reliable wat to gather data?
I. Interview the pupils.
II. Give questionnaire checklist to selected pupils.
III. Study the grades of the pupils because those performing poorly usually have
parents who work as OCWs.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. I,II, and III

118. Alin ang kahulugan ng AGAW-BUHAY?

A. masiglang-masigla
B. malapit nang mamatay
C. pagpapatuloy ng buhay
D. mahirap na buhay

119. How many unique diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10
120. Which verb in the following sentence is pronounced with the ending as [d]?
They laughed and joked as they walked and played.
A. joked
B. laughed
C. walked
D. played

121. Miss Santiago's class has 20 boys and 15 girls in her English class. What
percent of the students are girls?
A. 28%
B. 43%
C. 44%
D. 50%

122. You own a small rectangular box measuring 3 cm x 2 cm. If the dimensions of
this box is increased by 10%, what is the area of the resulting box?
A. 6.26 sq cm
B. 6.22 sq cm
C. 7.12 sq cm
D. 7.26 sq cm

123. Find the least number divisible by each natural number less than or equal to
A. 27720
B. 27730
C. 27703
D. 27702

124. What is the partially moten layer of the Earth called?

A. asthenosphere
B. biosphere
C. hydrosphere
D. lithosphere

125. "Ang babae ay huwag mong tingnang isang bagay na libangan lamang kundi
isang katuwang at karamay sa mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan." (E. Jacinto) Ang
tungkulin ng wika sa linya ay _____. A. pangheuristiko
B. pang-interaksyunal
C. panregulatori
D. pang-instrumental

126. Mary Rose, an 18 year old was sexually abused by 3 teenagers from well-to-
do families from Makati. Despite pressures, she came out into the open to get
justice. Which need did Mary Rose satisfy?
A. Need for family unity
B. Need for civic responsibility
C. Need for universal solidarity
D. Need for personal integrity

127. "Pare-pareho kayo. Wala akong mapagpilian," wika ng isang gurong puno ng
galit sa mga lalaking mag-aaral. Ang nasabing guro ay _____.
A. walang gana sa pagtuturo
B. nawalan ng tiwala sa mga lalaki
C. walang pagtingin sa mga lalaki
D. naniniwalang hindi pare-pareho ang mga lalaki

128. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and
has no structural error?
A. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge with it, move with it,
and join the dance.
B. The only way to cope with change is to get involved and join the dance.
C. The only way to understand change is to participate actively in the dance
D. The only way to dance with change is to understand and move with it dancing.

129. Which of the following procedures used by a farmer is NOT related directly
to preventing erosion?
A. Contour plowing around a hill
B. Planting more seeds than are necessary to yield a bountiful crop.
C. Planting grass in gullies to act as a filter
D. Planting crops in alternate rows (strip farming)

130. There had been recent bank runs and bank closures. How much of the
deposits is covered for reimbursement by the PDIC or Philippine Deposit and
insurance corporation
A. Php 100 thousand
B. Php 100 million
C. Php 50 thousand
D. Php 2 million

131. They visited _____ children where _____ are pursuing post-baccalaureate
A. their -there
B. there - their
C. their - they're
D. there - they're

132. To which trait are the organization and success of cooperatives in the
country attributed?
A. pagsasamahan sa kabuhayan
B. creativity
C. pakikisama sa kapwa
D. adaptability

133. The Mustang used to be _____ sportscar.

A. a fine German
B. a German, fine
C. a fine, German
D. fine German

134. One consequence of global warming is coastal flooding because of the _____
which in turn caused by _____.
A. el nino phenomenon - changed precipitation pattern
B. melting of the ice caps - the rising of the sea level
C. rising of the sea level - the melting of the ice caps
D. la nina phenomenon - changed precipitation pattern

135. Siya ang unang bumuo ng titik ng ating pambansang awit na may pamagat na
Himno Nacional Filipino?
A. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Jose Palma
D. Marcelo H. del Pilar

136. "Heto na, heto na, heto na, /wahh! Doo bidoo bidoo, bidoo, bidoo." Alin ang
nabuong salita o tunog sa linya na nabuo ayon sa teoryang pooh-pooh?
A. wahh
B. heto
C. na
D. doo bidoo

137. Trace the conversion of energy that occurs when plants manufacture food.
A. radiant energy to chemical energy
B. radiant energy to kinetic energy
C. mechanical energy to potential energy
D. light energy to kinetic energy

138. Why do leaves with green color look green in the sunlight?
A. The blue and yellow bounces off from the leaves.
B. They absorb the blue and yellow object and yellow light
C. They absorb the green light
D. They reflect the green light.

139. Manila Zoo attracted children during excursions. How should children be
briefed about newly born tiger’s cub to avoid accidents?
A. Use sticks to awaken mother tigers
B. How at the cub with a microphone
C. Watch the mother feeding and just take picture
D. Allow children to feed cubs with their palms

140. What is the least common multiple of 24 and 80?

A. 360
B. 80
C. 240
D. 480

141. Charity begins at home. What illustrates this value?

A. Millionaires send checks anonymously
B. Patrons check out donations by the size of the advertisement
C. Grandparents stay with the Home for the Aged. They are nuisance to modern
D. An ambassador in Jeddah shelters battered Filipino OCW’s and avoid social
gatherings to be able to save food for these refugees
142. With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in
the Marcos regime, which form of government was implemented?
A. Parliamentary
B. Dictatorial
C. Monarchial
D. Presidential

143. Why do mothers usually soak meat in pineapple juice before cooking it?
A. It makes meat tender.
B. It removes the bad odor.
C. It improves the taste of meat.
D. It preserves the natural taste of meat.

144. Piliin ang pinaka-angkop na pasawikaing panghalili sa salitang nakakapaloob

sa saklong: <Nawala ang lahat> kay Ryan nang mamatay ang kanyang mga
A. Pinagtampuhan ng langit at lupa
B. Pinagtakluban ng langit at lupa
C. Naglubid ng buhangin
D. Namangka sa dalawang ilog

145. "Environment and ICT: Enemies or Friends?" is a title of an article published

in a journal. What does this title suggest?
A. ICT can play both positive and negative roles in environmental sustainability.
B. The positive impact of ICT on the environment is high.
C. The positive environmental impact of ICT outweighs its potentially negative
D. Either we go for ICT and ruin our environment or sustain our environemnt and
do away with ICT.

146. Which of these does not belong to the group?

A. rhombus
B. parallelogram
C. pentagon
D. rectangle

147. Among the developing Asian nations, which of the following is widely
promoted to be the better solution to poverty and unemployment?
A. privatization
B. urbanization
C. industrialization
D. importation

148. Which method of reproduction provides for the most variety of offspring?
A. cloning
B. sexual reproduction
C. asexual reproduction
D. cellular reproduction

149. A defective ruler was found to be 11.5 inches long. Using this ruler, Samuel
was found to be 4 ft tall. What is Samuel's actual height?
A. 4 ft 2 in
B. 4 ft 2 in
C. 3 ft 11.5 in
D. 3 ft 10 in

150. Which application program provides users with a means to organize and
present information through the use of text, numbers, graphs, sounds, and visual
A. multimedia
B. Publisher
C. spreadsheet
D. word processing

Answer Key:
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. D
34. B
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. D
39. B
40. D
41. B
42. D
43. D
44. B
45. D
46. C
47. A
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. B
53. A
54. D
55. A
56. C
57. A
58. C
59. D
60. A
61. B
62. A
63. A
64. B
65. D
66. D
67. A
68. C
69. C
70. D
71. B
72. A
73. C
74. C
75. C
76. B
77. D
78. A
79. C
80. B
81. C
82. A
83. B
84. C
85. D
86. C
87. D
88. B
89. A
90. A
91. D
92. B
93. C
94. D
95. D
96. D
97. C
98. D
99. D
100. A
101. C
102. A
103. A
104. A
105. D
106. D
107. D
108. C
109. B
110. A
111. A
112. C
113. A
114. C
115. A
116. D
117. A
118. B
119. A
120. D
121. B
122. D
123. A
124. A
125. C
126. D
127. B
128. B
129. B
130. A
131. C
132. A
133. A
134. C
135. C
136. A
137. A
138. D
139. C
140. C
141. D
142. A
143. A
144. B
145. A
146. C
147. C
148. B
149. D
150. A
1. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinigay ng ANG ALAMAT NI MARIANG
MAKILlNG na ikinuwento ni Jose Rizal?
A. Pagyamanin at pangalagaan ang ating bayan at lahi pagka’t hiyas at yaman
natin ito.
B. Pag-ibig ang makapagbabago sa mundong ito.
C. Kabanalan ang magpatawad at tulungan ang isang nagkasala.
D. Dahil sa pagmamalabis at pagsasamantala, maraming biyaya ang sa kanya'y

2. Sino ang tinaguriang ama ng klasikang Tagalog ng Panahon ng Kastila?

A. P. Dela Merced
B. P. Modesto de Castro
C. P. Mariano Pilapil
D. P. De Nieva

3. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy sa sumusunod. Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa

sahig ni Naru*o.
A. pagtutulad
B. pagbibigay-katauhan
C. pagmamalabis
D. pagwawangis

4. The book tells us about the disease and how it _____ the patient and what
_____ it has on the patient's family.
A. affects - affect
B. effects - affect
C. affects - effect
D. effect - effects

5. During Summer, a lady visits Baguio every 6 days, and his best friend every 4
days. If they visited Baguio last April 11, what was the earliest date did both of
them visit Baguio again?
A. April 21
B. April 23
C. May 5
D. May 11

6. Ibigay ang tayutay na nagamit sa sumusunod: Ikaw ang payong ng aking buhay -
silungan ng init - hatid ay proteksyon sa panahong masungit
A. simile
B. personipikasyon
C. metapora
D. paglilipat-wika

7. Which of the following lengths is the longest?

A. 555 cm
B. 5.5 m
C. .005 km
D. 5555 mm
8. Which of the following has the smallest mass when measured in an equal arm
A. 1/8 sheet of pad paper
B. 1/3 sheet of pad paper
C. 1/4 sheet of pad paper
D. 1/2 sheet of pad paper

9. Ang pagkautal ay matatawag na _____ na sagabal sa pagsasalita.

A. semantiko
B. pisyolohikal
C. pisikal
D. saykolohikal

10. Nights are cooler when the sky is clear than when it is overcast. Why is this
A. The sun is hidden from us during night.
B. Cooler air can hold less water vapor.
C. Rain falls when water vapor condenses above freezing point.
D. Heat from the lower atmosphere easily escapes when there is no cloud over.

11. In writing a letter, which productivity tool is used?

A. word processing
B. Publisher
C. spreadsheet
D. PageMaker
12. Different volumes of quantities X and Y were measure to find out how they
were related to each other. These values were plotted as shown in the graph.
Which of the following statements would best described the graph?
A. Y is equal to X
B. Y is directly proportional to X
C. Y is inversely proportional to X
D. Y is multiplied by X is constant

13. _____ pala ang iyong kapatid.

A. MakaJudy Ann
B. Maka-Judy Ann
C. A at B
D. Wala ang sagot sa mga pagpipilian.

14. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. One of the examinees were not registered.
B. One of the examinees was not registered.
C. One of the examinees were not in the registry list.
D. One of the examinees have not been in the registry list.

15. "You can count on me." Ang pinakamalapit na salin nito ay _____.
A. bilangin mo kami
B. bilangin mo ako
C. ibilang mo ako
D. maaasahan mo ako

16. Which is not an effect of increased urbanization?

A. increasing of flooding
B. increasing volumes of solid waste
C. decrease of wetlands
D. preservation of natural habitats

17. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent
Assimilation policy during the American colonial years of the Philippines?
A. William Mckinley
B. Franklin Roosevelt
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Theodore Roosevelt

18. Which antidote would have a similar effect if vinegar or citrus juice were not
A. milk
B. raw egg white
C. vegetable oil
D. water

19. I really object _____ in rooms where other people have to eat.
A. people smoking
B. to people smoke
C. people to smoke
D. to people smoking

20. When an atom loses an electron it becomes _____.

A. neutral
B. stable
C. negatively changed
D. positively changed

21. A room is 30 ft long, 25 ft wide, and 14 ft high. If 42 balloons are inside the
room, how many cubic ft of space does this allow for each balloon?
A. 25
B. 69
C. 250
D. 690

22. What integer should be added to 11 to get a sum of at least 37?

A. at least 15
B. at least 25
C. at least 26
D. at least 32

23. What is meant by LAST DITCH in this sentence? The aged bishop was prepared
to fight to the last ditch to defend his good name.
A. one's last courage
B. one's last strategy
C. one's last hope
D. one's last defense

24. Form a coherent sentence by arranging the following phrases.

I. the senator
II. as a legislator
III. although he raised his voice
IV. accepted several amendments

25. Dadalaw sa mga paaralan si Dr. Filemon S. Salas, ang tagapamanihala ng mga
paaralang lungsod, sa lungsod ng Pasay. Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang
A. panuring
B. paksa
C. tuwirang layon
D. pamuno

26. Ano ang kahulugan ng "tagbising panahon"?

A. tag-ulan
B. tag-init
C. taglamig
D. tagtuyot

27. What intermolecular forces do geckos and other lizards use to stick to walls
and ceilings?
A. Van der Waals forces
B. static ionic attractions
C. hydrogen bonding
D. dipole-dipole attractions

28. Heinous crimes are punishable by death, which death penalty is the cheapest?
A. death by guillotine
B. death in gas chamber
C. death by lethal injection
D. death by electric chair

29. To which type of political system does the Philippines belong as of 2010?
A. Colonialism
B. Totalitarianism
C. Democracy
D. Capitalism
30. Aling Rosa spent P 91.80 for ingredients and fuel to cook guinatan, She was
able to sell what she cooked to 32 customers who paid P 4.50 each. How much
did she gain from her enterprise?
A. Php14.40
B. Php42.20
C. Php28.40
D. Php52.20

31. May ponema/ tunog na malayang napapalitan. Alin ang di dapat isama sa
A. pinanunuod - pinanunood
B. karsada - kalsada
C. marusing - madusing
D. loro - lolo

32. Which word contains the [ae] sound?

A. carriage
B. cabin
C. caste
D. can

33. While travelling at night, you lost direction. Which star and/or constellation
should you look for?
I. Polaris
II. Rigel
III. Ursa Minor
IV. Ursa Major
A. I and IV
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

34. Which of the following is expressed clearly, effectively states the idea, and has
no structural error?
A. I visited the Teacher's Camp in Baguio during my vacation.
B. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher's Camp when I was vacationing in
C. In my vacation, I visited the Teacher's Camp in Baguio.
D. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher's Camp while I was on vacation in

35. Which of the following shows file size from smallest to largest?
A. Gigabyte, Megabyte, Kilobyte, Byte
B. Megabyte, Gigabyte, Kilobyte, Byte
C. Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte
D. Kilobyte, Megabyte, Byte, Gigabyte

36. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang salitang pambansa?

A. mapagkumbaba
B. kamusta
C. pinoy
D. nagdadalantao

37. Mr. Lucido deposited 225 pesos in the bank. If his deposit consisted of 29 bills,
consisting of 5 peso, and 10 peso bills, how many 10 peso bills did he deposit?
A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 16

38. A recipe calls for 2 eggs for every 5 cups of flour. A local chef will use 35 cups
of flour, how many eggs must he have?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 16

39. The student _____ papers.

A. writing
B. writes
C. write
D. is writes

40. After _____ all day, she finally saw the lake.
A. walking
B. had walked
C. having walked
D. have walked

41. Jose was contemptuous of the effects if the efforts of his rival to show greater
ability. In the last sentence, the word "contemptuous" share the same meaning
A. appreciative
B. angry
C. scornful
D. deep in thought

42. Isang baryasyon sa wika na may kaugnayan sa taong nagsasalita o gumagamit

ng wika tulad ng mga taong kabilang sa isang partikular na disiplina.
A. dayalekto
B. idyolek
C. sosyolek
D. register

43. A defective ruler was found to be 11.5 inches long. Using this ruler, Samuel
was found to be 4 ft tall. What is Samuel's actual height?
A. 4 ft 2 in
B. 4 ft 2 in
C. 3 ft 11.5 in
D. 3 ft 10 in
44. The elevator can carry a maximum load of 605 kg. How many passengers of
weight 50.5 kg each can the elevator hold?
A. 12
B. 11.9
C. 11
D. 10

45. Sino ang tinaguriang ama ng demokrasyang Pilipino?

A. Emilio Aguinaldo
B. Emilio Jacinto
C. Andres Bonifacio
D. Apolinario Mabini

46. The school cafeteria raised the price of a plate of rice form Php8 o Php10. If
the same rate of increasewas applied to a regular order of viand which used to
cost Php20, how much does an order of viand?
A. Php26
B. Php25
C. Php24
D. Php22

47. You noticed that big industries have tower-like stacks. What is the structure
A. to control emission of hazardous gases
B. to induce rain and air pressure
C. to get enough air from the atmosphere
D. to make the interior cool

48. Siya ay may kutsarang pilak nang ipinanganak. Ito ay nangangahulgang siya ay
A. tahimik
B. madaldal
C. mayaman
D. mahirap

49. Which type of governance is characterized by a union of partially self-

governing states or regions united by a central government?
A. Federalism
B. Socialism
C. Democracy
D. Totalitarianism

50. Miss C averages 38.4 km per 3 liters of gasoline. How many kilometers can she
expect to drive on 12.5 liters?
A. 90 km
B. 120 km
C. 150 km
D. 160 km

51. Five bananas weigh as much as 3 star apples. In this rate, how many star
apples will weigh as much as 45 bananas?
A. 27
B. 30
C. 35
D. 36

52. At which time during the year does the ozone level present a particular health
threat in urban areas for people with respiratory problems?
A. spring
B. fall
C. summer
D. winter

53. Ano ang pahayagang itinatag ni Marcelo H. Del Pilar upang dathala ang
pagbabatikos sa maling pamamahala ng mga Kastila?
A. El Parvenir
B. Diaryong Tagalog
C. La Solidaridad
D. El Resumen

54. The Philippines is predominantly a Christian country in the Orient, yet

according to survey, it is on the top 5 as the most corrupt nation in Asia. What
does this point to in Philippine Society?
A. lack of cultural integration
B. presence of cultural differences
C. prevalence of ethnocentrism
D. prevalence of xenocentrism
55. The factors that significantly contribute to an increase in human population
are _____.
A. immigration and natality
B. emigration and natality
C. immigration and mortality
D. emigration and mortality

56. The zigzag road to Baguio represents which kind of simple machine?
A. lever
B. wheel and axle
C. wedge
D. inclined plane

57. Who is the President who is known for his "Filipino First Policy" and Austerity
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Carlos P. Garcia
C. Manuel Roxas
D. Ramon Magsaysay

58. Which method of reproduction provides for the most variety of offspring?
A. cloning
B. sexual reproduction
C. asexual reproduction
D. cellular reproduction
59. Which family obligation is especially valued?
A. Supplying groceries to relatives in remote barrios
B. Providing health assistance to relatives living in the same locale
C. Sending to college relatives in remote barrios
D. Keeping immediate family members out of trouble

60. Which of the following procedures used by a farmer is NOT related directly to
preventing erosion?
A. Contour plowing around a hill
B. Planting more seeds than are necessary to yield a bountiful crop.
C. Planting grass in gullies to act as a filter
D. Planting crops in alternate rows (strip farming)

61. How did Rizal's "Noli Me Tangere" contribute to the development of his
A. It awakened them to the oppressive rule of Spain.
B. It exposed to them the scandals of the friars.
C. It taught them to love their local language.
D. It pictured for them the ideal Filipina.

62. Trace the conversion of energy that occurs when plants manufacture food.
A. radiant energy to chemical energy
B. radiant energy to kinetic energy
C. mechanical energy to potential energy
D. light energy to kinetic energy

63. Archimedes shouted "Eureka!" What did we take this to mean?

A. wonderful
B. enjoyment
C. mystery
D. discovery

64. The main message of the Moral Recovery Program launched by Leticia Ramos
Shahani starts with the ______.
A. world
B. family
C. self
D. nation

65. In the Post Cold War Period, alliances and grouping countries such as EAGA,
APEC EC and NAFTA underscore the importance of _____.
A. ideological concerns
B. economic concerns
C. military concerns
D. social concerns

66. The human person does not become moral in isolation. How does one acquire
his moral values?
A. by initiating the moral behavior of adults
B. by reading books on moral development
C. by listening to people with high morality
D. by interacting with various environmental forces

67. Which among the following represents a detrimental aspect of Philippine

culture and society?
A. Palabra de honor
B. Delicadeza
C. Amor propip
D. Ningas cogon

68. He is always thinking about _____.

A. Him
B. Himself
C. He
D. -

69. Wise people can _____ with frustrations.

A. cope in
B. cope up
C. cope
D. cope on

70. According to WHO, where did SARS originate?

A. Hong Kong
B. Taiwan
C. Canada
D. China

71. Which of the following is true about ICT?

I. The use of ICT has negative effects
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits.
III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries.
A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III

72. No person may be elected as the President of the Philippines unless he or she
is a _____.
A. natural born citizen
B. resident of the Philippines for at least two years
C. at least 21 years old
D. professional

73. Our school has 8 male teachers who comprise 25% of all our teachers. How
many teachers do we have?
A. 24
B. 28
C. 32
D. 40

74. Which application program provides users with a means to organize and
present information through the use of text, numbers, graphs, sounds, and visual
A. multimedia
B. Publisher
C. spreadsheet
D. word processing

75. The cultural heritage of Southeast Asia has been designated by UNESCO as
A. World Heritage Sites
B. World Heritage Spots
C. World Cultural Heritage
D. World International Center

76. How can the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program bring about social
equity and economic prosperity in the country?
I. By distributing the agricultural lands to landless farmers free of charge
II. By transferring the ownership of land to farmers for a value
III. By helping the affected landowners to use their land compensation in viable
business activities
IV. By providing support services to farmer-beneficiaries
A. II, III, and IV
B. I, II, and IV
C. I, II, and III
D. I, III, and IV

77. Which instrument is used to detect earthquake intensity?

A. anenometer
B. barograph
C. seismograph
D. clinometer

78. Which act is a deprivation of life without due process?

A. killing in self-defense
B. salvaging
C. imposition of the death penalty
D. death resulting from illness

79. I asked her if she _____ marry me.

A. will
B. would
C. can
D. -

80. A person should keep in mind some basic safety rules _____ whether or not to
use a fire extinguisher.
A. you decide
B. when you decided
C. you are deciding
D. when deciding

81. The length of a rectangle is 18 cm. What are the possible widths (w) that will
give a perimeter less than 150 cm?
A. 3 < w < 54
B. 0 < w < 57
C. 18 < w < 36
D. 12 < w < 57

82. NAPOCOR is privatized. This means _____.

A. every private individual gets a share
B. government has a share
C. everyone owns NAPOCOR
D. some private owners will come in

83. Which is correct sequence of the stages of mitosis?

A. telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase
B. metaphase, anaphase, telophase, prophase
C. anaphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase
D. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

84. Why does a bullet when discharged into the air eventually fall to the ground?
This is due to the Law of
A. universal gravitation
B. applied force
C. inertia
D. action and reaction

85. What does digital divide refer to?

I. The gap between people with effective access to digital and information
technology and those with very limited or no access at all
II. The imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and
skills needed to for effective participation.
III. The gap in ages of ICT users
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I, II, and III
D. I only

86. The _____ girl snatched the kitten away from the dog and screamed for her
A. feared
B. afraid
C. frightened
D. scary

87. Ang pagbibgay ng diploma ay nasa huling bahagi ng _____.

A. programa
B. palatuntunan
C. palabas
D. bilada

88. Which is the overriding aim of the constitutional mandate on social justice?
A. to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
B. to protect the squatter in the possession of the premises occupied by him
because he is poor
C. to authorize the taking of what is in excess of one's personal needs and the
giving it to another
D. to work for social equality

89. "No man is an island, No man stands alone, Each man's joy is joy to me, Each
man's grief is my own." What does this song express?
A. Solitude
B. Independence
C. Brotherhood
D. Individualization

90. As a representative of the Urban Poor Commission of the Association of

Religious Superiors (ARS), which action will you most likely take to resolve the
long-term roots of structural inequalities-proliferation of child labor and child
A. Raise views of human rights abuse.
B. Organize regular programs for information and discussion of human rights.
C. Conduct skills training.
D. Raise questions over the government's commitment to rebuild human rights
91. Ano ang karaniwang iisahing pantig lamang at walang katuturang maibibigay
kung nag=iisa?
A. sugnay
B. kataga
C. salita
D. parirala

92. Ang dinanas ng mga babae sa kamay ng Hukbong Hapon ay sinasalaysay ni

A. Maria Clara
B. Diwata
C. Gabriela
D. Orang

93. An elderly woman suffered a stroke, a restriction of blood flow to the brain. If
the stroke caused to the right side of her body to become temporarily paralyzed,
she most likely experienced a decreased blood flow to ______
A. the left side of her body.
B. the front of her brain.
C. the left side of her brain.
D. the right side of her brain.

94. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a
telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have
database is termed _____.
A. compact disc search
B. on-line search
C. manual search
D. computer search

95. <Damhin> mo ang init ng pagmamahal ng iyong magulang. Anong anyong

pandiwa ang salitang nakapaloob sa saklong?
A. may pungos
B. may kutad
C. may kaltas
D. may palit

96. Nagsalita _____ ang pangulo ng PTA.

A. din
B. rin
C. A at B
D. Wala ang sagot sa mga pagpipilian.

97. Which human need is considered basic?

A. pleasure
B. security
C. wealth
D. order
98. Brenda has saved 300 coins, consisting of 25 centavo and 10 centavo coins. If
the total value of her savings is 45 pesos, how many 10 centavo coins did she
A. 100
B. 200
C. 300
D. 400

99. Which of the following illustrates this principle: "Circumstances may change a
good or an indifferent act into a punishable one."
A. You, the teacher, insulting a student is worse than a student belittling a
B. To steal money from a poor classmate is worse than to steal from a rich
C. Slapping someone at a moment of rage is not as worse as slapping someone
for thrill.
D. You sleep seated on a chair at the back while you make your class copy notes
from the board.

100. Some children are riding on the outside edge of a merry-go-round. At the
same time, the children all move towards the center of the merry-go-round.
When they do this, which among the following happens?
A. The angular momentum of the system stays constant.
B. The moment of inertia of the system remains constant.
C. The angular velocity of the system remains constant.
D. The merry-go-round slows down.
101. Today we practiced _____ than we did yesterday.
A. hardest
B. harder
C. more hard
D. most hard

102. A high-minded person wouldn’t lie. The word high-minded means _____.
A. unprincipled
B. mean
C. corrupt
D. honorable

103. A man started painting a wall of 9:00 a.m. an was able to finish painting 3/5
of it at 10:30 a.m. continuing at this rate at what time will he finish painting the
A. 10:45 a.m.
B. 11:30 a.m.
C. 11:45 a.m.
D. 12:15 p.m.

104. If 500 or 25% of a graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?
A. 2000
B. 5000
C. 10000
D. 20000
105. The only witnesses to the accident were two _____.
A. passer-byes
B. passers-by
C. paserby
D. bi-passer

106. Scurvy is caused by the lack of _____.

A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin A

107. Sa alin salita magkakaroon ng saglit na paghinto kung pinapilitang si Rose ang
nakabasag ng pinggan? Hindi si Rose ang nakabasag ng pinggan.
A. Rose
B. hindi
C. nakabasag
D. pinggan

108. Shakespeare once said, "My honor is my life, both grow as one, take honor
from me and my life is gone." What is the best interpretation for this?
A. His life is determined by his honor.
B. He values honor as much as his life.
C. He prefers honor instead of life.
D. He values life before honor.

109. Two angles of a triangle measure 4 cm and 7 cm. What is the range of values
for the possible lengths of the third side?
A. 4 < x < 7
B. 3 < x < 11
C. 7 < x < 11
D. 11 < x < 15

110. How many unique diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10

111. Frank _____ promoted soon. After all, his mother is chief executive.
A. is bounding to get
B. is bound to get
C. is meaning to
D. was

112. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint
Filipino-American forces on May 6, 1942. Where did this happen?
A. Bataan
B. Corregidor
C. Capas
D. Manila

113. In which sentence is the word "good" used correctly?

A. Melissa ran good to the car.
B. Melissa planned good for her wedding.
C. The chocolate cake tasted good
D. Melissa danced good with the groom.

114. Which task does an operating system of a computer perform?

A. virus detection
B. disk fragmentation
C. data compression
D. memory management

115. What correction should be made to the following sentence? First-borns often
pattern their behavior after they're parents and other adults.
A. Replace their to they're
B. Change pattern to patterned
C. Replace they're to their
D. No correction is necessary

116. In which form of government are all citizens treated as equals on certain
dimensions such as religion, politics, economics, social status, and culture?
A. Totalitarianism
B. Democracy
C. Socialism
D. Egalitarianism

117. Factor completely the expression: 2ta3−54a2b+36ab2−8b3.

A. (3a−3b)3
B. (a−3b)3
C. (4a−3b)3
D. (3a−2b)3

118. The following are generally accepted principles in ecology that need to be
considered in environmental education except:
A. infiniteness of resources
B. interdependence
C. biological diversity
D. ecological stewardship

119. What does a "nuclear family" consist of?

A. grandfathers and grandmothers
B. father, mother, son and daughters
C. son, daugthers, and cousins
D. son, daugthers, and in-laws

120. "_____ you run ten miles?" "Yes, but I haven't for a long time."
A. Will
B. Can
C. Could
D. -

121. Why do fisherfolks catch more fish during the new moon than during the full
A. Fishes are more active during the new moon because of the salt content of
water is just right.
B. Fishes look for mates during the new moon.
C. Fishes go near the surface during the new moon because the water is warmer.
D. Fishes are attracted to the light from the fishing boat which fishermen make
use during the new moon.

122. Propagation of a new carabao breed in Central Luzon State University is due
to _____.
A. asexual propagation
B. law of mutation
C. law of heredity
D. genetic cloning

123. Which of the following organelles is common to plant and animal cells?
A. chloraplast
B. centrioles
C. mitochondria
D. cell wall
124. Find the largest possible rectangular area you can enclose, assuming you
have 128 meters of fencing.
A. 256 sq m
B. 512 sq m
C. 1024 sq m
D. 2048 sq m

125. Mary Rose, an 18 year old was sexually abused by 3 teenagers from well-to-
do families from Makati. Despite pressures, she came out into the open to get
justice. Which need did Mary Rose satisfy?
A. Need for family unity
B. Need for civic responsibility
C. Need for universal solidarity
D. Need for personal integrity

126. How many centimeters are there in 2 meters and 550 millimeters?
A. 75
B. 255
C. 2055
D. 2550

127. Nene was worried about the children, so she told _____ husband not to
accept the job offer.
A. his
B. herself
C. their
D. my

128. 1/5 of the width and 1/4 of the length of a rectangular cardboard is cut off.
What part of the original cardboard is the area of the remaining piece?
A. 30% of the original area
B. 40% of the original area
C. 50% of the original area
D. 60% of the original area

129. Which of the following internal forces interrupt the external forces of
I. Forces that cause volcanoes
II. Forces that cause ocean trenchers
III. Forces that create mountains
A. I, II, and III
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I and II

130. Which statement is true?

A. 5–√ is a rational number.
B. b. 0 is a positive number
C. 3–√ is a real number.
D. 4–√ is an irrational number
131. After a stone is dropped into a cylindrical container filled with 100 cu cm of
water, the water rises and the new reading is 106.5 cu cm. What is the volume of
the stone?
A. 6.5 cu cm
B. 60.65 cu cm
C. 60.5 cu cm
D. 10,65 cu cm

132. Carter's part in relinquishing U.S. control of the Canal Zone to Panama is
described as a victory for ______.
A. conservatism
B. anti-imprerialism
C. isolationism
D. imperialism

133. A businessman had incurred the following expenses in his trips to the
Visayan islands: P5,100.00; P4,600.00; P3,800.00; P3,200.00. What was his total
expense for the trip?
A. P16,000.00
B. P16,700.00
C. P17,000.00
D. P17,500.00

134. News travels as fast as the wind. This statement is an example of ______.
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. idiom
D. synonym

135. The contributory factors to acid rain are the use of _____.
A. fossil fuels
B. pesticides
C. nuclear energy
D. refrigerants

136. He _____ to see his mother yesterday.

A. went
B. goes
C. has gone
D. has been

137. Lolo is really _____ man.

A. an old sweet
B. a sweet, old
C. a sweet old
D. a sweety oldy

138. Which of these fractions lies between 1/5 and 5/9?

A. 2/3
B. 3/5
C. 1/6
D. 1/4

139. The following are known advantages of the use of nuclear power plant
except for the _____.
A. decreased release of greenhouse gases
B. increased reliance on fossil fuels
C. astronomical amounts of energy generation
D. decreased cost of energy expenditure

140. Ano ang hindi katawagan o pariralang ginagamit sa pagtukoy sa wikang

pambansa ang Filipino? A. Tagalog
B. Pilipino
C. Maharlika
D. Katutubong wika

141. I get Php 5000.00 from the funds raised during Valentine's Day without the
knowledge of the committee and donate it to a foundation serving a group of
handicaps. Is my act of getting Php 5000 from the funds justified?
A. Yes, the means justifies the end.
B. Yes, the end justifies the means.
C. No, the end does not justify the means.
D. Yes, given that you intend to tell the committee afterwards.
142. Piliin ang pinaka-angkop na pasawikaing panghalili sa salitang nakakapaloob
sa saklong: <Mahimbing ang tulog> ni Miguel kaya hindi niya napansin na
A. Tulog-mantika
B. Taingang-kawali
C. Tulo-laway
D. Utak-biya

143. Kilalanin ang uri ng pariralang may salungguhit. Ang pangangalaga sa mga
likas na yaman ay tungkulin nating lahat.
A. pangngalan
B. pangngalang-diwa
C. pang-ukol
D. pawatas

144. Find the equation of the line with a slope of 4 and passing through the point
A. x - 4y = -23
B. 4x - 4y = 23
C. 4x - y = -23
D. x - y = -4

145. When two missing digits in a given number are replaced, the number is
divisible by 99. What is the number?
A. 85021
B. 85031
C. 85041
D. 85051

146. What is the radius of a circle whose area is 25pi sq cm?

A. 25pi cm
B. 25 cm
C. 5pi cm
D. 5 cm

147. What predominant figure of speech did Joyce Kilmer employ on the poem
entitled "Trees"?
A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. hyperbole

148. Everyone is wondering _____ her successor will be.

A. whom
B. whose
C. who
D. who'll

149. Which of the following statements gives us the correct idea about the
relationship between energy and work?
A. Ice absorbs energy as it melts.
B. An erupting volcano releases much energy.
C. Energy is the ability to exert force in an object and make it move.
D. A child pushes a heavy door without success; what the child is trying to do is
transfer energy from himself to the door.

150. Two days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt made the following
statements: "In the past few years and most violently in the past few days, we
have learned a terrible lesson. We must begin the great task that is before us by
abandoning once and for all the illusion that we can never again isolate ourselves
from the rest of humanity." In the statement, Roosevelt is expressing the ideas of
A. an internationalist
B. an anti-imperialist
C. an imperialist
D. an isolationist

Answer Key:
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. A
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. C
33. B
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. D
38. C
39. B
40. C
41. C
42. D
43. D
44. C
45. A
46. B
47. A
48. C
49. A
50. D
51. A
52. C
53. B
54. A
55. A
56. D
57. B
58. B
59. D
60. B
61. A
62. A
63. D
64. C
65. B
66. D
67. D
68. B
69. C
70. D
71. A
72. A
73. C
74. A
75. A
76. A
77. C
78. B
79. B
80. D
81. B
82. D
83. D
84. A
85. A
86. C
87. A
88. A
89. C
90. C
91. B
92. D
93. C
94. B
95. C
96. B
97. B
98. B
99. D
100. A
101. B
102. D
103. B
104. A
105. B
106. C
107. A
108. B
109. B
110. A
111. B
112. B
113. C
114. D
115. C
116. D
117. D
118. A
119. B
120. B
121. D
122. D
123. C
124. C
125. D
126. B
127. B
128. D
129. B
130. C
131. A
132. B
133. B
134. A
135. A
136. A
137. C
138. D
139. B
140. C
141. C
142. A
143. A
144. C
145. C
146. D
147. C
148. C
149. C
150. A

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