Clinical Lab 3 Review

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Clinical Lab 3 Review 1.

Know the structures of the urinary system and one function of each: y Kidneys: Filter blood y Ureter: Aid urine in moving from kidneys to bladder y Bladder: Stores urine y Urethra: Allows the body to expel urine from the bladder 2. What is the nephron? The main functional unit of the kidneys 3. What is the glomerulus? A mass of capillaries 4. What is the route in which blood is filtered to become urine? p Blood goes into the glomerulus, through the Bowmans capsule, into the proximal tubule, through the loop of Henle, into the distal tubule and is either resorbed or made into urine 5. What is the function of the container used to store urine? Prevent contamination and leakage 6. When is the best time to collect urine (time of day and before analyzing?) y y Time of day: First morning urine Before analyzing: 30-60 minutes

7. What are the different ways to collect urine? p Free flow

   Manual expression Tabletop, cage, floor Client collected

p Cystocentesis (best for culture and best for urine collection) p Catheterization 8. What is included in a complete urinalysis? y Gross appearance y Specific gravity y Physical properties y Chemical properties 9. What is the normal volume of urine output for cats and dogs? 20-40 mL/Kg/Day 10. What is the normal urine color for the following: y Cat/Dog: Light yellow to amber y Rabbit: Yellow to white to orange-red-brown 11. What is the normal transparency for the following: y Cat/Dog: Clear y Rabbit/Horse: Cloudy y In a hazy sample, you can read letters through it. In a cloudy sample, you cannot make out letters through it. 12. Know what different discoloration of urine can indicate:
y y y y y y Pale yellow: Low SG; decreased concentration of urine Very yellow: High SG; Oliguria (yellow-brown) Brown/Green: Bile pigment (plus green foam) Red/Brown: Hematuria; hemoglobin Brown: Myoglobin Orange: Drugs (example: Tetracycline)

13. What does SpG measure? The ability of the renal tubule to concentrate or dilute filtrates from the glomerulus 14. Why might urine be hyposthenuric? Kidney disease (cant resorb water), increased fluid intake, diabetes, diuretic therapy Why might urine be hypersthenuric? Decreased water intake, increase in fluid loss, dehydration, shock 15. What is isosthenuria? When the glomerular filtrate has the same SG as the plasma. It means the kidneys arent filtering anything. The range is 1.008-1.012. 16. What instrument is used to obtain a SpG? Refractometer 17. If the SpG is above the chart, what can you do to get a more accurate value? You can start over, and add one drop of distilled water. Obtain value and multiply by 2. 18. Chemical strip
y pH o Common range: 5.5-8.5 o Acid-base balance Protein o Normal= None or trace amounts o Confirmatory test? Yes. Glucose o Hyperglycemia + Glucosuria= Diabetes mellitus o Artificial elevation is due to: Fear, stress, excitement, IV glucose, penicillin Ketones o Formed from catabolism of fatty acids o Excess can cause CNS depression and acidosis o Usually seen due to: High protein diet, prolonged fasting, starvation, diabetes mellitus Bile o Detects bile pigments (bilirubin & urobilinogen) o Seen with Biliary obstruction, hepatic infections, toxicity, hemolytic anemia Blood o 3 things that can cause a positive result:  Hematuria: Associated with diseases of the urogenital tract  Hemoglobinuria: Associated with intravascular hemolysis  Myoglobinuria: Associated with a muscle pathology or overexertion Nitrite o Not useful in animals o Used to confirm presence of bacteriuria Leukocytes o Detects leukocyte esterase o Reasons for false positive: Old sample or contaminated by feces o Reasons for false negative: Glucosuria, elevated SG and certain antibiotics Urobilinogen o Formed in the GI tract by anaerobic bacteria breaking down conjugated bilirubin o Can indicate liver or GI tract dysfunction or intravascular hemolysis o False negative due to acidic urine, old samples, samples exposed to light and air o False positive due to reagent strips stored next to heat source

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