Trainee Officer Recruitment - MCQ - Planning Discipline

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1 Conurbation means ……………………………………………………………………
a Cluster of cities and town b Cities of cities
c Group of slums d None of these

2 Which among the following is not a cause for the growth of cities?
a Trade & Commerce b Industrialism
c Development of transport d Hygienic outlook of people

3 Who defined the concept of urbanism as a way of life?

a Louis Wirth b Louis Fischer
c Louis Coser d None of the above

4 Which among the following statements is not correct?

a In past, communities used to be self sufficient, politically, socially and
b No community can be self sufficient these days
c Every community is self sufficient these days
d The term community denotes almost uniformly and permanently shared
lives of people over a definite range

5 The movement of people from central urban areas to smaller communities in the
surrounding area is known as
a Reverse Migration b Under Urbanization
c Suburbanization d Rururbanization

6 Metropolitan Region is
a A congregation of cities b An urban area that is highly
c A centre of a large ecological industrialized
community d A capital city

7 The orderly arrangement of urban streets and public spaces is called as

a Zoning b City Planning
c Urban Planning d Urban Design

8 He conceptualized the "City Beautiful Movement"

a Daniel Burnham b William Van Allen
c Robert Owen d Frank Gehry

9 A 20th century problem emanating from rapid urbanization of areas surrounding

a city which eats up the remaining adjacent rural open spaces
a Urban Sprawl b Greenbelt
c Advocacy Planning d Sustainable Land Use Planning
10 Which of the following is not a major principle to devise a spatial policy for future
development and urban organization?
a Market forces and real estate b Preservation of public interest
demand and long term demands
c Urban economy efficiency d Housing for the underprivileged

11 The Master Plan is a legal document that describes

a An overall development b Present property uses
c Future land development d All of the above

12 The Concentric Zone Model of arrangement of towns was coined by

a Homer Hoyt b Ernest Burgess
c Edward Ullman d Frank Lloyd Wright

13 In urban geography, a concept where urban settlement is confined to the area

within the legal limits of the city and the congestion and virtually all of this area
is occupied by the urban residents.
a Truebounded city b City Planning
c Agricultural Surplus d Traffic

14 The rough equivalent of the present tenement cities that existed in ancient Rome,
which resulted from the population growth of the city and the congestion that ex-
isted in the streets.
a Insula b Agricultural Surplus
c Urban Sprawl d Conurbation

15 Which of the following statements is incorrect as far as planning is concerned?

a Lack of good governance is an open door to ineffectiveness, haphazard
and politically motivated decisions
b Good governance results from the combination of institutional and
organizational mechanism that support change
c Planning decisions are some of the most complex and significant in local
d None of the above

16 Formal region is
a A central place and the surrounding places affected by it
b An area defined by people's feelings and attitudes
c An area in which certain characteristics are found throughout the area
d A well defined area to carry out business and trade actvities

17 The purpose of UDAY scheme is

a To provide 24x7 electricity supply to rural BPL household
b To improve the health and performance of distribution companies
c To provide electricity to rural BPL farmers
d To provide electrification for all the villages in India

18 The application of GIS in the fields of urban and regional planning should
contribute to the following
a Better quality of urban environments
b Environmentally and socially sustainable communities
c Effective spatial organization of urban activities
d All of the above

19 The following steps indicate a sequence that needs to be followed in setting up

an effective Urban Information System in the process of planning
1 Integration of thematic maps using GIS techniques for urban sprawl
analysis and urban land use change analysis
2 Thematic map preparation from satellite data using visual interpretation
3 Generation of spatial framework in GIS for perspective and development
4 Urban spatial information system and outputs

Pick the correct sequence from the options below:

a 1,2,3,4 b 2,3,1,4
c 2,3,4,1 d 4,1,2,3

20 The statistical study of size, composition and spatial distribution of human popul-
ation and its corresponding changes over time is called
a Spatial Studies b Demography
c Ergonomics d Anthropometry

21 Which of the following is not a component of a masterplan?

a Natural Resources b Economic Development
c Service and Facilities d Socio Cultural Facilities

22 Which of the following type of planning is also known as soft planning due to
minimum rigidity in its structure?
a Indicative Planning b Perspective Planning
c Physical Planning d Financial Planning

23 ………………………………….. Is an urban planning paradigm that emphasizes involving

the entire community in the strategic and management process of urban planning
a Participatory Planning b Transactive Planning
c Synoptic Planning d Advocacy Planning

24 The following assumptions are considered in which theory that seeks to explain
the number, size and location of human settlements in an urban system
1 All areas have unbounded isotropic, homogenous, limitless surface
2 All areas have an evenly distributed population
3 All consumers have a similar purchasing power and demand for goods &
4 No provider of goods or services is able to earn excess profit

a Public Choice Theory b Concentric Zone Theory

c Central Place Theory d None of the above

25 As per the IRC standards, the minimum width (in meters) of a two lane urban
carriageway without a raised kerb is
a 6.0 b 7.0
c 6.5 d 8.0

26 Development authorities in India are established under the provision of

a Municipal Act b 74th Constitutional Amendme
nt Act
c Town & Country Planning Act d Land Acquisition Act

27 As per the Census of India 2011, "Metropolitan Urban Agglomeration" is a contigu-

ous spread of several urban settlements where the minimum popuation size (in
lakh) is
a One b Five
c Ten d Fifty

28 As per the National Building Code, the minimum width of a staircase flight in an
educational building above 24m height should be
a 1.0m b 1.5m
c 2.0m d 2.5m

29 "Finger Plan" concept of urban planning was initially adopted in

a Canberra b Tokyo
c Copenhagen d Paris

30 The sequence of development in a Site and Services Scheme is

a Land - Service - House - Occupant
b Occupant - Land - House - Service
c Occupant - Land - Service - House
d Land - Occupant - House - Service

31 A housing project is proposed to be designed in a plot of 2 hectare. Maximum

permissible FAR is 2. The share of the numbers of dwelling units (DU) for MIG, LIG
and EWS is 1:2:3 having sizes of 55,35, and 25 Sqm respectively. The maximum
number of dwelling units that can be accommodated in the plot is
a 1500 b 2000
c 1200 d 1800

32 Town planning scheme may be prepared for any land which is

a In the course of development
b Likely to be used for residential or commercial or industrial building use
c Already built upon
d All of the above

33 Which of the following statements is/are correct about Smart Cities Mission?
1 500 cities and towns, with a population of 1 lakh and above each accoun-
ting for 73% of urban population is the target of smart cities
2 It has central outlay of INR 48,000 crore for the next five years

a Only 1 b Only 2
c Both d None

34 Consider the following statements:

1 A Smart City is an urban region that is highly advanced in terms of
overall infrastructure, sustainable real estate, communications and
market viability
2 It will provide real time information on parking, traffic congestion and
public transport
3 Smart Cities will be energy efficient and will have low carbon footprint

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

a 1,2 b 2,3
c 1,3 d All

35 Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) are generally located within a radius of

………………………………… from a transit stop considering the appropriate scale for
a 600m to 800m b 350m to 500m
c 400m to 800m d 1000m to 1500m

36 The ratio of town area to agricultural land area as suggested by Sir Ebenezer
Howard in "Garden City" concept is
a 1:20 b 1:15
c 1:10 d 1.5

37 As per fire safety norms of National Building Code of India, for buildings having
assembly and institutional occupancies, the maximum travel distance in meters
to an exit from the dead end of a corridor is
a 30 b 24
c 12 d 6

38 A group of unrelated persons who live in an institution and take their meals from
a common kitchen is called
a Household b Houseless Household
c Institutional Household d None of the above
39 In urban land use plannning, the Geddesian Triangle represents the following
a Folk, Work and Place b Folk, Dynamics and Place
c Folk, Work and Congregation d Work, Dynamics and Place

40 The expansion of OD survey in transportation planning is

a Occupation and Density b Origin and Density
c Origin and Destination d Occupation and Destination

41 Which of the following statements are true about urban agglomeration?

1 An urban area with continuous urban outgrowth which is outside the
statutory urban limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining
village or villages
2 Two or more adjoining urban areas with their outgrowths, so as to form
a continuous urban spread
3 Two or more adjoining areas without outgrowths but which form a
continuous urban spread

a 1&2 b All of the above

c 1&3 d None of the above

42 Who is called the father of Ekistics?

a Patrick Geddes b Constantinos Doxiadis
c Ebenezer Howard d Clarence Arthur Perry

43 On the monitoring framework of planning, arrange the steps in the order of

1 Avoid Impacts and Hazards
2 Mitigate Actions
3 Assess and Confirm the data at local scale
4 Compensatory Actions

a 1,2,3,4 b 3,1,2,4
c 3,2,4,1 d 4,3,2,1

44 Regional Development Plan has its origins in India since

a 1960 b 1970
c 1950 d 1948

45 Which of the following statements are true?

1 A Zonal Development Plan means a plan for a zone (division) of a
particular sector or UT
2 Zonal Development Plans detail out the policy of the master plan and
acts as a link between the layout and the master plan
3 Zonal Development Plan handles more comprehensive and more
focused objectives derived from the master plan
a 1 only b 3 only
c 2 only d All of the above

46 Which of the following is not a city level indicator when tracking the performace
of Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) program?
a Increased cost recovery from b Reduction on O&M costs
slum settlements
c Reduction in T&D losses d Increase in school enrolment
and participation rates, reduc-
tion in school dropouts from

47 The Nirmal Shahar Puraskar Reward scheme is awarded to cities in India that excel
a Urban Sanitation b Urban Sustainability
c Urban Development d Urban Decongestion

48 On the 74th constitutional amendment, the section which states that

municipalities will be divided into territorial constituencies called wards is
a Article 243Q b Article 243T
c Article 243S d Article 243U

49 Which of the following housing agencies in India develop and promote alternate
and cost efficient building materials and technologies
a Housing and Urban Developm b Building Materials Technology
ent Corporation and Promotion Council
c Housing Developemnt d Auroville Earth Institute
Finance Corporation

50 A self contained housing unit that occupies only a part of the building is called
a Apartment b Maisonette
c Villa d Slum

51 Match the Land Use categories of the Group I with their respective color codes in
Group II as per practice in India
Group I Group II
A Residential 1 Red
B Commercial 2 Grey
C Industrial 3 Blue
D Public/Semi Public 4 Violet
5 Yellow

a A-5, B-3, C-4, D-1 b A-5, B-4, C-2, D-1

c A-1, B-2, C-4, D-5 d A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4

52 Match the concepts in Group I with their appropriate explanations in Group II

Group I Group II
A Planned Unit Development 1 Development occuring on
B Infill Development vacant or underused lots
C Transit Oriented Development in otherwise builtup areas
D Mixed Use Development 2 Development providing a fair
and equitable way to integrate
peri-urban areas
3 Developing a large area as a
single entity merging zoning
and subdivision control
4 Development with compatible
land uses integrating varied
activities at different times of
a day
5 Development located within
walking distance from mass
transit stations along the
a A-3, B-2, C-5, D-4 b A-3, B-1, C-5, D-4
c A-2, B-1, C-4, D-5 d A-2, B-4, C-1, D-5

53 A man starts from his residence and uses the following modes in sequence to
reach his office - cycle rickshaw to railway station, then train to destination station
followed by auto rickshaw to nearby bus stand and finally a bus to his office. Which
of the following describes his sequence of transit usage?
a Non-motorized transit - Paratransit - Mass transit - Public transit
b Paratransit - Public transit - Non-motorized transit - Mass transit
c Private transit - Public transit - Non-motorized transit - Mass transit
d Non-motorized transit - Mass transit - Paratransit - Public transit

54 The housing stock of a town has a total number of 9090 dwelling units. Present
population of the town is 45,450. Assuming an average household size of 4.5, the
housing shortage in percentage is
a 15 b 25
c 10 d 20

55 Mixed use property development is important because

a It promotes interaction between different people during the day
b It provides visual interest
c It provides social equality
d It increases economic performance

56 The fundamental element of a sustainable neighborhood is

a Pedestrian Shed b Transit Stop
c Wildlife Corridor d District Energy Plant

57 Garden cities were

a A humane response to real problems in industrial cities
b Based on segregation of people and functions
c A model for modern low-density suburbs
d All of the above

58 As per IS 8888 (Part 1) 1993, in planning development for low income housing, the
plot size, in no case, shall not exceed
a 20 Sqm b 30 Sqm
c 25 Sqm d 15 Sqm

59 Which of the following statements are true in a slum development?

a A slum looks neglected with disorderly buildings, roads and yards
b Overcrowding is a specific characteristic of a slum
c High rates of illiteracy, unemployment, mental illness, suicide etc
d All of the above

60 The performance of which housing scheme does the National Housing Bank
a Liberalized Finance Scheme b Golden Jubilee Rural Housing
c Energy Efficient Housing Finance Scheme
Finance Scheme d Finance Scheme for indirect

61 With reference to Special Economic Zones (SEZ), consider the following statements
1 SEZs have full freedom of subcontracting
2 They are exempted from routine examination by custom authorities

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a 1 only b 2 only
c Both 1 & 2 d Neither 1 & 2

62 How much percentage of the cost incurred in the Indira Awaz Yojana scheme for
rural housing is shared between the center and the state?
a 50/50 b 65/35
c 75/25 d 90/10

63 As per URDPFI 2014, the benchmark per person open space in plain areas is
a 10 - 12 Sqm b 6 - 8 Sqm
c 14 - 16 Sqm d 8 - 10 Sqm

64 The validity period of environmental clearance after Environmental Impact

Assessment is least for
a Mining Projects b River Valley Projects
c Harbour Projects d Area Development Projects

65 In Environmental Impact Assessment, the base data describes

a The environmental consequences by mapping
b Existing environmental status of the identified study area
c Assessment of risk on the basis of proposal
d Demographic and socioeconomic data

66 A "green transport plan" is

a An environmentally accepted travel plan devised by the local authority
for its area
b An internationally agreed strategy for reducing the impact of inter-
national transport activity on the global environment
c A plan devised by a company or organization to reduce the
environmental impact of the transport demands generated by itself and
its employees
d The government's plan for a sustainable transport sector

67 The true statement about "green house effect" is that it is

a Caused by the combination of many gases
b Caused by Carbon-di-oxide
c Caused only by CO2, CFC, CH4 and NO2 gases
d None of the above

68 The Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) scale has span from

a 0 - 200 b 0 - 300
c 0 - 400 d 0 - 500

69 National Action Plan on Climate Change, 2008 (NAPCC) includes which of the
following programmes:
1 National Solar Mission
2 National mission for enhanced energy efficiency
3 National mission for sustainable habitat

a 1 and 2 b 2 and 3
c All of the above d 1 and 3

70 Sustainable Development will not aim at

a Social economic development which optimise the economic and societal
benefits available in the present, without spoiling the likely potential
for similar benefits in the future
b Reasonable and equitable distributed level of economic well being that
can be perpetuated continually
c Development that meets the need of the present without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs
d Maximising the present day benefits through increased resource

71 In a residential development composed of large building lots, on-site sewage

disposal for each lot is permitted subject to the suitability of the soil. Which of the
following soil investigations should the architect request?
a Percolation test b Evaporation test
c Test for soil alkalinity d Test for soil density

72 Easements are generally placed on private property to accommodate which of the

a Daylight b Landscaping
c Access d Setbacks

73 Since contamination in soil typically leads to groundwater contamination, which of

the following clean up technologies can be used to remediate the unsaturated
a Vapor Extraction b Biodegradation
c In situ incineration d Photoysis

74 The term "right of way" is used to describe

a The right to have the first opportunity to purchase real estate when it
becomes available
b The right of taking of land by entering on it in a peaceable manner
c A right belonging to a party to pass over land of another
d A right to cross a picket line during a strike

75 Which of the following principles should guide residential zoning adjacent to a

Central Business District?
a It should be prohibited because land costs are too high
b It should be maintained as a viable community asset
c All substandard existing units should be converted to commercial use
d Future units should be available to low income group

76 The environmental planning and design considerations are intended to:

a Comply with applicable regulatory requirements
b Incorporate industry standard practice
c Respond to community inputs, where relevant
d All of the above

77 Which analysis helps in finding the monetory returns from a transportation

engineering project?
a Accident Analysis b Financial & Economic Analysis
c Intelligent Transport System d Environmental Impact Assess

78 The process that leads to decisions on transportation policies and programs is

a Urban Planning b Urban Transportation Planning
c Transportation Planning d Policy and Program Planning

79 Which of the following is not an urban road system?

a Grid Iron System b Concentric & Radial Street
c Polynomial Street System System
d Organic Street System

80 An urban center has the following household composition

Vehicles per household Persons per household

1 2 or 3 4 5
0 100 200 150 20
1 300 500 210 50
2+ 150 100 60 0

If trip rates are 0.5 for household size till 3 and 1.0 for household size above 4,
estimate the likely trip to be generated
a 1100 b 1115
c 1000 d 2000

81 For the movement of vehicles at an intesection of two roads, without any

interference, the type of grade separator generally preferred to, is
a Delta b Trumpet
c Diamond interchange d Clover leaf

82 Traffic surveys are carried out

a To know the type of traffic b To determine the facilities to
traffic regulations
c To design proper drainage d All of the above

83 The road foundation for modern day highways construction was developed by
a Pierre Marie Tresaguet b Thomas Telford
c John McAdam d Telford and McAdam

84 The maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a road
during one hour under the most ideal road way and traffic conditions, is called
a Traffic Density b Basic capacity of traffic lane
c Possibile capacity of traffic d All of the above

85 As per IS 1172 - 1963, water required per head per day for average domestic
purpose is
a 85 Litres b 65 Litres
c 105 Litres d 135 Litres

86 A typical water supply system includes

a Construction of canals b Digging a well for water
c Construction of dams d Entire arrangement from
source to distribution

87 A Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) is a vision statement of the direction in

which Urban Transport in the city should grow. The toolkit for the preparation of
CMP was first prepared by MoUD in association with ADB (Asian Development
Bank) in August 2008. Which of the following statements is/are correct as far as
the toolkit is concerned?
a To optimize the "mobility pattern of people and goods" rather than of
b To focus on the improvement and promotion of public transport, NMVs
and pedestrians, as important transport modes in Indian cities
c To provide a recognized and effective platform for integrating land use
and transport planning
d All of the above

88 Which of the following is not a user service that is offered by Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS)?
a Electronic Payment b Commercial Vehicle Operation
c Maintenance and Construction d Intelligent Sustainability

89 Increase in population of a rapidly growing city may be estimated by

a Arithmetical Mean Method b Geometrical Method
c Graphical Comparison Method d Incremental Increase Method

90 A city water supply system should cater to

a Domestic water demand b Industrial and commercial
c Water losses water demands
d All of the above

91 Assertion A: The consumption of water increases with increase in the distribution

Reason R: Higher distribution pressure causes more loss and waste of water
Select your answer according to the coding system given below:
a Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c A is true but R is false
d A is false but R is true

92 If the average daily consumption of water in a city is 100,000 m3, the maximum
daily consumption on peak hourly demand is
a 100,000 m3 b 150,000 m3
c 180,000 m3 d 270,000 m3

93 What type of driveway increases storm water runoff?

a Asphalt or Concrete b Gravel
c Dirt d Porous Pavement

94 Excess storm water in the wastewater system can lead to

a Wastewater may back up into basements or onto property creating
potential health concerns, damage to property and the needs for an
expensive clean up
b Wastewater systems may require upgrades sooner than planned,
resulting in increased utility bills to customers
c Contamination of natural water bodies such as rivers, lakes and oceans
d All of the above

95 The underground conduit constructed for removal of liquid waste of a community

is known as
a Canals b Tunnels
c Sewer d Sewerage

96 While designing a sewerage system, the span of design period is generally taken
a 1 year b 5 years
c 10 years d 20 years

97 Which urban institution is not controlled by the state government?

a Nagar Nigam b Nagar Vikas Nyas
c Nagar Palika d Cantonment Board

98 Under which of the Article of Constitution of India, did the District Planning
Committee come into existence?
a 243 ZD b 243 ZE
c 244 ZD d 242 ZD

99 Consider the following Urban Local Bodies

1 Town Area Committee
2 Port Trust
3 Cantonment Area
Which of the above is/are created by an act of State legislature?
a 1 only b 1 & 2 only
c 2 & 3 only d 1,2 & 3

100 Which amendments to the Constitution provide for the reservation of 1/3rd seats
in the Municipal Boards and Village Panchayats for women?
a 73rd and 74th amendments
b 73rd and 85th amendments
c 84th and 74th amendments
d 84th and 85th amendments
1 a 26 c 51 a 76 d
2 d 27 c 52 b 77 b
3 a 28 c 53 d 78 b
4 c 29 c 54 c 79 c
5 c 30 a 55 a 80 b
6 a 31 c 56 a 81 d
7 b 32 d 57 d 82 d
8 a 33 b 58 a 83 d
9 a 34 d 59 d 84 b
10 d 35 c 60 b 85 d
11 d 36 d 61 c 86 d
12 b 37 d 62 c 87 d
13 a 38 c 63 a 88 d
14 a 39 a 64 d 89 b
15 d 40 c 65 b 90 d
16 c 41 b 66 c 91 a
17 b 42 b 67 c 92 d
18 d 43 b 68 d 93 a
19 b 44 a 69 c 94 d
20 b 45 d 70 d 95 c
21 d 46 d 71 a 96 d
22 a 47 a 72 c 97 b
23 a 48 c 73 a 98 a
24 c 49 b 74 c 99 a
25 b 50 a 75 b 100 a

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