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Multiple Intelligence Based Instructional Activities in Mathematics Classroom

Conference Paper · May 2014


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Durga Dhakal
Kathmandu University


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2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
Durga Prasad Dhakal, Kathmandu University, School of Education.

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of multiple intelligences (MI)
based instructional activities in mathematics classroom. In specific, it seeks to use Multiple
Intelligences (MI) in classroom which can enhance/ensure learning activeness in mathematics.
MI based instruction can be used in both child friendly environment and traditional teaching
activities. This paper tries to explore the ideas for instructional activities in mathematics
instruction under the perspectives of Gardners’ (1985) Multiple Intelligences. The crux is how
analytical, interactive and introspective methods can be applied effectively in Math classroom
finding the most dominant area of intelligence of student and providing proper conducive
Keyword: Teaching Mathematics, Instructional activities, Multiple Intelligences.

While I was teaching profit and loss in grade ten, a student met me individual after the
class and said me that, “ I could not understand this topic, would you mind repeating it again ?’’
After a short discussion with that student I concluded that he was confused to establish relation
among marked price, Selling Price, Cost Price, Value Added Tax (VAT), Discount, and Profit
and Loss. He was very intelligent in geometry; he has a kind of ability to solve problems of
geometry but he was poor at arithmetic. I thought that he was looking for picture basis learning
in arithmetic. I explained second time in the same manner and observed the face, was still
unclear. Later, my idea of using graphical approach blink in my mind and started to represent the
terms and formulae in the form of graph. As I manipulated the ideas about profit and lost in
diagrammatic form and he was clear about the concept of profit and loss. After that, a question
arose in my head, why that student was understood profit and loss via diagrammatic approach? I
tried to find out the reason and at last I concluded that there are so many learning and teaching
styles. I have realized that talented students cannot be talented in all manners and some students
were not able to collect the required information in mathematics class through same teaching
manner. Some are sensory learner whereas some are auditory. Some students can learn
mathematics using pictorial base in their mind, whereas some of them easily catch them in
rhythmic tune e.g. by listening to the songs. Some can learn through physical activities. Owing to
those facts, Gardners’ MI theory can be more effective due to its hand in approaches that enables
a teacher to know students and apply instructional activities under his/her interest or
intelligences. Thus, this paper tries to address how “analytical, interactive and introspective”
(McKenzie, 2005) methods can be applied effectively in math classroom to explore the most
dominant area of intelligence of students and provide proper conducive environment. The role of
instructional activities is important for effective application of analytical, interactive and

Instructional Activities

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
Teachers can use different strategies while teaching mathematics. These strategies are
classified as analytical, interactive and introspective. The activities discussions, Debates,
storytelling to explain, write poem, create a talk show, use of school newspapers etc. are
interactive instructional activities. The strategies singing a math-song, write lyrics etc, are
analytical activities. Use charts and graph to illustrate the theme of topics, video tape, create a
demonstration piece, varied colors, size and shape, invent a card game , use of ICT, slide show
etc. are introspective activities. These activities are linked with Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligence (1985). The MI theory uses different aspect like learning style, human intelligence,
behavior in education and industry. MI based instructional activities in teaching mathematics are
discussed here.
Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Activities
Multiple intelligences refer to the multifaceted skills and aptitudes of the students in
learning potential of learners. Gardner (2011) has written, “Students possess different kind of
minds and therefore learn, remember, perform and understands in different ways”. For instance,
in a class of students, some are aspired to be doctors; some, engineers; some, teachers; some,
musicians; some, athletes; some, researchers; some politicians; some, philosophers and some,
painter that’s why they are not in the same profession. Thus the needs of MI theory based
instruction activities find its worth. Nine types of multiple intelligences can be found in every
human being. Some of the multiple intelligences can be highly dominating whereas some of the
multiple intelligences can be in low range. These nine intelligences have been depicted as
hereunder as according to Gardner and McKenzie (2005) categorized in three prospective ways
“Analytical, Interactive and Introspective”.

Analytical Interactive Introspective

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Existential Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence Visual-Spatial Intelligence
(McKenzie, 2005)

1. Logical – Mathematical Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical intelligence can also be called as “number – smart”. Those who
can think logically, find out the patterns, have the capacity to argue and find out the solution to
the problems, we can call them having logical – mathematical intelligence. “Cross-term puzzle”,
brainstorm, translate into formulae activities can be used to students having this intelligence. To
illustrate instructional activities to logical intelligence students, cross – term puzzle is selected.

Cross – Term Puzzle

This is a kind of logical - mathematical game. This game is similar as cross-word puzzle.
In this game only one term can be used in one grid. We can use formulae, sequence, and pattern
in this game.

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
In this game mutual terms need to find out and fill into the blank grids as directed across,
down or in single grid. Solve the given puzzle.
Example 1.
2. 3.
Solve the given puzzle:
1) Formula of a2 – 2ab + b2( In single term).
1) Formula of a2 + b2(In two term)s. Solution of this puzzle.
2) Formula of (a + b) (a – b) (In two terms).
3) Formula of (a – b) 2( In three terms). (a – b) 2

Across 3.
a2 + 2ab
2) Formula of (a + b) 2( In three terms).
2. Musical - Rhythmic Intelligence -b2 -2ab

This can be said as “music-smart”. Those learners +a2

who try to learn the definition of a certain term in
rhythmical pattern or in poetic tone such learner can be
placed in this category. “Rhymes” (Armstrong, 2009, pp 10) activity can be use while teaching
mathematics in classroom under this intelligence.

A poem or a song which can be sung in melody is said to be rhymes. Some musical
instruments can be used to make effective rhymes.

This activity can be done in usual class or can be done in play ground. Students can
follow the teacher for rhymes. Teacher sings that song and students should follow him. Turn
wise one after another can sing a song and other must follow him (student). Students can write
this song after song in class.
For the basic concept of a triangle a poem can be used under herewith.
Take three match sticks
and join together,
try to make it
a closed figure,
that closed figure,
is a triangle,
3 sides, 3 angles
are in a triangle.
3. Naturalistic Intelligence

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
Those learners who want to learn and understand by visiting places, taking field work in the
nature; such students fall on this category. Nature walk, visit to zoo, outdoor study and
“excursion” (Armstrong, 2009, pp 10) can be conducted to address learning those intelligence.

An excursion is an activity where students can learn by visiting the nature.
Take students to visit in nature like historical place, park and zoo or in different places.
Make small groups of students and assign them a task. Teacher prepared a trip sheet and
provided to students. Teacher provided information about the task discussion in field trip. At the
end of field trip students can be wrote a report.

To teach mensuration, take students to a historical place. Ask them to bring measuring tapes,
note copy, pencil, etc. with them. Assign them to observe the shape and size of cubical,
rectangular, cylindrical and conical solid body in different groups. They can calculate area and
perimeter of such bodies during excursion or they will do in classroom.

4. Verbal – Linguistic Intelligence

In this type of intelligence we can find the manipulation of language and those who have
much listening skill, reading, writing, speaking, they fall on this category. We can do debates,
storytelling, reading, listening etc. activities in mathematics classroom (Armstrong, 2009, pp 10).
I select debate activity for mathematics teaching.

Give arguments on a particular subject by two opponent groups in debate.
Provide a topic for debate. Allocate time for debate. Provide fair introduction on topic.
Put arguments on respect of topic and cross examine of opponents. Speaker gives clarification
and refuted his opponent’s arguments.

“Use of Venn-diagram is far better than use of formula Formula Vs Venn-diagram
to solve a set problem” topic can be use for grade 9 and
grade 10 students for debate. A B
n (A ∪ B) =
5. Interpersonal Intelligence
n (A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
This type of intelligence is also termed as “people-
smart”. Those who are sensitive to others prefer co – operation and combine study or favor team
work such students befall on the category of interpersonal intelligence. Teaching others, peer

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
review, group work, and circle-time, etc. activities can be use under this intelligence. I select
circle-time activity to use in mathematics classroom.

Circle – Time
Pass information by teacher through student to student in circular round is said to be
circle – time activity.

First make a circle of students along with teacher. Teacher share or do any activity or any
information to his closest student by whispering or doing. Then that student passes out that
information or activity to another student by whispering or doing and so on. At last, the next side
closest student says what he listen or do that pass out activity. In this way, circle time activity
can be done.

Teacher passes out 3 information (a triangle has 3 sides, 3
angles and it is closed by 3 sides) about triangle to his closest
student. This information is passed to next student to next. At last,
teacher listen from the last student, maybe he listen all information
are shared in correct form or may be some information are missing,
in such condition teacher try to find out from where those
information are missing and can be do it again.
6. Body – Kinesthetic Intelligence
Those students who want to express their ideas, feelings
through gestures, physical activities such type of student can be classified under this category.
Use of technology, exhibition, hands on activity can use under body smart intelligence. Out of
these I select Exhibition activity.

A collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public (oxford
dictionary) is said to be exhibition.

In exhibition hall students manage their work, art
in their respective tables or place. This type of activity
also can be done in school’s play ground and in
conference hall. People and pupil come to watch such
activities and give some suggestion to make better than
this and some people appreciate for these activities.
Some students explain about their poster, some

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
students use clinometers to measure angle of elevation and angle of depression some students use
clay to make different geometrical shapes like sphere, cube, cuboids, etc. High school level
students can use poles and rope to explain “height and distance” concept. Some students can use
abacus to play with numbers game like addition, subtraction, divide and multiplication. An
abacus can be used under bodily kinesthetic, spatial and intrapersonal intelligences for
calculating number system (Becker, 2003, p8). Use of abacus can develop visualization skills,
speed writing, listening skill and calculation skill in mathematics (UCMAS times Lalitpur,
Nepal, 2013, vol. 1, No. 1, p1).

7. Existential Intelligence
Existentialism is a modern philosophical movement stressing the importance of personal
experience and responsibility and the demands that they make on the individual, who is seen as a
free agent in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe. The students having this
intelligence focus on meaning of everything and try to find the theme. Philosophical activity can
be done in teaching mathematics under this intelligence.

The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics (oxford
dictionary) is said to be philosophy.

Try to make connection between what is being
learned and the real world. Students have to look at a topic
from different angles.
Take unitary method for an example. Students learned
rules, process for solve a problem and try to link the
connection between unitary methods and real life situation
in depth. They think in deeper way, why and how unitary
methods link to real life situation.

8. Intra – Personal Intelligence

It is also called “self-smart”. Those who are dominant of this intelligence care of feelings,
methods, views and reflection. Reflection writing activity can be used under this intelligence.

Reflection writing
Looking back at something or any event happened. It is a kind of individual work.
Reflection writing is an inner understanding.
Assign students to write about some ideas, formulae or activities which they just learned in class.

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
For an example, if teacher taught about area and perimeter in mathematics class then teacher
can assign students to write in detail, what they learned in class? How they learn? And what did
they know after learning area and perimeter?

9. Visual – Spatial Intelligence

The students who focus on picture to understand the term or use graph, then they have visual
– spatial intelligence. Video, slide show, color, size and shape, diagram, chart and graph
activities (Armstrong, 2009, pp 10) can be done under this intelligence. I use bar graph activities
to pictorial “profit and loss” topic.

Bar graph
A rectangular bar, which height, shows the certain value in graph.
Design a bar graph under two dimension forms. Horizontal axis defines one variable and
vertical axis define frequency variable. The combination ideas between horizontal and vertical
axis can be demonstrate and explain in class.

Here the concept of “profit and loss” is designed under the bar graph.

Bar graph of MP, SP & CP

MP,SP & CP in Rs.





Marked Price(MP), Selling Price(SP) & Cost Price(CP)

By the help of bar graph, students try to find out the answers of these questions. bar is longest? bar is shorter? we add the value of VAT in SP bar? the given figure, can we find the value of discount? we determine the profit or loss value from the given figure?

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78) what condition the SP bar is longer than MP bar? happens in graph when there is loss?
Instructional Activities to enhance performance
Instructional Activities (IA) can motive students for learning. If students are taught under
IA then they feel very excited to what happens next? Doing game activities in teaching then
students do not feel antipathy in study. They can be more concentrated doing such activities in
class room with their friends. They have time to think and raising questions while using the
instructional activities in class room. Under the MI theory of instructional activities students can
practice by using their own knowledge and interests. Thus, MI based instructional activities can
be successfully enforced in classroom it support their area interest than in the traditional teaching
approaches. Teaching environment is rather more democratic and child friendly, non-violent,
under MI based instructional activities.
The main challenges are:
i) How to use of instructional activities(IA) and
ii) How to know the multiple intelligences of students in classroom etc.
For instance, if we ask students to collect VAT bill from market then they need to purchase
some goods and ask VAT bill to the shopkeeper will it be acceptable for parents and students?
May or may not be. This factor may be a major obstacle in instructional activities. Lack of
sufficient materials for mathematics teaching and learning process it cannot be more affective.

Proper use of multiple intelligence base instructional activities can make learning easier
and more interesting. If pedagogical contents are designed well, curriculum supports to use
instructional activities in teaching and learning process, ample resources of mathematical
materials are supplied then instructional activities can ascertain high successful in mathematics
classroom. The use of multiple intelligences in the instructional activities tends to recognize the
personal learning aptitude of the individual students and to ensure the high level of success in
learning mathematics. MI based instructional activities offers diversified and multifaceted
instructional patterns that can ensure the achievements in mathematics of individual students.
Teaching mathematics by using music, by using experiment or exhibition, by games and so on
can motivate the students to learn and enhance their performances in mathematics. The idea of
intelligences offered by Gardner might be illuminating to make the process of teaching
mathematics effective.

Armstrong, T. (2009). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. USA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Becker, K. (2003). A multiple-intelligences approach to teaching number systems. Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, 19(2), 6-17.

2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education Dhakal, Durga Prasad
Publisher: Council for Mathematics Education, Lalitpur
Copyright©2009 by CME, Nepal. (page no 72-78)
Gardner, H. (1985). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Basic books. New
York: Springer Verlag Publishing.
Gardner, H. (2011). The unschooled mind: How children think and how schools should teach.
Basic books. New York: Springer Verlag Publishing.
McKenzie, W. (2005). Multiple intelligences and instructional technology. ISTE (International
Society for Technology in Education, Second Edition, ISBN: 9781564841889.
Kuwar, K. (2013). UCMAS Times Lalitpur,1(1), Nepal: UCMAS Nepal.

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