5 Ways To Ensure That Exams Remain A Fair Way To Measure Students

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5 Ways to Ensure That Exams Remain A Fair Way to Measure Students' Merit

While there are arguments questioning whether examinations are the best way to measure students'
merit, it cannot be denied that examinations are by far the most widely accepted method of evaluation.
However, the recent CBSE question paper leak is just another example of how gullible the stakeholders
are: from universities to students. Question paper leaks aren't the only threat to the sanctity of exams.
In order to be fair, exams should be conducted in a secure environment along with transparent and
accurate evaluation of answer sheets. The solution to all these problems lies in leveraging technology to
ensure that exams remain a fair way to measure merit.

Here are five ways that Mindlogicx has been working towards making exams a reliable and fair measure
of merit:

Avoiding Question Paper Leakage:

Question paper leakage is a menacing issue all around the world. Mindlogicx solves this issue by
facilitating the authoring of question papers on KenCLOUD, thereby eliminating the need for printing the
question paper. Thereby, it cuts down the possibility of question paper leakage from a physical office.
Question papers stored in KenCLOUD are 100% secure with industry standard encryption and cannot be

Monitoring Conduction of Exams:

Conducting exams in a 100% secure manner is a daunting task. There are many associated risks that
need to be taken care of. When question papers are delivered using IntelliPAD, a disruptive smart
device, student impersonation becomes a thing of the past. IntelliPAD requires students to go through a
biometric authorization via fingerprint, and students can attempt the exam only if the fingerprint
matches. The mobile app interface of IntelliPAD, developed in harmony with Social Media, Mobile,
Analytics and Cloud (SMAC), enables Controllers of Examination (COE) to efficiently manage the
conduction of exams.

Secured Execution of Exams Through Geo-Fencing:

This feature of IntelliPAD prevents malpractice during examination by turning the device off if it is taken
out of the geo-fencing zone.

Digital Evaluation for Transparency:

In a bid to promote transparency, eliminate evaluation errors and shorten the entire evaluation cycle,
Mindlogicx has included Digital Valuation System (DVS) as part of its end-to-end proprietary exam
management system, IntelliEXAMS®. If you're wondering how Mindlogicx DVS works, here's how - once
the examinations are over, answer sheets submitted by students are scanned and uploaded to cloud.
Soon after, the segregation of answers and mapping of questions begins. However, in order to keep the
process fair, the online evaluation system gives access to evaluators only after masking the students'

Making Certificates Tamper-Proof:

Mindlogicx has developed a solution called IntelliCAS, pioneering certificate authentication to prevent
counterfeiting of marks sheets and certificates. IntelliCAS provides a 16-digit unique alpha numeric code
called Global Access Code (GAC) affixed to each certificate. Anyone including prospective employers,
other universities offering admission and even parents can ensure certificate authentication over the
web or mobile apps by visiting www.intellicas.org using the unique GAC.

It uses modern technology for authentication and validation of data and generates certificates
electronically and dynamically in a secured and impeccable environment. This is the only online platform
for storing, viewing and further authenticating of data in certificates from a “Single Source of Truth”
ecosystem provided by Mindlogicx.

Just like many other aspects of our lives, technology has made inroads into the field of education. Right
from how educational content is delivered in classrooms to how exams are conducted, technology has
efficiently assumed its scope of application. Mindlogicx is one such tech company that has been a
forerunner in revolutionizing the way exams are conducted all over the world.

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