Elaborate Intro To Structural Engineering

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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

To elaborate further here are some examples.

Dead load
Ex1. The floor beam in figure 1-8 is used to support the 1.83m width of a lightweight plain
concrete slab having a thickness 0f 102 mm. The slab serves as a portion of the ceiling for the
floor below, and therefore its bottom is coated with plaster. Furthermore, a 2.44m high, 305mm
thick lightweight solid concrete block wall is directly over the top flange of the beam.
Determine the loading on the beam measured per meter length of the beam.

Using the data in Table 1-2 and 1-3 we have
Concrete slab: (23.6 kN/m3)(0.102m)(1.83m) = 4.40 kN/m
Plaster ceiling: (0,24 kN/m2)(1.83m) = 0.44 kN/m
Block Wall: (16.5 kN/m3)(2.44m)(0.305m) = 12.26 kN/m
Total Load 17.1 kN/m Answer

Live Load
Ex2. A two storey office building has interior columns that are spaced 6.71m apart in two
perpendicular directions. If the (flat) roof loading 0.96 kN/m2, determine the reduced live
load supported by a typical interior column located at ground level.


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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

As shown in Figure, each interior column has a tributary area or effective load area of AT =
6.71(6.71) = 45 m2, A ground floor column there fore supports a live load of
FR = (0.96 kN/m2)(45m2) = 43.1 kN
This load cannot be reduced, since it is not a floor load. For the second floor, the live load is
taken from Table 1-4; Lo = 2.4 kN/m2. Since KLL = 4, and AT = 4(45) = 180 m2 and
180>37.2, the live load can be reduced. Thus
2.4 0.25 = 1.42 kN/m2

The load reduction here is (1.42/2.4)(100%) = 59.1% > 50% OK

FF = 1.42(45) = 63.9 kN
F = FR + FF = 43.1 + 63.9 = 107 kN Answer

Wind Load

Ex3. The enclosed building shown in Fig 1-14a is used for agricultural purposes and it
is located in grasslands on a flat terrain. When the wind is directed as shown, determine
the design wind pressure acting on the roof and sides of the building using NSCP


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The basic wind speed V = 40 m/s, and since the building is used for agricultural
purposes, I =0.87, and also the terrain is flat Kzt = 1. Since only wind loading is being
considered Kd = 1.0

qz = 0.613K z Kzt K d V 2 I
= 0.613(Kz )(1)(1)(40)2 (0.87)
= 853.3 K z

From Fig 1-14a, h’ = 22.86tan10 = 4.03m so the mean height h =7.62 + 4.03/2 = 9.63

Using the values of Kz in Table 1-5, and by linear interpolation for z-h, i.e; (1.04-
0.98)/(12-9.63) = (1.04 -K h )/(12 – 9.63), K h = 0.99, so qh = 853.3(0.99) = 845 N/m 2
The gust factor, G = 0.85 and GCpi = ±0.18, Thus

p = qGC p – q h(GC pi )

= q(0.85)(Cp) – 845(±0.18)

= 0.85qCp - ± 152

The pressure loadings are obtained from this equation using the values of q z

z (m) Kz q z (N/m 2 )
0-4.5 0.85 725.31
6 0.90 767.97
7.5 0.94 802.10
h = 9.63 0.99 844.77

Windward Wall. Here the pressure varies with height z since q z GC p must be used. For
all values of L/B, Cp = 0.80, thus

p 0-4.5 = 341 N/m 2 or 645 N/m 2

p 6 = 370 N/m 2 or 674 N/m 2

p 7.5 = 393 N/m 2 or 697 N/m 2

Leeward Wall. Here L/B = 2(22.86)/45.72 = 1, so Cp = -0.5, and q = q h

p = - 492 N/m 2 or -189 N/m 2


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Side Walls. For all values of L/B, Cp = -0.7 and q = q h

p = - 666 N/m 2 or -356 N/m 2

Windward Roof. Here h/L = 9.63/22.86 = 0.211 < 0.25, so C p = -0.7 and q = q h

p = - 654 N/m 2 or -350 N/m 2

Leeward Roof. In this case C p = -0.3 and q = q h

p = - 367 N/m 2 or -63 N/m 2

These two sets of loadings are shown on the elevation of the building representing either
positive or negative (suction) internal building pressure.


Ex4. Classify each of the beam shown if statically determinate or statically indeterminate. If
statically indeterminate, state the degree of indeterminacy.


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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


For a. r = 3, n = 1, 3 = 3(1), statically determinate Answer

For b, r = 5, n = 1, 5 > 3(1), statically indeterminate, second degree Answer
For c, r = 10, n = 3, 10 > 3(3), statically indeterminate, first degree Answer
For d, r = 9, n = 3, 9 = 3(3), statically determinate Answer

Ex.5 Classify the frame shown if statically determinate or statically indeterminate. If statically
indeterminate, state the degree of indeterminacy.


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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

Free Body Diagram

For the frame shown, r = 15, n = 3, 15 > 3(3), indeterminate, sixth degree ANSWER


Ex 6. Classify each of the structure as stable or unstable.


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Free Body Diagram

For a, r =3, n =1, 3 = 3(1), stable and statically determinate Answer

For a, r =8, n =2, 8 > 3(2), stable and statically indeterminate, second degree Answer
For a, r =3, n =1, 3 = 3(1), unstable since the three reactions are concurrent Answer
For a, r =7, n =3, 7 < 3(3), unstable and the left member can move horizontally without
restraint Answer


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