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Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.

1) What was the name of first computer designed by Charles Babbage?

a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine
c. Colossus
2) Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device?
a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine
c. Colossus
3) EDVAC stands for __________.
a. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
b. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
c. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
d. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer
4) Which was the first commercial computer? ANSWER: UNIVAC 1
a. Mark 1
b. Analytical Engine
c. Difference Engine
d. Colossus
5) UNIVAC stands for __________.
a. Universal Automatic Calculator
b. Universal Native Input Automatic computer
c. Universal Native Input Automatic calculator
d. Universal Automatic Computer
6) ENIAC stands for __________.
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
b. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
c. Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Computer Electronic
d. Numerical Integrator Automatic Calculator
7) John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of __________ computer.
d. Mark 1
8) Who invented the punch card?
a. Charles Babbage
b. Semen Korsakov
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Joseph Marie Jacquard
9) In the late __________, Herman Hollerith invented data storage on punched cards that could
then be read by a machine.
a. 1860
b. 1900
c. 1890
d. 1880
10) Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
11) Which electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
12) Which electronic components are used in Third Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
13) Which electronic components are used in Fourth Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
14) Which electronic components are used in Fifth Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
15) ENIAC Computer belongs to __________.
a. First Generation Computers
b. Second Generation Computers
c. Third Generation Computers
d. Fourth Generation Computers

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