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Answer the following discussion question.

1. Enumerate and define the facts of the case

 This case is about core competencies issue of large pharmaceutical companies, or drug
companies, which are a commercial business licensed to research, develop, market
and/or distribute drugs, most commonly in the context of healthcare. They can deal in
generic and/or brand medications.
 Big pharma were suggested to become innovative with regards on using BDA for the
reason in developing their core competence.
 Many benefits can accrue to big pharma firms capable of forming BDA as a core
competence. One of them is expected to help a firm quickly identify trial candidates and
accelerate their recruitment, develop improved inclusion and exclusion criteria to use in
clinical trials, and uncover unintended uses and indications for products. In terms of
customer functionality, superior products can be
 As with most companies, big pharma firms may encounter difficulty in the short run
when seeking to develop BDA as a core competence.

2. Define and discuss the different strategies mentioned in the case

 Due to “health care reform and the changing landscape of health care delivery” large
pharmaceutical companies were suggested to invest in developing BDA. It is a strategy
mentioned in the case where “technology that integrates and manages new types and
sources of data flexibly and scalably while maintaining the highest standards of data
governance, data quality, and data security” or AI and machine learning technologies that
can automate the data normalization process.

3. What is the key learning of the case?

 Big Data Analytics (BDA) is substantial in instances where organisations manage to
successfully implement analytical capabilities. These benefits include improved, data
driven decision-making, which can lead to deeper insight into business operations and as
a result better performing organisations.

4. What strategic implication did you learn from the case? How can such a strategy be applied in
another business strategy, give example?
 ‘’The strategic implications I’ve learn from the case is that in the fast changes happening in
world innovation and adaptation of new technological method (data analytics) is critical to the
effectiveness of the firm. For example, in changing trends some certain business like clothing
shop or technology companies need to gather new ideas and information to discover customer
desires and be able to meet them better and having capabilities to use big data analytics is very
helpful in terms of analyzing and organizing the important ideas about the new needs and want
of the customer. Also the company is able to use this information to discover new customers
that fit the same patterns as existing customers.

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