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CallTrackingMetrics for developers

This is a quick guide to CallTrackingMetrics (CTM) for developers who may not be familiar with the product, along with
additional supporting information.


The code/script/snippet that needs to be installed on the site is the following:
<script async src=”//”></script>
The account_number is replaced with the CTM account number. Each CTM account has its own account number. Using
the code for the wrong account will cause number swapping and visitor tracking to not work as expected.

The code should be installed in the head (between the <head></head> tags) of all of the pages of the website.
Although the code can technically be anywhere or loaded via a tag manager, it works best when it is in the head.
Because of the async attribute, our code will not block the loading of the rest of the page.

Do not copy the resulting code and try to embed or load it from another site. The code is dynamic. Changes made to
tracking number, tracking sources, and target numbers on the CTM platform may cause the code to change to reflect
the new configuration. A copy of the code will not be dynamically updated, and as a result number swapping will not
work as expected.

The CTM Developer’s Hub can be found at:

In addition to the Reference Guide, there is a User’s Guide and a Python Example application to help you get started
with the API.

Call Log: The call log is where CTM users can see information about calls (inbound, outbound), FormReactorSM
submissions, and text messages. The information available includes caller id, tracking source, visitor information,
routing, etc.

Receiving Number: In CTM, the receiving number is a phone number that may be called. A receiving number may be
configured as a direct route from a tracking number, or it may be a number called from a call queue.

Route: A route determines how a call is handled. A tracking number may be configured to go directly to a receiving
number, an IVR/voice menu, a SmartRouter, a GeoRouter, or a call queue.

Softphone: Instead of routing calls through the PSTN, it’s possible for users to use the Softphone to accept inbound
calls and make outbound calls. A user needs only a computer and headset with a microphone to use the Softphone.

Target Number: A target number is the phone number the tracking code looks for on the website. If the tracking code
finds a target number, it will then determine the tracking source and therefore the tracking number that should be
displayed for the visitor to the website.

Tracking Number: A tracking number is a number that is dynamically swapped on the website (for onsite numbers) or
used on printed material, emails, TV, or radio ads (for offsite numbers). When a caller calls a tracking number, CTM is
able to “track” the source of the caller and other relevant information. In the case of a dynamically swapped number,
information about the website visitor can also be collected, such as referring URL, landing URL, utm parameters, etc.

Tracking Code/Script: The tracking code or tracking script is the code that is placed on a website to enable dynamic
swapping and visitor tracking.

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