Romeo and Juliet Liberty-Esercizi Sul Quaderno Svolti

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Pag.9 Es.

During the "lost years", due to the situations of his family, he probably moved to another city.
His language skills may have allowed him to move and work in another state as well. In
addition, Shakespeare possessed a great deal of knowledge in many different fields. It is
very likely that he tried to earn money to help his father's business. He may also have
attempted to resolve the legal dispute between his family and that of a neighbor, over the
possession of land. What is almost certain is that he went anyway to look for a way to help
his family solve the many problems of that period.

Es.4 pag.25
Hi Tim,
Thank you for the invitation. This party sounds like a blast. I'd like to invite some of my
friends, but I thought that it would have been better to ask first. Let me know. I also have two
more questions. What kind of costume I have to wear. Something like Halloween Costumes?
I would also like to know if I should bring drinks or food or if you have already thought of all.
See you on Friday,

Es.8 pag.27
When Tybalt realized that they were two Montagues, he decided to get closer. He began to
talk to us normally, as if he had not noticed anything. Until, with a quick and unexpected
move, he managed to remove Romeo's mask. They were all surprised and now they were
staring at the young Montague. Not even Tybalt expected it to be him; he knew he was an
enemy, but he didn't think he could be the son of old Montague. Despite this, a fight begins,
thinking that if he finally killed him the Capulets would get the better of the Montagues.
Fortunately, with Romeo there was Benvolio, a young man with a calm character who tried to
keep the peace. The fight therefore does not take place, but the two Montagues are forced
to leave.

Pg.41 es.3
For the wedding, Nurse takes Juliet to church at 10 o'clock. Get her the most beautiful dress
ever seen and a flashy ring. Bring all her friends and send invitations to mine. I would like a
huge bouquet of flowers, all red roses as a sign of my love. Guests must be dressed in blue.

Pg. 64 Es.4
For Mark Antony and Cleopatra is love at first sight. Both ruled a vast kingdom and for this
their love will be very famous. Mark Antony often fought, he was part of the army. In one of
his many battles he lost his life. The news soon reached Egypt. When Cleopatra learned of
this, in desperation, she took her own life so that she could finally see her beloved even in
another world.

Pg.67 es.11
According to police sources in the UK, there are reports of around 200 forced marriages a
year in that country. Women born in France to immigrant parents are forced to emigrate to
their parents' countries of origin, generally in the Maghreb.The Group for the Abolition of
Sexual Mutilation estimates that 70,000 girls in 2006 were threatened with forced marriage,
to be celebrated both in France and in their country of origin. India and Kazakhstan are
among the most famous.
Pg.81 es.10
If I woke up in my grave and Romeo wasn’t there, I’d start remembering all the good times in
my life with and without him. I would weep knowing that death is near, and I would slowly be
smothered by lack of oxygen.

Pg.102 es.3
Dear Father,
When you read this letter, I will be dead. I am sorry to cause you and my mother
such pain, but if I cannot have Juliet in life then I want her with me in death. I will die with her
and lie with her in the grave. We will celebrate our love in heaven where we can finally have
peace. Don’t try to stop me, you won’t, I love her too much to let her go.

Pg.105 es.9
Francesco Calzolari was an Italian pharmacist and botanist.His Theatrum Naturae was one
of the first examples of private museums based on the classification of finds and contains
the more than 450 species listed in the work "The Journey of Monte Baldo'' in which he tells
his scientific experiences on the homonymous mountain group with a naturalistic and car
with a naturalistic and cartographic cut that goes beyond the interest mainly officinal until
then turned to this type of works. In analogy to his contemporaries Hortus simplicium by
Luca Ghini in Pisa and Hortus cintus by Francesco Bonafede in Padua, Monte Baldo is
outlined as a hortus in which the floristic richness places the emphasis on the specificity of
the endemics and the native variety of the territory.

In 1622 the physician Andrea Chiocco issued from Verona the Musaeum Franc.Calceolari
Jun. Veronesis Link, the catalogue of the museum collected by Francesco (Calzolari), the
leading apothecary of Verona. The catalogue, which was very beautifully illustrated, had
been initially drafted by the physician Benedetto Ceruti. The connection between the design
of Calceolari's museum as depicted in its famous frontispiece, and design of early
apothecaries' shops has been pointed out

Pg. es.7
Romeo, of the Montague family, at a party in the house of the Capulets falls deeply in love
with Juliet. The two young people, regardless of the hostilities between their families,
exchange the promise of marriage, and the following day, with the help of Friar Lorenzo, they
marry; but soon Romeo, provoked by Theobald, Juliet’s cousin, kills him and is banished.
Juliet, to avoid marriage with Count Paris, wanted by her father, drinks a narcotic given to
her by Friar Lawrence, simulating death. She is buried, and the friar sends a messenger to
Romeo to come and free her from the tomb and flee with her. But the messenger does not
arrive and Romeo, learning that Juliet is dead, returns at night to Verona and, penetrated
into the tomb, finds Paris and kills him in a duel. Not realizing that Juliet is only asleep, she
then drinks a poison. Juliet wakes up, and seeing Romeo dead next to her, she kills herself.

Pg.110 es.10
Romeo arrives at the toman of his beloved. He opens it and I see the body of Juliet. He is
ready to end his life next to her, when the girl wakes up, Romeo amazed, but happy kisses
her. Juliet tells him the whole story. The two from that day live happily their love

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