IIM Ahmedabad

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Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad((Hindi: , ))

Established Type Director Location Campus Website

1961 Public Business School Prof. Samir Barua (2007- Present) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Indi Urban, 100 acres (0.40km2) iimahd.ernet.in [1]

The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad,((Hindi: , )) better known as IIM Ahmedabad [2] or simply IIM-A, is a school of management located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. IIM-A has been ranked as the 11th best B-School in the world in the Financial Times Global MBA rankings for 2011 [3] for its PGPX program.

Post Graduate Programme in Management
IIMA also offer PGP students the opportunity to achieve a dual-degree programme. Current dual-degree partners are ESSEC Business School, HEC Paris[4] and Bocconi University. Dual-degree students end up getting the post graduate degree in management from IIM Ahmedabad along with the regular degree from the partner institution. They become alumni from both institutions and can take part into the placement programme of their choice, either IIMA's or the partner's. Incoming students from partner universities value IIMA's placement process, which allowed some of them to get prestigious summer internship[5] or job[6] opportunities.

Post Graduate Programme in Management for Executives

The one year Post Graduate Programme in Management for Executives (PGPX) is a one year full time program equivalent to an MBA. The PGPX program debuted at the 11th position in the FT global MBA rankings - 2011 [3]. It has been conceived to sharpen the skills of bright and aspiring executives, with work experience, to help them evolve as management leaders and change agents in the global arena. With a general management orientation and an emphasis on international exposure and global business skills, the one year full time residential programme is ideal for mid-level managers. Though only 5 years old, PGPX has received an excellent response form the industry [7] [8] ; campus placement for the PGPX commands the highest average salary among Indian MBAs. (The IIMA PGPX program has been ranked globally at #2 in the weighted salary parameter in the 2011 FT Global MBA rankings [3])

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad PGPX is positioned by IIMA as a get-ready-for-top-management programme, considering that the average experience level of the class is around 10 years. The students are selected through a rigorous evaluation process [9] based on leadership profiling, GMAT scores and an interview. The average GMAT score for PGPX III (20082009) was 728, while for PGPX IV (20092010) batch the average GMAT score is 722, comparable to that of world's top ranking MBAs. [10] For the 2010-11 academic year, the PGPX batch size is 86 (acceptance rate of 6%) with average work experience of over 10 years and international work experience of over 4 years [11] ; .

Post Graduate Programme in Agri-Business Management

The Post Graduate Programme in Agri-Business Management (PGP-ABM) is equivalent to an MBA. It is a unique programme specially designed to enhance the quality of management in the food and agribusiness sector; its purpose is to help this sector meet the challenges of the evolving market place. Agriculture accounts for about 25 per cent of India's gross domestic product [12] (GDP)and for over 60 per cent of employment in rural India [13]. The growth of this sector, therefore, is crucial to the development of Indian economy.

Fellow Programme in Management

The Fellow Programme in Management is the PhD program of IIMA. The objective of the programme is to provide students with the necessary skills to identify and research complex issues in the field of management. The programme offers research training in ten areas of specialization. The student becomes a part of one of these sentinel groups and acquires the fundamental theoretical knowledge as well as the practical aspects of the area. The programme is strongly committed to preparing faculty who shape the managers of the future. However, in the recent years a good number of participants have taken up industry and research jobs outside academic institutions. The lure of large salaries, higher positions, and faster growth in the industry has propelled this trend.

Faculty Development Programme

The Faculty Development Programme is specially designed for teachers, researchers and industrial organizations for their management education requirements. Since the first course, that was offered in 1979, the programme has been continuously modified and restructured to address new developmental needs of management educators. Every year, hundreds of sponsored participants enhance their skills and update their pedagogical tools. They practice and share their new learning with thousands of students, slowly bringing about a major qualitative change in academics and pracTICE

Management Development Programme

For every academic year, more than 40 MDPs are planned. This list includes the flagship MDPs like the 3-TP (3-Tier Programme) and the MDP for small and medium enterprises. These MDPs are known as General Management Programmes (GMPs) which are designed with the objective of providing insights into managerial concepts and techniques relevant for formulating and implementing strategies in functional areas. Besides GMPs, the Institutes MDPs are offered as open enrollment programmes and are designed to address specialized needs in areas such as business policy, communications, economics, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, personnel and industrial relations and so on. In response to the growing challenges of a globalized world, the institute collaborates with world renowned business schools like Duke Universitys Fuqua School of Business, ESSEC Business School, and Alliant University to offer uniquely phased joint MDPs in India and abroad. Over the years, more than 42,500 managers have benefited from the 1,200 MDPs conducted by IIMA.

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

The reputation of IIMA owes much to its faculty. The Institute has sought to create an environment of substantial academic freedom overlaid by self-imposed standards of excellence and socially responsive practices. The faculty submit themselves to a rigorous, open, and continuous process of appraisal and feedback from the students. This enables the faculty to fine tune course contents and delivery mechanisms. Through a variety of committees, the faculty play a hands-on role in the governance of the Institute and assume total ownership of collective decisions.

Harvard Steps that lead to the main block and faculty offices

Focus areas in faculty research include social marketing, productivity, womens issues, human resource development, optimization models, organizational learning, institution building, management and leadership excellence, and public sector management. While some research is internally driven, several projects are commissioned and funded by national and international organizations such as the Ford Foundation, United Nations Organization, World Bank, NCERT, Planning Commission of India, Central and State ministries, and industrial agencies.

According to the Economist's MBA rankings, IIMA ranks Number 1 in the World in "jobs found through the career service."[14] . It is also the only Indian institute to be ranked in the Economist's MBA rankings.

Since the IIMA Alumni Association was formally established in 1967, a number of IIMA Alumni have distinguished themselves in almost every aspect of management across the world. A 2009 survey calculated that majority of the IIM-educated CEOs in India are from IIMA[15]

International Management Development Center (where the Placement Office is located) featuring sculptural elements incorporated in the architecture of the new campus

Dorm culture
Students in IIMA reside in 26 dorms which are distributed between the old and new campuses. The number of rooms in a dorm varies from 20 to 40 which house the PGP, PGPX, FPM and MDP students. Students are allocated randomly to dorms and care is taken to ensure that people from diverse studies engineers, commerce graduates, arts majors, architects, chartered accountants are present to provide a rich learning experience to each other. The dorm is the epicenter of all activity in IIMA. It forms a distinct, independent unit. Every dorm has its own culture, established by the alumni. The dorms have their own identity, their own idiosyncrasies, and that makes them a fun place to be in. Dorm birthday celebrations at IIMA make for cherished memories for years to come.

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Student activities
The clubs and the special interest groups on campus cover diverse interests from finance and marketing to literature, theatre and nature, going beyond the confines of the classroom and the curriculum. These clubs organize various events and workshops throughout the year, to ensure that the extra-curricular scene is dynamic. Apart from providing an avenue for students to showcase their talents, these clubs also encourage students to take the initiative in organizing events and set standards of excellence in various areas. IIMA has a number of clubs like Beta the finance club, Consult Club, Niche the marketing club, the Entre Club for entrepreneurship, Forum for Industry Interaction - which helps students get projects in industry, the Faculty Student Interaction Cell which brings together faculty and students, Genesys - the information technology club, the Literary Symposium Desk - the quiz and debating club, IIMACTS the theatre society, and Stargazers the astronomy club.

Talent Nite (August)
Talent Nite, or Tnite as its popularly known, has been the most celebrated event on campus across generations of students. This is the time when IIMA throbs with energy of a different kind. Meant to give first years an outlet for their creative juices, Tnite sees the emergence of many an artiste. Some T-nite videos from over the years can be seen on Youtube.com [16]

Combos (October - November)

Combos the intra institute sports, literary and cultural competition is a month long celebration of competitive spirit at IIMA and the students desire to excel. Over 400 students put their gauntlet into the arena and pit their wits and might in treasure hunt and quizzes to cricket, football, badminton and Frisbee. The gala signs off with a final night during which a skit, tug-of-war and Antakshari are organized

Insight: The Marketing Fair (October)

Insight is the annual market research festival of IIMA. Insight is an excellent opportunity to have purposeful market research done by the brightest brains. Insight is a popular annual fair where thousands of people with varied profile play specially designed games to gauge consumer preferences influencing their buying behavior. As consumers themselves are unaware of the real reasons affecting their buying choice, these games try to bring out the deep latent psychological cause of consumer behavior.

Confluence - International B-School Festival (November)

From a modest start in 1999, Confluence has come a long way to eventually become an event of prime importance, occupying a special space in the itineraries and dockets of the managerial intelligentsia the world over. Confluence gives participants from all corners of the world an opportunity to interact and exchange ideas exploring the dynamics of the unique business environment in India. An event of grand scale and significance, Confluence is graced by the presence of eminent speakers and leading industrialists. Lecture talks from luminaries in their respective fields and panel discussions see ideas being raised, challenged and debated.

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

ConneXion is an annual event organized by PGPX students at IIMA to drive industry interaction with academia. It is a platform to bring together eminent personalities, thought leaders and policy makers to debate the contemporary issues facing corporate leaders and public policy makers.[17] The keynote address for ConneXion 2010 was delivered by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India. Dr Kalam spoke on 'Multiple Dimensions of Innovations'.[18]

Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia plays in Chaos 2009

Chaos - Inter Institute Cultural Festival (January)

The USP of this cultural festival is non-stop entiretainment and gives people the chance to indulge in a wild and wacky weekend of revelry. Drawing large crowds from all over the country, this festival has something in store for everyone. It features a gamut of cultural events, ranging from choreographed dances and fashion parades to debates, quizzes, rock competitions, and plays. A number of workshops are conducted and offer opportunities to learn something new, like rock-climbing or pottery. Pop, rock and classical music concerts create an electric atmosphere and give people the chance to let their hair down. dated every year on month end .Dates of 2011 chas 28,29,30,31 january .


Entrance to IIMA

New campus of IIMA. The water tank of old campus can be seen at top right

Dorms in old campus of IIMA

Corridor in new campus classroom block

The main complex and Louis Kahn Plaza

Louis Kahn Plaza at night

Inside a dorm in the old campus

Campus at sunset

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

[1] [2] [3] [4] http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ http:/ / www. knowurcollege. com/ iima-indian-institute-of-management-ahmedabad/ http:/ / rankings. ft. com/ businessschoolrankings/ global-mba-rankings-2011 http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ c/ document_library/ get_file?folderId=77905& name=DLFE-9901. pdf IIMA HEC Paris extend co-operation [5] http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ assets/ files/ cluster1. pdf IIMA Summer Placements 2011 Cluster 1 [6] http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ users/ placement/ files/ IIMA_Finals2011_Cluster1. pdf IIMA Final Placements 2011 Cluster 1 Report [7] "IIM-A executive programme pass-outs hired for top positions" (http:/ / www. thehindubusinessline. com/ 2010/ 07/ 18/ stories/ 2010071852250300. htm). Hindu Business Line. . [8] "IIMA clocks 29.5 % rise in PG Placement Packages" (http:/ / www. financialexpress. com/ news/ iima-clocks-29. 5-rise-in-pg-placement-packages/ 647564/ 1). Financial Express. . [9] http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ programmes/ pgpx/ how-to-apply/ faq. html#faq01 [10] "Average GMAT scores of top 25 B Schools" (http:/ / gmat. learnhub. com/ questions/ 7387-average-GMAT-score). gmat.learnhub.com. . [11] "PGPX Batch Profile" (http:/ / www. iimahd. ernet. in/ programmes/ pgpx/ current-batch-profile. html). IIMA Website. . [12] http:/ / www. worldbank. org. in/ WBSITE/ EXTERNAL/ COUNTRIES/ SOUTHASIAEXT/ INDIAEXTN/ 0,,contentMDK:21462712~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:295584,00. html [13] http:/ / www. worldbank. org. in/ WBSITE/ EXTERNAL/ COUNTRIES/ SOUTHASIAEXT/ INDIAEXTN/ 0,,contentMDK:21462715~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:295584,00. html [14] "Which MBA? school profiles:Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad" (http:/ / www. economist. com/ business-education/ whichmba/ displaystory. cfm?story_id=14536639). The Economist. . [15] "IIT,IIM alumni form half of India Inc's CEO tally" (http:/ / www. livemint. com/ 2009/ 03/ 23174842/ IIT-IIM-alumni-form-half-of-I. html). Live Mint. . [16] http:/ / www. youtube. com/ results?search_query=iima+ t-nite& aq=f [17] "IIMA ConneXion Website" (http:/ / www. iima-connexion. com). . [18] "Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former president of India, speaking on 'Multiple dimensions of innovations' during ConneXion 2010" (http:/ / www. dnaindia. com/ india/ report_integrity-helps-you-overcome-all-obstacles-apj-abdul-kalam_1456756). DNA. .

External links
Official website (http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/) IIM Ahmedabad (http://www.knowurcollege.com/iima-indian-institute-of-management-ahmedabad/) Official Alumni Website (http://www.iimaalumni.org) Confluence - IIMA's international management summit (http://www.iimaconfluence.com) Chaos - IIMA's cultural festival (http://www.iima-chaos.com) ConneXion - IIMA's industry - academia interaction event (http://www.iima-connexion.com) Amaethon - IIMA's agribusiness oriented management summit (http://www.iima-amaethon.com) MDP Programs at IIMA (http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes/progcalendar.php) IIMA's unofficial blog (http://insideiima.wordpress.com/) Student Exchange Program's website (http://stdwww.iimahd.ernet.in/exchange/index.htm) IIM-A plans for green Ahmedabad in 2050 (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-06-28/ developmental-issues/29712208_1_carbon-footprint-carbon-emission-fuel-switch)

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=437777871 Contributors: Aaditya 7, Abhijeet 1995, Abhishek1912, Aicarian09, Akhtar.jalaludheen, Aksi great, Alren, Amit ryk, Anirvan, Ankit jn, Anthony, ArthurGD, Atultech, Aurorion, Avoid simple2, BD2412, Belasd, Bobo192, Boing! said Zebedee, Brianhe, Bronxz, Brosi, Cameron Scott, ChildofMidnight, Chirags, Chrisjj, Cmichael, D6, Dangerpatel, Darksideofchand, Deeptrivia, Fileri, Fintor, Foojzi, ForIndia, Fransisco anconia, Great timer, Grievous Angel, Gurubrahma, Gyan1317, Hardhercules, Hitanshup89, Iim4india, Imdeng, Immunize, J04n, JaGa, Jerome Charles Potts, Jove 1983, Jovianeye, Jvaidya, Kaysov, Kesla, Khateeb17, Kranspien, Kroton, L1CENSET0K1LL, LeaveSleaves, Lettherebelight, Lightmouse, Lohiamohit, Lomn, Lostintherush, MER-C, Mail2amitabha, Mardus, Mbadreams, Mcginnly, Mike Psmith, Msee4u, Naniwako, Noypi380, Nricardo, Paalappoo, Pamri, Paul foord, Pbssastri, PhilKnight, Piksi, Pmohanram, Pradyumn, Pragneshkumar, PrecisNugator, Rajasekaran Deepak, Randhirreddy, Rdavout, Rev.bayes, Rishabhc2000, Rjshahan, Rockstone45, Roland zh, Rrjanbiah, Sachindole, Sajo, Sam Hocevar, Sandeep076, Sanjeetbond, Sarvshwet, Sbohra, Shreetheb, Shyamsunder, Siddhartha Ghai, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, Sreejithn, Srikeit, StuartDouglas, Sumocool, SunCreator, Sunita09, Supertigerman, TBloemink, Template namespace initialisation script, Tinucherian, Totalgadha, Transmod, Usgnus, Utcursch, Varun987, Vasanthakumarep, Vastrapur, Vi1618, WeisheitSuchen, WhisperToMe, Wifione, Woohookitty, WorthlessLife, Wotan, X0X9, 356 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:IIM Ahemadabad Logo.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:IIM_Ahemadabad_Logo.svg License: Fair Use Contributors: Fastily, Jovianeye, Sfan00 IMG Image:Harvard Steps.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Harvard_Steps.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:IMDC entrance.JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:IMDC_entrance.JPG License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:Pt. hariprasad chaurasia in indian institute of management ahmedabad.JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Pt._hariprasad_chaurasia_in_indian_institute_of_management_ahmedabad.JPG License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors: Vastrapur Image:NorthIndiaCircuit 416.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:NorthIndiaCircuit_416.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: L1CENSET0K1LL, 1 anonymous edits Image:IIM (new).JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:IIM_(new).JPG License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors: Srikeit Image:Dorms in the old campus.JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Dorms_in_the_old_campus.JPG License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:Corridor in new campus classroom block.JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Corridor_in_new_campus_classroom_block.JPG License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:Iima panorama complex.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Iima_panorama_complex.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Lauri Kymlinen (Lauri Kymlinen), Image:Louis Kahn Plaza at night.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Louis_Kahn_Plaza_at_night.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:Inside a dorm in the old campus.JPG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Inside_a_dorm_in_the_old_campus.JPG License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA Image:Campus at sunset.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Campus_at_sunset.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors: Students of IIMA

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