Just Read One A Day 1

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Dear All,

Spare yourself 5 minutes :) Detach yourself from everything and just experience the power of these words ♥
Its for You. Yes, YOU !!

For Inner Peace and Balance

1. The moments immediately after awakening are important, as they often influence the mood of the day.
These moments have to be used correctly.

After waking up in the morning, instead of thinking about the difficulties or tasks that are awaiting you,
smile, and tell yourself what a wonderful day you are going to have. Think about the pleasant things you are
going to do or experience, not the about the difficulties. Repeat to yourself several times that today you are
going to maintain inner balance, common sense and peace of mind.

2. From the moment you wake up in the morning, until you go to sleep at night, try to maintain some degree
of emotional detachment. This does not mean being indifferent or uncaring. It means not reacting
immediately to situations, words, emotions or thoughts. It might not be so easy, but if you persevere, you
will win. Take a few deep breaths or count to 10 before acting. This will, to some extent, calm you down.

3. If someone tells you something that you don't like, instead of getting insulted or retorting in anger, hold
and delay your reaction. I do not mean that you fret and boil inside you, and just remain calm on the outside.
This is not healthy. What I mean is that you look at the incident in a broader perspective. Is what the other
person saying really important? Why do his or her words mean so much to you? Maybe he or she are right,
and it would be wise to heed their words and opinion, instead of reacting in anger?

4. When encountering a problem or a failure, this could be sometimes devastating. At these times, always
remember that if you descend into a valley, but keep walking on, sooner or later, you will arrive to a point,
where you will start climbing up again. No matter what happens, remember that there is always a way out.
After every fall, there is rising up again. This understanding will help you restore your inner peace and
balance in these situations.

5. Developing inner strength, and the ability to make the mind quiet, through concentration exercises,
meditation and detachment, will take you a long way toward attaining and maintaining a state of inner
peace and balance.

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